
This is our list of interesting reading that in some way has impacted our journey. Sorted by general topics that might be interesting to others. Tap covers for Amazon pages.


Our general goal is the recovery of the manuscript of the inspired parts of the Bible. This includes letter forms, Tabernacle Items and additional volumes. It also includes an inspired understanding of how to use those things.

This goes well beyond the sorts of studies found in church and Christian Universities. This has more resemblance to a new scientific discovery than it does to anything else.

So, our work should be judged as a scientific discovery process, not as a something coming from church or church tradition. Tradition is often very upset by new discoveries. The history of science itself explains how this works out in the lives of the people involved.

The following book deals with the fundamental nature of scientific discoveries themselves.

Cover for The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

by Thomas S. Kuhn

Kuhn was both a historian and a scientist. In this book he explores the scientific discovery process as a historical process. Voted 1 of the 100 most influential works of the 20th century because it explains the struggles new discoveries have in become established fact in the minds of the public.

New discoveries often go through a vetting process where entrenched interests work to prevent the acceptance of newly discovered truths. Often young people, who are not vested in the old paradigm, are the final arbiters of the battle for truth.

Our Paleo.In work qualifies as a Kuhn level discovery. We face all the same challenges.

Alternative Science

New discoveries often begin with a single inventor or discoverer. It can take many years for their work to become generally accepted. Until that point their work is called alternative or even underground science. Our work can be expected to go through a growth cycle that is similar.

Here are 2 books that are important examples. The first deals with the fundamental objection to the science behind the big bang. The second is an interesting example of how widely accepted historical facts are often very wrong.

Cover for Seeing Red

Seeing Red

by Halton Arp

Halton Arp was a World War II veteran who went on to a career as an astronomer. By the mid 1960s he had published a book on Peculiar Galaxies. Those galaxies were not the normal by standard science's text book definitions. In particular those galaxies exhibited strange patterns in their red shift values.

Red shift is itself the fundamental unit of measure from which the theory of the Big Bang is built. So Arp was touching on the heart of astronomy. He was also touching on the beliefs of the Jewish funders of most science. They adhere to the Genesis chapter 1 story of creation, and want no work that would prove them wrong. Arp had trouble for decades getting telescope time to further his work because he was outside of conventional understanding.

By 1997 he published the Seeing Red book linked here. This was perhaps the culmination of his long career. In this book he explains the inner workings of the scientific community, how it shuns new discovery and is money driven, not truth driven. Arp also explains what he had learned across his career about measured red shift as seen in the skies.

Red shift is not a measurement of recessional speed, but of the age of light emitting material itself. High red shift light is emitted from young matter. We have no similar pattern on earth because most matter is of the same age, that of earth itself.

If Arp is remotely correct, then there are 2 important points. The universe has no beginning, certainly not in the sense as taught in school, nor taught in Genesis 1. Also, the universe self replicates matter itself, about like the biological world on earth is also self replicating.

Cover for The Electric Universe

The Electric Universe

by Wallace Thornhill and David Talbot

This book gives a theoretical model for how the universe is organized. In particular, that the most important physical force in the skies is electricity, not gravity.

This book is by the founders of the Thunderbolts Project. The Thunderbolts project has a long video catalog on youtube. They deal with the physical sciences, as does this book. They also deal with historical evidence of planetary collisions. That would be what the text calls Noah's flood.

There is all manner of evidence that electric currents and magnetic fields are responsible for what we see in the skies, from the arrangements of galaxies to the way stars shine.

Classical cosmology is based on gravity alone, which is trouble for many reasons. This is perhaps the reference example of how academic science is far behind the best science.

Cover for Worlds In Collision

Worlds In Collision

by Immanuel Velikovsky

This book is the foundational book for the current work of the Thunderbolts project. In this book Velikovsky provides the basis for a theory that ancient peoples witnessed some sort of planetary catastrophe in the skies.

This would be the destruction of Planet V, now the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. This is likely a cultural memory of the events at Noah's flood.

This is important foundational reading for understanding this aspect of the Bible. The specific details are not as important as the theory itself.

Cover for Emerging Viruses

Emerging Viruses

by Leonard G. Horowitz

Horowitz documents a long, strange, prophetic journey to understand the bioweapons origin of viruses like AIDS and Ebola. These originate with the US Bioweapons programs of the early 1970s. Jonas Salk, the inventor of the Polio vaccine, reviewed that program in Congressional testimony, and warned that the US was about to unleash plagues like the world had never seen. AIDS, Ebola, and a long list of other viruses are the modern result.

Horowitz claims the man credited with discovering AIDS was actually the inventor of AIDS. That man was ultimately pardoned by US President Clinton for his criminal behavior.

Feline lukemia is a very similar virus which was invented and released into the wild by the same US Government program.

I read this book long before the 2020 Covid crisis. I would guess that if Covid exists as a real thing, then Covid is from the same US weapons program.

BUT, beware, it is more likely that bioweapons program is providing a cover for the actual use of vaccines as a bioweapon. No actual Covid virus needs to exist at all. Excess deaths did not start in an actuarial sense until the vaccine rollout late in 2020. Vaccines, as a weapon, are much easier to target specific populations. Using vaccine batch variations it is possible to use vaccines to kill by targeted zip codes.

This book also documented a personal prophetic journey of discovery. The number of times strange stuff happened in preparing the book is impressive. I had not yet had a journey like this myself. After reading this book I was more prepared for the prophetic journey I have been on now for 2+ decades.

Cover for Buried Alive

Buried Alive

by Jack Cuozzo

Jack Cuozzo is an American dentist. He went to France to use x-ray equipment to study Neanderthal sculls. The book is his account of what he found. Short answer is that Neanderthals are what we would all become ourselves if we lived for hundreds of years. Neanderthals are simply modern humans who have lived life lengths like that described in the Bible before Noah's flood.

Longer answer: Neanderthal skulls displayed in museums usually have the jaws placed incorrectly. Tooth wear patterns indicate correct jaw placement, as all dentists understand. Tooth wear patterns are not respected in modern museum displays.

When placed correctly, with matching upper and lower jaws, those skulls become more normal. Also, all modern humans have have heads that deform with age. Dentists know this because they need to handle that deformation with their aging clients.

In general our deform in various ways, but the obvious change is that our foreheads get flatter with time. Compare a picture of your grandmother when she was age 20 to picture of her at age 95. Her forehead will have significantly flattened. If that process continued to age 250 she would become a neanderthal too.

Neanderthal skeletons are found buried along side and above skeletal remains of normal humans. They lived together because it was just an age difference.

This is a good example of how domain experts, like dentists, can make serious discoveries that disprove widely accepted facts, and show outright fraud in scientific and academic circles. This process goes on all the time, and is stymied by well entrenched interests who need to maintain power at the expense of truth. Cuozzo's book also gives his personal testimony to this point.

Nature of Reality

Most westerners are either have a strict mechanistic/scientific world view or else they have a world view that adds, perhaps, angels and demons. This is informed, of course, by western religious traditions. Science, in some sense, is itself a religion for many people.

