This blog introduces our new GRB app, the start of our own Greek based manuscript apps. Then we dive into more notes from Asheville, including that storm's Paleo name. Then a headline review.


This week we are adding a new app to our family of apps. The name for this app is the GRB, short for Greek Research Bible. The link is given here, you can install it like all of our other apps. The permanent link is off the front page at Paleo.In.

Ryan has been working on this text for several weeks. We started looking at this at Tabernacles. This week marks the first public release of that text in a standalone app. The GRB text is also available in the VG app, this so it can be compared to other Greek based manuscripts.

Why Greek?

We expect quirks in the Greek language, considered unique to the Greek language itself, to be important in the ciphering process. Greek is unique in that it allows word order to be adjusted within sentences without changing sentence meaning.

Greek does this through the use of word endings. Freedom to arrange words without changing the meaning of sentences means that word order and thus letter order is under control of the writer.

Word order and thus letter order is not strictly driven under the control of the Greek grammar itself.

This is the characteristic that Joshua, as the original inspired writer, would need in order to create stories that cipher into additional volumes. The resulting deciphered texts are thus also free to have word order that is driven by the needs of the cipher, without the grammar getting in the way.

GRB Base Text

Ryan has started with 2 versions of the English text originally done in the 1800s. The GRB starts with the BST for the OT and AP and an uplift to the 1901 ASV for the NT. This gets a starting point for English based in the Greek OT, AP, and the Byzantine tradition of the Greek NT.

Both of these texts preserve certain conventions in English which we no longer use in modern English. These old English words are easy enough to change later, but Ryan is leaving these alone for now. The plural forms of the modern English "you" would be lost if this level of uplift gets done. So be prepared for some level of strange English in the GRB.

By leaving these words alone Ryan is picking his fight more narrowly. In general his work is a Bible Study of the text as passed by history. He does not need to change Jesus to Joshua. His argument is dealing with the problems of editors, not translator word changes. See more on this below.

We heavily edited the BRB English long before there was any thought of doing the TT and long before we were managing our own interlinears, like the GPI. This time around the GRB starts as 1 of 3 different apps for working different parts of our problem. This time, how various issues get studied can be balanced out across those 3 apps very differently. So, Ryan is not uplifting many words in the GRB as was done in the BRB.

Like the BRB, Ryan is out to build a fully marked up text of the Bible, including everything we know about the text, including the Acts 15 rules of additions and related notes. In the GRB the manuscript coverage tied to the Greek manuscript tradition, not the Hebrew tradition, which diverges outside of the NT.

Diverging Texts

Some work can be done through comparison to the BRB, but the GRB English is following the Greek tradition. Especially in the OT, the GRB is regularly diverging from the BRB as we know it. So the manuscript preparation work is tedious and must be done carefully and usually by hand.

The Greek OT tradition looks at and divides up the OT differently than what we are normally familiar with in Hebrew based OT manuscripts. This is in part because the story line itself is not the same as the Hebrew tradition. Ryan is learning the flow of the story, and differences, as he is working through this editing process.

The BRB has story headings and story breaks that follow the Hebrew version of the OT. The Greek text is often surprisingly different. So those Hebrew story breaks do not consistently apply across the Greek OT manuscripts.

So Ryan has taken the Greek study Bible and attempted to follow that text's sense of story breaks and headings. This starts with the book order, and book names, but then drops into those books with story headings and often impacts paragraph breaks as well.

Setting story breaks establishes the points at which parallel notes can eventually be placed into the GRB. The notes used in the BRB do not look to be matched to the Greek well enough that they can be safely copied over. So GRB notes are starting over, mostly from scratch.

Current Work

The GRB app as released this week is complete in the sense that the entire text is broken down into stories and paragraphs. The chapter and story navigation systems are thus also complete.

Most of the word level markup that we know and love from the BRB is yet to be added to the GRB. This will be happening over the weeks to come.

Ryan is prioritizing his ongoing work around the stories that show up in the Table of 400 app. Coverage for those stories are what are needed in order to bring up Greek based versions of the rest of our Paleo Bible related apps.

