Watch Dates, BRB, 911, Septuagint History, VG, GPI, Headlines

This blog starts with Watch Dates beginning 2024-09-24. It then moves to BRB updates, a 911 related reincarnation video, then notes from a book titled, When God Spoke Greek. Then LXX related VG and GPI notes. Finally a headline review.

2024-09-24+ Watch Dates

The Tuesday after this blog goes out is 2024-09-24. This date is a prophetic replay of the last year of slavery in Egypt. The next day, 2024-09-25 is the prophetic replay of the year of the Exodus, especially crossing the Red Sea and the drowning of Pharaoh's army. The following date, 2024-09-26, is the year of the prophetic replay of Joshua and Caleb exploring the land.

This, of course, is measured on the 2000th anniversaries of Joshua's life, itself following a day-for-a-year replay of the historical timeline of the text.

As this blog goes out, Israel is preparing to invade southern Lebanon, already dropping bombs at various places across Lebanon. We are also waiting for Iran to retaliate for an assassination on July 31. Lebanon is the most obvious venue for fulfillment, but as always, watch headlines themselves to see how this unfolds.

Looking ahead, 2024-11-03 is the replay of the last year of Moses' life. The following day, 2024-11-04, is the replay of the year of crossing the Jordan. That date was the first year of a 7 year war of conquering the land itself. This becomes another 7 days that could also be intense.

So this upcoming week's prophetic dates may set in motion some sort of 40+ day event, like a longer war in Lebanon.

I don't know of any obvious schedule for those 40 days of wandering in the wilderness. But that might still have an as yet unknown schedule. If so, then the next 40 days might manifest as armies moving around in preparation for a prophetic replay of events in the first half of November.

Notes On Pharaoh

We generally treat the office of Prime Minister of Israel as the office of Pharaoh. The religious sect running Israel are known as Pharisees, thus Netanyahu is their chief. Their political movement is named after Egypt. So we would expect headlines to fulfill in that general venue, but perhaps not in their favor.

Because the Israel Lobby runs most of the western world, any prophetic headlines for these dates could theoretically land anywhere within American control, including in NATO's Europe and in Ukraine.

Note the textual stories surrounding the Exodus are extensive, but most are not dated, so unlikely to exactly replay. This date has not replayed strongly in past series.

In all of these dates, I am doing the math for when the stories hit in time. The headlines are the final word on fulfillment.


The BRB was updated this week with an editing pass across 1 Corinthians. This in response to reader feedback. Let me explain.

We have generally been looking at passages in the NT where there are direct references and/or hints to Greek as a language. This includes any veiled references to libraries, especially the library at Alexandria.

Let me digress briefly here. After Paul's conversion he went to Arabia. Moses' father-in-law, from whom he learned the text, was from Median. That city still exists, Medinah, on the east shore of the Red Sea in modern Saudi Arabia. There may have been a library there as well. Paul may have gone there. Why? To find trustworthy copies of the text, outside of Jewish tampering, soon after his conversion.

In any case, the NT character Apollos is from Alexandria, Egypt. See Acts 18:24. This, of course, is the main well known ancient library. In that Acts passage we also learn that Apollos was instructed in words and familiar with the writings. This is a statement about Apollos, but likely why we need to know his origin city. He was well trained because he had access to that library when he was young.

Notice we are learning to spot references to language skills in the text, but in particular Greek Text. Apollos is yet another clear example of this.

Apollos is mentioned several times in the rest of the NT, especially in 1 Corinthians. Ryan reviewed that book this week and reset his filter tags. It is possible that book is dealing with Greek, which is why Apollos is important to the story. Paul's argument would be that you don't need experts in the text, like Apollos and like Paul himself. Those men both were experts. Paul's argument is that you need instead to know the accurate text. With an accurate text, everything else is easy.

911 Reincarnation Video

We passed the 23rd anniversary of 911 here a few days ago. For those old enough to remember, it was a very traumatic day. For myself, it was the first serious event where I could see the timeline was informing headlines in real time. In this case the high place sacrifice when Saul is made king was mixed with the 2 columns being pushed over and 3000 Philistines being killed on the roof.

I was recently passed a link from a friend who follows this blog dealing with an interesting new detail of 911. In particular, the video covers the story of a boy with a childhood past life memory. I have covered those here before. But, in this case, the boy had been killed in the twin towers collapse at 911.

