Tabernacles, Greek, Headlines

This blog gives a summary of our Tabernacles week. We ended with a to-do list that I explain below. Also, notes on an update to the Calendar app. Finally, more plague like headlines.

Calendar Update

The link here is to our Calendar app. It was updated with a bug fix a week ago, but let me mention the change.

There was a bug in code that shows the Sabbath Read value for the second half of common calendar years. We noticed the bug 2 weeks ago and rushed out an update.

Sabbath Reads usually stop for 1 week across Tabernacles week. The code worked correctly in Sabbath and Jubilee years but not in common years. Last year, when I last worked on this, it was a Sabbath year. This is a common year. The code was not tested correctly. The bug is now fixed.

Tabernacles Week

We finished up our Tabernacles week here a couple days ago. It was an intense week, filled with serious discussion related to data we can now inspect in the new ASPI, PEI and LEX apps that went online just before the start of the week.

Joshua used our daily lot sets to continue to teach us about the problems and history of the Jews. This time his focus was on the origins of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. This was basically a continuation of our Unleavened Bread holiday from 6 months ago.

That earlier holiday was based around a review of the formation stories for the city of Jerusalem as mostly told in the last 3 chapters of Judges. That was timely 6 months ago because of the October 7, 2023, invasion of Gaza.

At that time, we were getting back story to current Gaza headlines. It has significant implications for the future of modern Israel because they are mostly Canaanites fighting against mostly Abraham's heirs through Ishmael.

Neither side is strictly under the covenant promises to Jacob, but neither side are strictly outside of the covenant promises to Abraham. This is in part why the war in Israel is so strange. This is why the eventual outcome will upset the Zionists.

In short, the Jews as we know them now are formed by the merger of 600 surviving fighters from the tribe of Benjamin with a much larger group of Jebusites, a Canaanite city that had survived Joshua son of Nun's conquest some 400 years earlier.

Thought Exercises

It may help to think of this in a numerical sense. We are given the counts of Benjamin's survivors. 600 fighters and then 600 captured wives. No children from Benjamin survived that war. We are not given a count of Jebusites, but they had not been wiped out by war. 10,000? 100,000? Some number like that?

Later, the combined Jebusite/Benjamin tribe is counted and listed as over 280K (2 Chronicles 14:8). In all scenarios here, Jebusites were the majority when they merged with Benjamin.

Those Jebusites renamed their city Jerusalem. That city is the arch villain for the rest of the text. Those particular Canaanites had won.

They conquered the other tribes by controlling the throne first setup by Samuel. First they had Saul, one of their own from Benjamin. That did not work so well. It was better to have a front man that could take the heat. David and his heirs eventually won out as that family.

The Jews used a line of Kings from Judah, but they were ultimately using that throne as the public face for their behind the scenes control of their empire. Today that same mechanism is called the Israel Lobby, which has been active across the world for about 3000 years.

I need not go into detail here, but by studying the NT passages surrounding Pilate, you can see they also effectively controlled Rome. Nothing has changed.

This is a recap from 6 months ago, from Unleavened Bread. We thought 6 months ago we needed to know this to understand the war in Gaza. That is true, but that is not the end of the matter.

But Wait, There Is More

We needed to know that history in order to understand some hard problems related to manuscript recovery. This Tabernacles picked up where we left off 6 months ago. Now, let me continue. What follows is best phrased as a series of questions with difficult answers. Let me begin.

Did this Jebusite history impact the language of the Jerusalem throne that began with Saul? Asked a different way, what language did Saul speak? His immediate ancestors were raised by Jebusites.

How much of the written language of Solomon's reign is in a Jebusite tongue? Or in a melding of the tongue of the heirs of Jacob with the tongue of the Jebusites?

Accept, say, the Paleo Alphabet. The Paleo alphabet is the basis for all phonetic written scripts around the world today. Paleo is always able to mostly host any tongue. The sounds in Paleo are driven by the physics of the human vocal tract. So just because the Paleo alphabet is used, this does not mean that "paleo hebrew" from Solomon's day is actually the tongue of Moses.

Do the answers to these question impact our understanding of the manuscripts we are looking at now for recovery?

Take a moment to think about these questions. What is the new ASPI and PEI and LEX apps actually showing us?

Once these apps were online we could finally inspect very many words using the audit pattern. We could finally think about this problem at scale with hard evidence.