The scientific method can be applied to reality in ways to show standard western understanding of reality is at best incomplete. The most well known scientist who has made a career of these experiments is Rupert Sheldrake.

Some of his work has been important to us for learning that reality is not as it seems. This matters because we do not know what level of reality was understood by the inspired writers of the text. At times they may have had better understanding than our modern scientific world.

They may not always have been able to build rockets, but they may have had a better understanding of the soul.

The following 3 books are by Sheldrake himself and interesting to us for his use of simple scientific experiments to show conventional beliefs to be wrong.

Cover for Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home

Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home

by Rupert Sheldrake

Sheldrake as done a bunch of experiments involving dogs. Especially interesting are those dogs that know when their owners are coming home. These experiments essentially prove that some dogs can track their owners in real time. This book explains the details.

The problem with these experimental results is that western thought has no framework to even begin to explain what aspect of reality is being used by dogs to do this.

This may have something to do with souls. General western understanding of how the world works must be very incomplete. How incomplete is it? We cannot even set the limits.

Cover for The Sense of Being Stared At

The Sense of Being Stared At

by Rupert Sheldrake

This book is another Sheldrake classic. Using simple experiments he has shown that people have a sense of being stared at. This works even through video. Human minds have several other strange skills, this is but 1 of them.

The scientific method allows the discovery of these abilities. But neither science nor organized religion have any way to explain how or why this happens.

As we approach the problem of the inspired text, some of these realities may be assumed by the inspired writers. So we need working sense of how our world view is incomplete and does not prepare us for understanding all the stories that might be contained in the text.

Cover for Science Set Free

Science Set Free

by Rupert Sheldrake

In this book Sheldrake addresses 10 areas that scientists generally take as givens, but which themselves are need of study. 1) Is nature strictly mechanical? 2) Are matter and energy balanced? 3) How well understood are the laws of nature? 4) Does matter have consciousness? 5) Does the universe have a purpose? 6) Is DNA the only means of generational biological information transfer? 7) What are memories? 8) Are minds confined to brains, or is there an independent soul? 9) Are psychic phenomena real? 10) Are there problems with our approach to medicine and healing?


Perhaps the most widely held secular belief in the western world is the belief in evolutionary biology. This belief holds that over time the biological world we know now simply assembled itself out of the basic building blocks of matter.

The following books work to refute that belief.

Cover for Darwin's Black Box

Darwin's Black Box

by Michael J. Behe

This book was first published in 1996, but was last updated in 2006. It deals with biochemical objections to Darwin's theory of evolution.

Darwin's theory is built on the idea of random chance. But Darwin did not understand the complexity of biological systems. Now we do. Many biological structures and systems are irreducibly complex.

This book started what is now the intelligent design movement. This is an important starting point for understanding the problems with the false scientific community that surrounds us all. Darwinism is a religion. This the first step out.

Cover for Signature in the Cell

Signature in the Cell

by Stephen C. Meyer

Stephen Meyer is an important voice what is now known as the Intelligent Design movement. In this book he explores the scientific evidence found with cells that shows there was some sort of mind controlling the design of biological systems. He is working through Darwin's argument but given the scientific evidence now available to us that was not available in Darwin's day. Darwinism is a religion. This is the second step out.

Cover for Darwin's Doubt

Darwin's Doubt

by Stephen C. Meyer

In this book Meyer takes on the problem of the Cambrian Explosion. This was a brief time in earth's history when nearly all animal forms we know now came into existence. Darwin himself acknowledged that event cast doubt on his theory, thus the title of this book. Now we know much more about that event, and there is even more doubt. Darwinism is a religion. This is the third step out.


The inspired text of scripture is written with an assumption that the audience knows certain things about life. Especially things that any young parent should know. One of those things is that some children, by the time they are able to talk, start talking about past lives.

In western cultures parents with children who speak like this have nobody to talk to, since western culture denies this aspect of reality. Eastern religions do not have this problem, they acknowledge reincarnation as basic fact of life.

Westerners need to know 2 things about reincarnation. The first is that that Bible is built on and shows stories about soul development across generations. The second thing is they need to know this is a real aspect of life, that we all go through it, and so do our children.

The Bible contains many places where it follows individual souls across successive lives. Samuel, for example, is called 4 times because this is the 4th life and the 4th time he has been called. Readers must find the earlier 3 lives to see how that soul developed.

David, for example, will go through 4 future lives because of the Uriah affair. Those lives are the reason for the covenant with David. Once David has cleared those lives the covenant with that line of kings is over.

The main genealogies of genesis 5 and 11 are also tracking souls across successive lives. This is why they link end-to-end.

There are also many single stories that beg the reader to consider who that person was in a former life. Where did the souls of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel eventually end up? What tools do we need to answer that question?

The stories around Abraham and his family are rich in reincarnation examples. Abraham's servant, sent to fetch a wife for Isaac, will return to the story in that servant's next life. If you know the basics of reincarnation you can easily spot that next life in the text.

Who was the famous apostle Paul in a previous life? The text gives enough clues to answer this question too, but jumping back over 1000 years.

Before studying any of these questions in detail, we need to know the basic "facts of life" surrounding reincarnation. What does any young parent need to know so that if their child starts speaking this way, they know how to answer.

The following books provide a rich collection of case studies dealing with childhood memories of past lives. From their collective witness we can learn what we need to know about reincarnation.

The basis for these books are from a set of case files kept at the University of Virginia. Their files hold over 2500 accounts of children reporting on their past lives experiences. They are based on a high standard of determining reliable evidence. This is the place to start to understand reincarnation as a remedial study of things you parents should have taught you, but probably did not.

Jim Tucker, the author of the following books, gave a talk at a conference that introduces this material. You can watch Evidence of Reincarnation in Childhood on Youtube.

Cover for Life Before Life

Life Before Life

by Jim B. Tucker

This is a scientifically sound investigation into the accounts of children who report past lives. It explains methodology, history of the case files, trouble with the subject, and various aspects of how this works.

Cover for Return to Life

Return to Life

by Jim B. Tucker

This is a second volume on the same topic as the previous book. Many interesting reincarnation case studies.

Together these books form a corpus of information that explains what is normal about what happens to souls between lives. It explains patterns that souls exhibit in successive lives. Much of our life interests and patterns stay with us from life to life.

Bible Studies

There have been a few impactful books that are basically printed Bible Studies. These are long form, and often touch on topics that are not covered in church. What follows here are some of the best.

Cover for The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy

The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy

by Herbert W. Armstrong

The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy was a very popular book in the 1980s. Armstrong was a TV preacher and considered by many to be eccentric. He pitched this book regularly on his TV show after the book was published in 1980.

Armstrong was an old man even at that time and had come of age before World War II. Thus he was outside of the tenants of the most recent wave of Zionist control of the American church.

The book lays out the argument that the United States is the lost tribe of Manasseh. Also, that Britain is the lost tribe of Ephraim. Together they form the lost tribe of Joseph.