I just had to watch it. Wow. The link here is a slightly different version than what was passed to me, this is to a longer form video that covers the entire case. This includes a trip back to the site of 911 and an encounter with a former coworker who corroborates details of the kid's testimony of what happened.

We know of many cases of people who were supposed to be at work that day, but for various reasons were not, thus saving their lives. I have seen various reports this year that suggest the 2000+ Jews who worked in the building received calls to stay away that day. Presumably those calls were related to the dancing Israelis arrested soon after the towers collapsed. They either had signals related intelligence, or else they caused the collapse.

In this childhood past life memory, the story is reversed. In this case he was NOT supposed to be at work that day. But, because he lived close to those buildings he was called in for some sort of tech support problem. I would now guess he was presumably back filling someone who had received a call to stay away. But, I digress.

This video is 1h 22m long. It includes 4 other modern American cases of past life memories and how their families worked through what happened. For those who might want to watch the whole thing, let me summarize.

The 2nd and 3rd cases are children who died in plane crashes, the Braniff flight 250 crash in 1966 and the TWA flight 800 crash in 1996. The child in the TWA 800 crash was a priest. Having the wrong text may inform some of his testimony.

The 4th case is a boy born in Miami to Cuban refugees who himself was formerly a Japanese Samurai general. Unclear when, perhaps WWII, if not then further back. In his case there were very strong patterns of his past life that transferred to his current life. He also became seriously ill and had various supernatural words to his eventual healing.

Finally the video linked above ends with a partial account dealing with a mother's reunion with the next life of her murdered son. All are interesting modern cases.

Many of the stories in scripture cannot be understood without first having an understanding of reincarnation. The text is trying to teach how souls maintain similar interests across lives. 2 of the cases in the video above develop the personal stories enough to see this going on now, the priest and the samurai.

Finding King David in his future lives is itself an interesting Bible study. There were probably only 5 souls that ever ruled in Jerusalem, David being one of them. Those 5 souls took turns in sequential order. Each time those souls come around and rule they have life interests and behaviors that are very similar each time. I suspect we are all this way.

When God Spoke Greek

This is the title of a book by Timothy Michael Law. The subtitle is The Septuagint and the making of the Christian Bible. Ryan has had this book in his collection for awhile. I have been reading it to understand the known history of the Septuagint.

As a reminder, Electrical Engineering theory for communications networks says that error detection and correction systems are built around what actual errors are expected by the physical design of the network itself. Undersea fiber optic cables have very different error modes than, say, a wifi hub used near an arc welder.

This network design principle transfers to the problem of recovery of the ancient inspired manuscript from extant copies. What are the possible errors in transmission? Answer that question first, then build software to recover from those errors.

So I am reading this to understand the known history, which may then inform issues of recovery that might impact software design. (There are issues, and the most important point is to be very, very careful to not assume anything.) There are also many surprising points made in this book that I want to share here so anyone following the work can see some of what we are learning. I am sharing high points below, read the book if you are serious about this study.

Versions of the OT

Until the Jewish return to the modern nation of Israel, there have been 3 different witnesses to the OT of the Bible. Most well know to Protestants is the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew OT.

The Masoretic Text is the technical name for the modern Hebrew OT exemplified by the Leningrad Codex and the Aleppo Codex. The Leningrad Codex, known as the Westminster Leningrad Codex in its digital form, is dated 1008. The Aleppo is now incomplete, having lost a few pages, and is dated about 100 years earlier.

The books that make up those manuscripts were selected in the 2nd century. Over the next 800+ years that text was edited, gaining vowels and later vowel points. Neither were used in ancient times.

(I suspect neither vowels nor vowel points were needed in ancient times. Fighting over what words meant, and wanting to change the meaning without changing the letter string drove these Hebrew language modern inventions.)

Besides the Masoretic Text there is the Samaritan Pentateuch, and then the Greek Septuagint. These 3 witnesses do not agree with each other in terms of the narrative told in their OT Books. This is a historical curiosity that has never been well explained. Other extant texts, like the Syriac, usually follow the Masoretic OT, but at times follow the Septuagint. These other texts do not form an independent witness to the 3 core texts. Syriac looks to be a vernacular language translation taken from a mixture of the core 3 witnesses.