GRB: Galatians

The link here is to Galatians in the GRB. Since following this link is likely causing that app to load for the first time, beware, you may want to adjust the options settings to match your current BRB settings.

Ryan has given Galatians a new set of notes. Ryan's writing voice for these notes has changed. His implied audience is now someone sitting around doing Bible Studies, but who may not yet understand the game that was afoot in Ananias' day.

This is much more confident and direct than in years past. Ryan is essentially returning to his church roots and disputing the points that were always being overlooked. This is especially so with internal contradictions and insights gained from the Acts 15 rules of additions.

Asheville Notes

The list of items related to Asheville continues to grow. What follows are additional notes related to Asheville, especially how to think about Hurricane Helene.

Qu Map, Disneyland, People Mover

We first discovered the Qu Map as an actual thing on the ground after a series of prophetic dreams that prompted travel to visit Disneyland in Anaheim California.

That park, at least as conceived by Walt Disney, follows a miniature version of the Qu Map, itself central to many of the Tabernacle/Tent of Time items.

In the case of Disneyland, the People Mover ride, long abandoned, but never removed, is the ride that goes with the Sha Paleo letter and thus Asheville, North Carolina.

The ride itself visits the back sides and insides of the other rides in Tomorrow Land. Conceptually it is like the Blue Ridge Parkway that goes through Asheville. Riders on that parkway often stop at various sites along the way. They need to pay attention as interesting sights in the mountains flash by.

The People Mover is also like the Biltmore Mansion tour. Each room on the tour is filled with surprises. Like some sort of strange scavenger hunt. Both are long linear rides, with stops in various rooms. So like rows of teeth.


The curious feature of the Disneyland People Mover is how long that ride has been shut down. It was originally conceived in Walt's day at Disneyland. The technology for the ride was small pods run in groups. It required the use of high maintenance automobile tires and was originally sponsored by a tire company who provided those tires. Sponsoring that ride was not good for a company with products intended for use on automobiles, not mass transit. They eventually quit sponsoring the ride.

The ride was rebuilt using individual race cars that were run at high speed. This utterly missed the point of the original ride design, where guests were able to get peeks at the inner workings of the other rides, especially Space Mountain.

Those race cars also caused mechanical stress on the concrete structures of the ride system itself. These stresses were not anticipated by the original designers. The ride itself was ultimately shut down, and remains shutdown now. A monument to an unobtainable future. Though a different version still runs in Florida.


As we often did in those days, we held a retreat at the house. We had a regular group who tracked our work, some had been with us to Disneyland. These weeks were for project review, where we could talk face-to-face with folks who knew us well and were tracking our work.

For one of those weeks there was a new puzzle of the Disneyland map on a table at the house. During breaks everyone helped put the puzzle together. By the end of the week the puzzle was done, but there was a missing piece. Curiously, that missing piece was of the closed People Mover's ride station. The ride that was missing had a piece that was missing.

We searched all over for that piece and could not find it. We gave up and put the puzzle away.

Maybe 10 days later, we got a call from a couple who had been at the house who had worked on the puzzle. They lived half way across the country. They were calling to report they had found the missing People Mover puzzle piece.

We had expected to hear it was in someone's clothing. Instead, that morning, they found that piece in the middle of their living room floor. This location nobody could explain. They mailed the piece back to us and we put it back in the puzzle box, now whole.

This past couple weeks, Asheville is now like a missing piece of the national Qu Map puzzle. It is now like the closed People Mover ride. It is being filled back in by people all across the country who are sending bits and pieces back to Asheville in order to put the nation's puzzle back together again.

Storm Name: Helene

As Helene was unfolding, many people were nick naming it Hell. This because of the trouble it was causing, especially in the mountains. Mike Adams is one of the better known people who were calling it by this nick name. He was attempting to deliver semi loads of food and was running into trouble. He has the right to call it Hell if he wants. But, this triggers a question. What does Helene mean? Does it tell us something about Asheville?

Sometimes the name of a place plays to the prophetic story going on at the place. Consider 911 again. Ground Zero, so Zero, for example, is playing to a mis-pronunciation of the biblical place name Tyre. Think T vs Z.

