VR and Bibliography

This blog covers the return of the VR app and a new, long form, bibliography. But first, a followup to last week's blog on the Grand Run, the story of Zacchaeus. Finally a headline review.

Grand Run Followup

Last week's blog was a long review of the Grand Run that starts in Matthew 16. That run provides commentary on various historical stories from Adam until nearly our current era.

Generally, the Matthew account appears to be providing the inspired stories for each successive step in that long prophetic chain.

The exception I covered last week was the Lost Sheep story. In that case the Luke version appears to be the better version. So likely the NT editing process left behind a copy in Matthew and then moved the inspired copy of that story into Luke.

The editor motive for this was likely because the inspired placement in Matthew would be adding far too much commentary on the generation of Moses. Especially, how many of them became walk-offs along with Moses and how that entire generation likely began formal relations with other branches of the human race.

You can see why they would not want anything to obviously refute Genesis 1.

There is another story in Luke's telling of the Grand Run that has no match at all in the Matthew version. It is that story that I want to explore here and explain why it may have simply been removed because it, too, was trouble for the editor. That story is the account of Zacchaeus.

85) Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

The link here is to Luke 19:1. This is located after the healing of the sight of a single blind beggar. The next 2 stories are a parable about 10 minas and then Luke turns to Passion Week.

Like Matthew, this is at the end of Luke's very rough version of the Grand Run, and it precedes Luke's Passion Week account. Remember, I mentioned last week that Luke's account cannot get the day count right for the gap from Adam to Noah, so Luke is the least trustworthy of the 3 versions of the Grand Run parables.

But, the Zacchaeus story in Luke might have been lifted out of Matthew and brought here. Let me explain the argument for this idea, and then explain what it would add to the Matthew Grand Run if it was originally located there.

The first part of the argument is to see this Zacchaeus story as tied to the fight between the 10 and the 2 in Matthew, and tied to the healing of the 2 blind men in Matthew. Luke follows Zacchaeus with a parable of 10 minas, so a match to the 10 western tribes. Luke precedes Zacchaeus with the healing of a single blind beggar. This would drop the count so the tribal map back to the northern and southern kingdoms is now broken in Luke. This would have been done in part to make Israel the sole heir of the promises to Abraham.

So these surrounding stories are not as strong as Matthew. This is why they are either not inspired, or inspired to some other unseen purpose.

If this Luke version of Zacchaeus is inspired it would sit in Matthew at about the same place along the timeline and thus have something to do with Khazaria and the salvation of Russia around the year 1000.

If that is true, then Zacchaeus has something to do with the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, and it should be linking to those tribes and adding more historical commentary.

Let me take the Zacchaeus story point by point so you can see how this story is adding rich details that both tie into other stories dealing with these tribes, but also add serious commentary that Ananias would not have wanted to be clearly seen about his people.

Luke 19:1) Joshua entered and passed through Jericho.

I have previously shown how Judah, as a tribe, maps to the Volga River and the north side of the Caspian sea. Prophetic Jericho sits on the north shore of the Caspian. By indicating this story takes place there we know this applies to Judah, so Russia and/or its near neighbors. In this case probably a neighbor.

Luke 19:2) Zacchaeus was rich and chief of the tax collectors.

The key term here is tax collector. This term was how the Matthew Grand Run told us to treat, or even identify, the Lost Tribe of Benjamin. Since Benjamin pairs to Judah this fits with vs. 1 and is enforcing how we are to place this story. This is dealing with Khazaria, not Russia. It is dealing with someone special out of the lost tribe of Benjamin.

Luke 19:3) Zacchaeus wanted to see Joshua, but could not because of the crowd and because Zacchaeus was small in stature.

The small in stature reference is indicating that this man is like the small tribe of Benjamin, reduced to 600 men late in Judges. This is when they became tax collectors. His own town's crowd is preventing this man from being able to see Joshua. Yet another parable, indicating that others of his religion are who prevent everyone from seeing Joshua for themselves.

Luke 19:4) Zacchaeus runs ahead and climbs into a leafless fig tree so that he might see Joshua.

Obviously climbing a tree makes it easier to see across a crowd, but this story is referencing specifically a leafless fig tree. This is yet another reference to the Fig Tree tabernacle item.

The fig tree tabernacle item, more than any other, appears to teach how to multiply the base inspired document into additional volumes, or leaves. The Jews created their own additional volumes, these days an encyclopedia sized written work. That Jewish writing is a leafless fig tree. It is possible to climb up in that tree and see Joshua from a distance. We all do this when we read the Bible. But we cannot get up and close to him from there.

Luke 19:5) When Joshua came near, he ordered Zacchaeus out of that tree, so that Joshua can meet Zacchaeus in his own house.