Because the Samaritan Pentateuch is short, only 5 books, it does not bear witness to the major differences across the OT. The Septuagint, though, is often quite different than the Masoretic text. Of particular interest to readers here, the Septuagint's sense of eschatology is very different, it is NOT Zionist like the Hebrew OT. In the Septuagint, for example, there is no enduring promise to the house of David to have heirs sitting on a throne. Hebrew editors had not dreamed up this idea when the Septuagint came into being 2300 years ago.

The differences between the Septuagint and the Masoretic OT have historically been dismissed by Jews and western Christians, especially Catholics and Protestants, as a case of bad Greek translations of the Hebrew. Those Septuagint translators are thought to simply have missed content, or been sloppy or whatever. This has been the party line in the west, but it is now known to be a false history. The Orthodox branches of Eastern Christianity never left the Greek, and thus have no reason to excuse the difference. They also have a very different outlook on many subjects, including eschatology.

Return of the Septuagint

At about the same time as the Jewish return to the modern nation of Israel, ancient copies of the scriptures were found. These copies had otherwise been lost to history. Some discoveries were made in the Qumran caves near the dead sea. Other discoveries were made in the Negev desert. Others were made in Egypt, and a few others were made in other locations in the region. Those discoveries recovered ancient scrolls with copies of various books of the OT. Those scrolls were written in ancient Hebrew, ancient Aramaic and ancient Greek.

It is important to note that the books in our modern Bibles were once independent scrolls. Jeremiah, for example, was a single scroll. These various discoveries involved finding sets of scrolls, not bound Bibles like we think of them now. These discoveries were great confirmation of the antiquity of the text.

But there was a problem, especially for the modern Masoretic Hebrew OT books. The OT scrolls being recovered were not the same as the modern form. Even worse, within individual scroll caves, there were often duplicate scrolls. Those duplicates were often contradicting each other.

Remember, scroll production was very expensive. A man year or more of work might go into producing a single scroll. Nobody produced a scroll if it was not important to some community. So finding scrolls with different versions of the OT stories meant there were communities that had paid for and were using different versions of those books.

These differences were not just showing a history of added material. What these discoveries showed was that there were different competing versions of the OT narrative itself. The Masoretic Text of the OT was itself a modern heir to only 1 of those competing versions. That modern Hebrew OT was not simply assembled from parts over time, as we might expect when reading it now.

What was also evident was that the Greek Septuagint was no longer a lone manuscript without ancient witness. What those discoveries showed was that there were ancient, normally Hebrew, witnesses to most of the Septuagint's scrolls.

The divergence between the Septuagint Greek and the ancient Hebrew was now down to word level linguistic analysis between various texts. This is fodder for scholarly discussion over what the translators were doing. It was no longer a problem of the Greek telling a story without any other ancient witness.

Discoveries of ancient scrolls do not cover all the books in the Septuagint. But, most of the Septuagint books do now have ancient witness. The quality of the matches is good enough to believe that all the books in the Septuagint matched ancient versions available in the other languages.

Let me insert myself into this report... The author of the book obviously still holds to Hebrew Primacy. His book could not have been published without holding to that belief. This position should now be taken as a political statement, not a technical statement. It is evident to me that anyone holding to any form of a doctrine of inspiration, the Septuagint now has the upper hand in this fight. I also know the text was tampered, as per the Acts 15 riddle. That tampering was done by Jews. The first century BC editing in the text is just more evidence in support of the Acts 15 riddle.

Returning to the story... Over the past 30 years or so, the Septuagint has returned as an important witness to the OT as it existed in ancient times.

At the same time the Hebrew OT, with vowel marks and added vowels, is no longer able to strongly defend its historical claim of inspiration. It can only claim that it won a not so fair fight.

NT Quoting

Another interesting line of argument for the Septuagint involves study of NT quotes of OT stories. This has always been a witness in favor of the Greek Septuagint OT, but it has mostly been overlooked by Protestants, who cannot see the Septuagint's side of the quotes.

There are a few places in the NT where quotes of the OT find Greek and Hebrew still in agreement. These are rare.

In most cases where the NT quotes the OT, the quote or line of reasoning, was written using the Greek OT as the source. The examples given in the book are subtle, and technical. But, there are enough of them that anyone holding to the principles of Protestantism should be using a translation of the Septuagint, not the Masoretic Text. The Orthodox have this one correct.

