Grand Run

This blog provides a major correction to our understanding of the Grand Run. This is an important time study from the Bible Time days. This change provides some sharp commentary on current events.

Grand Run

The Grand Run is a name we give to a series of stories starting in Matthew 16. This was one of the original studies in the Bible Time work and the link here is to the Grand Run section page on Bible Time.

The magic of that run of stories is that Joshua was doing and saying things that move along the trunk timeline of the Bible starting at Adam. His pace was 1000 years to the day, as per the interpretive key in 2 Peter 3:8. Even more remarkable about this series is that Joshua went well beyond the New Testament era.

There are 14 articles in that section that lay out the matches between what Joshua was doing in Matthew and what was going on with the history of the race since Adam.

That series of parables is both a test to readers of their skill with the main story line in the text and it is a place where Joshua provides his commentary on those main stories.

When that section was first written, perhaps 20 years ago, I called it the Grand Tour. These days I call it the Grand Run. Grand has a double meaning. In the first sense it is the grand, or high-level, run of the truck stories. In the second sense, the word grand is a synonym for 1000, and that series, at least at the start, skips along in units of time that are 1000 years to the day.

The Grand Run might have been the last month of his ministry year, though this hunch has not yet been definitively established.

Trouble With That Study

Our understanding of how the text functions has changed significantly in the past 20 years. The first problem is that many of the stories in the Matthew series have known second accounts in the other Gospels, especially Mark and Luke. There are differences in those accounts which I could never explain when that study was first worked out. Let me give the most obvious example.

The series is built on skips in time. Early on there is not much history to give commentary about. So the first time skip is the 6000 years from Adam to Noah.

Matthew calls out that time jump by indicating it as 6 days of calendar time with Joshua. Using 2 Peter 3:8, 1 day is as 1000 years, and it will clock off against the Genesis witness of 6000 years from Adam to Noah.

It was 6000 years, within only a few days, between Adam becoming an adult after 19 years of life and the date 6000 years later at the start of Noah's flood. This is a very close match.

From a weekly calendar perspective, Noah's flood represents the start of a divine Sabbath, which is also interesting. Joshua himself could rest from dealing with Adam's race.

Mark agrees with Matthew, calling out 6 days at this point in the Grand Run. So there is no trouble with Mark on this point. But Luke disagrees, and indicates 8 days for this gap instead.

Why the difference?

In those days I just did not know what to do with such strange disagreements between primary witnesses. The simple rule is to establish all facts on the testimony of 2 witnesses. In this case I had the careful study of the Genesis chronology, then Mathew and Mark in agreement. Luke was an outlier, and could be voted out.

These days I know what is going on. The Luke version is an edited version of Matthew's inspired source. Luke needs to be ignored. Once the audit gets done we will be able to strike Luke's version of that story from the canon. Mark's version will likely see the same thing happen.

Ryan's Interest

Ryan is working on articles and sections for his Bible Harmony app. Last week I gave links to 2 examples of new articles there. His ultimate interest is being able to give an evidence based argument about which versions of parallel stories are likely the inspired stories.

Ryan's interest in the Grand Run is now much more rigorous than it ever was for me 20+ years ago. Now, we have the conceptual tools for solving some of these strange riddles.

Ryan is building out the Bible Harmony with all known parallel accounts of everything in the Bible. He is looking for clues about which versions are likely the inspired version. He is doing this as an Acts 15 Bible study. He is creating notes for the BRB through this same process.

So all parallel accounts of the Grand Run story need to be checked using his new harmony tools. Ryan is able to think about the problem using a much better intellectual framework for picking inspired versions.

Ryan wants to know if the entire set of stories in Matthew are inspired. If not, did the editor cut and paste the inspired versions into other places?

This is interesting for other reasons too. It gives some sense as to how severe the Gospels were scrambled. So the Grand Run is an interesting place to learn. How bad was Ananias when he carved up the inspired work creating the NT we have now?

Ryan's opinion at this point is that Matthew appears to be mostly the inspired version of this entire run of stories. I will get to the exception below. This alone is very curious to know.

Our Interest Now

So this brings me to my interest here in this blog. Those stories in the Grand Run are pinned against the historical chronology of the Bible. They begin at Adam, then skip to Noah, then continue forward. That series ends at Passion Week, which began a little over 200 years ago now.

Passion week itself is also prophetic against the historical timeline of Earth. That is beyond our scope in this blog. We are very near the end of that week and still awaiting Joshua to come out of the tomb.