NYC was like Tyre, a city of wealth, situated by the sea, that risked and eventually drowned in the sea. The foundations of the Twin Towers are below the sea wall to the Hudson River. Various storms since 911 have flooded other tunnels in that same location. We may not yet have seen the end of that modern Tyre.

So what does the name Helene indicate? The Wikipedia page indicated this is a Biblical name, found in Acts 6:1. Wow. The link above is to the GPI app, at that verse. Count off words and it lands at word #11. But wait, there is more.

VG: Acts 6:1

The link here is to the same Acts 6:1 verse, but this time in the VG app. As long as you have all versions turned on in that app, you can see Acts 6:1, both in Greek and in some English translations, especially the KJV.

In the TR and most other Greek texts, Strongs Number 1675 is assigned to that same word. Note the word starts with the Paleo letter string Sa-Lu-Lu. The H sound is coming from a breathing mark. The Sa is an added vowel, but likely a letter substitution from the Paleo letter Ha. The Sa shares the same vowel as the Ha, and is the opposite side for one of the 3d objects from the Ha letter.

When Mike Adams turned Helene into Hell, he was actually picking off the double Lu in the Greek, also interesting. (Even studying this storm is adding to the list of test cases that recovery software will need to be testing. I digress.)

Strongs Numbers are supposed to key Greek words with a number so anyone doing a Bible study can then switch over to an English text and keep studying. So if we do that here, we want to look at the English texts for this same verse and then find 1675 under some English term.

Note importantly, Ryan and I are not doing any work on the texts in the VG app except the GRB, as I described above. For all the other texts in the VG app we are just reporting the texts that we have downloaded off the internet. For this study we are not looking at our own bugs, but the work of others.

Ideally we are hoping to find the English name Helene, or some English variation like Helen, Hellen, Hell, Hellenize or Hellenization. Go try it yourself. Go see what happens.

In the English, there is no name like this, neither is there a Strongs Number 1675 under some other word. The Greek name Helene, Strongs number 1675, is NOT BEING TRANSLATED. Instead we find the English name 'Greek.' In the KJVA there is no number at all under the word 'Greek,' which normally should be 1675.

(A missing puzzle piece perhaps?)

Try Hebrew, SN 1445

We can try this same test again with the word 'Hebrew,' Strongs Number 1445. That word is working fine. You can find it in the Greek and find it in the English. For those that may not know the Greek alphabet, use the number 1445 in the Greek row, then you can see a capital B in that word. That is the B letter in the Greek word for Hebrew. Then look up at the TR row, and find 1445. There you find Hebrew as expected.

Our modern translators are doing a word substitution on the word Helene and turning it into our common English word Greek. They are translating based on the meaning of the word. They do this all the time, but almost never with names.

For nearly every word in the Greek language they do this. Strongs Numbers just follow along with their translation process. That is the whole point of using Strongs Numbers, it lets outsiders see what the translators did. When those numbers are missing, the translators are either playing games or are trapped by some unspoken tradition.

Tripping on Helene

The text for Acts 6:1 is tripping up on the name Helene. So those who have been managing the Greek NT text are tripping up on Helene. The church world of the USA, with its natural headquarters at Asheville, is also tripping up on Helene.

A storm with the name Helene wrecked havoc on the same idea. Stated in more common church vocabulary, Asheville and the surrounding region had a foothold based on Helene. There was no spiritual defense against Helene. There was a foothold in the foothills of Mount Mitchell.


Wikipedia: Hellenization

Hellenization is a variation on the name Helene. It has broad definitions, but it is ultimately the process of adopting the Greek text of the Bible. Both for the NT and for the OT. Asheville, and the denominations represented there, have never adopted the Greek OT. Instead, they are Zionists and hold to the Hebrew OT.

Ultimately, the Zionists throughout the western world are working hard to face down Russia in World War III. Ultimately, they need to recapitalize the banks located at Ground Zero. They want Russia's natural wealth to do that, they want to rule the world like Pharaoh, but in our day ultimately from Jerusalem.