Because Septuagint eschatology is so different, the Book of Revelation is interpreted very differently when set against the Septuagint OT.

I can understand now why Thomas Nelson went to the work of publishing an Orthodox Study Bible in English. I have not yet checked, but I would guess the footnotes there are going to be hounding some of these points.


Remember that the books were once independent scrolls. That they were expensive to produce. Nobody could afford a set of the scrolls for their own house. These were usually community assets, kept in places of public meeting.

What scrolls should be in those collections was disputed from ancient times. There was no consensus. The only Christian group that ever completely dropped to the Hebrew OT was the Protestants. This was a Luther era change. Though the Catholics were not far behind. This change also meant that Protestant readers could never find quotes in the NT of Apocryphal works.

Outside of Protestantism, the Christian world has a much more diverse sense of what was important to keep around. There has only ever been 1 fight. Even if nobody could tell what God really said, they cared enough to leave the evidence for others to figure out later. Protestants are the worst.


The last full chapter in the book is the sad story of Jerome's translation into Latin of the Hebrew OT. Contemporaries to Jerome warned that if he succeeded, that his work would split the Roman empire into 2 parts. They were correct. We live with the consequences now. Let me explain key details.

The Roman world was broken into 2 different language groups. The eastern Roman Empire, later called the Byzantine Empire, spoke Greek as their vernacular language. That side of the empire could and did read the Septuagint in their native, daily, tongue. They had no need of a vernacular language translation, neither of the OT nor of the NT.

The western branches of the Roman Empire, especially by the mid 300s, mostly spoke Latin. Up until Jerome, they used what is now called the Old Latin translation of the Greek Bible, so of the Septuagint OT and the Greek NT. This was a vernacular language translation, and known to be so. That Old Latin text does not survive to our day, only fragments are known today of that text.

Before Jerome, the theology of the Roman empire was the same. It was informed by the Septuagint alone. The western branches had to rely on a translation, just as English readers do to this day. The eastern branches of the empire read it in Greek for themselves.

Important to note here, that most of the public did not read for themselves. They heard it for themselves when it was read publicly in weekly church. The public usually memorized scripture that they heard this way. There were various attempts at adjusting the Septuagint to add Hebrew OT content. The Greek speaking public hated these changes, and they are said to have not been successfully adopted.

Getting back to the story, Jerome was a son of a wealthy family, sent away to private school. He became well connected in high society in Rome. He was also known for particular skill with language. He had to flee Rome for attempting to continue his family line. He traveled in the east, learning Syriac and he connected with local Jews.

The Jews of this time claimed to have the inspired OT. There was no longer any memory of the versions of the Hebrew OT that by this time were hidden in the dust. This claim is the heart of the problem. Jerome appears to have bought into this idea. He eventually decided to translate that edited Hebrew OT of his day into Latin. His intent was that it should replace the Old Latin translation of the Septuagint in order for it to be complete.

Stop here for a moment. Are we to think Jerome took on this task strictly by his own initiative? Jerome was of a wealthy family. Today we would call them the elite. What interests do they serve? What we today know of as the Israel Lobby was just as active in Rome as it is now in the USA. Back to the story.

Jerome located himself in Bethlehem in order to be surrounded by Jews who could help him with both the language and the meaning of the Hebrew OT. He produced translations of various OT books but did not complete the work. Others would follow. His work is what would displace the Old Latin from regular use in Latin language church services in the western Church. This change remained current in Catholic settings until the 1960s.

Luther would of course follow, and do other vernacular language translations from the same texts as Jerome, following in his footsteps, using Greek NT, and Hebrew OT. It is a split we still see in the west to this day.

My Take Away

We have all been the collective victims of ancient manuscript related crimes. The fight has always been the first story in the book. What did God really say?

Technical Lessons

Ryan has marked up the BRB text with filter tags. Those mark places were the text is likely not inspired because of content failing by the Acts 15 rules of additions.

Ryan is of course making an educated guess. But, I generally expect material that Ryan has identified with Filter tags to not pass audit. He may be wrong, and we will run everything through the audit software. But, this is my working assumption of what to expect.

For material that is inspired, the recovery work looks to be more difficult than I have ever previously considered. The text was being tampered across all of ancient history. The priests, especially, do not seem able to leave their hands off the narrative. Being perhaps 1000 years more recent, the NT may be an easier place to start the recovery work.

