Deep Greek, New GPI App

This blog continues exploring Greek, including known manuscript history and current users of the Greek OT. But first, our first Greek related app, the GPI, is online. Finally, a headline review.


The link here is to our first public deploy of the new Greek Paleo Interlinear app. As always the permanent link is off the main page at

This is very much a preview. It has more stuff missing than finished. But regular readers should find this interesting. Let me explain.

The GPI closely follows the ASPI app. The GPI still needs the Apocrypha books and it is currently in the English book order.

The reason I have put this up before even finishing the app is because anyone following our work needs to look at what is happening to the text. Pull up the app then navigate to Genesis. It is slow to load, be patient.

The top row of text in the app is the modern lower case Greek. This is the format of the text as found online. That letter form was invented since the NT was written, and is not the form seen even in NT times. That top row also includes various marks, those too are added recently.

The second row removes the marks, pushing the text back in time. Marks will get bubble treatment just like in the ASPI. Certain marks, in certain places, we already know to be useful for name recovery, more on that blow.

The 3rd row restores the upper case version of the Greek letters. Remember, this is how Greek was written in NT times, and it is how the Septuagint was written 2300 years ago.

At this point you will see many of the Greek letters still retained their Paleo letter forms. Some are rotated, or missing parts, or whatever. In any case, we are pushing back to the Phoenician from which this all began.

Also interesting, some letters, like the lower case d, the Du in paleo, have more resemblance to the Paleo Du, than does, say, the upper case Greek letter Delta.

The 4th row down has the Paleo letters substituting for the Greek. This is the basis for recovery from Greek. This is pushing back to the letter forms of Moses' day.

The 5th row is the Paleo from row 4 run through the audit test routines. No number indicates not passing the audit. Any combinations of 0 through 5 indicate the Paleo word above passes audit in some way.

Without knowing anything else, the way the Greek resembles the Paleo is screaming at anyone who pays attention. Greek is closer to Moses era writing than is either Aramaic or Hebrew.

Most of the long words, with 10 or more letters, fail the audit completely. This is because the entire text is loaded with added vowels. This is also because there are no word breaks for what in Greek are really compound words. More word breaks are expected as we work the audit process.

Tabernacles Week Lessons

In last week's blog I introduced the subject of studying Greek texts for manuscript recovery. This was a huge change for us. We have been focused on Aramaic and Hebrew texts for 15 years.

One of the most common questions for this change is why did you need to spend those years with Semitic languages if the answer lies in Greek?

Last week's simple answer is that the 3d letter forms could never have been recovered from the Greek alphabet. That alphabet does not alphabetize the whole Alphabet following Phoenician. The 2d drawn forms are not close enough to Phoenician for the recovery of their inspired shapes. So the series of dreams in 2009 about how the alphabet 3d system is formed were not possible without knowing Paleo Hebrew.

Indeed, even that was not enough. I also needed an ancient alphabet poster purchased in a souvenir shop in Jerusalem on a business trip there in 1997.

The most important reason why we had to be thoroughly familiar with both Hebrew and Aramaic texts is that recovery from Greek requires being familiar with those other languages first. Greek recovery, if possible at all, cannot be solved alone.

Lesson: Include All Languages

I used Egypt as an example last week. For those who may care to peek ahead, look at the name Ham. This from Noah and his 3 sons, Shem Ham and Japheth. See Genesis 6:10 in the PEI for the Aramaic and the GPI for the Greek. Aramaic has an illegal spelling for Ham, but, the Greek should recover fine.

Note that in Greek we appear to be seeing Ha as a possible added vowel in certain names, including Joshua. See Colossians 1:1, 4th word in the GPI. You can see the YoShaOo root, but with a Ha as an inserted vowel after the Yo. That name also has a trailing Ve which might be grammar. Like Aramaic and Hebrew, this spelling for Joshua is recoverable by removing added vowels, a simple software process.

But, Greek isn't perfect either. The Greek spelling of Abraham, a name central to the 3d model system, will need to be recovered from the Semitic form. See Genesis 17:5. In Greek we find WaBaReWaWaMo, while Aramaic is WaBaReFeMo. This means we must drop a double Wa and bring back a letter lost in the Greek manuscript. This is harder to do in software because it requires consulting the Aramaic and perhaps Hebrew forms in order to find a correct spelling.