The Russians, though not perfect, at least use the Greek OT. They are at least Hellenized. The Jews in Israel rejected the Greek 2000 years ago and face the same problem. Western Europeans were tricked 1600 years ago and face the same problem too.

That hurricane was named to indicate the basis on which the battle of the ages is being fought. The name of that storm is establishing the path towards victory. Asheville, so far, is loosing.

Final Thoughts

OK, I admit this blog is a little self serving. We are only now about 5 weeks working on the problem of the Greek text. I did not expect chasing down the storm name would point at our current work. Life is strange. A piece to a puzzle.

Maybe we can one-up all of them, and get a cleaned up Greek OT that ciphers. We will see. There is very much more work to do before we can pull this off.

Headline Review

What follows are links to headlines that caught my eye this week.

Trump: Butler Rally

On Saturday, October 5, 2024, Trump returned to the site of his July 13, 2024, assassination attempt in Butler Pennsylvania. Estimates for attendance ranged from 60,000 to 100,000 people. Pennsylvania is a swing state that Trump needs to win. By the end of the weekend, Trump had pulled well ahead in some Pennsylvania state polls. (What matters, unfortunately, is who counts the votes.)

The event began with a tribute to the other victims on July 13, 2024. This was very well done and managed that tragedy well. Many have wondered if Trump is showing signs of dementia. Nothing like that was evident.

One highlight was Elon Musk's appearance on stage, leaping for joy and wearing a Dark Maga hat. He praised Trump's willingness to fight, and urged people to register and vote. The X live stream had around 10,000,000 live views, with over 40,000,000 recorded views within a few days. This was demonstrating his platform can now easily surpass all legacy media viewership levels for important events. (These numbers are coming, in part, because of his international audience.)

The link above is to one of the musical numbers near the end, in this case a song called Nessun Dorma, famously featured in movie The Sum of All Fears, where all the traitors are executed at the end of the movie, narrowly avoiding WWIII. This may be something of a theme song for Trumps' 2024 presidential run, intended to scare the evil machine that is assembled against him. Trump has used this song before.

That Sum of All Fears movie may be like an earlier movie, Wag the Dog, which accurately predicted in President Clinton's day the prophetic story of Clinton bombing Baghdad. That bombing kept Clinton in office, as the prophetic story of the time predicted. Sometimes, very rarely, movie makers are like modern prophets.

Trump's highest possible job is to attempt to stop the worst of World War III, which hits just after the end of his next term, even days after the end of his next term. The end of that movie may be prophetic for the end of his next term, having avoided WWIII, only narrowly, and at the very last minute.

Daily Mail: Rally Summary

Note, for the record, this rally was large enough to likely be on some prophetic story line somewhere, currently unknown. Perhaps one of the big meetings in the Exodus stories, say.

When I was carefully studying headlines in the past, especially in times when many dates were known, all such large, irregular, gatherings of 100,000+ people were prophetic and had attending Bible stories.

Protest crowds, which this was NOT, were often marked by prophetic stories that mocked the crowd. The text would often indicate prayer as an alternative to fix whatever was wrong. When I look at large gatherings now, I often look for signs that the meeting itself could be considered a prayer meeting instead of a protest meeting.

The link here is to a Daily Mail article that gives a relatively clean summary of the Butler rally events. That article explains the meeting was opened in prayer for Donald Trump himself. This was before most of the live streams began. This is enough to call it a prayer meeting. Very nice to see.

Middle East

By Sunday, October 6, 2024, there were known preparations going on in Israel to continue to escalate their war with Iran. Ultimately Israel needs the USA to go to war with Iran. So Israel needs to keep hitting Iran, so that Iran will hit Israel hard enough that the USA is forced to come to Israel's aide.

This strategy is called Escalation Dominance. Similar to a younger brother (Israel) getting into a fight because he knows his bigger brother (USA) will rescue him. This escalation ladder began with Israeli assassinations of Iranian officials months ago. Iran has been restrained, not wanting to blow the little kid, Israel, off the map, where there is nothing left for the big brother to defend.

