Shop Work

This week I returned to the shop, driven by discoveries in the Greek text. Also, a deeper look at Asheville, NC, and Hurricane Helene, perhaps the worst known prophetic American headline since 911. Finally, catching up on Middle East headlines.

Greek Quirk: Amos

Ryan and I continue to learn the quirks of the Greek text. Ryan is continuing to work formatting for the GRB manuscript, learning lots of stuff along the way.

The Greek is quirky, and he continues to see and learn about strange things in the text. One of those strange quirks is the spelling of the name of King Amon. Some Greek texts have this king as Amos, with same spelling as the prophet Amos.

Finding this difference was strange enough to cause us to ask if this king is the same person as the prophet? If so, was the prophet Amos also a king? Or perhaps there was a family relation between these 2 men? Use of the same name often indicates a genealogical relation.

Or, perhaps, most likely, this is just a manuscript difference? In this case, either the name Amos is simply correct for this king or else the Greek text needs to be corrected to the more familiar spelling for Amon? Abraham already needs this. Maybe Amon does too?

Turning To the Audit

When Ryan pointed this out to me, my initial instinct was to think the audit system would tell us what the correct spelling should be.

In playing with this name we got out our plastic alphabet models and ran a by-hand audit on this. Because of the Mo letter in Amos/Amon, there is only 1 possible placement on the audit pattern.

The Oo always fails audit after Mo. Oo is an added vowel, so no problem. Indeed, the Oo is adding the written form of long-O vowel as the Mo already naturally carries. So curious, the Oo vowel was added to preserve the original long-o vowel sound.

But the final letter, the Ne/Sha choice, is ambiguous. The audit does not demand either of these letters. Amos and Amon are both legal words as far as the audit cares. This is also good, because both names are possible in the text.

At this point we would normally look to adjacent words to determine which word fits in a given place in the text. But in this case the Ne/Sha letters have the same width. So, there is no help from any possible following letters. Amos and Amon will always fit in the same locations.

The audit system will not sort out this problem between Greek and Aramaic. Nor, more generally, will it identify this class of problem in the recovery process, even within any single language.

This is not a new problem. It has always been a problem, but now we have a very real example where we can see it and think about it.


So how is software supposed to choose the correct spelling for this name?

Stated differently, what is the inspired system for ferreting out correct spellings in these situations?

Shortening days of thinking about this, the answer is that the cipher system, used for multiple documents, will be needed to do final proofs after the audit is used for a first pass.

Given the prophetic around this problem, I would guess that this is what the disciples were working on at the ascension. They had recovered, but were still ciphering, text that was really only a first draft. Ciphering is part of the recovery problem.

By hand, this would be a very tedious and time consuming iterative process. If I had been there, I too may very well have wanted to go fishing instead. There could easily be many, many days of utter frustration.

For us today, the documents we start with are not anywhere near as clean as those from the Alexandria library 2000 years ago. If this were to be done by hand it would take something like a small army to pull it off. An old children's poem about Humpty Dumpty comes to mind. Realistically, only software can put this back together again.

Software's Problem

That Ne/Sha choice will need to be ciphered out into other letters in other sentences, where each letter can again be checked for correctness.

Trouble in the secondary documents will point back to the original letter that the audit did not fully determine. This means every letter in the main base text gets confirmed through the use of the ciphers.

So partial recovery can be done, with Amos/Amon unsolved. But full recovery needs the ciphers worked out. Ouch. This is another pass in the recovery software, but that software rests on understanding the ciphers themselves.

The ciphers system itself comes from the Fig Tree model. It is built on the gold series of 3d models that form the Well and Silo. That tree is famous because Nathan was seen sitting under 1 of them.

I last worked on the Fig Tree 3d models about a year ago, sketching out the limbs, leaves and fruit. I stopped in frustration because I was having trouble with bed adhesion on difficult to print leaves and stems. Some combination of old printers, difficult plastic and shop temps was making most prints fail. That was when I instead turned my attention to the big software rewrite that kept me busy across last winter.

Once we found the ciphers are critical to recovery, I knew I needed to get busy again in the shop.

