
This blog goes a little deeper on the issue of control of the weather, say hurricane Helene, with the physics involved. Also, related, hints at Eden related propulsion. Then a headline review.


Since hurricane Helene, there have been many online conversations dealing with control of the weather as a type of military weapon. Alex Jones, for example, has been hounding this point. Even people far afield, like Dr. Tenpenny, have been dealing with this subject.

Because the prophetic story for the Exodus includes an unnatural storm, and Helene began at the same time, I have claimed Helene as at least partially artificial.

The problem with nearly all the reporting that I have seen with this topic is that nobody doing the reporting are domain experts on the topic of weather modification. They often use US Government sources for evidence in support of their claims. We live in an empire of lies, and nothing the US Government says or writes should be taken as true. Except in critiquing the government itself, government sources are no longer trustworthy for use in general arguments.

The sources that I trust on this are few. Perhaps the best was Tom Bearden. This is the man that alerted the public to Soviet control of weather in the USA. Here is a link to his 1985 presentation where he first told the world about the Soviet technology used to control the weather. Be patient with the video quality. This was in the analog days of consumer grade video.

Tom Bearden On Soviet Control of US Weather

Tom Bearden was a US Navy nuclear physicist. After retiring he was well known for his public discussions of alternative physics. He produced what would become a stack of DVDs on this topic, this video is early in his public history. This topic is the physics of electrical systems that can be setup for harvesting the background energy of the universe. His work basically explained the physics behind UFOs, the physics that will be needed to easily reach the outer planets in our own solar system and beyond.

Tom built and demonstrated several prototypes, called MEGs, of electrical transformers that produced electricity with the background energy of the universe supplying the source power. Tom was better at the theoretical physics than he was at building equipment. His models were not particularly reliable, tending to burn out, and were never commercialized. Those devices were still future given the date of the video linked above.

By the way, failure to integrate this physics into electric vehicles is the largest business risk to the Tesla car company. While Tom was still alive he had an extensive website that tracked experimental and patent related work in this space. Hitachi patented an electric motor in the mid 1990s that used this same family of physics. That motor did not need input power, only control circuitry, the patent said the normal application was expected to be off-grid water pumps and electric vehicles. Internal Japanese organized crime was used to stop manufacture of that motor at a factory in Tennessee. A story for a different time.

One expression of how that background energy can be harvested involves manipulating weather and especially using it as a weapon.

Tom's 1985 talk, linked above, had followed several years of studying the Soviet control of weather over the USA. He was still working for the US Navy at the time. He was a well qualified domain expert, not a media person, and is reporting on his own research. He did not have any particular reason to lie, indeed, he was taking some personal risk to speak out.

Tom's talk includes many photos. He was actively photographing the strange effects these systems have on clouds while the Soviets were calibrating these weapons systems. Note that cloud patterns he was seeing in 1985 are now all that young people know of as weather. In 1985 this was shocking to see.

This is a classic video, and well worth watching for anyone unfamiliar with control of the weather. The systems he describes are also referenced by others when explaining what really happened at 911. When he mentions other countries with the same tech, a good guess is that he means Israel, which would link back to Pharaoh in the Helene story, and the idea that Pharaoh caused all the plagues.

For Helene, the prophetic story indicates that storm was not natural. Bearden is introducing, for the first time in public, the weapon system likely used. He is ascribing it to the Soviets, now Russia, the group we know prophetically as the tribe of Judah, the only tribe able to defeat Benjamin.

Limits Of This Tech

The tech itself is expressed by equipment that looks like radar antennas. But it requires the nearly right-angle intersection of 2 different radar beams coming from distant points, normally on the other side of the world. Like certain frequencies of regular radio, those radar beams can follow the curve of the earth. The ground and upper atmosphere provide what is called a "wave guide."