Here of course is more of the parable. In order for anyone to meet closely with Joshua they must get out of that leafless tree.

Luke 19:6) Zacchaeus did so and welcomed Joshua with joy.

This is a salvation story, and as a parable it means that he left that tree and the tradition it creates in order to follow Joshua. Again, we must all do this. As a national parable this is indicating that there is some other formerly Jewish party, besides Russia, who was also coming to faith somewhere around the year 1000. Let me return to that below.

If you turn on Filters in the BRB you will see that verses 7 and 8 are likely additions. These additions cause the salvation story of Zacchaeus to be related to problems of his employment rather than to his religion. The parable is already clear it was a problem of religion, the editors are interpreting within the story, which itself is a sign of tampering.

Luke 19:9) Joshua tells Zacchaeus that life has come to his house because this one is also a son of Abraham.

There is a voice problem with this, to whom is Joshua speaking? In any case the term house, as a parable, can mean country. The heirs of Abraham are tribes. There was dispute with Jews about how they are normally not sons of Abraham. This one, though, leaves the tree and gets converted.

Of course we must all do this. When we climb up in the Bible we can only see Joshua from a distance. But, as a story on the Grand Run this would be indicating some sort of important national conversion. Because of the likely neighboring stories, this means in world history some group leaves Jewish texts, or leaves Khazaria, for Christianity.

Depending on the exact placement in the Grand Run of Matthew it could be as early as the late Roman empire, so the Christianization of Armenia. So the country between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Or, this story could correctly be placed in Matthew at some slightly later point. Say after the fight between the 10 and the 2. This would place this story near the conversion at Kiev around the year 1000, so Zacchaeus becomes a parable for parts of what is now Ukraine.

Note that Primary Russian Chronicle indicates that the conversion to Christianity at Kiev first involved a besieged city just like Jericho. The daughter of the king, a Rahab, was ultimately responsible for bring faith to Russia. So the Jericho reference that starts the Zacchaeus story may be pointing at some aspect of the known history of the Kiev conversion.

If this is earlier, say Armenia, then this ties back closer to Jonah's trip to Nineveh. The exchange of a leafless tree for a house would be pointing at all of the models Jonah set up centuries before in some rich rulers house in that part of the world.


Notice how this story lends itself to solid interpretation given the framework of the Matthew Grand Run. Essentially all of the symbols are tied to stories earlier in that run or are tied to Tabernacle Items. It is reasonably easy to pick off nearly every point.

These are all markers that indicate the story is inspired. The exception is verse 7 and 8 which are essentially interpreting the story within the story, and are thus a sign of tampering. (See CITE ABC:DEF)

I began design work on the Fig Tree late last year. I stopped that work in part because the shop had become too cold to run printers over the winter. I also felt I needed to focus on reworking our software world.

I am back onto the design problems for the family of trees that make up 5 of the main Tabernacle items. More on this as work progresses.


Starting several weeks ago, I began a process of reconverting all of the Bible manuscripts in our collection. Most go back 15 or more years. Most were originally from the Sword family of Bible modules. We keep Bible Time on the bibletime.com domain because I gave the bibletime.org domain to the open source Bible Time bible app which uses the Sword collection of bible manuscripts. So we go back a long time with Sword.

Our internal file formats are different than the Sword modules, so we convert them for use in our system. Our formats have changed slightly and it was time to regenerate and correctly reformat everything.

The home for all of those manuscripts is the Verse Reader, or VR app. That app was online in years past, but has now been restored. There was a series of complex options on that app in the past. Those have been removed. Besides normal configuration for apps, it is possible to select the manuscript versions from the Translations menu. All of the textual features within those versions is currently forced visible.

The purpose of this app is to give visibility to a collection of Bible manuscripts from history. We are preparing for manuscript recovery, so this set of manuscripts demonstrates we have control of the manuscript formats and can present those manuscripts in a reasonable way. All of the manuscripts presented in this app are known to be Public Domain, so we are safe to do the recovery work from any place in this set of files. (Though only a few are of particular interest to us now.)

The app as it stands today is a stress test of our entire tool chain. That tool chain is essentially all new code so we can repair manuscript bugs with relative ease. Many of the details found in those manuscripts had been ignored in previous conversions. Where possible, all details are now preserved.

The work these past few weeks was to bring interlinear support into our tool chain. This from file formats, to the HTML converter, to the styling system and then finally to a single page display on a verse-by-verse basis. We have been shaking down bugs for a couple weeks. 8 of the 19 manuscripts currently presented there are interlinear in some form.

There is currently no lexicon related function in that app. Watch the next few weeks as we turn to that problem. Building a reasonable Paleo Lexicon against a reference Paleo text is the first step in recovery. The VR is built to allow us to inspect the raw data going into a new Lexicon.