This argument is well reasoned and uses the promises made to those tribes as the basis for his argument. Because the USA and Britain are such prominent nations, those promises are easy to spot and cannot land on any other pair of nations.

This was an extremely popular book, with several million copies in circulation. It has a distinct cover and spine and it was not uncommon to spot the book on the book shelves of the hosts of many bible studies even outside of Armstrong's regular preaching.

This book was used early in the Bible Time work to calibrate the same conclusion based on documents signed by nations on predicted dates. The Bible Time work extended this work to include the entire list of tribes. The rest of the tribes are harder to spot because the promises are not as great or are less clear.

The material in this book is generally suppressed. It refutes many of the fundamental tenants of Zionism. Once Armstrong died, his work was attacked and this key document disappeared. For American Christians this book is perhaps the most important book to have ever read outside of the Bible itself.

Cover for Introducing Old Testament

Introducing the Old Testament

by John Drane

This is a college freshman textbook that covers the principles, and especially history, of the Old Testament. Certain fundamental ideas are not taught in church, but which are very central to understanding the history.

This book is organized around the chronology of the Old Testament. This is a very good format for learning the high level flow of history.

In particular, this book does a very good job of explaining the split kingdom after the death of Solomon. At that point there were 2 different kingdoms, 1 with a capital at Jerusalem, the other with a capital at Samaria.

The nature of the split kingdom is not well understood nor taught in church circles. This is a good start.

This book is explains how the northern kingdom disappeared at the time of the Assyrian deportation. It explains how only Jerusalem, the capital of the south, survived after that point in time.

This is an important starting point for understanding the nature of the tribes across that time in history. This is also in some sense hidden knowledge because it works against the popularly understood tenants of Zionism.

If I was to write a similar book today, I would put more emphasis on the fact that the Assyrians hauled way both the northern and southern kingdoms, and only a small remnant remained inside Jerusalem's city walls. That remnant was a small part of what existed there before the Assyrian Deportation.

Cover for Forbidden Knowledge

Forbidden Knowledge Or is it...

by D. A. Miller

This book was written by a Lutheran pastor. He had preached about how nobody can know the date of the return of Jesus. His wife later corrected him. This is not a biblical position. He wrote this book as penance to being so wrong on such a common topic.

This was originally interesting because of the Bible Time project. This book gave the scriptural basis permission to study time in the Bible in ways that the church normally precludes.

But it was more important for learning that preachers are often wrong about many other things too. What else might they have totally messed up? The only way to know is to read the Bible for yourself.

Ultimately trained preachers do not want anyone studying the Bible for themselves because there are many, many secrets buried in its pages about how the world really works. Time is but 1 small example.

Cover for 1994?


by Harold Camping

I first found this book on a clearance table in a Christian book store about 1995. It was published in 1992 and predicted, or at least postulated, the possible return of Jesus in 1994, thus the name.

Of course the date had come and gone. But, the book was interesting to me. It would a change to examination how someone got this wrong.

Others had made similar mistakes. 88 reasons why the rapture will be in 1988 is a good example. Given the lessons of Forbidden Knowledge, it OK to study the question of the return, but this does not mean any such study will yield the correct answer.

The book had several technical mistakes, including not correctly copying numbers from the Bible into the study. It also made a common mistake of leaping from ancient history into the immediate future. Why not predict something that has already happened, like World War II?

But the power of this book is a very long and detailed chronology of the Old Testament that pushes Adam back about 7000 years earlier than conventionally understood.

How Camping did this was really, really important. The Bible does not have a formal chronology. Instead it has genealogies, some of which are decorated with life lengths. Those genealogies are what are key to common readers. It is a very strict and non-obvious process to convert genealogies to chronologies, as Camping explains in detail.

I have never seen the strategy documented anywhere else, except in my own Bible Time work where I am much more meticulous in terms of the precise math. Camping gives no citations, so he may not have invented the strategy.

If you want a second witness to the Bible Time work of laying out the general timeline of the Bible, this is a good place to start. Beware, he was not a math guy, and messed up his numbers. He also used the wrong annual calendar, and across 1000s of years the length in days of calendar years will matter too.

Cover for When Time Shall Be No More

When Time Shall Be No More

by Paul Boyer

This book is a long and detailed analysis of Bible Prophecy, as a subject, on American culture. Throughout history, and especially American history, preachers have been connecting events in the Bible to headlines. This book studies this practice, how it is often done, who listens and why.

Several points stood out when reading this book. The first is that there has been a more or less continuous stream of preachers predicting the return of Jesus since the founding of the nation. Those predictions are spread apart by about 2 years and go back as far as documentation exists.

1998, 1994, 2000, 2012 are 4 well known examples in our day, but most even numbered years, going back to colonial times, have had similar, but less well known and remembered predictions.

Curiously, Boyer draws the conclusion that predictions of Jesus return have been key to the salvation of many people across history. (Think of the Millerites in the 1830s as a primary example.) As such, predictions of soon return are useful to the general message of the Church. When those predictions fail, as all have so far, those caught in the excitement of the prediction then turn to a more mature faith. This is a natural part of growing in faith.

This is in effect the long form of the Forbidden Knowledge book described above. It explains why forbidding such preaching is wrong.

Qu Map Studies

One of the most important components of our manuscript recovery work is called the Qu Map. This is an arrangement of the 22 letters and 3 punctuations into a 5 by 5 grid. That grid is modeled after the Qu letter () so we call it the Qu Map.

The grid itself forms the basis for the audit pattern, so is fundamental to all manuscript work. But the use of the Qu Map for auditing was an application of that map that we found years after we first found the map itself.

The Qu Map began as a map of places on earth. We eventually built the Qu Map App in order to carry around what we know about various geographic uses of that map.

The Qu Map is used at various scales in various places. This includes across the planet, but also in small places like Disneyland. The most important use of the Qu Map is as a map of 25 key cities (and nearby regions) across the United States itself.

To convince ourselves that we were not crazy in our use of the map, we began reading about those 25 cites and their individual histories. This usually means reading about key individuals who were instrumental in the history of those cities and regions.

As we did this, our conviction grew about the development and design of the USA itself. There really was a divine hand guiding the building of the nation. That design manifests in the people who built the nation. We generally call the people who were key at those locations Industrial Prophets because their work so often involved technology that changed the world.

What follows here are headings for each city on the Qu Map of the USA. Under each heading are a few notes, and then any books that we have read that matter to that city and its place on the Qu Map of the USA.

Qu Map: Dot New Orleans

The dot is often symbolic in the text as a single seed of grain. New Orleans is a major grain exporting region.

Elijah, who fled from Jezebel and went up in a chariot of fire, is the mapped king.

Interesting places include shipping terminals, the former US Mint, and the factory that makes rocket parts for use by NASA.

No recommended reading.

Qu Map: Wa Pensacola

The Wa is a star, like a star in the sky as used by sailors for navigation. It can also represent a fire, like the nuclear fire in the reactor of nuclear powered ships or nuclear weapons.

Interesting places include the museum and light house at the Pensacola naval air station. No recommended reading.