In Wood's book about 911 and the collapse of the towers there, she documents the burning of parked cars northwest along the Hudson river and northeast along the East river. Those cars spontaneously combusted. Fire fighters would later testify under oath that they were perplexed over why the terrorists at 911 would also be burning fleets of cars. These cars were responding to the inbound beams and indicating the path back to the source radar arrays. These, of course, at essentially right angles to the towers themselves.

The Ukrainians struck 2 different Russian radars as part of the ongoing war there. It may be they took out these sorts of weapons, unknown for sure, but possible.

Widely known pictures of HAARP antenna arrays in Alaska do not look to be of the correct type. Those antennas do not provide directional beams. Like so much in this space I consider those pictures to be the empire of lies attempting to fake or bluff that they have control of technology while they do not actually possess such tech. This is in part why American claims to possessing this tech are still probably false.

At the point of the intersection of those beams is where the action is. There is an interference pattern that triggers the connection between our normal sense of space to the highly energetic seething background of the universe.

But counter to our natural instincts, the beams can be modulated in such a way to either bring energy out from the background or to return it to the background. So it can make hot storms hotter, or cold storms colder. Think of possible impacts on hurricanes being made warmer and blizzards being made colder.

In the case of 911, Woods provided evidence those weapons were focused on the precise location of the towers and running for 12+ hours ahead of the tower collapse. It took this long to release enough energy to make a difference there.

Unlike a fixed office tower, the air is almost always moving, so storms cannot be created out of nothing. This same logic implies that amplifying a hurricane would seem to also require the eye to remain fixed in some specific location long enough for those radars to have a material impact on overall storm energy.

Russia's Purpose

The prophetic story for 2024-09-25 was a replay of the year of the Exodus from Egypt. Helene was named that day, indicating it had gained strength. But the Chinese also fired a nuclear capable ICBM and the Russians changed their nuclear war doctrine. Use of these weapons, as a demonstration, appears intentionally timed to this date.

Note in Bearden's video linked above he gives dates in the early 1960s for when this tech was first being worked out by the Soviets.

I don't have a ready cite, but in other writings about this tech, a Soviet ruler of the time indicated they had worked out the tech to fully destroy the USA without the use of nuclear weapons. A demonstration of this tech on this Exodus date would thus also match the Chinese ICBM weapons test.

The Russian side is as simple as the Chinese test. You crossed into Russian territory when you sent the Ukrainians into Kursk. So now we are at war. Should you fire rockets deep into Russia then we will drown you out, freeze you out, or melt you out.

In the underlying Exodus prophetic story, these strange weapons would be Moses lifting his hand. They can be called on any time the Russian government may want to use them.

I have not seen credible testimony that would prove the USA has similar tech. The heavy propaganda about the USA having such weapons is a bluff, a lie, like someone playing Poker with a weak hand. The Russians call the USA the empire of lies. For good reason.

Natural Hurricanes

We are in a season where all that is evil in the world can be blamed on the USA government. It is the main point of the 2024 election. Know anyone who died suddenly? Blame the US government. Invaders in your town? Blame the US government. Inflation? Blame the US government. Vote fraud? Blame the US government. Woke academics? Blame the US government. Offshoring of jobs? Blame the US government. Poor, expensive, or incompetent health care? Blame the US government. Genocide in Gaza, the West Bank or Lebanon? Blame the US government.

In essentially all aspects of life, whatever the trouble might be, blaming the US government is now the popular, and usually correct, answer. When not perfectly correct, this answer is a close enough approximation to the right answer to fit most troubles.

So the public is now blaming the US government for everything, including bad weather. This was all over social media the morning after Helene, and then again for Milton.

Hurricanes, though, have been happening for as long as records have been kept. Certainly since long before anyone discovered electricity. So blaming the US government for every hurricane is not a good idea. Milton, for example, does not appear to be abnormal. Milton was just a normal fall hurricane. Normal for Florida.

11 Dimensions

All of the Paleo alphabet work we do around here began with a prophetic dream in August of 2009. In that dream I was shown the folded nature of the 3d system behind the drawn forms of the 2d letters.