Of course the Grand Run might continue still into the future, but getting the tooling to study that question is still trouble. That question waits for other work to finish.

So beside the math, the most interesting aspect of this run is how Joshua provides commentary on how to think about certain key historical events along the main timeline.

We as readers need to do the work of matching his commentary to the historical account. The text does not give up its secrets easily.

When I did this work 20+ years ago I did not know enough to correctly make all of those matches. This blog is my chance to publicly correct my understanding.

Ryan and I worked through this series again here recently, and I want to share our consensus here. What follows is a heading to the BRB story in question, along with some of my own commentary on how the match works and what it means.

Note to future readers. I am using new story heading links into the BRB app. Those links are reasonable, and current as I write this blog. But they are subject to future change. So beware. I am also giving the basic scripture cites in my commentary below, again for future reference.

53) Joshua Predicts His Death

The link here is to Matthew 16:21. This is the start of the Grand Run. In this story Joshua predicts his death. Peter cannot believe that this will happen. Given all that Peter has seen Joshua do this makes sense. So Peter rebukes Joshua. Joshua then begins the Grand Run series.

The key verse is 26, where Joshua proclaims a question: What good is it if a man should gain the whole word and then loose his soul?

This is Joshua's commentary on what happened at the fall of Adam. Adam gained the whole world, but he lost his soul.

54) The Transfiguration

The link here is to Matthew 17:1. This is the well known story of the Transfiguration. It took place after 6 days from the previous story. Remember, 2 Peter 3:8, 1 days is as 1000 years. Also remember, Noah was 6000 years after Adam. These lock together the start of the series.

So how does the Transfiguration story match Noah?

Joshua took Peter, Jacob and John up to a mountain. This is a match to Noah and his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. They are left alone, as was Noah's family after the flood. The high mountain that Joshua took his disciples to visit would be a prophetic match to Mount Ararat, as I covered recently in a blog on Wyatt's work.

I would also expect this high mountain reference to match Revelation 21:10. That story also involves travel to a great high mountain. The highest mountain is on Mars, Olympus Mons, where we suspect Noah began.

Joshua is then transfigured. This is likely a reference to some sort of supernatural power, like that used to seal the ark. Or a reference to the power that when unleashed can destroy worlds. Nuclear power or worse.

Moses and Elijah are seen on the mountain too. Elijah is taken up like Enoch, and probably indicates that Enoch was involved in helping Noah.

Moses is more difficult to explain in this parable. But one way to think of this is that 2 of Noah's sons may be the souls we now know of as Moses and Elijah. Finding past lives in the text is a riddle all by itself. Noah's 3rd son, of course, had other trouble.

Peter then wants to build shelters, but especially a single shelter. This is a reference to Noah's ark. Noah's flood was a shelter building story after all. There may have been other ways to shelter, besides the boat itself. Those would have been on Earth. I have met a sound prophetic intercessor with such a witness, that people on Earth sheltered through the flood in the Andes, Himalayas and somewhere in Africa.

A voice then speaks from the skies. That same voice spoke from the skies at Joshua's baptism, likely Abraham is speaking again here. This ties back to water, or crossing water, another match to Noah.

Note we expect all the kings to make cameos in the NT. This could also be Enoch who would have been involved in Noah.

55) Healing of a Boy With a Demon

The link here is to Matthew 17:14. At this story Joshua has moved ahead to the story of the Tower of Babel. In historical time this was about 2000 years after Noah. Internally this story is timed by a reference to 3 days in Matthew 17:22 when he indicates he will rise on the 3rd day. It is about 3000 years from the Tower of Babel to the events in the NT when he rises.

This story involves a man who brings his boy to Joshua for healing. His disciples cannot do it. He muses about how long he will be with them. This is referencing the brief story in the Tower of Babel era when Joshua came down and confused their speech and sent them away. There isn't much narrative in the Tower story, and likely Joshua only visited briefly. Joshua is likening this story to moving a mountain.

56) Head Tax

The link here is to Matthew 17:24. This is where our current understanding starts to diverge from the 20+ year old Bible Time rendering.

In the past we assigned this to Melchizedek, who did collect tax from Abraham. We think this is wrong. Melchizedek is a false priest, and is likely not an inspired story. Finally, even if inspired, Melchizedek does not fit certain key details in the Matthew story very well.

Instead we now assign this story to the account of Joseph in Egypt. We have moved up to a little under 9100 years from Adam.