Qu Map: Ba Orlando

The Ba is a tent. This concept scales to any level, including a house, town, city, state, nation, world or artificial world.

The most interesting place in the region is the Disney properties near Orlando, especially the Epcot theme park. The Epcot ball is a model of an artificial moon, the largest possible tent. It floats above the ground as indicated in the drawn form of the letter.

The industrial prophet for Epcot is Walt Disney. We have read a considerable amount about this man, but cannot recommend any specific biography. Particularly interesting is the original Mary Poppins movie. The profits from that film purchased the land for the Disney properties in Florida. See the movie Saving Mr. Banks for the back story of the original Mary Poppins film.

Qu Map: Ge Research Triangle Park

The Ge is a scythe. It is used for harvesting fields. The most important cutting is the first cut, where the crop size and quality is measured. The letter thus ties to various scientific studies.

The interesting place is Research Triangle Park. This is a triangular area connecting 3 cities and 3 universities. It is of course known for scientific research.

Cover for James Duke Master Builder

James B. Duke, Master Builder

by John Wilber Jenkins

We consider James B. Duke to be the Industrial Prophet for the Research Triangle Park area of North Carolina. The book linked here is a biography of Duke published in 1927. He came to prominence in the post Civil War era. He made his money in tobacco.

But he became more interesting later in life when he decided to fund a transformation of that region from agriculture to industry. The 2 enduring institutions from that transformation are Duke Power, which provided the electricity for industrialization and Duke University that provided the ideas for new industry. Duke is one of the 3 schools that form the triad of schools at RTP.

Qu Map: Du Washington DC

The Du is a purse or sack. Most importantly a purse for money. Washington DC is of course home to the US Treasury. Du can also be a sack of other valuables and the Smithsonian and related museums are also a key aspect of this city. The Smithsonian is the largest museum in the world.

As the capital of the USA it has been responsible for many of the nation's headlines. But the letter says focus on the money.

Cover for Creature From Jekyll Island

The Creature from Jekyll Island

by John Wilber Jenkins

This book is the classic work on the origins and function of the US Federal Reserve Bank. That bank was created by act of the US Congress in 1913. It represented the formal takeover of the US financial system by central bankers which had previously been based in Europe. They had been kept at bay since the war of 1812, about 100 years earlier. Written for home schooled high school students, it explains where money is created. This is a fundamental lesson of modern life. The process itself begins in the textual record in Solomon's day.

Qu Map: Fe New York City

The Fe letter is a rake or plow. It represents the process of preparing the ground, patterning and revealing things hidden. Frequency, like the spacing in rows of plants is another concept.

New York City in the Fe letter on the USA Qu Map. This is a very large city with a rich history so it is more difficult to find a specific marker. Perhaps the best is the New York City subway system, itself furrowed underground like a field that has been plowed.

Radio and later television broadcasting is a particularly interesting component to the history of New York. Lower Manhattan was a national center for early radio technology, with vacuum tube manufacture and sale being centered there. Nicola Tesla's lab was located in Manhattan. He would be an important example of an industrial prophet from New York City.

At least 1 other of the industrial prophets for New York City would be Thomas Edison. His research labs were located across the Hudson river in New Jersey. But Edison was responsible for electrification of cities and New York City was the first such electrified city. The current wars were fought in New York. Early systems of street lighting and building electrification were also worked out in New York City.

Cover for Against the Gods

Against the Gods

by Peter L. Bernstein

Perhaps the most well known industry in New York City is financial services. This shows up as various types of banks and related companies. Though much of this function has moved to computerized data centers, the original in-person trading floors were often in New York.

One of the key branches of financial services is insurance. Insurance involves sharing the risks and rewards of naturally unpredictable businesses.

The book linked here Peter Bernstein's classic on history of the management of risk. This is one of the key books for understanding the redemptive side of some aspects of the financial services industry.

This is a well written and fascinating book.

Cover for Where Did The Towers Go?

Where Did the Towers Go?

by Judy Wood

New York City was the location of the 2001 collapse of the Twin Towers. This book, Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11, is the most important book for explaining events that day.

Those towers appear to have been destroyed by the use of industrial scale microwave technology directed at those buildings. This book documents the massive amount of evidence that supports this idea.

Of particular interest is the way cars parked along the Hudson and East rivers ignited from the same energy sources as brought down the towers. The magnetic north pole moved towards NYC that day, marking the time when the transmitters were turned on. One beam of energy appeared to be coming in from the northwest, another from the northeast. They seem to have phased together at ground zero.

The earthquake signatures for each of the tower collapses indicates that much of the weight of the towers never reached the ground. The book contrasts this with the demolition of the football stadium in Seattle which had an earthquake signature exactly matching what would be expected by the weight of the structure.

Damage and debris from those buildings was consistent with the way household microwave ovens interact with only certain materials. Human flesh and sheet metal furniture was burned, while paper was not. Video evidence indicates that beams were turning to dust as they fell. Some sort of strange atomic level fires continued to burn in the beams in the debris for weeks after that fateful day.

Dr. Wood's primary sources are the legal depositions of the on ground witnesses to the 911 tragedy. This included first responders and survivors who had very strange stories that they told under oath.

The same technology must still exist and be available for use in future similar events. This is a good example of the frequency component of the Fe letter at work. It plays to the Frequency related history, especially of lower Manhattan.

Note this is one of the events on the Bible Time timeline. Off by only a few days, the 2997 people killed in New York City at 9/11 matches the 3000 killed on the roof when Samson pushed over 2 columns.

Cover for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

by Lewis Carroll

On the inner Qu Map at Disneyland, the Alice in Wonderland ride lands on the Fe letter. Note that the Alice story involves going down a rabbit hole, or underground, like plow or rake, or NYC subway.

This book is the original fictional account of Alice in Wonderland.

Qu Map: Ve Boston

The Fe letter pictures a tent peg with attached ropes. Similar items include nails, ship anchors and some uses of rocks. The Ve also marks boundaries, say between tents.

The key item at Boston is Plymouth rock, still a tourist destination. It memorializes the anchorage of the first European ships to bring settlers to Plymouth Colony, on the outskirts of what is now the Boston region.

The industrial prophet would likely be William Bradford.

Qu Map: Jo Mackinac Island

The Jo letter is a model of a balance, or scales. Conceptually it deals with all forms of measurement, but in particular if 2 things are equal, or not.

The location on the Qu Map in the USA is Mackinac Island. The location marks the division between upper and lower Michigan.

Mackinac Island is a popular tourist destination in summers. No motor vehicles are allowed on the island.

This is one of the least developed locations on the Qu Map. Unclear who might be an industrial prophet for that location. The Grand Hotel with its rich history of important visitors may also be important to this location.

Qu Map: Ha Minneapolis/Saint Paul

The Ha letter represents an 8 sided animal corral. Fence panels cause animals and people to halt, a related idea. Items placed in a corral are usually special to the owner. A pregnant or nursing mare is a good example.

The twin cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul are the Ha letter on the Qu Map of the USA. The iconic location is the Mall of America, south of the regional airport. Note the architecture of that building maps very closely to the 3d model of the Ha letter, including the circular interior and 3 floors. The interior of that mall includes a children's theme park, which matches one of the farm related uses of a corral.