That original dream started with 2 questions. In the first question I was asked how many dimensions are there? I confidently answered 11, probably already familiar with some of Bearden's work, though I don't remember. If you pay attention to the Bearden video linked above, you will see him state that there are 11 dimensions. He was at least qualified to call out the same number as we find in the alphabet itself.

Then, in that original dream, I was asked a second question. Then why are there 22 letters? I more tentatively answered that second question with another question, There are 2 aspects to each dimension?

That seemed to be a good enough response. Then in the dream I was shown the folding system used to force the 2d letter shapes from 11 of the 3d models. Those shapes are now the silver models that make up the sower and reaper, and will decorate the vine exhibit in the Tent of Time.

As you watch the video linked above, Bearden will explain briefly that there are 11 physical dimensions, sometimes known as 10 plus time. The The/Ne object knows the The letter as a wheel. Think of time as circular, time is measured using gears. Time itself likely passes at a rate moderated by rotating nearby masses, like the sun and planets.

A rotation of the sun is a year, a rotation of earth is a day. We clock time with the rotations of these masses. But I would now suspect that these masses impact time itself as a physical reality. Moving away from these masses by significant distances should impact other things related to time as a physical reality. Perhaps things like life expectancy change as we change distances from these large masses. Life on Mars might be longer as a consequence, for example. Think pre-flood life lengths as evidence for this.

The Paleo letter Ne, a seed, is the other aspect of this same dimension. This aspect views seeds as an expression of the cycle of life. This is in part why life cycles likely change as a function of the physical reality of time. An artificial moon, without a large nearby rotating mass like the sun, say Pluto, may have a very different life cycle for biological systems.

Bearden also explains how one of those dimensions unifies electromagnetism with gravity. Electromagnetism itself is likely more than 1 of those dimensions. I cannot tell you which objects goes with these other dimensions. Only a good physicist who also knows the 3d system could do that. But, those objects most certainly do map onto some of the other models in that same silver 3d model set.

So this video is also important for understanding the other Paleo work we do around here. It provides some evidence that the entire 3d model system was built with a complete understanding of the physics of the universe. It was not just stumbled on by simple shepherds. It was also not stumbled on by someone expert in only simple geometry.

So What About Hurricanes?

In the Bearden video above he mentions that time becomes an engineerable value once all the equations are worked out. Time is just another dimension. The 3d models of the The/Ne object would agree.

So think through Helene again. The Russians want to warn the west. But nobody answering the phones in Washington DC cares. So they need to do a demonstration, hoping someone who does care will notice. The Russians get the Chinese to launch an ICBM, maybe someone will notice that. Then the Russians also turn on their weather weapon, hoping, of course, someone in the US government might pay attention. (The public did, of course, blaming the US government itself, but this sort of blame placing is always nearly correct all the time, so not special.)

But now, imagine if the Russians don't fully understand the effects of their radars, they might also be messing around with not just the 1 hurricane going on that day. That same day's use of their weather weapon might unknowingly be messing with hurricanes and blizzards spread all across historical time. Adding energy to Helene might be taking energy away from some blizzard somewhere else in time. Or it might be creating several hurricanes spread all across time.

Human history on earth looks to involve certain seasons of history where access to this tech has been technically possible. The pre-Noah world is the most likely. But also some of Pharaoh's world is also possible. Then, of course, our own, and perhaps other seasons in the distant future.

Use of such tech at specific times in history may mess with events in history at many other times in history. So the flow of hurricanes we see every fall may in part be related to the use of this tech in ways that cannot be fully understood.

To put this into a specific example, Putin's Russia may have just now parted the Red Sea for Moses and his people leaving Egypt over 3500 years ago. That is how strange this physical reality might be, given high background energy and time as an engineerable value.

Tour of Eden

Long time readers here may remember me writing about a series of dreams I had years ago where someone took me on a tour to see some specific aspects of Eden. The general layout of that place mattered later to our 3d work. I may one day end up modeling the place as an item for the Tent of Time.

