500 Year Church Building Cycle
This blog reviews the 10-fold Jubilee cycle, which usually have temple like structures built on the cycle. Then it introduces the cathedral expected in 2010. Also, a headline review.
500 Year Cycles
When I am introducing the timeline of scripture to a new audience, I usually start by drawing out a 10-fold Jubilee timeline. Since a Jubilee is 50 years, a 10-fold Jubilee is 500 years. The general flow of the text changes every 500 years, as does human history. So this is a good, simple, easy to follow, introduction.
To help this introduction, I usually point out certain famous buildings that were built at that same 500 year cycle. So those famous buildings become easy to remember landmarks, both on the ground, and along the timeline. Those buildings mark a change in the focus of life on earth in the coming 500 year cycle.
The cycle itself wants a similar building in our day, ideally to be built around the year 2010. Like the earlier buildings, it should be marking a change for the next 500 year cycle. I have previously never been able to identify that expected 2010 building. Now I can.
When introducing this story to live audiences, I normally start at the present, say the year 2000, and go backwards. For this blog I will start at the beginning, and go forward.
Because I am starting to see the flow of history as related to manuscript tampering and the various fights over preserving the text, I now see some of the stories surrounding these buildings as part of that fight. So I see them differently than I have in the past. So this is a useful and current review.
Of course the story of Adam and Eve involves a building, Eden itself, but after that point we go 6000 years forward to Noah. Let me start with Noah. All of the following building links are to Wikipedia.
Noah's Ark
Noah's flood is in the 20th year after a 10-fold Jubilee break. If we are looking for a documented structure at that point in history, then Noah's Ark itself, famous in the flood, would be the structure for that cycle. Perhaps Noah's ark was begun 20 years before the flood? If so, then it would be on the cycle exactly.
Noah is one of the inspired writers. Noah was carrying the writing from Enoch. So the ark itself existed in part to preserve the story from Adam to Noah's day.
The ruins of that ark are still visible in eastern Turkey. It was a very major structure.
While Noah is on the 10-fold Jubilee pattern, not much interesting happens across the next 3 dates of the 10-fold Jubilee pattern. There are no Bible stories for those dates. The 4th cycle, so 2000 years after Noah, is when we pick up with the tower of Babel.
Noah's flood sets the mode for human history between the flood and Babel. Basically after Noah there is no high civilization of consequence. The story of the table of nations is dealing with how families spread out and multiplied after the flood. The unloading of the ark impacts the world for those 2000 years.
Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel also sits on the 500 year cycle. The structure in question is going to be that tower. Presumably one of the large clay brick structures with ruins still in Mesopotamia.
There is a disputable point about the vocabulary of the tower of Babel. The text itself might be dealing with the scroll of Babel, the word "scroll" being nearly the same as "tower." The materials for building towers in that day, clay bricks, are the same as for written communications. So the building may have been a writing house.
Babel marks the start of the age of empire building and the writing of history. The people of that day are disbursed to build independent empires, ultimately to form independent nations. Abraham's story marks the tail end of the development of empires. Abraham, instead of being part of an empire, departs with his father from Ur and ultimately ends up in Canaan, on what for them is the frontier. This is at the end of the era following Babel.
The text skips the next 10-fold Jubilee cycle, after Babel, but returns 1000 years after Babel with Jacob's dream. From Jacob's dream forward to our day, the 10-fold Jubilee cycle hits every time.
Jacob's Ladder Dream
The basic story is that Jacob was fleeing Esau after Jacob was given his father's blessing. On the first night out Jacob sleeps using a rock for a pillow and has a strange dream.
Anyone using a rock for a pillow might have a similarly strange dream, of course. The context for this dream may be a clue to astute readers that it was a sleepless night and not really a dream.
In any case, that night's dream is of kings ascending and descending from the skies on a ladder. Jacob remarks that surely god is in this place.
Note the stone and the comment about location. Though not a huge building, it is on the 10-fold Jubilee pattern. Jacob's personal timeline shows this dream to be essentially at the new years break for that 10-fold Jubilee.
All of the rest of the 10-fold Jubilee stories involve stone work, so this story's use of a stone is marking the start of a pattern. It is also locating the start of special places. Special stone work is in special places. Jacob is also marking the start of places that are setup ideally, but not always, for spiritual encounters.
The next 500 years of the timeline are focused on Jacob' family. The key idea is how his family grows in numbers until they come out of Egypt as a new nation.