Adding to the software challenge is that both Aramaic and Greek forms pass audit as stand alone words. The audit against Greek will not pass when Abraham is used in inspired sentences.

The GPI app is currently using an LXX manuscript that has an easier file format. I used it so I could bring up the app quickly, working on many other issues first. The other LXX manuscript file that is readily available has a mark on the second Wa in the name Abraham. This may by marking the Fe replacement problem everywhere. I expect to switch OT Greek LXX texts here soon to take advantage of that mark.

These examples show full recovery is not possible without a lexicon that carries entries from across all the ancient languages. By this I might also expect to include Latin spellings in the Lexicon. Though the reading I've done recently on current modern Latin suggests it closely follows Hebrew. So the full lexicon is either 3 or 4 languages, Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew and maybe Latin. This is especially so for recovery of names. It may also be so for all other vocabulary words.

Until we can figure out any possible pattern, some of these problems will need to be solved in software through trial and error testing against the audit. This is fundamentally an ancient by-hand process, just sped up using modern tooling.

Lesson: Use Software Wherever Possible

Another lesson from Tabernacles week involved the Aramaic parsing database that I picked up from our earlier work in 2021. It was very nice to be able to just drop it into our current tooling. But there are 2 problems. The first is that it will require a great deal of manual work to finish. The second is that it needs to be tested.

The alternative to those manual tasks is to write statistically based software to regenerate the most statistically likely parses for every root in the database. In other words, to spend time on software instead of spending time manually editing parse lists.

This lesson was timely, and came before we saw the need for Greek. So we are now starting with an empty parsing database.

Lesson: Beware Semitic Assumptions

We are looking at the Greek Grammar. What were single letter prefixes in Aramaic are often found as stand alone words in Greek. KuWaYo is the Greek word for "and." It is a very common word. In Aramaic it was just a Ve.

We will see what shakes out of the audit. Maybe KuWaYo will shorten? In any case even we need to be careful to not just assume stuff that was true in the Aramaic world.

Greek Manuscript History

The last few days Ryan and I have been reading about and planning out the problems of including Greek texts into our tool chain. Let me give a review here of what matters to the history of Greek manuscripts. This for a permanent record, but also so that the many readers here who are closely following the work can understand this too.

Moses To LXX

Last blog, I sketched out the likely path of the language of Moses out to Greece as part of the Assyrian deportation. This hinges on the idea that the Jebusites took over the kingdom when Saul was made king.

First point here is that today's Hebrew language is a modern continuation of that same Jebusite event. So the fundamental fight is marked by Hebrew vs. Greek. That fight is still being fought, even with headlines this past week, in Ukraine. More on that below.

The Jebusite, or native Canaanite, language evolves out to Aramaic, Hebrew and so on. The language of Moses and the commandments is going to flee Canaan. Maybe by Jonah sailing west from Joppa, but more obviously at the Assyrian deportation. That deportation would seed the Greek language texts we have now.

So the late writing prophets, those after the Assyrian deportation, are writing in the inspired Paleo tongue that would also be some sort of proto-Greek. Fear of the Greek language is itself very evident among the Jews as recorded in the NT. They are willing to kill for fear of the Greek tongue. Let me save that list of Bible studies for a future blog.

By the NT times the NT would have been written in the inspired form we know as Paleo but also likely recognizable to outsiders as an older form of Greek. The GPI app is showing as much. Maybe this was known as an archaic Greek. This is why Paul readily found a listening audience on his travels in the Greek speaking eastern branches of the Roman world. He was showing them their own heritage buried in their language.

Hebrew Catches Up

Hebrew, as a language, created under Nebuchadnezzar's direction at Daniel's hand, was only a priestly language in first century. This is why Ezra the priest must read and interpret to his live Aramaic speaking audience. That audience knows a language derived from Canaanite, not the tongue of Moses. That audience of Ezra are the survivors of the Assyrian deportation who lived in Jerusalem.

Hebrew finally became a vernacular language about 100 years after the NT was written, so around 130 AD. This late adoption of Hebrew as the vernacular tongue is ultimately why there is no Hebrew NT.

Citing Greek Stories

There are many references in the Greek NT that are citing versions of stories found only in the Septuagint, not in Hebrew nor in Aramaic. Some of those stories are interesting for a future blog.

This fact is widely known, but never understood. Many Christian teachers mention this, Ryan saw it even in Bible College, but they cannot adequately explain this anomaly. What I just explained above is the answer. Ultimately Paleo, which can be thought of as an archaic form of Greek, was used by NT authors who were using that same Paleo or archaic Greek, as their source document.

