Exodus Headlines

This blog reviews the Exodus related prophetic headlines from this past week. It also introduces a new series of prophetic dates that began this past Wednesday, 2024-09-25.

Joshua 2K Series Notes

Starting in the mid 1990s there was a Year-2000 frenzy. This was now 2000 years since the birth of Joshua. Rolling the 4th digit in a year number doesn't come around all that often. This itself was auspicious, even though the century and matched millennium break did not actually happen until the start of 2001.

There were also serious problems with most big software systems. Mainframe code had been written starting in the 1960s using mostly 2 digit year numbers. Testing on these systems in the mid 1990s was showing many would crash on January 1, 2000. This was a big problem since most of these applications where for banking and various types of accounting.

There were big contracts in software for teams who could fix this problem, either through software changes, or replacing whole systems with new.

The Christian world of that decade was also in expectation. Might this mark Jesus' return? Such a time.

By early 1998 I had worked out the birthday of Joshua, so I could also work out the 2000th anniversaries. That September saw a newly elected Iranian president visiting the UN in NYC. He called a press conference and invited the anchors from the 3 national TV networks' evening news programs. He also invited various print media. The meeting was covered on the front page of the NYT.

The quotes from that meeting were stunning. He was trying to make friends with Christians in the west by quoting the Christian Bible. I think he was mistakenly assuming that the USA was a Christian nation, not aware that it is mostly Zionist. These days I would also add, that western Christianity uses a different OT than Christians in his part of the world. Returning to the story, in particular, he called himself a "wise man from the east."

It was pretty hard to miss the obvious Magi reference from the story 8 days after the calculated 2000th anniversary of Joshua's birth. He then said he wished he could stick around for another month, but instead he had other work to do back home. He was naming the time between Joshua presented in public on his day 8 and Joshua's next prophetic date, day 40, when he was presented in the temple.

That headline was a great start to a new date series. But after that month, the 2000th anniversaries of Joshua's life timeline goes mostly dark. This because his personal timeline goes mostly dark too. Joshua comes and goes to Egypt, but undated. He has an age 12 visit to the temple, which so far I cannot match to a headline event.

Things only get interesting again at the 2000th anniversaries of his public ministry. His baptism's 2000th anniversary is August 12, 2027. Resurrection Sunday has its 2000th anniversary on October 19, 2028.

I also knew that his life was following the historical trunk timeline over again, so it should have dates that follow the trunk timeline. But, from studying other timelines I could expect maybe the first roughly 24 years on that series would be without serious headlines. In 1998 there was very little reason to even graph this out.

Checking Again

So after the October 7, 2023, event in Israel, I decided to look at that series again. Maybe it would inform headlines on that date? It did, and I have been sharing those dates here in the blog.

Of course the math worked out OK, but there was very little textual story to go with each date since last October. So far, since October 7, the math is informed by the genealogy leading up to Moses and Aaron ending with their visit to Pharaoh.

Since October 2023, these have been simple dates, with no interesting narrative. This past week we hit a full narrative date, and we hit a very serious fulfillment home run. So this whole series is now important, well before we reach the anniversaries of Joshua's public ministry.

Change in Skill

My skill with the whole problem of the text itself is very different compared to 25 years ago. I don't look at the stories the same. I understand the villains better than I ever could have imagined 25 years ago. I also am better at spotting secondary timelines and how to graph them.

When I worked out the current date list I am using for Joshua's 2000th anniversary dates, I also added software to compute a prophetic series of dates related to the Jerusalem kings. This is a secondary date series that might fill in a bunch of prophetic dates across what is otherwise empty time on the trunk timeline.

That series was just curious but I put it into the software. It has a prophetic start date this past Wednesday on 2024-09-25. This series will run for 3500 days. The basic math has been known since I built Bible Tribes, so this is not new math. But it was unclear if it would also apply to this particular series. After seeing this past week's headlines, I need to introduce this new series for regular readers here. I will do that below. Before that, let me review this past week.