Tent of Time
The next event on the 10-fold Jubilee pattern is the Exodus from Egypt. This is also at the calendar break between 10-fold Jubilee cycles. Almost immediately after their departure, the community starts to build a tent. It takes about 2 years to finish the tent and contents, but it takes another 40 years to reach and finish the stone work.
That delay was because of their lack of faith to take the land. The key stone markers, the capstones of the tent, are finished later. This happened when the text of the commandments was carved into stones at the bottom of mounts Ebal and Gerizim. This was likely around 47 years after the Exodus, but you could argue me to 42 years, at the first Sabbath year across the Jordan. So these various building projects often take decades to complete. They start and stop and go through troubles.
The focus of the next 500 years is going to be how the single nation of Jacob's heirs grows to become independent nations. Across that time we see what life looks like with Joshua ruling. For the next 2 centuries there were only 3 minor wars. There was no standing army. Whatever ruling elite existed, it was not funded by taxes. It is also a time of degeneration, where the people slowly return to the ways of Egypt.
Solomon's Temple
The 10-fold Jubilee pattern continues with the first building that we would recognize as something like a modern church. We know it as Solomon's Temple. It was started 480 years after leaving Egypt. It was a 20 year project ahead of the 10-fold Jubilee. It was built in Jerusalem following plans from Egypt apparently to please Solomon's Egyptian wife.
This project included 2 buildings. First, Solomon's temple, built over 7 years, then a government palace built over another 13 years. Solomon was working in order to dedicate both structures by the 10-fold Jubilee in his day. Not clear in the text, but an earthquake in the time of the prophet Amos may be indicating Solomon's buildings did not survive intact for more than 100 years.
The focus of the 500 years after Solomon's Temple is showing how the ways of Egypt manifest themselves in detail. The stories for each king appear to be case studies in the ways of Egypt. Most of the heirs of Jacob were driven away, eventually to Europe, early in that same 500 year era.
Ezra's Temple
Ezra's Temple, also called the Second Temple, was built in the 20 years ahead of the next 10-fold Jubilee. Like Solomon's temple, Ezra's temple is built in Jerusalem.
The focus of the next 500 years is captured in Ezra's commissioning letter from his Babylonian king. Ezra's job was to figure out how to build a distributed religion based on daughter churches to the master church in Jerusalem. All of which are to be in service to Ezra's Babylonian commissioning king.
Ezra becomes the main editor who created most of the OT we know now. But when the Septuagint was created about 200 years after Ezra, the OT was still not stable. Ezra's heirs were still working on solving the problem of inventing their own enduring tradition.
This system is bemoaned in Acts 15 because Ezra's OT is by then read in all Synagogues in their day. In modern computer terms, this is a distributed block chain system. It means manuscripts of scriptures, even if edited, will now hold across 1000s of years.
Herod's Temple
Herod is the name of a governor widely credited for using Roman funds for rebuilding Ezra's Temple at Temple Mount in Jerusalem. That building becomes the backdrop for events recorded in the New Testament.
The exact 10-fold Jubilee date is Joshua's age 12 visit, where he is said to be challenging the teachers in that day. The Hebrew OT was finally settling down. I would also now guess that Joshua was probing the teachers to understand their as yet unpublished edited version of the OT.
Perhaps the most defining story in the NT text is the Jewish threat to bring Caesar's wrath on Pilate should he not crucify Joshua. Jewish rule over Rome, to their own benefit, using the same threats, would dominate the next 500 years. Presumably, the fall of the Roman republic, which had only happened in the previous few decades, was also their handiwork.
The next 500 years was dominated by the inability of Rome, at the direction of Jewish high priests, to stop the advancement of Christianity. Ultimately it became a state religion. By the early 300s Rome was giving in. By the 400s western Rome moved to Latin from Greek in order to swap in the then new Jewish OT, so they could maintain control over those who practiced the religion. That slight of hand would split the empire, with the west using the newly released Hebrew OT, but translated into Latin, and the east using the much older but still Jewish revision of the Greek OT.
At this point we run past the end of the simple history as recorded in the text. But the text prophetically speaks of the future and the 10-fold Jubilee pattern continues. Those cycles are evidenced by the construction of large and/or otherwise important church buildings. Let me continue.
Haggai Sophia, Constantinople
The next 10-fold Jubilee looks for a building in the early 500s. The building in question looks to be the 537 rebuilding of Haggai Sophia in Constantinople. The building in question still stands, but has been repaired and repurposed at various times.