Joshua anticipates the problem of taxes and asks of whom do kings collect tax, from their own sons? Or from others? Of course the answer is from others. He then directs Peter to catch a fish and find a coin in the mouth of the fish in order to pay the tax.

This strange little episode is matching the stories of Joseph in Egypt. Joseph also anticipated the taxing problems that his family would have upon their visits to Egypt.

Joseph had become Prime Minister, or king, of Egypt. Joseph was collecting tax, especially the grain that was being stored up for the famine. He was 2 years into that process when his family first came down to Egypt. Joseph was the tax collector.

Joseph also curiously protected his own family during the famine. In effect Joseph's family, especially his brother Benjamin, become effectively royalty in Egypt. This is the start of Benjamin in Egypt and part of the origin story of Benjamin. The story of Joseph presenting his brothers to pharaoh would be more significant than it seems.

Joshua then directs Peter to take the coin from the mouth of a fish. By this action Joshua is referencing the strange story of the silver in the mouth of the sacks of grain. Remember, Joseph had placed that silver into Benjamin's sack. Now we know what Joseph was up to.

Joseph was making sure that his family had coverage for taxes. This is an important back story to the problems of Benjamin and Egypt. Joseph was watching out for his family. But worse, Joseph had become effectively a king in Egypt, as per the story of Pharaoh giving Joseph his authority over Egypt. Joseph did not tax his own family, but provided for them.

This has potentially wide ranging application to European history, and the patterns of collecting tax from distant parts of Earth.

57) Who Is Greatest?

The link here is to Matthew 18:1. The context of this story is the disciples coming to ask Joshua who is the greatest in the kingdom of the skies.

20 years ago we assigned this to Joseph. This was foolish. What we know now is the list of walk off kings. This is a list of the men who fill the seats in the throne room.

Of those 25, besides Joshua, the greatest of them is Moses. This is because Moses worked publicly with a nation. He did this both within the Egyptian nation, as a young man, like Joseph. Moses then engaged Egypt again with the heirs of Jacob when they left Egypt. None of the other walk-off kings are as involved in public politics like Moses.

Before Moses we do not have any record of political activities by the walk off kings. Noah and Abraham, the 2 most well documented, are interesting because they leave the trappings of society for the wilderness. This is like Moses, but these other kings never return to high society.

After Moses the kings are mostly underground, or on the perimeter of the affairs of state. They are not central actors in the political world. Moses is unique in this regard.

So if we go back to the Grand Run, we can see that Moses's life is framed on the point of receiving a little boy. This was Moses as a boy in Pharaoh's house, when he was received as a boy. But later in life, Pharaoh did not receive Moses as had been done when Moses was young years before. Because pharaoh would not receive this same Moses like they did when Moses was a child, Pharaoh was ultimately drowned in the sea. This is as the Grand Run indicates.

58) Lost Sheep

The link here is to Matthew 18:10. If you have notes turned on in the BRB you will see Ryan makes a point about how this version is not likely inspired.

The inspired version is found in Luke. Here is the link to the Luke account for that same story.

Luke 70) Lost Sheep

The link here is to Luke 15:1. Again, with notes turned on you can see it points back to Matthew's version.

Here we have another problem. Is the Matthew version inserted, and not part of the Grand Run? Or was this moved out because it was threatening to an ancient editor, say Ananias?

The story itself was used with a prophetic friend of ours. Years ago she had a son abducted by a UFO. Years later, in prayer, the Luke story was used to explain that our world is the 1 lost sheep, and there are 99 others branches, or worlds, inhabited with people who are not fallen, and each is part of the 99. They are outside of Adam's branch of the bigger, collective, human family.

The process of rescue is when Joshua comes to pick up lost sheep. The first time he did this, en-mass, was out of the generation who had the faith to enter the promised land when they crossed the Jordan.

I have written in previous blogs about how this might be the 144,000 counted in Revelation, to give that event some real census numbers. We may be within decades of another such harvest of Earth, a bigger harvest.

So could this be inspired and out of place? Yes. But what story would it match? What was so frightening to Ananias that he wanted to tone down the Matthew version?

By timeline chronology, It would jump forward slightly from the Exodus. It would jump past the story of crossing the Jordan. It would apply to that entire generation. Some group of them had the faith to not just cross the Jordan river, but cross into the skies. The first significant group that we know of that would return to Eden in the flesh.

Moses himself was part of that generation, having gone up instead of across the Jordan. He was probably that generations' advance man to survey the place and explain it to the others who would soon be joining.

This group, of which any of us could some day join, was the sheep presented back to the other 99 branches of the human race.