The Septuagint is the gold standard Greek OT text. It is called the LXX for short, a reference to the 72 scribes who supposedly translated it. LXX is Roman numerals for the number 70, but it is rounded down from the 72 scribes of legend. The LXX is itself dated to around 2300 years ago. But, we have no manuscripts from that era.

What manuscripts of the LXX exist now?

Where do we pick up with the LXX in the modern era?

Who still uses it?

Let me outline the high points of this strange and important story in historical order.

Constantine's 50 Bibles

In 331 AD, Constantine issued a decree to have expert and trained scribes produce 50 complete copies of the Greek Bible. The link above explains in detail how we know this.

In the days before the printing press this meant 50 complete hand made copies of the Bible. This was a ton of work. Constantine wanted it done in the high quality, government funded, best craftsmanship of scribes.

This work was based on the Septuagint for the OT and of course the Greek NT as we have it now. This was NOT based on the Hebrew language, which was only used as a vernacular tongue for the previous 200 years or so.

This is in the same era as the Roman world is adopting Christianity as the state religion. The Nicene creed comes from that era. That creed is still used in some current denominations, Presbyterians, for example.

Note that in that day the Bible was a single work, from Genesis to Revelation, in the Greek language, and using the Septuagint OT.

What we know of today as the Latin Vulgate would be translated around the year 400. That was an ad-hoc effort, which would be based on the Hebrew OT instead. This is the battle of the age, What did God really say? What language did he say it in?

References to the Latin Vulgate, without any other qualification, are indicating a Hebrew based OT, so it is indicating trouble.

So the split between Hebrew and Greek is not from Luther's era, as we have long suspected, but from the century or so after Constantine's commissioning of a complete Greek Bible. Luther was just in the western Roman tradition, not the eastern tradition.

Septuagint From Hebrew?

The Septuagint is said to be a translation of the Hebrew OT. This level of understanding would pass for teaching a child. The problem is that in many places the Septuagint diverges importantly from the current Hebrew OT.


This is the adult form of this question.

The reason the Septuagint does not agree with the current Hebrew OT is because the Jews had not yet finished editing the OT until after the NT was written. They are not Protestants and don't care about Divine inspiration. God's word is whatever they say it is.


Formally speaking, for the Filter tags in the BRB, Ananias should be listed as the villain editor everywhere the Hebrew OT diverges from the LXX. Those edits were going on in Ananias' day, even if not by him personally.

We would understand the Septuagint OT and Greek NT are themselves both edited by the villains as described in the Apostles Council of Acts 15. So this Greek work commissioned by Constantine in 331 AD is not the inspired word of God in any letter perfect sense. But, Constantine's scribes were also not conformed to the Hebrew OT that was itself finished about 150 or 200 years before.

For rough comparison, Constantine's work comes in at around 36,000 modern verses. Once the Hebrew OT is finished and swapped out for the Septuagint the total verse count comes to around 39,000 modern verses. So maybe a little under 10 percent of the text of modern English Bibles is newer material than Constantine's 331 edition.

Also important, the Hebrew OT does not contain some Greek language material from the Apocrypha. Though I cringe at what I have read there so far, if we find even 1 verse passing audit from the Greek Apocrypha, likely, then we prove Constantine correct. Why? Because the Hebrew does not cover everything in the Apocrypha.

What is important here is that the Bible in Constantine's day was seen as being based in Greek. The Latin we know now is later. The Greek Bible of Constantine's day was thought by the leaders of that day to be the source text as found in 1 single tongue.

Great Uncial Codices

Of those 50 original hand made copies, 4 of them seem to have survived at least in part to the modern era. These copies are called the Great Uncial Codices. One of them is at the Vatican, 2 are at the British Museum in London and then there is one stored at a museum in Paris.

Scholars debate if these 4 texts are exactly from Constantine's commission or if at least some of them are copies made within 100 years from Constantine's original 50. If any of the 4 Uncial Codices are copies, then they were likely made by references to some of Constantine's original 50.

Because none of those 4 are exactly complete, having lost pages, those 4 are referenced together when the LXX is recreated by modern printers, as has been done at various times over the past several centuries. All 4 have been published as printed works, typically by the 1860s, sometimes earlier.