One example of an industrial prophet from this region would be James J. Hill who build the Great Northern Railroad from there to Seattle.

Cover for Shoeless Joe

Shoeless Joe

by W. P. Kinsella

This book was the inspiration for the movie, Field of Dreams.

From the description: “If you build it, he will come.” These mysterious words, spoken by an Iowa baseball announcer, inspire Ray Kinsella to carve a baseball diamond in his cornfield in honor of his hero, the baseball legend Shoeless Joe Jackson. What follows is both a rich, nostalgic look at one of our most cherished national pastimes and a remarkable story about fathers and sons, love and family, and the inimitable joy of finding your way home.

The book, and movie, are a parable. The wronged baseball team are the writers of inspired text. They want to have fellowship in a special place, built for their game. Coming from heaven, they can only make appearances when someone has the faith to follow the voice and build it. The place? A house, or corral, built correctly with all of the tabernacles items. Eventually the doctor will appear.

The movie takes place in various places including Minnesota and Iowa. The most important "Corral" is the Tabernacle. The team are the heavenly walk-off kings. They were wronged when the editors changed their writing.

Qu Map: The Butte

This letter is a wheel. It represents transportation, time and, various machines that use wheels. Examples are carts, clocks, trains, and milling operations like millstones, smelters, mining and refining.

On the Qu Map of the USA it is located at Butte, Montana. Early prospectors in this area found gold in the rivers. They knew to look upstream for the lode of ore from which those flecks had come. They found a little gold, then more silver, but below that they found the largest copper deposit found on earth up to that point in history.

The timing of this find was fortuitous. Indoor plumbing and electrification were about to happen and those 2 modern inventions were going to need great quantities of copper.

Four of the mainline western USA railroads built into Butte to service the needs of that mining city. Then the bankers would begin to fight for control of the wealth found there. Problem was, the value of all that copper was as great as all the land in the USA at the time. Whomever controlled Butte's wealth controlled the US economy.

Cover for The War of the Copper Kings

The War of the Copper Kings

by C.B. Glasscock

This book chronicles the history of the development and eventual banker takeover of Butte. It is a case study in how the bankers take over all large deposits of wealth everywhere in the world.

This is a story of how judges and politicians must be part of their control network. We see this everywhere in the USA today.

This is also a study in why they must do this or else be taken over by others.

Qu Map: Yo Sitka

The Yo letter is a hand. The letter involves hands, like 10 fingers, it also involves things that hands can do. The most important thing that hands can do is write.

The state of Alaska is shaped like a right hand pressed into the ground. So in some sense the entire state is related to the letter. But there are only a few serious cities that may match to the Yo letter. The city that seems to match best is the city originally founded by Russians, Sitka, Alaska.

Industrial Prophet may not be the best term for a place who's main purpose is to write or teach writing. But the Sheldon Jackson school was the likely place for that to apply.

Cover for 60 Years in Sitka

Sixty years in Sitka with Sheldon Jackson School and College

W. Leslie Yaw

This book covers the history of the town of Sitka, Alaska. This city was originally a Russian colony, founded by monks. Their specialty was making written copies of the Orthodox Bible.

Sitka remains the largest city in the USA by area. This because it includes an large mostly uninhabited island. It also includes territory in the water.

Sitka was taken over by Americans when the USA purchased Alaska from Russia. It retained its literary heritage when it became the location of the first school in Alaska for training Native Americans.

It retains an Orthodox Cathedral. This account of the history of Sitka is not friendly to the American side of the sale of Alaska. Americans are a vile bunch.

Qu Map: Ku Seattle/Portland

The Ku letter is the sprout. Young plants that are sprouting tend to all look alike and this letter picks off the idea of multiple copies of the same thing.

The city, or city pair, that is in view here is Seattle or Seattle and Portland. The original industry in this region was logging, and trees are the largest form of sprouting plants.

Modern industry includes designing and manufacturing of aircraft, themselves shaped like the Ku letter.

It also includes Operating Systems and especially world processors, which duplicate writing. The Smith Tower in downtown Seattle was first Seattle sky scraper and tallest building west of Chicago. It was named for the Smith of Smith Corona typewriters. Again think of copied text. Microsoft office would be a modern heir to this, also located in Seattle.

The Linux kernel is maintained outside of Portland, Oregon, the Microsoft Windows system is maintained in the Seattle area. These are also the young, or sprouting, parts of the software used in all modern devices.

The most important Industrial Prophet for the region would be Bill Boeing. He made his money in logging and then changed his focus to making airplanes. Originally those planes were made of wood using the same skills and materials as the shipwrights in Seattle who were making wooden boats.

We have no recommendation for a specific biography for Boeing.

Cover for Denny's Knoll

Denny's Knoll: A History of the Metropolitan Tract of the University of Washington

Neal O. Hines

The link here is to an obscure book that describes the history of an obscure piece of land in what is now downtown Seattle. This was the original land for the location of the University of Washington. That school outgrew this original location and moved to its current near lake Washington.

This property is still owned by the University of Washington and forms part of its endowment. It has been developed and redeveloped several times over the past 100 or so years. The management of that property has been done to create as much office space and revenue as possible, though with various controversies through the years.

This history was interesting to study because the Qu Map itself may be indicated by the Levitical Cites found in Canaan after the crossing of the Jordan River. Accept for a moment an inner circle of locations, but with 2 duplicated, say the Colon and Quad, the Qu Map might really be marking Levitical Cities in the USA.

As such, it might be best to think about properties like this as the markers of those places of higher education. This is a curious thought that might need much more study in the other Qu Map locations in the USA.

This book is itself probably not interesting to most readers, but the Levitical City idea might be very interesting to others in the future.

Qu Map: Lu San Francisco/Bay Area

The Lu letter is a shepherd's staff. It represents the shepherding of young so that they can grow up into whatever the might become.

The city in the USA where this letter lands in San Francisco. Today this growing up of new inventions into new businesses is most commonly associated with Silicon Valley, located just south of San Francisco.

Finding a single Industrial Prophet for this region is not at all easy to do. Perhaps William Randolf Hearst, of Hearst Castle fame would be the most likely candidate.

But, before Silicon Valley, San Francisco was shepherding new inventions as early as the 1920s.

Cover for Distant Vision

Distant Vision: Romance and Discovery of an Invisible Frontier

Elma G. Farnsworth

This book is a biography of Philo T. Farnsworth as told by his widow. Farnsworth had an inspiration and plan for how to build Television. He could not do that in his home town in southern Idaho. After Salt Lake and Los Angeles, he eventually moved to San Fransisco. There he could turn is dream into a reality.

The book itself explains the resources available in the San Fransisco region before World War II. For example, every element in the periodic table was available at retail somewhere in the region. Glassware for making vacuum tubes was also widely available. All the other resources, including financing, was available in the city.

Farnsworth himself was not really prepared for the dirty tricks that would be played against him, a caution to all who might follow in his footsteps even today with discoveries of their own.