The language system we know now as Hebrew, that was once Aramaic, that itself once had a form called Paleo Hebrew... That language tradition was formed by the same events in the last 3 chapters of Judges as created the Jews.

Evidence for this, and what it means, is what we grappled with this past week. Let me start with a key example.


I have covered in previous blogs how modern Israel is formed by 2 different groups of Jews. One from eastern Europe, so from the region of modern Ukraine, the other from the middle east. The group from the Middle East are known as the Mizrahim. This is a variant spelling on Mizraim, the name in the text for Egypt.

The root for this word is MoZeRe, and if you use the LEX app you can find that root. If you understand the audit, you can use the LEX to see that this word does NOT pass audit.

Not obvious by just using the LEX tool, but let me just explain, there is also no way using our normal understanding of the history of the text for this word to be a degenerate form of an inspired spelling.

Mizraim is a foreign loan word. Mizraim is not inspired. It flat out replaces some other unknown word. This is just 1 example, there are others. At some point in history the text appears to have been through a word substitution season.

Someone traded out some other word for the word Mizraim. We know the pattern already, Acts explains the issue of the divine name, that it was substituted. But now we know there are more cases of word substitutions. You can find others in the LEX if you dig around.

We suspect the Mizrahim simply put their name for themselves in place of Egypt because they had conquered Egypt at some point. They conquered Egypt in ancient times just like Rome, like Washington DC, and like they are attempting against Moscow. They renamed that place as their own.

This is why the history of the Jews is so important to recovery of the text. That history intertwines with the history of the manuscript.

So, when did foreign loan words start entering the lexicon?

It started all the way back before king Saul. It started in the last 3 chapters of Judges, same place as we were exploring 6 months ago.

This is very far back, without good manuscript history from that era.

Removing Loan Words

To recover the text we must figure out the correct, inspired, name for Egypt. And, we need a reliable source for checking everything else across the manuscript for possible loan word substitutions. Not just names, like I am showing you here, but all other vocabulary words too. Every single word in the manuscript risks being a loan word.

We don't know how much Canaanite language has been inserted, even words that otherwise pass the audit might be loan words.

Let me show the path to ferreting out loan words, by asking a few simple questions.

How about just using the name Egypt?

Egypt will be an acceptable replacement for Mizraim as concerns the audit pattern. So this is possible, and easy to do.

But there are perhaps several thousand names in the text. Where do we find alternative spelling for all of them?

Another way is to ask, Where does the name Egypt come from?

If Egypt works, then wherever we get Egypt may tell us where to get everything else we need to finish recovery.

It took several days of discussion, but in the end, the answer will be the Greek Septuagint.

All of the tooling we have been building around Aramaic must be brought up again against the Greek manuscripts too. So the LXX for the OT and probably the TR for the NT.

Our discussions this past week also covered a possible alternative inspired manuscript history. How did inspired words like Egypt ever end up in the LXX but not in Hebrew nor in Aramaic?

Maybe ancient Greek is itself the inspired OT? So maybe the LXX carries the inspired OT, and not the Aramaic as we've been using. And another question. Does Greek carry the Paleo grammar? Maybe.

Let me hint at why this may be so. You can then contemplate what all this might mean.

Greek History

The LXX is thought to have been the result of a translation from Hebrew about 2300 years ago. It is said to source with Hebrew, with Hebrew as the master language and Greek as the translation.

Ryan has been chasing down what scholars say about that document. Seems there are 2 styles of Greek in the LXX itself. There is a more modern form that covers material that Ryan would list as not inspired by content rules. That "newer" form is the Greek of 2300 years ago. This is still an old form of Greek. Then there is an even older form of Greek used in other areas in the LXX.

Those other, older, areas often mix Greek styles, the most ancient form is often riddled with both forms. This is said to be happening in areas where Ryan would expect inspired content. So there are already known differences in Greek style in the LXX that are likely pointing at inspired text and then added text from the time of 2300 years go. The known scholarly work on the LXX would support our hunch that the LXX was not a new translation, but an uplift of content so it matched the then new Hebrew OT.

Since the LXX was written, the Greek language itself has continued to change. To look at LXX Greek using current computer files requires rolling back several other layers of language evolution. Lower case letters, used now for the LXX, were invented in the modern era. This Paleo recovery problem is more difficult than any other text we've looked at. Everything else we've done was just training for the real problem. I have surveyed this work. It can be done. But, it is not easy. In the end we will be able to produce an interesting Greek to Paleo Interlinear.