In particular, the problem of word substitution is hard. We have seen it in the past with the OT Divine Name. Greek has its own 3rd form of the Divine Name. But, we don't know where else that sort of change was going on.

I am moving forward by faith. Joshua must have preserved his words enough for them to be recovered. He has repeatedly told us to keep going, that it will work. But this is much more of a faith walk than I have acknowledged before. This is not a simple technical journey.


The VG app was updated this week. This time with introductory articles explaining the LXXS and LXXB Greek OT texts that are in that app. These introductions fill in known manuscript history from the time of Jerome to the time when these texts were first printed in the 1800s.

These writings are from the front matter of the printed books when these texts were first published. This is not our writing. Ryan has chased down this material, usually from the Internet Archive, in order that we have a copy of these histories that are readily available in our apps.

To find these texts in the app, click the label for the manuscript source as found in the left hand column in any page were that text is displayed. The LXX family of texts are only OT, so you need to be in any OT book to find them. The LXXB and LXXS now have these intros, others may get similar intros later.

GRB Plan

The Greek Septuagint OT is strange enough that we need an English version that we use to study content and additions just as we have been doing in the BRB. Ryan is working on this problem. The GRB in a draft form is in the VG as linked above. It will become a stand alone app once Ryan has done more work to it. Let me explain what we are doing there.

GRB is short for Greek Research Bible. The GRB will run in parallel to the BRB, it will not replace the BRB.

The GRB starts with the Brenton Septuagint Translation, itself an early English translation of the Septuagint into English. It is public domain. There has been an uplift to that English which is also public domain. This work covers the Apocrypha, which the BRB never did.

For the NT the GRB starts with the ASVB, which begins with the 1901 ASV English but has been edited to conform to the Byzantine Text type. This is also public domain.

When this is far enough along the GRB will become a standalone app. Eventually, the other apps that use text derived from the BRB will get shifted to using the GRB. This includes the TT, SR, 400, and QM. I suspect this will not happen until after we are seeing passages in the Greek starting to pass audit.

Like most of what we are doing right now, the GRB is perhaps a few weeks away from being ready to deploy stand alone on

GPI Updates

The link here is to the new GPI app linked off of I posted a preview there a few weeks ago.

This update includes a better map between Greek letters and Paleo letters. I believe the map used in this update is correct. Beyond this update, further changes in letter mapping should be a problem of manuscript recovery.

Note that the Paleo letter Sa is used both as an E vowel and as an S letter. For example, see Genesis 41:52, 5th word, first letter, for Ephraim. In the Semitic side this first letter is a Wa.

Also curious, the Paleo letter Ha is normally used in Greek as an added vowel. The Ha and Sa sit together on the same silver 3d object. So something strange may be going on with these Greek vowels. Beware when exploring the GPI on these points.

To help with performance there is now only 1 row of Greek. It defaults to a lower case display. There is an option in the menus to display that Greek in an upper case font. So both forms can be seen using only 1 row of text.


Note that Greek texts in history were written with only upper case letters. Modern scribes add word breaks, bicapitalization and other marks. Switching to uppercase is a peek back at the ancient form.

But also note that the upper case letter forms of 4th century Greek are not the same as now. The upper case displayed forms in the GPI are showing modern Greek upper case forms. We may eventually need to build a font to fix this.

The 2 variant forms that are interesting are the Greek Capital Omega and the Greek Capital Sigma.

In chasing this down we found photos of one of the LXX texts. In that text, the Capital Greek Omega is drawn as a larger version of the modern lower case Omega. This is not particularly strange, but it explains the origin. The pen of the scribe drawing that form is touching the dot in the middle of the Paleo letter Oo. Just like a scribe drawing the Oo, but not lifting his pen when reaching the center dot.

The Greek Capital Sigma used in that ancient manuscript is drawn the same as the Latin Capital C. The modern Greek Capital Sigma is itself a simple 90 degree rotated form of the inspired Paleo letter Sha.

This gives us the history of the letter C as we use in English. C is just a rotated Sha, minus the teeth. Our C has been through a S-Sh sound system change. This fills in a missing puzzle piece of our modern alphabet's evolution. We did not actually loose the Sha, it just went through a Shibboleth.