Predicted Dates

In last week's blog I gave 3 dates to watch for prophetic headlines. The series we are in is built around the 2000th anniversaries of Joshua's life. His life was itself replaying 1 day in his life for 1 year from the trunk timeline of the text.

So dates in this series are based on stories where we know a year in the original narrative. This rule selects out certain parts of otherwise larger stories. So the plagues on Egypt, say, are not dated to the year, so they are not expected to repeat.

Many of the early Exodus stories apply across the 2 years coming out of Egypt, and those stories themselves are not dated either, so we would also not look for those to repeat this week either. Think of it this way, it took months to setup the tabernacle, for example, with many curious details, and that work would not replay across 1 or 2 modern days. (Though if someone in Israel were to start building a temple, this past week would be a very good time to start.)

Week In Review

As the week began we were coming off the Exploding Pager episode. This was an Israeli war crime committed against thousands of people in Lebanon. Not a way to win friends and influence people, but nobody in leadership in Israel seems to care. Their Talmud is one of the most racist books on the planet, killing gentiles is no big deal.

Bombing South Lebanon

By the weekend, Israel was bombing targets across southern Lebanon. Air raids were taking place daily, a reported 90,000 people fled to the north of Lebanon. There were numerous reports of massive traffic jams, with both sides of main highways being used for north bound travel. The pictures were about like massive evacuations ahead of hurricanes in Texas.

If this evacuation is part of the story, then the plagues, probably a 42 month event in ancient Egypt, would be the last 3.5 days ahead of the calendar day break at Sunset in Israel on Tuesday evening. So measured in Lebanon, from around sunrise on Saturday, and then all day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. This overlays fine with the stream of videos showing Israeli war planes turning southern Lebanon into rubble. This was the same military objective as in Gaza, turning the place into rubble.

Looking at that evacuation from the perspective of the Exodus story, then those 90,000 are probably the movement of people expected as the replay of the Exodus itself. Think plagued and then departed.

The actual Exodus census counts are about 600,000. This is well above the 90,000 in the early reports. I did see posts on X suggesting the UN was counting the people displaced in Lebanon at around 200,000. But, they gave no citation. Another post put the displaced count in Lebanon at 500,000. Again, without a citation.

These higher numbers are more reasonable given the population in south Lebanon and Israel's desire to displace or destroy them all. So the displaced counts of people in Lebanon were generally agreeing with the 600,000 given in the first census counts coming out of Egypt. I treat this as a match. It means that people in Lebanon are like Pharaoh's slaves who are now leaving.

UN General Assembly -- Preliminary Session

Also at the weekend there was the start of an early session of an annual gathering at the United Nations in New York City. That early session was begun on Sunday, 2024-09-22 and continued on Monday, 2024-09-23.

On Sunday, 2024-09-22, the UN adopted a replacement for a failed WHO treaty giving power to world government to abrogate national sovereignty and continue to kill people using vaccines. This was an interesting headline, a serious biological plague.

Bill Gates was photographed on the streets of NYC at the same time, hinting at the type of people gathering at the UN. Not just national delegates, but the wealthy and influential were also gathering. Professor David Sachs, one of Judge Nap's regular guests was also at the UN and did his weekly interview with the judge from the UN itself. Sachs was busy with meetings from people around the world.

This was not yet on the prophetic date, but these headlines were suggesting strongly to pay attention to the UN for more.

US Troops Moving

US Force Size

Also across the weekend were reports of American C-130 aircraft bringing US troops to Cyprus. This in support of an Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon. Early reports did not give the numbers, Judge Nap by Tuesday was saying the Americans are deploying 4000 troops to help Israel. Hal Turner also covered this point. Later reports would also add that US troops were landing in the Negev.