Assyrian Deportation

The most ancient form of Greek dates to the late 9th century or early 8th century BC, coincident with the Assyrian Deportation in Canaan and with the founding of the city of Rome. News reports this past week indicated that city of Rome just celebrated their 2777th birthday, fun. This is how far back we are pointing for this Greek to Paleo recovery.

Jerusalem survived the Assyrian deportation. They were using a Paleo-Hebrew alphabet as carrier for perhaps a Jebusite/Benjamite mixed tongue.

We have never seen evidence that in the flood of refugees leaving ahead of the Assyrian Deportation that anyone was carrying a sacred manuscript. Now we have such evidence.

In that fleeing bunch of refugees, the tribe of Zebulun arrived in Greece. They were using what we would call an archaic Greek language. But their Greek alphabet has another name, Paleo. Badly formed, but I can prove it by studying the modern Unicode standards. Even the Wikipedia pages for the Greek languages affirms that Greek started as Phoenician. (At least it does this week. Once this blog is out, maybe not any more.)

Were those refugees to Greece carrying copies of the Moses era texts that were in the Moses era tongue?

Did those texts provide the ancient Greek that was later bulked up by an editor building the LXX about 500 years after they left Canaan?

This is what we must build the tooling test. I will return with a full report when I know more at the manuscript level.

BRB Update

Ryan has also started inspecting the story line of the NT for clues. From a distance we know that Paul's missions took root in Greek speaking communities.

The ancient, upper case, form of Greek was very similar to Paleo. So those communities were ready for someone like Paul to explain the tricks of Paleo from their already understood OT manuscripts.

Many of the stories where Jews get angry involve references to Greek language. John 7 suggests they were afraid that Joshua himself intended to go to the Greeks. Why? Because Joshua's manuscript recovery work was likely closely related to Greek.

Joshua would have recovered the inspired OT not from Aramaic but from Greek. That process is what Paul would be demonstrating in his missions to the Greeks. Once recovered, then Greek would be multiplied into more volumes. Thus the source of certain NT quotes that have Greek LXX but no Hebrew OT support.

Aramaic Primacy

Aramaic Primacy studies is why we started with Aramaic texts many years ago.

There are many places in the NT where it is easy to show the Greek is a mis-translation of Aramaic. So everything I've said above seems to be false by the evidence of Aramaic Primacy.

Our leaving Greek itself was triggered by this study of Aramaic Primacy many years ago.

Not so fast.

Aramaic Primacy as a theory presumes the NT as given to us by history is completely inspired. There is no concept of editors within the Aramaic Primacy argument.

If the NT editor, Ananias, was thinking and writing in Aramaic, and then having that work translated to Greek for inclusion in a master Greek NT text, then the various examples of Aramaic Primacy in the NT are really evidences of passages that are not inspired.

In the view I have sketched out here, the Aramaic Primacy evidences become editor evidences, not primacy evidences.

So we have no reason from Aramaic Primacy arguments to ignore the LXX nor the Greek NT.


We had a week of intense conversation. I have just introduced the high level points of this week of intense discovery.

We are working on setting up the correct tooling to be able to study this problem at scale.

We need to see the Greek alphabet to Paleo alphabet conversion. The Greek manuscript files are much more complex than the Aramaic. Though complex, the conversion from Greek to Paleo will work, there are several phases to the conversion not seen in other texts.

We need to see a Greek to Paleo Interlinear.

We need to see a Paleo Lexicon, but where of all the Paleo words are found from the Greek text.

We need to see the audit pattern applied across the bulk of the Greek vocabulary words.

We need to review Greek grammar, which would be the starting point for inspired Paleo grammar.

Finally, we need to see how much is shared with what we know in Aramaic and Hebrew. For this we will turn again to names and see what we find, and how many names from Greek pass audit.

More on this long list of work items when we have something to share.

What Happened in Kursk

The link here is to an article by Pepe Escobar reviewing what is known about the Russian government's response to the Kursk invasion.

Pepe explains that this invasion caused various high military officials great embarrassment because their intelligence gathering operations did not detect the gathering of NATO troops across the border from Kursk in Ukraine.