For those new here, briefly, Eden is an artificial moon, hollow on the inside. There is an artificial star in the middle. That star provides heat and light to the interior surfaces. The interior is about like a terrarium, with gravity forcing "down" away from the star and against the interior surface. There is a water system, including an interior sea, that can carry heat to the outer surfaces.

The area of the interior that I was shown had something like what on earth is called a cathedral forest growing up towards that star. There were no roads, but there were walking paths and buildings in the forest.

Gravity on the outside of the moon also forces down, like on the surface of earth's moon. This is not that surprising, but it begs a question. There must be some place between the outside and inside where gravity reverses. It is the main feature that makes an artificial moon different from regular planets.

My tour guide insisted on showing me details at that gravity surface, which mostly surrounds the planet about 1/2 way between the inside and outside surfaces.

The surface of gravity direction change is something that looks like the steal plates that modern road construction workers put over holes in concrete streets during times of repair to buried utilities.

In the dream, when I was shown those plates, they seemed to be covered in some sort of soft black coating. Like black carpet used around pools, or like black rubber padding used on concrete floors in auto shops. There was also some sort of vehicle system that ran a few inches above that surface. It was being run like some sort of subway. There were other details of the place, especially large caves in the outer regions, which are beyond my scope here.

Electric Antigravity

The link here is to the front page of a company called Exodus Propulsion. That company is working on direct electric drive propulsive devices.

Their prototypes have been getting better and recently passed 1 G in force. This means they can build passive electric devices that are strong enough to directly overcome the force of gravity on the surface of the earth. These are not free energy devices. They still require a power source, like a small reactor or something similar.

They have worked out the specific engineering formulas for the physics of this process. They have also patented their work. In early 2024 they started sharing their work with outsiders. So this is no longer in the realm of garage based tinkerers. The primary scientist at the company works for NASA as his day job. He is no slouch in terms of his engineering skill. But, importantly, this is not a project that is sponsored by NASA.

Building A Prototype

What matters to me is the device itself. The link here is to a page of videos with demonstrations. The top-left video shows the construction of a prototype device that others skilled in the art could build in their own shop. This is not recommended, for do-it-your self tinkerers, as it requires very dangerous 30,000 DC volts of power to create lift. In this prototype form it also requires expensive devices to measure the very little lift that it creates.

This sample propulsion device is basically a set of copper plates with styrofoam insulation between the plates. So their device is about like a fancy capacitor. Capacitors have been known to exhibit unexplained mechanical forces since their invention over 100 years ago. That company now knows why. They worked out the formula for engineering those previously unexplained mechanical forces.

In their new invention, there are interior metal fins at right angles to the plates normally found in capacitors. Those small fins are buried in the styrofoam insulation between the plates. Controlling the shape and size of those fins are what trigger deformation of the electric fields that provide mechanical force directly from the electricity.

Their video also explains that the capacitor needs to be covered in a very specific brand of black silicone rubber. Their prototypes do not work with other brands or types of covering. That silicon is a sealant and insulator.

That same specific black silicon appears to be the same material as coats the plates that provide propulsion for artificial moons. Apparently those plates that give Eden the propulsion for moving between star systems are just fancy, huge, and strangely engineered, capacitors.

That company had gone on and figured out how to create these capacitors in miniature using the same machines that make integrated circuits. This is where they are getting higher forces and better performance. I suspect the plates in the Eden moon are likely similarly highly engineered, not just simple copper plates. But, the insulation I saw in the dream suggests those moon sized plates are at an industrial scale high voltage, like the circuitry used in the power train of electric vehicles, or higher.

This is interesting because in the Bearden video Tom mentions an article from 1921 where the addition of a previously unknown dimension was able to unify electricity and gravity. It took 100 years for it to be worked out by someone in the west building related machines.

In Eden, these plates handle local gravity and planetary propulsion. It is still unclear if Exodus Propulsion's new devices can do both, or if there is more discovery work ahead.