X: Iran Earthquake

The link here explains a M4.6 magnitude earthquake in Iran on Sunday, October 6, 2024. Lack of aftershocks is a clue that this was a nuclear weapons test and not a natural earthquake. Natural quakes tend to rumble for hours and days afterwards. This one had no such aftershocks.

This weapons test stopped a planned attack by Israel on Iran, at least that day. Israel media reported that their Iran attack plan had been suspended. All parties are now publicly known to be nuclear armed. Iran basically just said if you touch us again, we will nuke you.

This was less than 2 weeks after the Chinese nuclear DF-41 ICBM test. Nuclear war is spreading, but remains (in the minds of the west) in the bluff stage.


There are continued back and forth bombings between Israel hitting Lebanon and Hezbollah hitting targets in Israel. Many of the posts on X dealing with Israel's bombing in Beirut have comments asking if Israel is using suitcase nukes in Lebanon. Nobody in Israel is admitting to it, but the severity of the flashes and shock waves of the bombing in Beirut are hard to explain otherwise.

At the same date as the strange quake, Hezbollah returned fire and targeted the city of Haifa itself. This is the first time since the 2006 Lebanon war where civilian targets in that city have been targeted. Normally Hezbollah limits themselves to military targets. This also represents some sort of escalation, but not far outside of what has been going on recently.

Back and forth bombings and retaliations should continue into early November, 2024, when the state of play should shift in some key way.

X: Russia Out of DC

The link here is to an X post by Scott Ritter dealing with the Russian ambassador to the USA. As Ritter explains, the Russian ambassador to the USA is headed home to Russia.

Ritter gives some personal details of what he knows about the man. Scott knows the ambassador well because Scott speaks Russian and because they have known each other since Scott's time as a weapons inspector in Iraq.

I have known of Scott Ritter since he was first on the timeline in relation to his service in the war in Kuwait/Iraq. He was the world expert dealing with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. He has more recently been persecuted by the deep state, just like Trump.

Hal Turner added details not covered by Ritter. Hal suggested Russia has apparently informally ended diplomatic relations with the USA. Apparently the Russians have closed their embassy in Washington DC, even returning their building guards to Russia. The families of Russian embassy staff were sent home weeks ago.

This evacuation of the embassy building means a Russian return is not expected any time soon. There are all sorts of attendant costs to return because without continuous trusted Russian guards on site, the Russians have no way of knowing what the CIA might do to the building while it remains vacant.

Turner indicated embassy evacuation was done by the Japanese ahead of Pearl Harbor. Abandoning diplomatic buildings is a very, very rare event. This is yet another nuclear war grade headline.

ZH: Northern Lights

X: Even South Texas

Years ago we had a prophetic friend who traveled to California to visit and pray for a sick relative. The highlight of the trip was when she prayed that he would see Joshua's glory. Within moments of that prayer, the Northern Lights touched ground in the backyard of the house where they were visiting.

I had seen the news reports of those Northern Lights in California the weekend she was traveling. The BBC had covered how those lights had dipped down into northern California. I did not know it touched ground until she returned with quite a testimony. Her husband reported he had to restrain her from running out and dancing in those lights.

Since then, I consider Northern Lights to be a prophetic sign that indicates Joshua is showing his glory. So they indicate he is active at the time and place where those lights are seen, especially if they touch ground.

The night of October 10, 2024, there were widespread reports of Northern Lights seen across much of the USA. The top link here is to a Zero Hedge article with many examples of photos taken by X users as far south as Washington DC.

The second link is to a photographer on X who normally covers SpaceX in south Texas. He also photographed Northern Lights, but from a location nearly on the Mexican border in Texas.

Space X is expecting a Star Ship test flight on Sunday, October 13, 2024. They are expecting to make their first attempt at catching a 300 ton booster. They are also expecting to make their second attempt at landing in the Indian Ocean.

We wish Space X the best this coming weekend. Mars beckons.

Joshua seems to be showing his glory to a country going through a difficult time, with Hurricane Helene in Asheville, a troubling election in Washington DC and yet at the same time the hope of reaching Mars.

More Later,