The top link here is to an RT article on Monday, no numbers are given. The 2nd link is to a Military Times article that gives the overall numbers for US troops in the Middle East. Base line is said to be normally around 34,000. It peaked a few weeks ago when all the aircraft carriers arrived in the Middle East. At that point the US had around 50,000 troops in the region. Those numbers have since declined.

US Troops are full time, unlike most Israeli troops in the IDF. Their training is said to be better than those in the IDF. The US troops are also fresh, without a year in Gaza.

Hal Turner hinted that maybe 40,000 Arab troops have gathered in Syria for a potential ground invasion. I have not seen confirmation of this from other sources. If we are to see any invasion at all, then the prophetic timeline wants an army actually moving into Israel about 40 days future. Until then we should just see troops moving around.

With these American troops arriving we were starting to see the story of Pharaoh taking his charioteers to chase the escaping heirs of Jacob. I consider these troops to be a match to the expected story of Pharaoh and his troops.

This is not tight to the specific day, which is fine. Those troops could be hanging around for a year or more. But the focus of the Exodus story is Pharaoh being defeated when he eventually takes his troops to war.

Tuesday, 2024-09-24

This date is the replay of the last year of the 430 years in Egypt. The date does have a specific dated reference in Exodus 7:7 where we learn that Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh in that year.

This was the opening day of the full UN General Assembly. Most of the key world leaders had assembled in NYC. Speeches from the stage had begun. Many side deals were going on. Like Bill Gates, Elon Musk was also known to be in the city. Starlink internet was getting turned on in African countries as but 1 example of the side deals at this UN Assembly.

Netanyahu himself was expected to travel this date, but was delayed because of issues in Israel. Guests on Judge Nap indicated Netanyahu's risk was of arrest should there be technical issues with his plane, forcing him to land somewhere en-route. There is an arrest warrant out for him because of war crimes in Gaza.

The UN as a venue goes back to the first serious prophetic date on this series, so it may always be an interesting venue for this series of prophetic dates.

UN As A Venue

For the UN to be related to Pharaoh's Egypt we need to explain who controls the UN and why. Can we show the UN controlled by the Israel Lobby in the USA and thus by Pharaoh seated in Jerusalem?

First point is that the UN is generally a hierarchical organization. There are 5 nations that are the permanent members of the security council. Then there are all the other countries.

Note how this is like Pharaoh's Egypt. Who rules? Zionists always need a king and centralized power. But they work from behind the scenes. Remember Samuel's warning of asking for a king? The same applies to the planet. Contrast this to the time before King Saul. The UN is Egyptian by design. They want a world king. Once all countries are conquered, that throne can easily be moved to Jerusalem.

The UN is currently located in NYC because the land for the headquarters was gifted by Rockefeller interests. The UN was drawn to that city so the USD banking cartel, located in that city, could easily monitor and control what was going on there. The building itself must be filled with listening devices, but I digress.

The US veto power at the UN is part of the chain of control down from Pharaoh in Jerusalem via the Israel Lobby in the USA. The Israel Lobby exists in most other countries too... I need not say more. The UN as a venue is the place for the world to appear before Pharaoh.

So, anyone visiting the UN General assembly is appearing before Pharaoh's assembly. This opening day matches the last year of Pharaoh's Egypt on the timeline. This is the year that Moses and Aaron are said to have appeared before Pharaoh. Presumably agents of prophetic Moses and Aaron are in the building.

Though Biden gave a speech, Putin remained in Russia. By 1 report, the Russian FM was in NYC, and had at least 12 side meetings during the week.

All of this stuff at the UN is a very nice match to the last year of Pharaoh. Pharaoh will morph into the Jerusalem Kings farther up the timeline. So this venue may matter for future headlines, but will not use the vocabulary of Egypt, instead it should become the vocabulary of kings.

As I will explain below, nightfall at the end of this date is the starting point to measure prophetic dates for the next ~10 years. This is not a timeline in the normal sense, but a set of time vectors that begin this night. All of those side meetings at this date are likely priming those prophetic time vectors.