In Farnsworth's later years he was working on free energy systems, sometimes called a "star in a jar" that were lost at his death and have never been fully developed. The physics and skills for this came from his understanding of the physics of TV vacuum tubes, a skill now lost.

Qu Map: Mo Los Angeles/San Diego

The Mo letter represents water. The commercial shipping harbor of Long Beach and the naval harbor at San Diego are of particular interest to this location.

The interesting industry in the Los Angeles region is motion pictures and media. Walt Disney is already on our list of industrial prophets. Perhaps one of the other early movie studio founders would be more specific to this city.

San Diego industrial prophets might be Alonzo Horton and/or John D. Spreckels.

Qu Map: Ne Hawaii

The Ne letter represents seed. In particular the inner workings of seed, and how seeds germinate and divide.

The island state of Hawaii is the Ne letter on the USA Qu Map. The foliage of Hawaii, like a garden, represents the seed as found in seed bearing plants.

Samuel Northrup Castle and Amos Starr Cooke are the likely industrial prophets for Hawaii. In 1851 they founded the company that would later become known as Dole Foods.

Qu Map: Sa San Antonio

The Sa letter post, like a post in a fence or used to support a building. It covers a related concept in English of supply, like a fort or stage stop on the frontier.

The US City for this letter is San Antonio. The iconic location includes the Alamo fort, the river walk and the Tower of the Americas. This was a major warehousing city in earlier years.

The industrial prophet for San Antonio is Elon Musk. His main Tesla factory is located in Austin, not far from San Antonio. His SpaceX development facility is also in the area, located east of Brownsville.

The SpaceX launch towers outside of Brownsville are basically large posts, like the tower of the Americas in San Antonio.

Cover for Elon Musk Biography

Elon Musk

by Walter Isaacson

In this book Walter Isaacson covers the amazing story of Elon Musk's journey from South Africa where he grew up as a child to the first launch of the SpaceX Starship from Texas.

His story is well known, but the book is filled with man interesting details. Industrial Prophets do no lead perfect lives. But, they do change the world.

Likely, eventually, SpaceX and this region of Texas becomes the resupply pipeline to colonies on Mars.

Qu Map: Oo Phoenix/Tucson

The Oo letter is an eye. It deals with seeing and knowing. Especially the idea of focusing on some subject. In the USA this letter lands on Optics Valley, an area that stretches from Tuscon to Phoenix. It includes the numerous observatories that are located in that region of the USA. So giant mechanical eyes are a type of Oo. Landmarks for this letter also the Richard F Caris Mirror Lab located under the football stadium stands in Tuscon

Our working introduction to this place involved a dream that lead us to Flagstaff, Arizona. When we arrived there, we toured the city. Very near downtown we stumbled upon Lowell Observatory. We learned at the observatory's front desk that the next day a special event was planned with VIP guests from around the country. Stunned by the timing, we returned in order to watch the event and take the tour.

This was the 90th anniversary of the discovery of Pluto that was made at that same location. The telescopes and equipment were still mostly intact. Some key gear was returned for that event from the Smithsonian to the observatory.

The equipment for making discoveries like this was very different in 1930 than it is today. Photographic film and many special optical machines were the rule of the day. Even calculating locations in the sky required the use of early mechanical calculating machines.

To our shock, the discovery of Pluto was made by the janitor, not by any of the staff astronomers. This was in part because those astronomers were too prideful to do the hard work of looking for planets.

This was a serious lesson about how important is to be willing to do the hard work. Never get caught up in stature and thing some important task is too menial to stoop and perform.

They would later send that janitor to college and he would become a well known professor of astronomy.

We also walked away that day with the strong thought that Pluto wanted to be discovered. The calculations for where to point the telescope would later turn out to have had math errors. They were based on a theory of where Pluto might be located. Those errors got them to the correct location in spite of a bad theory.

The books listed here go into more of the details of finding Pluto and the mission to photograph Pluto up close using modern cameras.

Cover for Pluto and Lowell Observatory

Pluto and Lowell Observatory

by Kevin Schindler

This book is the written history of the work involved in the discovery of Pluto. Lowell Observatory had been built for that express purpose. It was built by a group from Boston who wanted a place located on the Santa Fe main line so they could easily visit the place by train from Boston. Thus flagstaff. The primary financier died. The work languished, but then was started up again. A great story.

Cover for Chasing New Horizons

Chasing New Horizons

by Alan Stern

The special day we were at Flagstaff was also a day for the public telling of the story of the mission to photograph Pluto up close. That mission was called New Horizons. By normal government contracting and normal government politics that mission should never have happened. That crazy story is told in this book.

Note the covers of these 2 pluto books are from that New Horizon's mission. Without false coloring as used on this photos, the original raw photos of pluto match closely Walt Disney's original line art for his animated cartoon character Pluto the Dog. Indeed, the Lowell Observatory staff that day drew a red lined heart over those photos to hide the resemblance to Disney's cartoon artwork.

Walt Disney was seeing into the future details of this very strange world. We have our own prophetic reasons to think this is one of several artificial moons in our solar system. This planet, and its twin, may be the original wreck that marooned souls in this system at about the time of Adam.

Cover for The Swiss Family Robinson

The Swiss Family Robinson

by Johann David Wyss

The Oo letter in the Disneyland map lands on what was once the Swiss Family Robin's Tree house.

The tree itself is type of lookout over the western areas of the park, consistent with the Oo letter being an eye.

This book is the original fictional account for the original Disney movie that inspired that attraction at the park.

Cover for Tarzan of the Apes

Tarzan of the Apes

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Disney rethemed that same attraction as Tarzan's Tree House. This book is the original story of Tarzan of the Apes. The consistent theme is being marooned.

Qu Map: Pe Salt Lake City

The Pe letter represents the ear. Concepts include listening, but also tracking things like a conversation. Music and song are part of this letter.

Salt Lake City is the Pe letter location on the Qu Map of the USA.

The key location within that city Temple Square. Within that is the Tabernacle, the historical location of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Brigham Young will be the industrial prophet.

No specific recommendations, but a history of the movement of the Mormon migration to Salt Lake would be a good place to start.

Cover for Roughing It

Roughing It

by Mark Twain

This book is a collection of stories dealing with Mark Twain's travels in the west. Listed here because of his accounts of interacting with Mormons in early Salt Lake.

In 1861, young Mark Twain found himself adrift as a newcomer in the Wild West, working as a civil servant, silver prospector, mill worker, and finally a reporter and traveling lecturer. Roughing It is the hilarious record of those early years traveling from Nevada to California to Hawaii, as Twain tried his luck at anything and everything - and usually failed. Twain’s encounters with tarantulas and donkeys, vigilantes and volcanoes, even Brigham Young, the Mormon leader, come to life with his inimitable mixture of reporting, social satire, and rollicking tall tales.

Qu Map: Ze Boise/Pocatello

The Ze represent a belt buckle or similar clasp. It represents private things behind a lock.