Shop Work

My goal is to get the 3d print farm running regularly so the parts needed for the Tent of Time models can be printing while I am back on computer work. This means setting up 3d printers and getting the 3d modeling work finished so there is a multiple-week print queue running on the farm.

Our finances have been better this year, and money came in during the spring that I could use to address lingering printer problems. The orders for the upgrades and parts went out months ago, with the boxes sitting in the shop waiting to be worked on. This week I finished that upgrade work. Here is what has been done.

Aside from the new Voron, all of the printers in the shop are from Prusa. Prusa is nice in that they offer upgrades to keep printers current. When possible, I fully upgraded to current models. The 2 oldest printers, dating from 2015, were scrapped and replaced with 1 new printer. One of the Prusa printers was also upgraded to be able to 3d print multiple colors.

Late last year I had also been given a 2nd, broken, Prusa Mini. It has been sitting on the shelf needing attention. After getting a box of replacement parts, that printer is also running again.

Including the large bed Voron, the print farm now has a total of 6 printers all in good working order. All printers are now on the LAN and are running current versions of all related 3d printing software. Running current software across the 3d print farm has not be possible for years. Software problems was likely contributing to print failures when I was last working on the Fig Tree models.

I should be returning to the 3d model design work next week.

New Computer

Money also became available to add another computer for the recovery work itself. The order for that 48 thread machine went in at the start of September. It got caught in a back-to-school sale and order rush. It finally arrived this past week. Curiously the day it arrived was September 26, 2024, Thursday, the prophetic echo of starting the Tent of Time. Not planned, but auspicious. It now sits in the shop along with our older floor standing computer.

System software is setup, but recovery software still needs to be setup there. It may still need more main memory, testing will tell if that is needed. More memory is not hard to add if it turns out to be needed. Once fully configured it should pair with our older 40 thread machine and better than double the speed for recovery software.


As last Friday's blog went out, Hurricane Helene was still dropping rain in western North Carolina. By the weekend it was clear something horrendous had happened in and around the Asheville area.

I had not planned to go deep into Asheville again, but after seeing what happened I felt I needed to cover this again but more closely. What follows is essentially a headline review that grew long as the week progressed.

I have added a prophetic review of Asheville itself. This may be helpful for thinking about what has happened there. I think we can identify the spiritual weakness in the region itself. This is now the biggest headline I have covered in real time since 911.

This event is also unusual in that it was taking place in the USA, just like 911, with the loss of many American lives. This also makes it different, and more personal, from prophetic headlines that have fulfilled in other places. Let me take this story in pieces, first with links to key headlines, but then to Asheville as the venue for this event.

Effective Path

The link here is to an X post that embeds a graphic showing a map of the south eastern US organized by counties. For each county it shows the percentage of electrical customers without power caused by Hurricane Helene.

There is a single county up in Ohio that lost nearly all power. That marks nearly the northern end of Helene's wake of destruction. That percentage loss is unusual. Other Ohio counties were not as severely impacted.

That map also shows 2 counties that lost nearly all power in the far northeastern part of Tennessee. Those counties are Johnson County in the very NE corner, and then Carter County immediately south.

The graph itself is interesting because it does a good job of showing the path of destruction for this storm. Note that the shape swoops up from the big bend area in Florida and then across Georgia and the Carolinas. It marks a gently curving line all the way up into Ohio.

The forecast path had it moving farther west and stalling out over central Tennessee. That forecast path did not match the path of destruction.

Perhaps the most seriously impacted city was Asheville, North Carolina. Though the Atlanta metro area has more people, the Asheville area is higher elevation, so there was a rain shadow effect in the mountains around Asheville. Also, the storm stalled out over Asheville, dumping a stunning amount of rain.

The eastern continental divide passes east of Asheville, so rivers in that area flow west into Tennessee. That rain engulfed most of western North Carolina and then flowed west and down wiping out bridges and over topping various dams in Tennessee.

On Friday, September 27, 2024, the Asheville area had received somewhere around 24 inches of rain. The last time this had happened in that region was 1916.

