
We are recovering the alphabet, language and manuscript of the inspired parts of the Bible. Scared yet? Maybe you should be. Read on. A longer introduction follows below.

Current Websites and Web Apps

Bible projects...

Biblbe Rearch Bible App Logo

Bible Research Bible (BRB) - web app
holds our annotated English version of the Bible.

Bible Harmony App Logo

Bible Harmony (BH) - web app
harmonizes parallel passages in the Bible.

Canon Bible App Logo

Canon Bible (CB) - web app
presents various historical Bibles and book orders.

Verse Reader App Logo

Verse Reader (VR) - web app
carries 19 western style texts viewed by verse.

GRB App Logo

Greek Research Bible (GRB) - web app
holds our annotated English version of the Greek Bible.

VG App Logo

Verse Reader -- Greek (VG) - web app
carries 15 Greek/Orthodox texts viewed by verse.

Recovery projects...

GPI App Logo

Greek Paleo Interlinear (GPI) - web app
shows Greek to Paleo conversion. [preview]

ASPI App Logo

Aramaic Syriac Paleo Interlinear (ASPI) - web app
shows Aramaic to Syriac to Paleo conversion. [preview]

PEI App Logo

Paleo English Interlinear (PEI) - web app
shows parsed Paleo with English hints. [preview]

LEX App Logo

Paleo Lexicon (LEX) - web app
provides a Paleo to English lexicon. [preview]

Testimony projects...

The Testimony App Logo

The Testimony (TT) - web app
subsets the BRB following Acts 15 rules of additions.

Sabbath Reads App Logo

Sabbath Reads (SR) - web app
refactors The Testimony into an annual reading plan.

The 400 Stories App Logo

400 Stories (400) - web app
refactors The Testimony to show important internal structure.

Qu-Map App Logo

Qu Map (QM) - web app
maps The Testimony to important geography.

Time projects...

Bible Time Website Logo

Bible Time (BT) - website
explains how time works, from calendar to modern prophetic.

Bible Tribes Website Logo

Bible Tribes (BTR) - website
identifies the lost tribes of ancient Israel.

Clock App Logo

Paleo Clock (CLK) - web app
tells time by hours of the day.

Paleo Calendar App Logo

Paleo Calendar (CAL) - web app
counts days since Adam using the inspired calendar.

3D projects...

Paleo Bill of Materials Website Logo

Bill of Materials (BOM) - website
provides 3d models for students of the Paleo Language.

Ezekiel's Bones Website Logo

Ezekiel's Bones (EB) - website
will provide 3d models of things for David's fallen tent.

Bible Clocks Website Logo

Bible Clocks (BC) - website
will provide 3d models for clocks that tell time like the Bible.

Vaulted projects...

Bible Book Order Website Logo

Bible Book Order (BBO) - website
explores an alternative book order based in Isaiah.

Paleo Classroom App Logo

Classroom (CR) - website
holds recorded videos.

Bible In Genome App Logo

Bible In Genome (BIG) - website
explores the human genome for inspired scripture.


We publish a weekly blog so anyone interested can track our work. Subjects range wildly, from our technical work on the project to questions about the text to headlines that are informed by stories in the text.

We usually post new blog entries on this website on Fridays around 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Most subscribers follow the blog on social media. Here are those links.

RSS Feed Logo

Paleo Blog RSS Feed
The best, most private, way to follow the blog.

Telegram Logo

Paleo.In Group on Telegram
Links to new blog entries are posted into this group.

Email Logo

Paleo Blog Via Email
Sign up form to follow the blog via email.

Recent Blog Posts

  • Weather (2024-10-18)

    This blog goes a little deeper on the issue of control of the weather, say hurricane Helene, with the physics involved. Also, related, hints at Eden related propulsion. Then a headline review. (5249 words)

  • GRB (2024-10-11)

    This blog introduces our new GRB app, the start of our own Greek based manuscript apps. Then we dive into more notes from Asheville, including that storm's Paleo name. Then a headline review. (5133 words)

  • Shop Work (2024-10-04)

    This week I returned to the shop, driven by discoveries in the Greek text. Also, a deeper look at Asheville, NC, and Hurricane Helene, perhaps the worst known prophetic American headline since 911. Finally, catching up on Middle East headlines. (6199 words)

  • Exodus Headlines (2024-09-27)

    This blog reviews the Exodus related prophetic headlines from this past week. It also introduces a new series of prophetic dates that began this past Wednesday, 2024-09-25. (6740 words)

See the Blog Index for more.

Paleo.In Introduction

No, the Bible that everyone knows is not inspired. Only parts of it are inspired. No, it was not written in Hebrew nor Greek. There was an earlier alphabet, the world knows it as Phoenician, we precisely call it Paleo. That alphabet, and divinely inspired manuscripts using that alphabet, contain proof of inspiration at the level of running strings of text. That pattern is shown in the banner of this website.

If you know anything about the stories of the Bible, you can ever only know a twisted version of the inspired form of those stories.