The major US City is Boise, but stretching east to Pocatello. Idaho National Laboratories in the specific locked thing in this region. Those facilities have contained over 50 different nuclear reactors. Most of what is now known about how reactors behave, and misbehave, was learned at INL.

Reactors like this are behind a lock, the Ze.

Cover for Pinocchio


by Carlo Collodi

Pinocchio's Wild Ride is the Ze letter on the inter Qu Map at Disneyland.

This book is the original fictional account of Pinocchio.

Qu Map: Qu Saint Louis

The Qu letter represents a brain. In particular brains work by mapping out the location of things. All animals with brains use them to find food.

Saint Louis is the matched city on the Qu Map of the USA. The iconic location at Saint Louis is the Gateway Arch. This is a monument to the Louisiana Purchase and westward expansion. It is shaped very similar to the Qu letter, especially when considering the underground areas below that arch.

This, of course, was expanding the map of the USA, a concept related to the mapping function of the Qu letter.

Cover for the Journals of Lewis and Clark

The Journals of Lewis and Clark

by M. Lewis & W. Clark

This is one of several possible written accounts of the Lewis and Clark expedition that traveled from Saint Louis to the mouth of the Colombia River near what is now Vancouver, Washington.

Qu Map: Re Detroit

The Re letter is symbolic of a head, like a head on a grazing animal. It represents feeding, thinking, leading, and ramming. On the USA Qu Map it is the city of Detroit, famous as the home city for the manufacture of automobiles. Think freeways full of cars as being like heards of bison roaming over the land.

The Industrial Prophet for Detroit is Henry Ford. He applied the mass production techniques that he learned in a meat packing plant to the production of automobiles. His autobiography is perhaps one of the most important books on this page.

Cover for My Life And Work

My Life And Work

by Henry Ford

Perhaps more than any other person alive, Henry Ford created the modern automotive based world we all know. The only other person to remotely follow in his footsteps is perhaps Elon Musk. Henry Ford is our Industrial Prophet for Detroit.

Ford wrote an autobiography in order to explain his life to an adoring public. The first component of this story is the history of the development of the Model T. This made cars affordable to the masses for the very first time. This side of Ford most people may already know. The Ford Motor company still exists, and still makes cars and trucks.

But Ford was involved in a vicious trial when the bankers of New York attempted to take his company from him. The reasons behind that trial were reported in New York Banker controlled media, so he had to defend himself in the eyes of the public. He did that through his own newspaper, available for free at all Ford car dealerships, he also eventually defended himself in this book.

This is a very important story because the patterns of attack suffered by Ford are used still to this day. It is the process by which the heirs of the Lost Tribe of Benjamin have been taking over the world since the days of King Saul.

No other biography on Ford should be trusted to cover the important material presented in this book. You cannot substitute just any biography on Ford.

I purchased this book from Amazon in May of 2013. At the time the 2 works that Ford cites in this autobiography were also available on Amazon. Those books are called The International Jew and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Both of those works are no longer available on Amazon, itself having been overrun by the same forces Ford fought with so long ago. Both of these additional books are required reading to understand Ford and our world today. You must find them from other sources and include them as Ford cites these works in his defense of what was happening to him.

The term "International Jew" was Ford's term for what today is generally called the Israel Lobby. In Nixon's day the term was the "Jewish Lobby." This autobiography establishes that the patterns used to take over the work of modern inventors were well established even in Ford's day. Nothing has changed.

Cover for Coningsby


by Benjamin Disraeli

This book is commonly cited in reading lists on the topic of understanding Jewish influence in the western world. The author, Benjamin Disraeli, was the first Jewish Prime Minister of Britain. This is the man that started moving the British Empire's overseas operations towards the creation of Israel.

This book is not particularly about Disraeli's politics, but instead about his personal world and how he thought about it. It is a fun read, but it also gives interesting insight as to how Jews think about outsiders. This is a light hearted complement to Henry Ford's book listed above.

Cover for The Wandering Who

The Wandering Who


This book is another useful starting point for understanding Jewish Identity Politics.

From the description: An investigation of Jewish identity politics and Jewish contemporary ideology using both popular culture and scholarly texts. Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today.

The purpose in this book is to open many of these issues up for discussion. Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of ’Judaism’, ‘Jewishness’, ‘Jewish culture’ and ‘Jewish ideology’ stand for.

Gilad examines the tribal aspects embedded in Jewish secular discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist; the ‘holocaust religion’; the meaning of ‘history’ and ‘time’ within the Jewish political discourse; the anti-Gentile ideologies entangled within different forms of secular Jewish political discourse and even within the Jewish left.

He questions what it is that leads Diaspora Jews to identify themselves with Israel and affiliate with its politics. The devastating state of our world affairs raises an immediate demand for a conceptual shift in our intellectual and philosophical attitude towards politics, identity politics and history.

Cover for jewish History Jewish Religion

Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years

by Israel Shahak

This is another reference work that goes into the how Jews think about their world. Note this appears to be a recently banned book on Amazon. It may be available from other sellers.

Qu Map: Sha Asheville

The Sha letter is a tooth. Eating and drinking are the 2 primary ideas. Teeth come in rows, so his creates some related ideas. The Sha also involves the ideas of sequencing, selecting and crushing.

Asheville is the Sha city on the Qu Map of the USA. The primary iconic locations are the Biltmore Mansion and the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The industrial prophet would be George Washington Vanderbilt II, who built the Biltmore Mansion.

That mansion remains the largest private residence in the USA. The main and perhaps biggest room in that mansion is the dining room.

So the Blue Ridge Parkway, one source of tourist income to businesses in Ashville, is a match to the Biltmore Mansion.

By getting his wealth out from the rest of his family, his own line survived with the preserved wealth of the estate. The rest of his extended family lost their fortunes in the 1929 stock market crash.

Cover for The Wind in the Willows

The Wind in the Willows

by Kenneth Grahame

George Vanderbilt was mocked in the media for how he used his inherited wealth in creating the Biltmore Mansion. This book was written as a fictional portrayal of Vanderbilt's fascination with early automobiles. His strange hobbies, of cars and mansions, seemed to be a waste of time and resources to the public. Note how this personally matched what would later become the Blue Ridge Parkway, another features of Asheville.

The Wind in the Willows book became the basis for the Mr Toad's Wild Ride at Disneyland. That ride is on an inner Disneyland Qu-Map, also at the Sha letter.

The People Mover also maps through to the Sha letter on the outer Qu Map at Disneyland. The People Mover is like taking the Biltmore Mansion tour. Both travel through many of the key rooms in the estate, much like both of these rides at Disneyland.

Qu Map: Ta Atlanta

The Ta letter represents cloth and the knitting needles used for making cloth. Cloth covers things, and related concepts like closed or ended go with this letter. This is the last regular letter in the paleo alphabet.

Atlanta is the city on the Qu Map location for Ta in the USA. This was the home for cloth making in the USA.

The end, or close, of the Civil War is often marked with Sherman's March to the Sea which began at Atlanta and ended at Savanna. This march decimated Georgia at the end of the Civil War.