From the perspective of outsiders, it is unclear if this was a technical issue, like satellite cameras not working, or if this was hidden by the Russian government hierarchy to cause embarrassment and trouble for the Russian leaders themselves. Perhaps even the Israel Lobby equivalent inside Russia was playing games. Likely, the cameras were working, so the Kursk invasion represents trouble inside the government.

Pepe mentions that this could have been a trap for Ukraine, but if so this was not a trap set by Putin nor his trusted advisors. Putin's public response made that clear. Pepe goes into the specific Russian government players and what is known about them.

The effect of the Kursk incursion was to dash Putin's hope for some sort of political solution to the Ukraine war. So this supports the factions in the Russian government that see this war as inevitably growing into nuclear WWIII. That faction argues to get on with that war now. This attitude is not yet in charge of Russia, but it is gaining favor. This is kicking the Russian Bear.

In the short term, the Russians are working to cut off maybe 12,000 troops, many from NATO, who crossed the border into Russia. Once encircled, they will be wiped out, as per Russia's normal strategy for this. Moses is going to kill the Egyptian who is fighting with Moses' own.

Prophetic Matches

The components of the Kursk situation are lining up nicely with the prophetic story we expected around 2024-08-15. Moses kills an Egyptian who was in a fight with one of Moses' own kind. Moses was trying to settle this himself, but gets found out. The net effect is that Moses is no longer welcomed as part of Pharaoh's family. Moses will flee, regroup, and then return to rid his people of trouble from Pharaoh.

So Putin's hope of a settlement of the war with the west ended at this date. Said prophetically, Putin/Moses is no longer welcomed in Pharaoh's court. Even though he was raised there. Remember, Putin was stationed in Germany as a young officer. He has worked for decades to bring Russia into fellowship with the rest of Europe. Pharaoh's bankers cannot let that happen. They want Russians as their slaves too.

Possible Futures

The rest of the story for this date is sketching out something of Putin's future. He has now learned that he will never be welcome in Pharaoh's court. He must flee to the east, so into the arms of his friends, China, Iran, and perhaps India. (Think Job and his friends.)

Once Moses figures out life, he will have much more supernatural help and return to end the matter. The near term Exodus date is around 40 days ahead, around 2024-09-25, or so. The exact date rarely has recognizable headlines.

Currently there is a large BRICS gathering planned for late in October, 2024. That gathering may be why Iran's response to Israel is delayed. BRICS as a currency war would defeat the west better and more permanently than Iranian bombs.

That meeting is expected to formally launch the BRICS new system for settling international trade. 159 countries may become operational on the new system at that time. That headline should match a prophetic replay of Moses and Joshua son of Nun setting up, or at least starting to use, the Tent of Time. That was the fundamental counter to Pharaoh's debt/slave system. But, remember, that system lasted until David, when that tent fell. So it may work well only until late 2025.

We will see how this unfolds, but at least from the perspective of the 2024-08-15 date, the prophetic story is making sense. Still watching for a possible plagues series running until 2024-09-25, here is a possible start for that.

DNC Abortions

The DNC convention has been going on in Chicago. For this convention, it is interesting to think about the free abortions, 25 known so far, taking place at the convention. This is of course human sacrifice. Politics is the state religion of the USA. It is a death cult. Now it is killing children as a part of its formal meetings.

The first plague is blood on the river. The text is unclear, but structurally follows the killing of the babies, and suggests that the killing of babies at Moses' birth was still going on at the start of the plagues.

Chicago's sewer system drains through a canal system and then out to the Mississippi, so into America's Nile. This headline would thus be the expected first headline of a plagues series. We will need more headlines to spot a series.

New BRICS Payment System

The link here is to an article explaining the start date for the new BRICS payment system. At or near the BRICS meeting in October, but it sounds like the software itself is already running.

Even Without BRICS

Even if nothing really happens with BRICS, many central banks are switching to gold as a reserve asset. This is also a move away from the USD. The link here explains. The article does not say if those banks are buying real gold, or fiat gold. This is an important point that outsiders probably cannot determine.

Record Autism Decline

The link here is to an article explaining what happened in Marion County California starting in the year 2000. A group of parents stopped following CDC guidelines for vaccinations. Without the autism causing vaccines, 20 years later, the county is unique in low autism rates. Read the article for more details. Our earthly enemy is ultimately government officials and their friends.

Moscow Drone Attack

NATO continues to escalate against Russia. This time several waves of drone strikes directed towards Moscow.

More Later,