A church building had been standing on that site since the 360s, so this is like the temples in Jerusalem, with a rebuilding history at the same location. In the case of Haggai Sophia, the rebuilding was triggered by what are known as the Nika Riots of 532. Much of the city itself was burned down in politically motivated riots. An estimated 30,000 people died in the riots.
This is about 20 years after the expected prophetic date. As such, this may not be the correct building. But, this 20 year offset is similar to Noah's flood, where disaster struck 20 years into the new 10-fold Jubilee cycle. There may have been a political event around 511 or 512 that precipitated those riots. (We risk a similar 20 year offset in our day, this time to Nuclear war.)
The scale and design of the building itself was unlike anything built previously. It is a singularly important building in terms of world history. A key fact is the interior of the dome. It sits about 180 feet, or 18 stories, above the main floor. We don't get normal office buildings, nor residences, approaching that height until the late 1800s. So it takes 1300 years for commercial construction to reach the general scale of Haggai Sophia. It took 18 stories of wood scaffolding to reach the bottom side of that dome.
This building was the spiritual heart of the Byzantine Empire that would form with the collapse of the western branches of Roman empire around 555. That is the year of the maximum extent of the Byzantine empire, which would last for around 900 years. The Byzantine name will lend itself to the Byzantine Greek Textual tradition, which you may know by the name "Textus Receptus." History is ultimately about the story of fighting over and preserving the inspired text. What is it that God really said? Does anyone know? A problem for another day.
Haggai Sophia was built with a multi-domed style that would be copied across the Orthodox branches of Christianity. It would remain a Christian church until 1453 when the city was taken over.
The scriptural parable for this building and era is the story of Matthew 20:20-28, when a woman asks Joshua to have her 2 sons sit at his right and left. This triggers a fight with 10 others who are upset.
This 10-fold Jubilee season marks the split in the Roman world into the 10 on the west and the 2 on the east, each side fighting with each other. (Still do.) Latin has freshly supplanted Greek in the west, but Greek remained in the east. (Still does.) The west was being driven insane by use of a Hebrew OT and those who kept it using Latin.
Saint Sophia Cathedral
The next 10-fold Jubilee looks for a building in the early 1000s. That building becomes Saint Sophia's Cathedral in Kiev. Founded in 1011 (or some say 1037). The 1000th anniversary of the building was celebrated in 2011, which helps establish the founding date essentially at the correct prophetic date.
This building is marking Christianity coming to the Russian people, called Rus or Kievan Rus. The scriptural story for this follows the previous story, the healing of the 2 blind men from Matthew 20:29-34, so the 2 nations on the east. This would be Judah, modern Russia, and a remnant from Benjamin, probably modern Ukraine.
This structure went through various remodels. It was originally domed in the style of Haggai Sophia. It was eventually remodeled into the more common modern style. It also suffered through communism and is now a museum.
The following 500 year cycle appears to focus on faith reaching the farthest corners of the lost tribes.
Saint Peter's Basilica
The next 10-fold Jubilee cycle lands at around 1510. The building becomes Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. The building itself was replacing a much older structure at the same site. It was built in stages so the location could remain in continuous operation. The date is best marked by Luther's 1510 visit to Rome. On that visit he understood how the selling of indulgences were being used.
Saint Peter's marks 2500 years from Solomon's temple and the start of the end of the systems of Solomon. The 2550 year offsets are driven by the blessings and curses of Leviticus 26. We are still in the long tail of those curses now.
The next 500 years mark vernacular language translations of the Bible, and the spread by Protestants of literacy and modern democratic civilization around the world. The problem, by 1510, is the west had also just learned how to sail around the world. The west's secret rulers funded navies to sail out and conquer the world instead of bring it to salvation.
Our 10-fold Jubilee Cycle
The current 10-fold Jubilee cycle lands with a millennium break in February of 2010. It is at this point that we would look for yet another key building in the cycle and style of temples.
If you had asked me in 1995 where I would guess this building to land I would have said in Jerusalem, replacing the Dome of the Rock with the expected Jewish millennium temple. This was a Zionist answer. This idea is still held by many American Christians. It is fundamental to our state religion.
Sitting here in 2024, it may not be totally impossible for that still to happen. Noah's 20 year offset is in early 2029. So a riot in Jerusalem like the Nika revolt in Constantinople might still happen.
So a building built of disaster is still possible in Jerusalem. But, I would discount that location because of the Jebusite heritage of modern Israel. I am making a better textual argument than do the Zionists. Iranians sending someone to lead rebuilding on Temple Mount is more likely from a textual basis.