Wednesday, 2024-09-25

The actual date for the Exodus was early in the year 9501 AA. That year replayed as a day on this date, 2024-09-25.

The first Passover had been held early in that year. Then the heirs of Jacob took flight, running from Pharaoh and his army. For that part of the story, the main feature was a pillar of fire by night, and a pillar of smoke by day. That thing kept Pharaoh's army away from Moses and his people.

Moses lead his people to the beach. Once there, things got tough. The Red Sea was ahead, and Pharaoh and his army were behind. Exodus 14:21 picks up the story.

Moses lifted his hand over the sea and a strong east wind came and turned the sea into dry land. Moses and the heirs of Jacob crossed on dry ground, Pharaoh and his army foolishly followed. Eventually, Miriam, Moses' sister, will sing about what happened to Pharaoh.

When I wrote up last week's blog I thought of this as the most important of the 3 prophetic dates for this week. If this is a serious prophetic week, this day should have the most important headline. It did.

I woke up on Wednesday morning and turned to X to see if any news sources I follow there were indicating any interesting headlines. "ICBM" was trending on X. Curious. I chased it down.

Seems the Chinese choose the occasion of the UN General Assembly meeting to test fire a DF-41 ICBM. The flight crossed most of the way across the Pacific, landing in the south Pacific as planned.

Reports indicated this was the first time since 1980 that China had test fired one of their nuclear ICBMs. This model is designed to carry 10 warheads. It can, for example, reach and wipe out most of Southern California in 1 shot.

Zero Hedge: Chinese ICBM Test

RT: Russia Changes Nuclear Doctrine

At this point you can see part of the match to the prophetic story. When a nuclear warhead goes off it creates a pillar of fire by night, and a pillar of smoke by day.

The DF-41 rocket did indeed produce a pillar of fire and smoke, on this date. But, this time, only with the fire and smoke from the rocket motors, not from the warhead. This test flight was the prophetic match for this calendar date.

But, there is more.

DF-41 is the precise type of missile that China fired. DF is the Latin letter abbreviation of the words "Deng Fong." (Sometimes "Dong Feng", minding vowels.) That Chinese phrase translates into English as "East Wind."

Going back to the prophetic story for this date. When Moses and his people were finally trapped, he lifted his staff, the "East Wind" came and defeated Pharaoh once and for all.

As I currently understand this story, our prophetic Moses, so Putin, can call on help, so China, to bring the east wind whenever Moses chooses to lift his hand.

This past Wednesday, all we saw was a demonstration of this ability, not the use of this ability to defeat Pharaoh.

The second link above is also on the prophetic date. Russia also changed their published doctrine for the use of nukes. They are expecting a western attack, they know who wants their assets, they will now use nukes, the east wind, more easily against NATO allies.

This ICBM test launch is the marker in time from which many other prophetic headlines will follow. There is a whole series of such dates, I will introduce them below.

Netanyahu To UN

The link here is to one of several possible X posts dealing with Netanyahu's actual departure from Israel for the meetings going on in NYC. I picked this post because the time of day is the earliest that I could find. The date is still Wednesday, 2024-09-25, but the time of day is 6:37 PM, so just after the day break. I suspect on the US West coast it was still Wednesday.

The prophetic story wants prophetic Pharaoh to give chase at this date. His trip is like ancient Pharaoh who left home to give chase. In this case he crossed the sea by air, instead of going down into the sea by chariot.

Bottom line, our normal prophetic Pharaoh is giving chase late on this prophetic date.

Hurricane Helene

Also on the Wednesday prophetic date, Hurricane Helene formed in the Gulf of Mexico. The storm track was north with land fall in the big bend area of Florida. Most of the rainfall was expected east of the Appalachians, in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The highest tornado threat was in the low coastal areas of Georgia and South Carolina.