These 4 primary source documents are complete Bibles according to the Greek tradition, so they include the OT, the AP, and the NT.

The link above gives more links to articles specific to the histories of the 4 manuscripts themselves. Of the set, though, the story of the discovery of 4th, the Codex Sinaiticus, is worthy to note here.

Codex Sinaiticus

That version of the Septuagint is named after Saint Catherine's Monastery at Mount Sinai in the Sinai peninsula in Egypt. It was discovered by Constantin von Tischendorf. His Wikipedia page is linked below.

His life's work was to publish a critical edition of the Greek NT. He died before he was able to complete a critical edition of the Greek OT. His Greek NT is being used in the GPI linked above. A critical edition of his Sinaiticus discovery will be swapped into the GPI here soon.

Constantin von Tischendorf

The schooling system of Germany in the early 1800s was different than we know now in the USA. In any case he became a teacher of NT Greek and had a passion about the problem of finding the letter perfect text.

In the 1840s Constantin was working with printers who were producing copies of the Greek NT texts. In that work he would learn enough to define how to solve many problems with critical studies (letter level studies) of Biblical texts.

So Constantin is like an ancestor to the work we are doing now. The problem is always the same. We want a letter perfect text. How do we get it?

His is a lengthy and convoluted life story. Read the link. But eventually Constantin traveled from Germany to Sinai where he found a nearly complete copy of the whole Greek Bible at St. Catherine's Monastery.

Saint Catherine's Monastery

That place is itself interesting, the link here is to the Wikipedia page. It is the oldest continuously occupied monastery in the world. It is run by the Greek Orthodox. In any case, back to the story.

Constantin arranged for the Tzar of Russia to purchase that manuscript. That text, along with several hundred printed copies were presented in 1862 back to the Tzar. That date and publication was marking the 1000th anniversary of the throne in Russia. The text itself was later sold to the British for 100,000 Pounds, which is how it ends up in London today.

Stop here.

Think about the prophetic timeline of Russia.

This 4th great copy of the Uncial Codices is tied to the 1000th anniversaries of events in Russia. This is not tied directly to the 1000 years of Christianity in Russia. This 1862 date is early by about 130 years. But, it is tied to the Russian throne's 1000th anniversary.

The history of this particular document is now tied into the prophetic end-times stories of the Bible. We need to at least start recovery from this OT Greek text. This is why it will get swapped into the GPI here soon.

This begs some other questions. Who currently uses the Septuagint for regular church use today? Greeks and Russians are the most important groups we need to check. The Greeks are easy to check, the Russians not so easy.

Greek Orthodox Study Bible

The first question in this adventure: Does the Greek Orthodox church still use the Greek OT from Constantine's day? Short answer is yes. The link here is to a longer form answer.

The link above is to the Wikipedia article that covers the development by the Thomas Nelson publishers of the Greek Orthodox Study Bible. It is based on the Septuagint OT and the TR Greek for the NT. It is a current work and available from Amazon.

I normally don't recommend study bibles, but in this case I did order a copy in order to have a complete English translation, in normal Greek Orthodox book order, along with notes that would be acceptable to Greek Orthodox thinking.

More on this strange Bible in future blogs. Because their OT is different, the side notes often deal with differences in the OT from the current Hebrew of the OT. This is interesting too, but not in this blog.

Bottom line is yes. Greek Orthodox still use the Greek Septuagint for their OT. They also share the current NKJV English NT with Protestants in the west, including messing up names like James instead of the Greek Jacob. This Bible's English OT is designed to mimic the English style of the NKJV English used in the NT.

So can I assume that Russia does the same?

I don't trust anything anymore, and went on a hunt. Because we are dealing with the millennium reign prophetic stories of the Bible itself, I wanted to follow Russia forward across the past 1000 years. Let me start back at the beginning.

Church Slavonic

The link here is to an article that explains the development of a language called "Church Slavonic." This language was developed by the Saints Cyril and Methodius. These men were brothers, and they are credited by history as being the missionaries to the Slavic peoples.

Like most missionaries of today who are sent to unreached peoples, they had to create a written language and then translate the text of their Greek Bible into that language. Modern planetary literacy and planet wide civilization are from the work of such missionaries.

The brothers translated into a Slavic language dialect from the Province of Thessalonica, which is in present day Greece. For that nearby community, they created that first Slavic written language. The article linked above deals with the history of spoken languages of the region for which this first written work attests.