Go Look

If you bring up the app you will see verse level addressing. The app is designed for comparing various texts at the verse level. This is most interesting for word level studies, especially for looking at differences in word choices between various manuscripts and translations.

Each manuscript has a conventional 3 or 4 letter code. Those are listed down the left. Then there is the text for that manuscript's copy of that verse.

The translations menu option can be used to select a subset of the entire list. Not all manuscripts have the same coverage of the Bible, so the list changes based on location. This is especially true between testaments.

The 3 letter codes down the left can be tapped. That brings up a popup with details on the source of the text in question.

Special attention has been placed on clear display of interlinear data. This is now part of our standard library. It is easily configured for new languages. It is easy to setup specialized styling on per text basis. The rewrite of our entire world was done so this app would be easy to rebuild.

For languages with alphabets that convert to Paleo, the Paleo letter conversion is done in an interlinear row. This happens with the Hebrew and Aramaic/Syriac base texts. I still need to check Greek.

Hebrew and Aramaic/Syriac are written right-to-left. Note how we are now carefully respecting those texts in terms of their correct display. We have dropped mirroring functions that were in this app in the past. That was disrespectful of those texts.

For all cases, the language of the top row provides the reading direction for the entire verse. Each row below may have words or numbers in the opposite direction if that is conventional for that language.

Strongs Numbers

For some manuscripts there is also a row for Strongs Numbers data. These numbers provide an accessible handle on every word in an original language text. H series numbers mark Hebrew source words. G series numbers mark Greek source words. See the KJVA in the NT for examples of G series numbers.

Strongs Numbers were developed in the 1800s, importantly before computers. The intent of the Strongs Numbers design was to assign exactly 1 number to each original language word in alphabetic order. H1 was the first word found, H2 was the second word when sorted alphabetically up through the entire source text.

Of course the cardboard card deck used for this had trouble, so a few numbers were tacked on at the end and so they are not always in perfect alphabetic order. Other than that quirk of history, each number maps 1 to 1 to a base word.

The tooling for looking at the Strongs Data behind those numbers is not yet back running in this app. This is tied to future recovery work and will be added later.

An Example

Strongs Numbers, even without the Strongs Database, are still a very powerful tool in the VR app as it stands today. Bring up the app and stay at Genesis 1:1 so you can follow me here.

The ALE is the Aleppo Hebrew manuscript, the WLCS is the Westminster Leningrad Codex with Strongs. You can see the various H series numbers in that row. Note number H430. This is under the word for God, which is itself under Paleo for this word and that is under the Hebrew for this word.

In the Paleo row you can see it as WaLuFeYoMo. If we break this up by grammar, which is just Hebrew Grammar at this point, WaLu | Fe | YoMo is the parse. WaLu is the term for God. Fe is a feminine ending. YoMo is a plural ending. By Jewish convention the endings are ignored for this word when brought into English. Otherwise it would be correctly translated into English as Goddesses. OK, a little digression into Zionism. Now, back to the story...

Now, scroll down to the KJVA row. You can find the H430 number there too, and you can see it is translated as God. All is good. All Hebrew and Greek original language words work this same way.

As the Hebrew is the original text, all words have a Strongs Number. Sometimes they do not exist in the KJVA, sometimes they have different English. The example I have given here is the first purpose for this set of tooling.

If you study the same verse in the KJVA and look at the other numbers you can spot an error in the KJVA side. I will leave that as an exercise. These Strongs Numbers were added by volunteers at some point in the history of that Sword module. They were not perfect in their work, they did not use software for auditing. So be careful when using these numbers. Sometimes they are not fully trustworthy.


In years past our ASV and DAR manuscripts did not have Strongs Numbers. As I was converting manuscripts I checked the original sources. Some of those manuscripts had new revisions and I updated our reference copies when I could.

For both the ASV and DAR manuscripts, the current revision notes indicated that someone had added Strongs Numbers to these translations.

This was a great find. We have some manuscript analysis coming soon and this addition would theoretically give a more diverse sense of the English that ties to the base words. I downloaded the new versions and then reformatted them so they would work in our new setup. You can see them both in Genesis 1:1.

You can use that same H430 word for God and go find H430 in the ASV and DAR versions too, just like the KJVA.

But, there is an interesting problem with the new Strongs Numbers in both the ASV and DAR texts.

The purpose of Strongs Numbers is to provide a way to pair the words in English manuscripts back to the words in the underlying texts.

Strongs Numbers handles this pairing quite well, it was designed for use even before the computer age. So it is efficient even on paper. In particular it handles differences in word order between English and the base texts. Anyone using Strongs Numbers does not need to learn the Hebrew Alphabet.

Ryan and I were both working on other problems while getting this app running. We were not looking for word level problems. But we both independently spotted the problem with Strongs Numbers in the ASV and DAR texts. Anyone reading this should be able to spot it too.