The Morning After

At the beginning of the storm it seemed like a normal severe weather event. Hurricanes do occasionally reach up into the Carolinas and Tennessee. They do occasionally drop large amounts of rain. So there was not widespread understanding of the disaster that was unfolding across the region as those rains began to fall.

Not until the rains started to subside was there widespread realization that something terrible had happened. Power was not going to be coming back, at least any time soon. Communications were out, since cell phone towers rely on fiber optic cables strung low on power poles.

Most of the region's roads had become impassible, especially those on hill sides. The governor of North Carolina declared western North Carolina closed to all but emergency vehicles. He was not kidding, maps of road closures showed nearly all roads to be impassible. Many bridges were gone and miles of pavement were simply washed away.

And, even worse, it would take a week to learn that many hundreds of people had died, mostly by drowning, in this storm.

Though there were many houses swept away, the most dangerous place to be in this storm was out in a vehicle. The drone footage of the wreckage shows automobiles, trucks and semis spread around like broken toys.

The prophetic story that we were watching for involves the deaths of Pharaoh's charioteers who drowned in the sea. This is what we got, especially in western North Carolina. Deaths by drowning, mostly in chariots of various types, in a weather event that began in the sea.


Given the above summary, let me provide some links and commentary for a permanent record that details some of what happened.


There was a repeater station, W4HTP, that was suggested in X posts as a place to understand real time what was going on in North Carolina. It was reliably live streamed on the internet. I listened for a couple days while working in the shop. The link is above.

The serious work of emergency responders became very evident even after a few hours of listening, and crying.

Without working communications, families could not easily check on other family members. Much of the Ashville area has retired parents, who have children off working in big cities. Those retired parents became an immediate concern to many.

In normal times it is possible to ask local sheriffs to do wellness checks on the elderly living in the hills. Network Control for that station had to explain several times that nobody was doing those sorts of checks because they were still busy with search and rescue.

Elon Musk's Starlink

Battery powered short wave radio was about the only communications system that worked after the storm was over.

Starlink also worked, but because the federal government had canceled a signed contract for Starlink receivers, few of them were available to emergency responders. This appears to be part of Biden's dirty tricks against Elon Musk. Musk himself is becoming something of a national hero.

Elon Musk made truck loads of Starlinks available later in the week, but this itself was a massive black eye to the US Federal government. The federal government tried to take responsibility for Musk's actions. Harris eventually spoke for the government and she could not even properly explain what Musk was doing on the ground to help people.

Starlink, with reasonable backup power, should be required for all government buildings in the USA, especially those with any involvement in emergency response.

FEMA Confiscation

The link here is to a warning to anyone giving donations for Helene. Seems FEMA is confiscating donations and storing them for other disasters.

FEMA, after spending billions on bringing in illegal aliens, then told everyone they had run out of money to help victims of Helene. An utter disgrace. FEMA should be disbanded, with private charities responsible for the bulk of emergency response. Of course with the help of the US Military as needed.

Many early posts on X also suggested donations to the Red Cross, thought ignorantly by some to be an alternative to FEMA. These posts were usually followed by comments reminding that the Red Cross is a political organization, and spends most money received on politics.

The only safe way to help victims was personally, or through trusted churches. Kings rule by putting someone in charge. Joshua rules by working through communities of people working together. There is no single point of failure in Joshua's economy, no 3 letter agencies.


By Sunday and Monday, the TV news stations from the Raleigh area were able to get their reporters into the mountains. Once their cameras were rolling there were scenes of devastation everywhere. The link here is to the Youtube Channel for WRAL, a TV station in Raleigh, outside of the devastated areas.

Now we could see interviews of people who were caught in the storm late the previous week. There were scenes of damaged houses, damaged road and nearly everywhere, pictures of damaged automobiles.

Seems the most dangerous place to be in this storm was either in a house near a creek, or out somewhere, anywhere, in an automobile. Automobiles and trucks were easily swept up in flood waters. Cars and trucks became death traps because drivers became trapped inside.

This reporting is what made it clear that we had a prophetic match to Pharaoh's charioteers drowning in the seas.

Kentucky National Guard Deployed

Unclear if this is just bad timing, or planned, but 700 National Guard troops were sent to Israel at the start of the storm. Many thought they should be kept state side, at least until after recovery from Helene was finished.