The brothers invented the system of letters known today as the Cyrillic Alphabet. This is generally still used across eastern Europe.

That alphabet was based on Greek letters of their day but with the addition of other letters to match the sounds used in Slavic.

This work to translate the Greek text into Church Slavonic also took root closer to Greece. The Orthodox church in what is now Serbia traces its ancestry to this same translation work. When Putin explains Russian kinship with Serbia, this is why. It is a church based kinship.

This Church Slavonic text of scripture would be used when Christianity reached Russia in the late 900s. Church Slavonic remains the liturgical language in Russia. It remains so in Ukraine at least until this week, see headlines below.

Note this is not the Russian language. So not the common language of the Russian people. If anyone in Russia wanted to read scripture in those early centuries they had to learn Church Slavonic. (Like needing to learn Greek and Latin before Luther's vernacular translation work in the west.)

Church Slavonic Translations

As the Russians used Church Slavonic for liturgy, there is a history of translations into that language. The link here gives the general history and a full list.

Let me survey that list and cover those 1000 years of Christianity in Russia. What follows are the key Bibles used in Russian history down to our day. This is a strange story to Protestant ears.

Gennadius Bible

Leaving Wikipedia for this link, we reach 1499 when the Russian's themselves start compiling the Books of the Bible. They are still using Church Slavonic, but now doing so with their own translation teams. This was done because they were fighting Jews, as this Orthodox article explains.

The article does not state clearly what base texts are in use, nor does the Wikipedia article on the same bible.

That compilation of the Bible's books would be printed in the 1580s for a more widespread use. They were adopting the printing press to make many copies. There is a modern reproduction project going on, such is the modern interest in this Bible.


The link above is to an article explaining the printing of modern copies of that Bible. This is likely part of Russia rediscovering its biblical heritage. Good for them. Continuing with their Bible history...

Ostrog Bible

The Gennadius Bible was first printed in 1580, and takes on its own name, the Ostrog Bible. It was published in Ostrog, thus the name.

That place is now called Ostroh, and is located in western Ukraine. The Wikipedia article makes clear this bible was translated from the Septuagint. So now we have some concrete evidence that Russian faith at the time was based on the Greek Septuagint, not the Jewish text.

It is important as the first Bible printed in Cyrillic type. 300 copies are thought to remain in existence. It became the model for later Russian Bibles. The next work was called the Moscow Bible of the 1660s. Not remarkable for our story here. Then came the Elizabeth Bible of the 1740s.

Elizabeth Bible

The Elizabeth Bible is the next important Russian Bible. It is a translation into Church Slavonic, commissioned by Peter I of Russia in 1712. The work was stopped by his death, but picked up again in 1744 by Elizabeth of Russia. Thus the name.

This Wikipedia article gives technical details, indeed it names the various Great Uncials used for this work. This strongly suggests this was a translation from the Septuagint, but as the article explains, it was augmented in some cases with translations from some Latin books.

Russian Synodal Bible

This translation is a Russian Language translation of the Bible, not a Church Slavonic translation. As such it represents a departure in the traditional liturgical language of Russia.

It was commissioned by Tzar Alexander I in 1813. As commissioned it was to be translated from the Septuagint. The New Testament was published in 1820 as a standalone work. By 1825 the OT was finished up through Ruth. (Mind the book order.) In that year the work was stopped and the Bible Society doing the work was disbanded by order of Tzar Nicolas I.

Work was resumed after the death of Nicolas I in 1855. The translators picked up the unfinished OT translation from 1825, but changed the base text from the Septuagint to the Masoretic text of the Jewish OT. This because someone in 1834 wanted the Russian Bible to be a complete copy of the OT. This translation work was finally finished and published by 1876.

Closing Thoughts

Note how published copies of the recently recovered full Greek Bible were presented to the Tzar in 1862. But also note how there was work on to replace the Septuagint based Church Slavonic with the Jewish OT by switching to the Russian language. Oh the games.

I would guess that there are 2 versions of thought within the Russia Orthodox church still to this day. Some want to stay in fellowship with the Greek Orthodox canon, and Church Slavonic. Some are going to want the latest scholarship from the west, so they will not know the game and be enticed away.

This would be the Russian equivalent of the KJV only tradition in the English speaking world. In Russia, this is more serious because they would be defending translations from the language from Moses.