In 2010, when I was asked where this cycle's building was landing, I shrugged, and guessed Shanghai Disneyland. This was in part because at the time we were using Disneyland in California as a type of Temple. In 2010 I used this answer in part to mock the subject of temples at all.
People's Salvation Cathedral
OK, so the People's Salvation Cathedral has been in the talking stage since the 1870s. The plan was interrupted when the communists, so the disciples of a Jew named Karl Marx, took over Romania. There was also a couple world wars, so the project was delayed. Finally, discussion began again. In 1999 the Romanian Orthodox Church restarted discussions for the building of a Romanian, National, Orthodox Cathedral.
By 2005, city hall itself, suggested the top of Arsenal Hill, the highest location in the city. This suggestion meant that a suitably built church would tower over the communist era city hall building. Shortening the story, construction contracts were let in late 2009, construction begin in 2010 and the building was consecrated, but not fully finished, in 2018.
The consecration happened November 25, 2018, with over 100 priests and 55,000 people in attendance. It is quite a structure, built to modern earthquake and building standards. The Wikipedia article linked above goes into the impressive technical specs. I have said nothing here about the also impressive interior decoration.
This new building is frequently compared to Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome and to Haggai Sophia in Constantinople. It is similar in overall scale to those 2 earlier churches. So it is known to be in the same league and tradition of 2 of the buildings earlier in this list. So this is why it is a good candidate to be the expected building at this date in the 500 year cycle. It lands on the cycle perfectly and it is a national church in the truest sense of the term.
Video Of People's Salvation Church
The video linked here is filled with lots of drone shots and video from the opening. You can see the hill were it sits and how the building is deliberately higher than city hall. There is still another year before the building is fully finished. The crane still stands, apparently to lift up the very top. In any case, a very fun video.
The analysis in the video deals with the economics. In particular how many tourists the building is likely to draw to Romania. Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome does the same there, so tourist draw is an interesting metric. I can certainly see why this would be an interesting tourist destination.
For average Romanians, say 90 percent of the population, this building represents the ultimate defeat of Communism. As such, the building itself is a shining light of hope on a hill.
So, if the 500 year cycle continues, what would this building say to the rest of us about the next 500 years?
Orthodoxy is not built on empire building, nor on conquering the world. They hated the Pope at Rome because he refused to be equal to the other Orthodox leaders. Popes at Rome will usually be pawns of the modern Jebusites, who carry the same delusion.
So this next cycle will be different politically. Much of what Putin says is ultimately from Orthodox faith. Putin's, and BRICS, views of planetary governance are at odds with the western tradition of empire. Ultimately the Orthodox view disputes the Zionist idea of ruling all of earth from Jerusalem, with everyone, everywhere, their slaves. No wonder the Zionist want to conquer Russia.
Obedience of the nations is ultimately Judah's, which is modern Russia. So that Obedience of the nations is therefore ultimately Orthodox. In the Orthodox view all nations are created equal, this is guiding their international relations. To them, the west is a godless, insane, pariah.
The Orthodox are also the current guardians of the Greek OT text. Their role in that task is why this new Cathedral is only now so interesting. I suspect Joshua kept this place hidden from me until I could understand. I could only have figured out the serious textual part of this building's story in the past few weeks.
I am deliberately skipping project status this week. Ryan and I are still getting our bearings on the Greek textual tradition. Let me end by covering a few key headlines from this past week.
Poltava Strike
On September 3, 2024, the Russians used an Iskander missile to strike a NATO run training base in Poltava in eastern Ukraine. Western media reported total casualties of around 50. Nobody believes the Ukrainians any more.
The purpose of the base is never stated publicly. But it is suspected that NATO was training Ukrainians and mercenaries from around the world for the use of advanced weapons against the heartland of Russia, thus the intensity of the Russian strike.
Col. Douglas Macgregor was on Judge Nap's podcast and added interesting details. The Russians used a hyper sonic weapon, which are reserved for special targets. It was called in by low ranking officers, this itself a first, indicating the war aims of Russia are changing.
1709 Battle of Poltava
Also of importance, Poltava was the location of an important historical Russian defeat of Sweden. This is where the Empire of Sweden came to an end. The link here is to the Wikipedia account of what happened. Poltava was also the location of an important historical defeat of the Germans. So this location has important symbolic meaning to the Russian and European public, at least to Russians who still remember their history. Not so much Europeans.
Hal Turner reported that the main trainers at the base worked for the Swedish company SAAB. Those dead in this strike included most of the key SAAB trainers, and many key SAAB division executives. Hal was the first to put the estimated killed and wounded at around 760. Others have used this number as well.