Highest rainfall projections were for the regions near Asheville, NC.

This prophetic date wanted some sort of Pharaoh's army in the seas headline. This would be the seas part of the story for this date. Hurricane Helene is the match. Damage stretched from the Tampa area in Florida northward into Tennessee.

Note that the US troops being deployed to Israel look to include troops from forts in these regions. Basic training for the US Army happens at 4 forts, 2 of them are in the storm path, Fort Moore in Georgia and Fort Jackson in South Carolina. This was not fully drowning, but very heavy and dangerous flooding would be the prophetic match to the expected story.

The link above is to an article with several secondary citations that argues this storm was geo-engineered. The prophetic story of Moses lifting his hand suggests that the ancient wind that moved the sea was not itself natural. So Hurricane Helene should not be thought of as natural either. X was filled with similar speculation, that this was a HAARP storm. Curiously, China has several suspected HAARP transmitters. See Revelation 12:13 for references that may point at Chinese transmitters for this storm.

New Prophetic Clock

The Chinese test launch of their nuclear ICBM did not create Armageddon. But, Wednesday, 2024-09-25, did start a new, high level, prophetic clock. We will watch this unfold together. I am expecting all the key nuclear war dates will be measured from this specific test firing of a Chinese nuclear ICBM.

Let me explain the math for this new series so interested readers here can reproduce it on their own charts. Of course I will cover this date series in the blog as they are about to transpire.

Mathew's Grand Run

Matthew 16:21 starts a prophetic replay of the entire chronology of the Bible. Starting at that point each story is providing NT commentary on stories from the trunk narrative of the OT. I need not cover them all here.

Eventually, that series of stories reaches Matthew 18:21-35. This is immediately after a parable about drowning in the seas. That was the story of Pharaoh, of course. This Matthew passage thus starts at the Exodus. It begins with a question that Peter asks Joshua. How often should I forgive someone? Up to 7 times?

Peter is referencing the 7 times intervals described in Leviticus 26. This is also the season of the Exodus in this Matthew series. Joshua answers and says no, not 7 times, but instead 70 times 7.

This brief interaction continues with a parable about bankers, and how they never practiced the debt Jubilee. Every 50 years debt was to be canceled. This is so the bankers could never take over the world. They never canceled debt according to the law, thus Joshua's anger with them.

A Jubilee is made up of 7 sets of 7 years plus a final Jubilee leap year. When Joshua tells Peter 70 times 7, he means 70 Jubilees, or 3500 years. So Joshua tells Peter in this prophetic story it will be 3500 years from the Exodus when Joshua will finally settle accounts.

In macro history we reached that account settling time with the banking crisis in 2008. Short story for that crisis is that debts could not be paid. The bankers knew this. Early 2010 was exactly on the 70th Jubilee from the Exodus. But the debt was not canceled. For the last 14 years we have been waiting for those bad debts to be canceled.

Instead of canceling those debts, the NYC based central bankers doubled down.

Interest rates for loans using the USD were dropped to near zero to keep bad debts on the books. You can imagine how massive but otherwise unpayable debts are still payable if the effective interest rate is zero. Problem, though, is the whole USD based international banking system should have been liquidated by 2010. It wasn't. Instead we had a long season of very low interest rates.

Since at least the late 1990s, the bankers seem to have known this was going to happen. Instead of writing off this bad debt, they had a different plan. They wanted to recapitalize the whole system by securing control of new physical assets. The only large pile of such assets that they did not already control was in Russia.

Russian Assets

The bankers instead wanted to pay off bad debts by taking the natural resources of Russia and using them to settle accounts. Thus the war in Ukraine, which some date to 2008. Martin Armstrong ties this to the 1998 defaults on Russian bonds, so the timing of the western banker's plans is disputable.

In any case, that war is now on. The plan is to conquer Russia or blow up the world in the attempt. As Zionists, they think they win, they don't care if they blow up the world. Thus the insane pattern we see with NATO leaders in the west who will not negotiate peace with Russia.