This is but 1 of many examples where the US government was demonstrating it is not fit for purpose.

ZH: Widespread Looting

This article provides a long list of X posts explaining widespread looting in the areas damaged by Helene. At least 1 local sheriff warned residents to carry weapons with their safeties off.

Weather Control

The prophetic story of the drowning of Pharaoh's Charioteers involves a wind that was not a natural storm. So the text is suggesting we look closely for evidence that this storm came by the actions of people. Generally speaking, Pharaoh himself destroyed Egypt, so we should start by looking for Israeli, or American, technology used behind this storm.

The link above covers some of the strange radar signatures. Though most observers are ascribing this to American technology run by the Deep State, aka the Israel Lobby, the prophetic would point to China and the use of long distance HAARP like weapons.

Prophetic Story Of Asheville Itself

So with this introduction, let me go deeper into the prophetic story of Asheville, North Carolina. This is a city long known to us on the national QU Map of the USA.

Qu Map: Asheville

The link here is into our Qu Map app. The page deals with the city level Qu Map for the USA. The link includes the notes for the city of Asheville.

That article contains links to various resources that grid in various ways to the Asheville region. This establishes the prophetic nature of Asheville as it sits on the Prophetic Map of the USA itself.

Last week, when I saw this storm was looking to stall out near Asheville I began to think of Asheville on the national Qu Map. That map might be indicating what is going on with this storm. It might also be adding to our prophetic understanding of Pharoah's charioteers who drowned in the seas. Remember, that base textual story is what informs this storm, as I introduced in last week's blog.

Now that Helene and those prophetic dates are now passed, time to look at what we know about Asheville.

Sha Paleo Letter

Asheville lands on the Qu Map at the Paleo Letter Sha. The letter itself is a 3d model of a tooth. The model looks similar to a mountain. Mount Mitchell, just northeast of Asheville, is the tallest mountain in the eastern USA.

The Sha letter shows up in word definitions when dealing with concepts like eating, drinking, crushing or selecting.

We select things when we look at a plate of food and decide which bit we intend to eat next. Teeth come in rows, and teeth are at the top of the digestive track, so the Sha letter also deals with concepts like sequencing.

It is the second letter in Joshua's name, Yo-Sha-Oo. Joshua holds, or better writes, that which is seen or known. The "which" in the middle is the Sha. (For those paying attention, accepting added vowels, this name is spelled the same in Greek and Aramaic.)

That QM article links 2 distinctive features of the city that themselves help identify Asheville as the correct location on the national Qu Map. Let me review both of those features here.

Blue Ridge Parkway

The blue ridge parkway is an American public works project that built a scenic road along the spine of the Appalachian mountains. It crosses over Mount Mitchel, and then down into the valley and through the south side of Asheville itself. The parkway then crosses south of Biltmore Mansion before heading back into more mountains to the south.

Traveling the highway is great fun in the summer. It involves many stops along the way where travelers can explore various points of interest. Think like sequencing and eating bits of a meal.

That road is like a digestive track, or like a row of teeth.

Note that other cities deal more specifically with automobiles. Detroit is the Re, where cars are made. Los Angeles is the Mo, where they flow around in great herds, like flowing herds of cattle.

Here the focus is on the stops in the journey, the reason for the drive.

Asheville is one of the few cities in the USA where the chariot reference in the prophetic story of Pharoah's charioteers would be expected to find a natural prophetic match.

In the Qu-Map app, one of the linked Disneyland rides is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. That ride is based on a book which itself was written to mock the builder of Biltmore Mansion, who besides building today's Asheville landmark, was an early buyer of the first automobiles. At the time they were dangerous wild rides. That famous mansion in Asheville thus also ties to the parkway.

Biltmore Mansion

Biltmore Mansion was constructed between 1889 and 1895 by George Washington Vanderbilt II, an heir to the Vanderbilt family fortune. That family had earned most of its money in railroads and steamships. He left the family behind and built Biltmore, the largest privately owned house in the United States. It contains 250 rooms and over 178,000 sq ft.