Thus the symbolic history of Poltava is where the lost tribes of Reuben and Naphtali loose their empires to the lost tribe of Judah. Other tribes may be about to do the same.
Swedish Foreign Minister Resigns
The resignation of the Swedish foreign minister is thought to be confirming that many Swedes were lost in the strike. This man was responsible for getting Sweden to join NATO. Now a group of their people are dead. What did anyone in Sweden expect? He has personal responsibility in these deaths. But maybe he is eventually responsible for the deaths of most Swedes themselves, as this inevitably leads Sweden to being party to nuclear war.
Mass Ukrainian Resignations
That same day many Ukrainian high officials began putting in their resignations. The link here is to an X post which gives a partial list. This is being interpreted by many as indicating that Ukraine is falling. Government collapse usually precedes military collapse on the battle field. Insiders like these are the ones who know what is really going on, they do not want to stand in a war crimes trial, at least.
If that impending Ukrainian collapse is soon, on a known prophetic date, then on or near 2024-09-25, prophetically the collapse of Egypt, so under 3 weeks from now. If not in late September, then we will look again in November.
Evacuations to Poland
The link here is to an X post 2 days later dealing with the arrival of the dead and wounded back into Poland. The link suggests watching for reports of dead NATO members in strange accidents from all around the world. Nobody will be recorded as having died in Ukraine, since NATO is supposedly not at war with Russia.
General Collapse
This link backs up in time to events around August 29 and 30, 2024. The Ukrainian defense in the Donbass region had begun to collapse. Remember, this is the region were the war began in 2014 when the Ukrainians began shelling Russian speaking civilians within Ukraine itself.
Rescuing those native Russians of the Ukraine threat is part of the Russian objectives of this war. They are now starting to be achieved. Events on this part of the war front may be contributing to the resignations reported above.
Natural News: Polio Vaccine in Gaza
X: Polio Vaccine in Gaza
The links here are to a Natural News article and then a long X post dealing with the problems of the Polio vaccine currently being administered in Gaza. This is a candidate plague related headline, so it is important to at least note the start around September 1, 2024. There are 2 points that I would add.
1) There was a Polio epidemic in the USA in the 1950s. You may have learned about it in school. In that childish telling of history the Polio vaccine is said to have stopped that very real epidemic. I once had an employee who was crippled in that epidemic, so this was in some sense a personal subject for me. I wanted to learn more about the events that had crippled him.
I eventually read the alternative history of that Polio epidemic. There were around 3 major waves of Polio across the USA, limited in various ways to certain geographies. Seems the first Polio wave was really stopped by using high doses of Vitamin C. (Current paid academic research always under doses Vitamin C in order to suggest C is ineffective. Research from the 1940s and 1950s is different for this important reason. In high doses, Vitamin C works miracles.)
After that first Polio wave was over, the Polio vaccine itself became publicly available. The manufacturers now had a supply, and they needed to recoup their costs. So they sold their new Polio vaccine to the trusting public. The second and third Polio waves happened in the locations where the late to market, first ever, brand-new, Polio vaccines were first administered. Those late waves of the Polio epidemic struck after those vaccines were administered, not before.
These later waves of the epidemic were vaccine failures, not real late waves of the epidemic. The Polio vaccine was not the cure for the epidemic, which was already over, but the cause of the late waves. The story we were taught in school is a text book case of a "limited reveal." This is a propaganda trick so the student falsely thinks they know the essential points of the story.
I do not know if the first wave of the Polio epidemic was itself caused by failed vaccine testing. I also do not know in which wave my employee was injured. But, the odds are good that he was crippled by the actions of men, not of nature.
2) Fast forward to now. The 2nd link above goes into a bunch of known troubles with the vaccine. The strain of Polio recorded in Gaza is only known to exist now in Polio vaccines themselves, it does not exist in nature, except apparently in Gaza. Finally, given what we know about the use of vaccines as a common cover for bio-weapons, this strongly looks like a planned shift to those types of weapons to finish the genocide in Gaza.
Use of vaccines, of any type, in any situation, depends on trust of the science and on trust of the manufactures of those vaccines. Polio vaccine science has been faulty since the 1950s. The vaccine manufactures are black boxes run by our earthly collective enemies. No one should be trusting the manufacturers. So, it is impossible to establish any such trust for either side of this equation. So taking any vaccine should be considered a life ending event, for any of us, but especially now in Gaza.
More Later,