Headline Review

The following headlines caught my attention this week.

Depleted Uranium in Beirut

When Israel started bombing Beirut, there was speculation that the flashes and shock waves were typical of small nuclear weapons and not simply 2000 lb conventional bombs.

The link above contains a video explaining that depleted uranium dust is now being found in Beirut at the location were Nasrallah was assassinated. This can either be the after effect of a suitcase nuke, or the heavy uranium tip on ground penetrating bombs. In either case, birth defect hell has been unleashed in Lebanon by the Israelis. Someone dropping bombs on Beirut is forgetting a first principle of life on earth, we reap later what we sow now.

Beirut 2020-04-08

The Beirut may have previously been struck by a suitcase nuke in 2020. The link here is for reference. Some chemicals stored at the same facility were likely cover for a weapon delivered by an Israeli jet flying in from the west.

Prison for Saving Lives

One way around the insanity of Covid in early 2021 was to get a false proof of Covid vaccination. This was answering the empire of lies with another lie. Morally, no different than shooting someone trying to shoot you, a form of self defense.

The people producing such fake Covid vaccination certifications were saving the very lives that the US Government very much wanted dead. The link here is to an X post discussing someone who issued, and sold, 120,000 such false vaccine certificates. By breaking the rules he has landed in prison for a year. Another hero. In the end, he may have saved 100,000+ lives. His crime was the same as hiding Jews in Germany during WWII. We need more heroes like this.

Political Targeting

The link here is to a Zero Hedge article summarizing the trouble Space X is having with increasing annual rocket launch rates in California. The California Coastal Commission rejected a request to increase launches from 36 to 50 per year. The reason was because the commission does not like Musk's politics.

Broken government like this is why Musk has become involved in politics at all. The members of the commission have now been sued by Space X for violating Musk's first amendment rights. Good for Musk. Of course he will need to find a court not also filled with similar lunatics.

Others have suggested even the request itself was made to the commission by federal courtesy as the launch site is federally operated. Perhaps we should add this to the list of broken things that can be blamed on the US federal government.

YT: Space X, Flight 5

The link here is to Scott Manly's review of the Space X test flight #5. Scott covers the entire flight, including important details of the touchdown in the Indian Ocean. That landing involved some burn through on a fin, but not enough to loose navigational control all the way to the ocean. The fins are being moved to fix this problem on future revisions of Star Ship.

This flight, though, will be mostly remembered for the first catch, on the first attempt, of the 300 ton booster. It safely returned to the launch site, on the original launch tower, without serious issue. The booster lost a bit of cover on one of the chines, and it was burning off excess fuel which was the side flame seen on landing. Because the rocket burns methane, there is no soot, so the rocket returns clean. That booster catch video will go down in history on par with the launch video of the Saturn V.

Rapid reuse of the launch equipment, especially the booster, is the key tech for seriously reducing the cost of reaching and colonizing Mars. Sometime in 2025 Space X is expected to catch the upper stage too. The 2nd tower needed for that is being built just west of the launch tower used this past Sunday.

Note those Space X towers are part of the Sa letter on the QU Map for the USA. The Tower of the Americas in San Antonio is the first such Sa monument on the Qu Map. These 2 additional Space X towers near Brownsville, Texas, are also massive Sa towers in this same zone in Texas, out in the area from San Antonio.

I will return to the kings on the Qu Map in a future blog. But for now, let me point you at the Qu Map App's King page, and you can see Hezekiah as the king that goes with that location. Hezekiah was the king of Jerusalem who survived the Assyrian invasion.

Elon Musk is moving his companies to this part of Texas. Like taking refuge in Hezekiah's Jerusalem, moving to that region is in preparation for surviving future trouble inside the USA. The Alamo is the historical expression of surviving through this idea. The life history of Hezekiah is the textual example.

In any case, this part of Texas should eventually become well known as the supply base, or support base, for Mars. Amazing. Congratulations to Space X.

More Later,