The architect was famous for railroad stations and the construction techniques used on the house were the same as on big city railroad terminals, with steel beams and concrete arches holding up stone floors.

The house is still owned by his heirs. The other Vanderbilt family heirs lost most of their fortunes in the 1929 stock market collapse. The link here is to a Youtube video by a guest who took video and pics on tour when the house was decorated at Christmas in 2021.

Within the mansion, perhaps the most important room is the Banquet Hall, with very high ceiling, triple fire places and in a pinch could feed 100 people. Scroll to the 7:11 mark in the video above to see the room yourself. Again, note the focus on food.

Ryan and I took the same tour when we were first exploring the Qu-Map of the eastern USA. We were there on an Easter Sunday. Tickets were $90 each. Even then I was tight, and was not sure if we should be spending such money. Because returning would be even more expensive, I consented to the wild ride.

The house was filled with local families, all there for their annual Easter Egg roll on the front lawn. The tour begins with the main rooms on the main floor. I remember at some point in the basement of the house, somewhere between the bowling alley, pool and kitchen, thinking this was the best $90 I had ever spent on a tour of a house. Better than a typical day at Disneyland.

Those 250 rooms are like a row of teeth. Each is a stop, and a feast for the eyes, and for the brain thinking about the designers of that house and the content.

Smaller Copies

The Biltmore Mansion would spawn something of a cottage industry that still exists in the Asheville region. The geography of the area is special. Before the invention of air conditioning, this area was a popular destination for tourists in the summer. It was a place to escape the hot and humid conditions of the coastal areas of the deep south.

This feature was discovered in the late 1800s by church denominations looking to build summer camps, retreat centers and related facilities. Those early church pioneers usually wanted a sanctuary, rooms for people to stay at night, eating facilities, and often an artificial lake for boating and swimming. Summer camps for kids often were part of these places, but not always.

In the process of building these facilities the Asheville region became and remains something of a spiritual capital for the USA. There is nowhere else in the USA quite like it.

Asheville As A Pilgrimage Center

If you want the full list, pull up google maps for Asheville, NC, and type in "retreat center." There are so many of them that Google maps cannot show them all on 1 page. Here is my abbreviated copy of what I found on Google maps.

Ridgecrest Conference Center, Lake Junaluska Conference And Retreat Center, Indigo Nature Retreat, OM Sanctuary, Kerith Retreat, Mandala Springs, The Palace Retreat Center and Guest House, Mountain Top Experience Christian Retreat, Living Waters Catholic Reflection Center, Lake Logan, Montreat Conference Center.

Shepherd of the Hills Retreat Center at BMH, Lume Collective, Laughing Waters, Camp Dorothy Walls AME Zion, United Research Lodge, SoHum Mountain Healing Resort, Christmount Christian Assembly, Quietude, Southern Dharma Retreat Center, Cragmont Assembly, Prama Institute, Dogwood Healing Pathways.

Fairview Space for Transformation, Outdoor Mission Camp, Brittany's Mountain Retreat, The Light Center, Ponderosa Quilt Retreat, YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly, Mount Mitchell Eco Retreat, Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, Wafloy Mountain Retreat, Sanctuary In the Pines, Lutheridge Camp and Conference Center.

The Refuge Retreat, Mountain Light Sanctuary, Asheville Transcendental Meditation Center, ForestPath Guatemala-Texas-Australia, Heartwood Refuge and Academy, Kanuga, Hapbe Valley Farm and Retreat, Casa Paloma Retreat, Courtney Retreat Center, Samasati Sanctuary, Inn at Wintersun.

Bonclarken Conference Center, Diamond Falls Preserve, Gateway WNC, Skyland Camp and Retreats, Waking Dreams Retreat, Lake Eden Retreat, Healing Tao USA, Prama Wellness Center, Happy Goat, Inner Wolf Retreat Space, Bend of Ivy Lodge, Windhorse Zen Community, Windsor Sanctuary, High Pastures.

Awaken Wellness Retreats, Serenity Insight Meditation Center, Zen Asheville Inn and Spa Retreat, Lake Logan Episcopal Center, Quiet Reflections Retreat, The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Ridge Haven Camp, Conference, and Retreat Center...