Bubble Paleo

The second row of the GPI app has also been changed. It now uses bubble Paleo like the ASPI. Those bubbles provide an approachable way to understand the marks found on Greek letters. Those bubbles will show up later in lexicon work.

I have assigned marks to bubbles by highest frequency of use. So (1) is the most frequent. There are only 10 such bubbles, so this is an easier system than in Aramaic with about 40 such marks.

Because these marks are added by modern scribes, as we shift input texts the selection and distribution of these marks shifts around. Unclear how best to handle this aspect of those marks.

If you go to Hebrews 11:8, 3rd word, you can see Abraham spelled with a bubble (3). This is marking where a Paleo letter Fe will be the inspired form as per our 3D modeling work.

That Bubble (3) is a mark known by the Greek name Varia. Let me guess, it marks a variant? Looks like it. This looks like a modern scribe's mark indicating that there should be Fe at that location. So these marks are potentially quite useful for recovery later, as per the original prophetic to include marks as bubbles.

Note that if you go back to Numbers 17:17, you can also find the name Abraham, but without any bubbles. These marks are at the whim of modern scribes. For us, those marks become hints into the lexicon recovery process, but they are nothing definitive.

Nuclear Brinksmanship

Saturday, September 14, 2024, nearly saw the world end in nuclear war. The US was going to strike targets deep inside Russia with conventional weapons. Putin warned this would be taken as a defacto declaration of war against Russia. The Russians warned they would immediately retaliate, with conventional weapons, but against targets in Europe and North America. The UK was going to go along with the US. In the end, the US backed down.

The link here is to a Judge Nap podcast with Scott Ritter. As part of their longer conversation, Scott explains what happened. Also note that Hal Turner added other leaked details, including Russian targets in the UK, missile factories, primarily. Hal also showed flight tracking data suggesting the US had scrambled its nuclear bombers for fear of Russian nuclear retaliation. Don't forget the USA is mostly run by the Israel Lobby, the war against Russia is their war, not America's. Zionism came to western Christianity by the work of Jerome.

Nuked Russia?

The link here is to video of a blast at a Russian weapons depot. Much speculation that this is the expected Ukrainian missile attack that the US said it would not be part of. Speculation, based on the fireball size, is this was a small nuke, hot enough to detonate other weapons stored in the depot. It registered an M2.8 quake. Not yet nuclear war, but it is getting closer.

Exploding Pagers

On September 17, 2024, in Beirut, many paging devices used by Hezbollah exploded. The link here is to the initial Zero Hedge article. Pagers do not have GPS receivers, so cannot be used for targeting missiles against the holders of such devices. Thus they should have been much safer for use by Hezbollah.

The next day walkie-talkies similarly exploded, as well as many other electronic devices, including a few cell phones and finger print readers.

These appear to have been built by Israeli shell companies. Those companies had licensed Taiwanese brands to make them look authentic. It looks like in reality they were made with small amounts of high explosives.

There are thought to be about 4000 victims, 500 seriously injured and many dead. The use of booby traps in everyday devices is a very long standing war crime, coming from the placing of explosives in the headphones of radio receivers in WWI. This is another headline that behaves like a plague caused by Pharaoh.

Criminal Liability

This is a link to an X post by Mike Adams. Among many other things, Mike's companies sell dietary supplements. In this post he explains that the exploding pager episode by Israel now makes importing various foods and other consumer ingredients like dietary supplements from Israel illegal in the USA.

Portland, OR, Nurse

The link here is a to a video by a nurse in the Portland, OR, area. She works in a hospital. Maybe VA? She is 1 of only 3 staff who did not take the jab. She reports on what is going on now with sick and dead patients and staff. She even goes home to use the bathroom.

2nd Shooter, Black Rock Ad

Trump's second assassin appears to have been in a Black Rock commercial, just like the first assassin. The link here provides some evidence. If so, these guys inhabit very strange circles of friends. The local sheriff and the state of Florida are said to be preparing investigations. Many who have looked at this case think he had inside help.

3rd Assassination Attempt?

The link here is to a long article explaining trouble at Trump's recent Tucson campaign rally. Seems many people who sat near the stage became seriously sick from exposure to some sort of chemical, likely meant for Trump. Others speculate these burns may have been caused by a directed energy weapon. Some are counting this as a 3rd assassination attempt.

More Later,