Acts 15 contains a riddle for identifying 6 editors. They were 1) Solomon, 2) Ahab/Jezebel, 3) Nebuchadnezzar, 4) Mordecai, 5) Ezra and 6) Ananias. These are the villains that changed the inspired language and manuscripts to suit their own nefarious purposes. Everyone in the world is a victim of their crimes. If you pay any attention to current world events then you are watching the modern heirs of those same villains as they attempt to rule the world.

The Acts 15 riddle also says that access to inspired text is blocked until such a time as the recovery of David's fallen tent. No, this does not mean the rebuilding of a temple. That tent contained artifacts that showed how the inspired language system actually works. Those artifacts prove the editors false. We have accepted recovery of those artifacts as part of our work.

The struggle for preserving the manuscript is an overlooked but major plot line in the Bible itself. It has been lost and recovered at least 2 times in history before. The first was at the Exodus, the second was during New Testament times. Famous New Testament theological fights were not over differences in interpreting a shared manuscript. They were fighting over the differences between 2 different manuscript traditions. The false public tradition was defended by the killers of Jerusalem who were against those who adhered to the recovered, true, manuscripts.

There is an ordained schedule for all of human history. This involves major events, like the split of Rome, Christianization of Russia and 3 World Wars. That time line system is fractal, and at times calls out day-accurately predicted prophetic dates. That schedule also suggests the inspired manuscript will be recovered in our day. Human history is about to radically change. A change in the base religious documents is a key part of that change.

We, ourselves, may or may not be the people who are successful in recovering that manuscript. But, we have dedicated our lives to this task. Should we fail, someone else will succeed. Between now and early 2029 is the time in history for this to happen.

We have been on a long journey that started over 25 years ago. We had no idea what the problems of the Bible really were. There was no one who could teach us. We had to listen to the prophetic voice for ourselves. Now we better understand the problems.

Our work is now spread out over a family of websites and web apps that were developed as we were working on many precursor projects. Listed above is a catalog of those projects. Listed below are some specific links to get you started.

All of the scripture related apps are marked with parchment colored icons. These are usually updated on Fridays. The others are updated as content changes to those projects may warrant.

There is also a written blog that goes out on Fridays. If you want to track the work, we suggest signing up for the blog, details for that follow below.

Position Papers

To understand our work better, there are a few position papers posted on this website. These address our work in more detail. The first 3 papers cover key aspects of the mission.

  • Project History

    This article explains the origins for each of the projects that currently make up parts of Paleo.In. This story is told in historical order, and includes the problems and fundamental insights that spawned the need for each project. (13,023 words)

  • Project Theory

    This article explains the theoretical problems of recovering the inspired text of the Bible. It starts with some simple points from communications theory. This theoretical model suggests the nature of the problems that any inspired system of error detection and correction must solve. It then reviews our many failed attempts at manuscript recovery. Each of these enriched our understanding of the problem in various ways. Finally, it explains our working understanding about how the letter-perfect inspired text of the Bible will ultimately be recovered. (11,721 words)

  • Project Goals

    Our goal now is to recover the letter perfect inspired text of the Bible. This article details the problem and our general steps to get there. (1,748 words)

  • Is the Bible Inspired by God?

    People today mostly say no. A remnant, mostly Christian, say yes. Christians are following Luther's interpretation of Second Timothy 3:16, all scripture is God breathed. We started as Presbyterians and accepted the conventional Luther era answer. Our position has now changed, but not as you might expect. Keep reading to understand why. (3,373 words)

  • Why Joshua As The Divine Name?

    We only use Joshua as the divine name. We do this in our Testimony family of texts and in our daily devotionals. We are often asked why. There are several parts to the problem and a little history. Read on to understand our thinking. (2,322 words)

  • Is Letter Perfect Recovery Possible?

    With Acts 4, word level changes, and the reality of whole cloth additions, can the text ever be perfectly recovered, letter by letter? Matthew 13 is one passage that suggests so. We think we know how, and are working on the problem. (622 words)

  • Example Bible Contradictions

    This page is a growing collection of Bible contradictions. Together they show it is unreasonable to affirm that everything in the Bible is inspired. The examples are taken from a widely used, modern, translation of the Bible, the New International Version. (1,543 words)

  • Chinese Invasion of the USA

    Since at least the late 1990s prophetic people within the United States have been warned of a future ground invasion of the United States from the west by Chinese military troops. This article provides a current summary of the general prophetic and notes on future US boundaries. The purpose of this article is to provide frame of reference for other people who are experiencing prophetic warnings. Use with caution, it is by no means complete. (3,191 words)


  • Annual Planners

    Each year we make a planner that can be used as a personal diary. Paper is preferred because it is better for archive and it is private. If you are interested, you need to download and print the .pdf file(s) for yourself and/or for your friends. (298 words)

  • Bibliography

    This is our list of interesting reading that in some way has impacted our journey. Sorted by general topics that might be interesting to others. Tap covers for Amazon pages. (14,405 words)