And many more, across the state line into northern parts of South Carolina, and more distant than just around Asheville.


If you study the list you can see it cover the range of religions in the USA. I did not see any Orthodox, but nearly everything else is listed, including a lot of practices long diverged from traditional American Protestantism.

If we limited ourselves to the traditional Protestant denominations that started this movement at Asheville, we can start to see the link between the expected headline and why it might impact Asheville.

Pharaoh's charioteers are what the timeline suggest gets plagued starting Wednesday, September 25, 2024. This is the day that Helene was named. So Helene should show us those charioteers.

Are the various retreat centers around Asheville marking some relationship to Pharaoh?


What do these organizations share with Pharaoh? So what do they share with the leaders of the NT, the Pharisees? So what do they share with modern Israel?


Unless there is an Orthodox group that I missed, all the church groups in Asheville, that still use any sort of Bible at all, still use the Hebrew/Jewish OT, not the Greek/Christian OT.

To be fair, this would have made no sense to me even 1 year ago. I myself am only now coming out of Zionism. We were taught this lesson on our Unleavened Bread trip in eastern Tennessee less than 1 year ago.

This is the lesson of Asheville, and of the Helene storm, the Greek storm.

San Francisco Of The East

Before moving on to more headlines, let me comment about the inner city of Asheville. Many comments on X deal with the problem of Asheville itself. It is a loonie left city in a generally conservative region in western NC. It has all the same civic patterns as San Francisco, thus the moniker of San Francisco of the East.

I have no reason to dispute this label, I don't know enough about the city to say. I have only ever been in downtown Asheville on a drive through during Covid. Nothing much was open.

But I do not think this aspect of Asheville is the fundamental reason for events this past week. The central parts of Asheville survived mostly unscathed. Only the river district was flooded. Downtown Asheville is up from the river.

The city itself has no standing with Joshua. Those civic leaders in Asheville are not trying to represent him. They do not count.

Religious leaders who live in that region claim to represent Joshua, so they are different. All those retreat centers that are Christian, in some sense the spiritual capital of the USA, that is where trouble lies. This is what makes them Pharaoh's charioteers, Pharaoh's cheering squad.

Those are the people who need to leave Egypt.

Everyone reading this, myself included, is on a journey out of Egypt. We are still mostly in Egypt, especially as a nation. That is the lesson of the storm this past week.

Middle East Headlines

The prophetic timeline is counting a 40 day interval. Day 1 was Wednesday, 2024-09-25. These next 40 days are matched to the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

Note that when I first listed the prophetic dates I also included 2024-09-26 as the year of the start of the replay of the spies sent out into the land. Note that the base story for that spying trip indicates they were busy for 40 days before returning with a report. Those 40 days would not normally compress, and so are presumably clocking off now.

There are no obvious timed dates within this 40 day interval. So whatever prophetic time we are in should maintain until the last of these days on 2024-11-03.

That said, headlines out of the Middle East have been dramatic. So we may have 40 days of dramatic headlines. We will see. Let me review those that caught my eye this past week.

Houthis After Netanyahu

This link explains the Houthi attempt to down Netanyahu's plane as it returned to Israel from NYC and Netanyahu's UN speech. The attack was not successful, but caused the Israelis to blow up a fuel depot in Yemen.

ZH: Nasrallah Killed

Before Netanyahu left the UN in NYC, he ordered the bombing of Beirut with the intention of killing Hezbollah leader Nasrallah. It took 85 US made 2000 lb bombs, but they pulled it off.

Israel continues to bomb the Beirut area of Lebanon, as the linked Zero Hedge article explains. Looks like the plan is to reduce Lebanon to rubble, just like Gaza. Some are suggesting Jordan and/or Syria will be next.

ZH: Iran Retaliates

YT: Judge Nap, Ritter, Commentary

Iran had delayed retaliation against Israel. Apparently because the new president of Iran believed the Americans. In any case the top link here is to a Zero Hedge summary.

The second link is a video of Judge Nap and Scott Ritter with more commentary.

There is now about 1 month remaining in those 40 days. Headlines like this look to continue across this time.

More Later,