Cover for Peter Pan

Peter Pan

by J. M. Barrie

The Ta letter in the Disneyland inner Qu Map lands on Peter Pan's Flight over London ride.

The book here is the original fictional account of Peter Pan.

The distant island in the Peter Pan stories is likely symbolic of Eden. Distant, across the skies, where nobody goes old nor dies. Many other components of the story match to Biblical themes.

Qu Map: Colon Jackson

The Colon is the end-of-sentence punctuation symbol. It represents gathered or harvested seed.

The Jackson Mississippi is the Colon on the Qu Map of the USA.

The iconic destination is the Naches Trace National Park, an ancient road that was the overland return route for travelers who had floated down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.

The lower reaches of the Mississippi river should also be considered part of the region for the Colon letter on the Qu Map.

Some of the writings of Mark Twain are interesting to this location because he was a river boat captain along that part of the Mississippi.

Cover for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Mark Twain

From the description: A consummate prankster with a quick wit, Tom Sawyer dreams of a bigger fate than simply being a “rich boy.” Yet through the novel’s humorous escapades - from the famous episode of the whitewashed fence to the trial of Injun Joe - Mark Twain explores the deeper themes of the adult world, one of dishonesty and superstition, murder and revenge, starvation and slavery.

Cover for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

by Mark Twain

From the description: A nineteenth-century boy from a Mississippi River town recounts his adventures as he travels down the river with a runaway slave, encountering a family involved in a feud, two scoundrels pretending to be royalty, and Tom Sawyer's aunt who mistakes him for Tom.

Qu Map: Memphis Memphis

The final punctuation mark in the Paleo alphabet is the Quad. It is possible to think of this as threshed seed. It is equivalent to the Pilcrow, or Paragraph Mark in English writing.

Memphis Tennessee appears to be the location of the Quad on the Qu Map of the USA. Though this might be smaller towns at or near the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.

Joshua is the throne room king for this location. His interest in children appears to indicate that St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital is the iconic location.

Entertainer Danny Thomas would the related industrial prophet.

Biblical Studies

Our manuscript recovery work is in some sense a Bible study. But instead of studying the book for meaning, we are studying the structure and inspired form of the text itself.

This is an area of study normally reserved for students intending to work professionally in some way involving the Bible. Say as a pastor or as a teacher of some type.

These studies are less popular than topical studies as covered above. These studies tend to be quite technical dealing with the composition and history of the text itself.

The books that are listed below deal in various ways with the known and speculated history and structure of the Bible and its original manuscripts.

Cover for Composition of the Pentateuch

The Composition of the Pentateuch: Renewing the Documentary Hypothesis

by Joel S. Baden

The Old Testament we know today is known to be a composition of writings from various authors. This book explains the idea in detail. This is in contrast to popular Protestant doctrine that just accepts the text as inspired as given to us from history.

This is a precursor study to our working understanding that Acts 15 identifies 5 specific editors.

Cover for Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible

Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible

by Emanuel Tov

This is a textbook introduction to the discipline of Textual Criticism. In some sense this level of study is touching on the dirty little secrets of the text, that the hands of authors and their quirks can be seen through careful study.

This is another precursor study to the problems of editors in the text.

This link is to a newer edition than the copy in our library.

Cover for OT Pseudepigrapha Vol. 1 and 2

OT Pseudepigrapha Vol. I and II

by James Charlesworth

This is a 2 volume set of translations of additional ancient documents. These are often thought to have informed the thinking of writers of the Bible.

Almost all professional training the Bible is based on additional writings, themselves outside of the Bible itself. These other writings are used for explaining the basic set of passages as found in the Bible.

Jews and Zionists tend to use the Talmud for this this. Free Masons, often masquerading as pastors and professors, tend to use Masonic writing for their additional documents on the Bible. Masons share many documents with modern Jews, both are Kabbalah based religions. This training in off-bible documents is often how the primary NT villains are turned into heros by modern preachers.

Less religious sources of additional writings are the known ancient documents from the same time and place as when the Bible was written. These 2 volumes provide English translations of a well known set of such documents.

We think the inspired manuscript has within itself the ability to create additional volumes. So these sorts of secondary documents should not be needed.

In any case, this is another common reference work used by people who are well taught in the Bible.

Cover for The Homeric Epics and the Gospel of Mark

The Homeric Epics and the Gospel of Mark

by Dennis R. MacDonald

The Gospel of Mark is thought by modern scholars to be the earliest of the Gospels. The stated reason is that Mark appears to subset the other gospels. It is also thought to be the most Jewish of the Gospels.

How to understand Mark has been debated by many. The book linked here is one facet of the debate.

In this book, Dennis MacDonald shows how Mark follows known structural patterns from the Homeric Epics. As these are much older than Mark, and as these were widely known, the implication is that the writer of Mark was using known story structures from those epics in order to write the Gospel of Mark.

To a Protestant ear this sounds strange. Did the writer of Mark follow Homer when composing his work as lead by the Holy Spirit? Maybe, but something feels off.

On the other hand Mark is following Homer, so how should we explain that?

By rules of Acts 15, Mark appears to be the least inspired of the 4 Gospels. Using the argument provided in MacDonald's book, it is reasonable to assume that it was the NT Jewish editor Ananias who was reforming, and shortening, inspired material from the other gospels in order to conform to the pattern of a Homer Epic. He was also biasing that material to favor his office of high priest.

Cover for Reversing Hermon

Reversing Hermon

by Dr. Michael S. Heiser

This book, Reversing Hermon, provides a study connecting themes of the New Testament to known themes from the Book of Enoch, specifically 1 Enoch.

This is another study that we have found interesting because it is suggesting another source of some of the themes used by the Jewish NT editor Ananias as he was editing an inspired NT into what is passed to us now by history.

We generally accept the connections drawn in this book, but reject that those themes are inspired. Instead, we see this study as informing the sources of non-inspired material used in the NT tampering process.


Our contention is that there was a season in history when the inspired text of the New Testament was supplanted by the edited version created by Ananias.

This causes interest in understanding early church history and the development of Christianity as we know it. Books in this section are interesting back story to that time in history.

Cover for Against Heresies

Against Heresies

By St. Ireneaus of Lyons, Edited by Paul A. Boer Sr.

This book was originally written in Greek by Ireneaus of Lyons. In the book he speaks against the competing sects of early Christianity, explaining the reasons for what became Christianity in Rome.

This is an early anchor point in the establishment in Christianity as we know it now.

Likely the heretical systems that he speaks against are remnants and remixes of an unknown Pauline system of belief. We would not expect inspired practices to have survived in Rome to his day.

We would expect his framework for defining heresies, still used today, to be the creation of the NT editing process.

Cover for The Church History

The Church History

By Eusebius, translated by Paul L. Maier

This is another important early record of church history.

Remember, victors of all wars are the ones who write history. If there was a fight between inspired text and edited text in the decades after Paul arrived in Rome, then the victors in that fight will have written the history.

We are probably looking at the victor's version of history when we read about early church history from those who were close in time.

This is a well regarded historical source for conventional history.