After writing the previous paragraph I found a headline dealing with a possible answer to my concern. Is there a Septuagint based faith in Russia still? Yes. Read on.

Pope Condemns Kiev's Ban of Russian Orthodox Church

The article linked here is to an article on the Pope's response to recent Ukrainian legislation that bans the Russian Orthodox church in Ukraine. This overall process of splitting the Ukrainian and Russian churches has been going on since before the start of the fighting in Ukraine in 2022.

In searching around for a more complete article on this recent headline, I found an article on Christianity Today from October of 2023 that does a much better job of explaining the history of this particular law. The first reading of which had just happened in October of 2023. That first reading is what has now became law in Ukraine here in August of 2024.

Ukraine Prepares to Ban Russian Orthodox Church

Part of the reason Russia has been reluctant to attack Kiev directly is because the Russian Orthodox Church was itself founded in Kiev. Kiev remains to the Russians like Jerusalem is to Jews.

This is ultimately where we measure the 1000 years of Christianity in Russia. Those 1000 years are the millennium reign that western Christianity still expects to be future. Those 1000 years ended with the collapse of the USSR. Kiev, as a city, is a big deal in terms of planetary prophetic headlines. Looks like the world is going to burn down over that city.

This article has a cover photo looking across the Pechersk Lavra Orthodox monastery in Kiev. It looks across the river at some of the rest of Kiev.

Part of the complexity of this situation is that in their part of the world there is no American idea of the separation of church and state.

In some parts of the English speaking world, church and state are still tied. For example, the king is still the head of the Anglican church in the UK.

But, Americans normally miss this historical connection. We do not instinctively understand the pairing of church and state. Of course, the USA does have a state religion. It is called Zionism, a hybrid of Christianity and Judaism, built on a tampered version of the Septuagint OT. Nearly everyone in high government office in the USA is a member of that religion.

The Ukrainian and Russian churches are also state religions, tied to their governments. So as Ukraine and Russia have been moving towards war, the churches in each country get caught up in the fight.

Individual parishes in Ukraine have split along similar lines, so some stayed loyal to the church in Moscow, while some stayed loyal to the church in Kiev. Not mentioned in the article, this is likely following the language split. Ukrainian speaking communities likely followed Kiev, Russian speaking communities likely followed Moscow.

The article above covers many of the specific details and the troubles this war has caused to the church. The Eastern Orthodox patriarchy in Constantinople recognized the newly formed Ukrainian branch of Eastern Orthodoxy, which makes this a more formal church-split event. The Russians then broke communion with Constantinople and any other group that recognized that decision.

So now we have evidence this is a religious war in Ukraine. As NATO takes over Ukraine, so too does Zionism. Their eventual goal is to take over Moscow too. Interesting. We can show that NATO was founded by Nazis too, but save that for another day.

The article mentions that Church Slavonic has been the language used in both the Ukrainian and Russian churches. If this is correct, then this means that both churches have survived 150+ years of a Jewish OT in the Russian language.

At least until now, they have remained on the Septuagint OT. So the Russian language Bible from the mid 1800s does not appear to have reached inside real Orthodox churches in the region.

The article explains that Ukraine is switching away from the Julian Calendar for setting holidays. As but 1 example, Christmas in Ukraine will now be landing on December 25 and not January 7. This makes no sense if they are remaining in communion with the Orthodox community at large. It makes tons of sense if they are coming under the Nazis in Brussels.

Ukrainians are themselves loosing 1000 years of Christian heritage. They appear to have been driven mad by Zionists.

Let me continue with a few other headlines.

1 War Front

This is perhaps the most serious headline link I have ever given. This is a Judge Nap interview of Dr. Gilbert Doctorow. He is an expert on Russia, and normally is known for tracking Russian television shows for understanding the thinking of the Kremlin.

This week, Doctorow has been sounding an alarm. Russia has problems with what is happening with the US Navy around Iran. He has been speaking about this on other YT channels, but the link above is the most concise. Judge Nap cut the interview off about 5 minutes early because of what Doctorow had to say. Watch the video for more details. Let me summarize here.

The US Navy has arrived in large numbers in the Middle East, this we know. The publicly stated reason is to defend Israel from Iran. That expected Iranian action is motivated against Israel for the recent assassination of a Hamas official by Israel in Tehran. This response has been slow in coming.

So far, this is the known public reason for the US Navy movements, but Doctorow claims it may be a cover story.