Zionist bankers loose their goal and dream of control over earth itself if they cancel the debt of all their borrowers/slaves. Essentially all western politicians work for those same bankers who are part of the Israel Lobby.

Of course the war with Russia is taking longer than planned. Sanctions intended to harm Russia backfired, making the USD weaker instead. The Japanese carry trade starting breaking down weeks ago. This week even the Chinese stepped in to keep money flowing into the western financial system.

China is caught between both worlds. They are very worried about running an economy strong enough to import fuel and food. Much of that food is from the USA. They cannot just turn away from one of their main sources of food.

Chinese Banking

The link here is to a Zero Hedge article explaining the details of how the Chinese are now providing the money to keep the USD financial system afloat. Their change in regulations for banks took effect Monday, 2024-09-23, just ahead of the prophetic dates this week. As Zero Hedge comments, this will not be enough.

Returning to the prophetic story of Matthew 18. In it, Joshua is strongly against the unjust lenders/bankers. If we measure that parable in world history it hit in 2010. But, that story has another application.

Now that we have hit this Matthew story in the anniversary series of Joshua's life, the process to finally settle those accounts can finally clock off and complete. This is because we are now in the historical season when Joshua comes out of the tomb. The past 200+ years have been a rerun of Passion Week. Now we are at Resurrection Sunday.

The Context

We just crossed the parable of Matthew 18 when applied to Joshua's 2000th anniversary run of the timeline, so this NT story is now active. It began Wednesday, 2024-09-25. The main event that day was the DF-41 missile test flight.

The prophetic story says Joshua's goal is to see all debts forgiven. This means all debts accumulated by the Jewish banking cartel and their gentile agents. We know them as central bankers.

When debt is not canceled, then the lender looks to be like Pharaoh, and will be judged as was Pharaoh. This is the context of Matthew 18. Pharaoh and his charioteers are defeated by the East Wind. Now we know what that is. Chinese ICBMs.

So the set of prophetic dates from the "70" should point at Pharaoh's Egypt, Zionist bankers, their political pawn politicians, debt forgiveness and nuclear war. Fulfillment headlines can happen everywhere Pharaoh's empire may stretch around the world today.

Finding the Dates

To work out the math, we need to crack the Matthew 18 parable a second time. We already know Peter's side is sets of Jubilees. How do we crack Joshua's reference to 70?

That unit of time is special. It is the ideal life length of a king. David was the only king with a life length documented to 70 years. All the others are shorter.

We completely crack the Matthew 18 parable by using the life lengths of all the Jerusalem kings as documented in the Bible.

Each king was a front-facing pawn of the central bankers who themselves were created in the last 3 chapters of Judges. Those kings were the pawns of the Benjamite-Jebusite merger. They were faces of evil, even though they are often praised in the text.

Those kings had public lives which are documented in the text. Some of those kings have strangely documented lives, missing parts, or including strange episodes. When their life stories have irregular documentation, then the matched prophetic intervals will also be irregularly timed.

Even when irregular, those lives are usually recorded with year accuracy. Every element of every king's life that was recorded year accurately is now in play prophetically.

For each year in those irregularly documented king's lives, there is 1 Jubilee debt cycle to be applied. So 50 historical years, but for this prophetic season, 50 modern days, which will match to the king's life year.

So David, who lived 70 years, is 70 jubilees * 50 years/jubilee = 3500 years, but now days. So measured from 2024-09-25, the end of King David will land 3500 days later, or 2034-04-25. That date is the end of this entire set of prophetic dates.

The Matthew 18 story involving Joshua and Peter suggests that every debt not canceled will reap the east wind. So nuclear war. The entire process will be over by that point 3500 days from now.

Let me give some examples so you can see how the math works out.