Go look at Genesis 1:1 in the ASV and DAR. Then go find the expected H430. You should find it under whatever English word is translated to God. This should be just like the KJVA. This is a very high value and important word. It happens 1 time in the original so it should happen 1 time in English too.

You will find H430 on the English word God in both of these texts, just as it should be.

But, you will also see H430 on 2 other words. Back in the WLCS there was only a single copy of H430. Same as in the KJVA. But the ASV and DAR have 3 copies of H430.

What gives?

Someone is now messing with the use of those numbers in the ASV and DAR manuscripts. Either this is being done carelessly, or maybe without adult supervision, or perhaps by evil intent. Flooding communications channels with garbage is straight out of the Zionist playbook, so this does mark evil intent.

We do not know why this is messed up, but it certainly is messed up. We checked through the tool chain and back to other apps using the same new Sword modules and those same wrong numbers are showing up there too. We did not cause this trouble. The Sword modules are now polluted with false data.

We are expecting to remove Strongs Numbers in both the ASV and DAR rows. At this point they do not look useful to us. Perhaps we will put them under an option in order to hide them. Check back in a few weeks to see how we solve this.

In any case, this is a major milestone. We are starting to work through the new tools and are now planning a full Paleo lexicon. This new VR is working as intended, as I have shown you here. We are out to build a careful lexicon because we need that for most future manuscript recovery work.

Paleo.In Bibliography

Ryan and I have continued to clean up and clean out our collection of internal websites. One of those was a never finished start at a formal Bibliography.

Instead of keeping it as a full app, we decided to move it to a page on Paleo.In. The link above is to that page. This gives that material a permanent public home.

As I was preparing that page I realized I needed to explain why many of the books listed there have been so important to our journey. So, starting with just book covers and a few notes, I've grown the Bibliography into a long story about our journey. Especially in the early years, that journey was often informed by profound things we learned in a series of important books.

Anyone who wants to understand our work will have fun reading the Bibliography itself, even if they end up not reading any of the books listed there. For many of those books I attempt to explain what we learned and why it was so important.

That article represents about 3 blogs worth of writing this week, so this blog is shorter than normal. Shop work has been cut back too. Continue reading over there if you are interested. I know some of you will have fun with that material.

Headline Review

What follows below are headlines that caught my attention this week.

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

The link here is to an article by Pepe Escobar summarizing key takeaways from the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held in the city by the same name in Russia.

The name of the conference gives away the intent, to replace Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum held each year in Davos, Switzerland.

Russia and the BRICS are carefully crafting alternatives to all of the international systems run by the lost tribe of Benjamin. This is but 1 interesting and hopeful example.

Since 2022 Russia has begun taking its rightful place in the world. Russia will eventually govern instead of Benjamin via Joseph, see Genesis 49:8. This conference is but 1 important example.

Pepe Escobar was there, and wrote about what he saw. He has 3 key points. Let me review them for you here.

1) The economic sanctions put in place against Russia have launched Russia into becoming the world's 4th largest economy. There is a massive economic boom going on in Russia. That boom is expanding out to many of the countries who trade with Russia. This is not just a war economy, but a transformation away from the west, the need for Russian self sufficiency is driving this.

2) Russia, through the BRICS bank, is working to rebuild the world's payment systems so it is not possible for any single party to use it, say for sanctions, against other countries. Their goal is a distributed trading system instead of the current system of single currency dominance and western hegemony.

3) BRICS will be growing in terms of the number of countries represented. 59 more countries are planning on joining BRICS. Governance will be much more balanced, unlike how Israel effectively controls the UN. The goal is a harmonic, multipolar world. The Shanghi Cooperation Organization (SCO) and Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) are 2 related organizations that will also play a part in this.

Hillary For President

There have been many rumors that the reason the Democrats would not allow anyone to run against Biden in the primaries was so that Hillary Clinton could be switched in later. Likely that happens at the convention. Legacy media has been talking down Biden for several weeks in apparent preparation for that.

The link above covers some of those details, but also adds something new. Hillary is now releasing campaign merchandise. This is the first hard evidence that this is her plan.

Billy Branham's prophecies about self driving cars and a woman president will come back into focus again should she be placed into office. Elon Musk is planning on formally announcing his robo-taxi this August. Presumably first deliveries are in the next presidential term. This is expected to be a mass market fleet of self driving taxi vehicles. The software for this is quickly maturing and should be ready for unattended driving by some time next year.

If this switch on the Democratic ticket does go down, we will need to return to and review the Branham prophecies. This feels like the match. My understanding of nuclear war dates is that it starts soon after the 2029 inauguration, so in her second term, should that come to pass.

More Later,