The problem, as the Russians are explaining to their public on national TV, is that those 3 carrier task forces carry the capability to perform a decapitation strike against targets in Russia. The attack range of the fighters on US carriers currently west of Israel is where the trouble lies. From those flight decks the USA can deliver missiles anywhere in the Ukraine war zone, but also further into Russia.

Doctorow is warning that previous actions by Ukraine is a setup for this sort of attack. In particular the strange attacks on certain Russian radars, that had nothing to do with the Ukraine war, but have much to do with US activity against Russia.

The Russians may take out those US carriers directly in order to protect the Russian motherland. If the Russians do not do this, and instead those carriers are used in such a way as the Russians fear, then Washington DC would be vaporized soon thereafter.

This is the 1962 Cuban missile crisis in reverse. But, this time, only the Russian side is talking about it. It does not help that the USA is run by a deranged death cult who actually want much of the US public dead. This is how they could blame the Russians.

The 2024-09-25 prophetic watch date involves a possible replay of the drowning of 600 of pharaoh's charioteers in the sea. If the event Doctorow is warning about is going to hit on a short term prophetic date, then it would happen at about that date. The prophetic story would favor a strike on the ships and not the capital. We will see what happens, hopefully neither.

As a foot note to this headline, there is dispute as to the range of the weapons systems on those carriers. Larry Johnson, for example, does not think the range of those weapons can reach Moscow. I cannot verify this either way, but the actual range may not matter, what matters is Russian fears of the use of these weapons, not what they can or cannot do.

Plague of Gnats

Curfew in Massachusetts Towns

The top link here is to one of dozens of similar posts on X dealing with mosquitoes in Massachusetts. Most of the comments to this type of post put the blame on Gates, who has funded putting his normal bioweapons into these bugs. Other posts purported to be the helicopter doing the release of these bugs.

The second link is to a Zero Hedge article dealing with government response. There is said to be some fatal disease being spread by these things. The local governments are advising curfews in the evenings when these bugs come out.

I have no confirmation as to where these bugs are originating, but this is a plague of gnats. In general, all the plagues on Egypt should be thought of as man made events, created by Pharaoh and his friends.

Telegram's Pavel Durov Arrested

Tucker Interviews Pavel Durov (April 16, 2024)

Pavel Durov is the founder and CEO of Telegram. He was recently arrested upon arrival in France. He is important because Telegram has been the only secure social media platform. For example, it was the only social media platform for discussion of Covid. Most of the US doctors banned for discussing Covid had to turn to Telegram.

The western public was hesitant to use Telegram because it was said to be run by the Russians. Watch Tucker's interview to understand the history, and why this is not likely true. Pavel sold his first social media company because of Russian pressure on him. He fled around the world looking for a safe home, and found it in the UAE.

The first link above is to a Zero Hedge article written by Pepe Escobar. Some of the facts in his article diverge from the Tucker interview, especially dealing with Pavel's citizenship. So beware. In any case Pepe covers the likely motives and goals for Telegram back doors on the French side.

The second link is to Tucker's interview with Pavel in April. This may have given the French the idea to go after Pavel. Particularly interesting is how Pavel explains trouble with the Apple and Android platforms. He does not say exactly what that trouble is, it cannot be spoken in public. All you need to know is that these companies are run by members of the Israel Lobby. Content they do not like is what is banned. This is why we must use web apps and not apps hosted in their app stores.

The UAE is said to have come to Pavel's defense by suspending work on a contract where France is supplying them with 80 new jet fighters. This may be a show, unclear. I would not think that is a real threat until there are layoffs at factories in France over this. Many on X are speculating Pavel was lured to France by a female spy. I would not be surprised.

Late in the week Pavel was released on 5M Euro bond, and also not allowed to leave France. He is being charged with every crime ever committed by Telegram users, pretty amazing. Macron should be similarly charged for every crime ever committed in France. Preparing for an eventual trial is expected to take 5 to 7 years. Given the Olympics, we might say Pavel has now been banished to 5 years in Hell.

Attack On West Bank

The link here is to a long Zero Hedge article on Israel's attack this week on targets in the occupied West Bank. This appears to be part of their ethnic cleansing operation. This is said to be the largest such attack since 2002. Blaming Iran, of course. The last paragraph in the article quotes an Israeli official. That official is speaking a language known as Orwellian. It can be translated to regular English if you know "home" in Orwellian means heaven in English.

Less Later,