Example 1: Joash

For an example on this new series, consider the first date. It lands 2024-11-14. This is when infant king Joash goes into hiding, the prophetic end of his first year. This date is 50 days out from East Wind on 2024-09-25.

Because this is the first date on a very strange new series, we will need to watch it to learn the patterns better. Note that date is about a week after the US Presidential election. This date is probably related to that election.

The major fights in the election are over war in Ukraine, open US Borders, the US Debt, the will of the public and related matters. All are national problems created by the Israel Lobby and the Zionist bankers, perhaps ultimately by Jerome's replacement of the Christian OT by the Jewish OT.

We can imagine a prophetic Joash going into hiding from an evil queen that date. Hillary, say, whom Trump has already fought against in the 2016 election. Joash was protected by loyal palace guards, apparently themselves hard to find. Joash will come out after 6 prophetic king's years, or 300 days later, in the fall of 2025.

We will watch headlines to know for sure if this is the application. It could land anywhere in the world. But this is an example to think about what might be going on with these dates. Here is another example.

Example 2: Abijah

For another example, consider king Abijah. We do not know his age at reign, only that he reigned for 3 years. Without an age at reign, we are limited to only using his 3 years of reign.

So for this example we look for headlines at 3 * 50 = 150 days out from East Wind on 2025-09-25. The end of this interval, so the death of Abijah at the end of his reign, lands on 2025-02-21.

This date is the day after the scheduled 2025 US Presidential inauguration. Does something in the political word end that day? We will see. Is it related to a new US President? Probably. How about another example...

Example 3: Zedekiah/Jeroboam

Lookup up the timeline, the date 13020-02-17 (2029-02-22) is the date for the 7000th anniversary of Noah's flood. This date has been long known from the charts. But, it was given again to me in a dream where I was told this is the date for the start of nuclear war. Looking just ahead of that Noah + 7000yrs date, we can find another date informed by the East Wind.

The last year of the reign of king Zedekiah will hit 2029-02-10. The first year of Jehoram's reign beings the next day, 2020-02-11.

Note these 2 dates are about 10 days ahead of that frightful Noah Flood date. That change in reign, whatever it may be in headlines, probably precipitates that war.

Note something interesting in this example. These 2 kings are not sequential in time in the historical narrative of the kings. The prophetic use of their life length causes them to align in this prophetic use. Similar strange realignments land all across this prophetic set of dates.

Example 4: Manasseh

King Manasseh is named after the patriarch Manasseh. He is the only king with a name that matches a tribe.

When we run this Jubilee math against the historical timeline from the historical Exodus, but using full actual 50 year long jubilees, we see the death of king Manasseh landing on April 22, 1860. The link here is to the Bible Tribes article that gives that math for 1860. I have known of this math against the historical timeline for over 20 years.

In history, on April 23, 1860, the democrats met in Charleston, South Carolina. They were trying to select their US Presidential candidate for the election later that year.

Steven Douglas was the front runner. But he would not take a pro-slavery position. The southern delegates walked out of the meeting, so they were unable to select a nominee. This political split would precipitate the election of Lincoln and the start of the US Civil War a year later.

The story of King Manasseh is marking a 3350 year historical interval to the meeting that would precipitate a civil war and the end of a republic in his namesake tribe. Since that war the US has been ruled by northern bankers, known as carpet baggers in the late 1800s, Zionists now.

The same math, but using days, can be run forward from our East Wind date of 2024-09-25. Running the math on this new series points at 2033-11-26. This is our soon future last prophetic year of king Manasseh. Presumably a similar meeting will be held near this date somewhere in the USA. If we understand Matthew 18, that future prophetic story should reverse. The bankers should be defeated instead of winning.

Final Thoughts

This is a long blog. I am trying to not go this long every week.

As we watch this series of prophetic dates unfold, we will get a better handle on the types of headline events that they mark.

While this is a new series, we also continue with 2000th anniversary of Joshua's life dates. Both series are now active.

More Later,