I suspect Moses is counted as greatest in the kingdom because he represents our branch of the human race to the other 99 branches.

59) Brother Who Sins Against You

The link here is to Matthew 18:15. This is another story that could not be solved 20+ years ago when Bible Time was being written. Only early in 2024 did we finally make sense of the history that this part of the Grand Run is touching. That only finally made sense because of the ground war in Gaza. Let me explain.

The Grand Run series has now shifted forward to the last 3 chapters of Judges. This is the origin story of modern Jerusalem and the fall of the tribe of Benjamin. This is the heart of the last 3 chapters of Judges and the early stories in Samuel.

Ryan has added into the Matthew story 4 specific Q tags that link into Judges 19 and 20. This story is very carefully citing bits of that original account.

If a brother has faulted you, go rebuke him alone. This happened, in Judges 19:23. If he does not listen, take more with you. This too happened, in Judges 19:25. If he still does not listen, tell the assembly. This also happened, in Judges 20:1. Finally, if he does not listen to the assembly, consider him like a tax collector and heathen. This is Joshua's harsh commentary on Benjamin, Jerusalem and ultimately modern Jews.

This, of course, is the heritage we have now with Benjamin. They are no longer really in the family of the tribes. They are now Egyptian style tax collectors. They are heathen.

60) Parable of Unmerciful Servant

The link here is to Matthew 18:21. This is a long parable about Solomon. The match to Solomon is not very easy to see using simple text in that parable.

In the Bible Time days this was not that hard. In Matthew 18:20 there is a reference to 10,000 talents. This is the year that Solomon was working towards when he built his temple and palace. Solomon spent 7 years on his temple, then 13 years on his palace. All of this to be ready for the 500th anniversary of the Exodus at the year 10,000 AA.

From a timeline perspective this was easy to spot, but Joshua's commentary now makes more sense than it did 20+ years ago.

This is triggered in answer to a question about forgiving someone. 7 times? Peter asked. No, 70 times 7. Then the story gives an illustration involving the taxing systems of Solomon.

The 7 times reference is a reference to Leviticus 26. But 7 times is also a reference to the Lamp, which contains the list of 5, the audit pattern. Solomon, of course, is the first editor, his work will need to be retracted. This story gives the schedule for removing Solomon's work.

From Peter's question this would be about 2550 years from Solomon. So the start of the Protestant Reformation, when people could look at the text again for themselves.

But Joshua corrects Peter, and says, no, 70 times 7. So 70 Jubilees. This would map from either Solomon's day, so about 500 years future to us now, or else it backs up and measures forward from the setting up of the Tabernacle in Moses' day.

The census counts given in Moses' day count people but also the days in 3500 years, which is the basic reason why backing up to the Exodus as a zero point for measuring those years is valid.

We are in the 3500th anniversary window created by the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. We don't hit the 3500th anniversaries of crossing the Jordan and setting up Shechem for another 25 or so years.

61) Divorce

The link here is to Matthew 19:1. At this point Joshua gives a long discourse about divorce. There are several obvious links in that story, as given in the BRB, to other passages on divorce.

This passage is also triggered by pharisees, so it likely has something to do with Jews, at this point the remnant of Benjamin occupying Jerusalem. This is a short historical jump, like a second commentary on what Solomon caused.

On the timeline Joshua has moved up to the era of the war that took place just after the death of Solomon. The kingdom with a capital at Jerusalem was split into 2 parts. Formally this was not a civil war, but a war of northern secession. Judah was in the south, with the remnant of Benjamin in Jerusalem. Joseph and the rest of the tribes were in the north, with an informal capital at Shechem.

Once we can identify that the tribe of Judah became modern Russia, and Joseph became the US and UK, then we can understand Joshua's commentary at this point. From the very beginning, the world was designed to be built around the model of a married couple and their family. That couple's family is the rest of the nations on Earth.

This couple can never get divorced. They occupy Earth together. That is the destiny and plan of life on Earth. Even though it looks like they are about to kill each other, this is the design. There is never supposed to be 1 sole leading nation over Earth. By design, it is a cooperative effort between 2 parties with different views of the world, who are to care for all the others.

62) Boys to Joshua

The link here is to Matthew 19:13. At this point our understanding compared to the Bible Time days is going to diverge again. Joshua will be done dealing with Jerusalem at the Assyrian Deportation, which is coming up below. So we must spot matches in an area of the text where not much seems to be going on.

But our recent look at how the inspired text started to leave Canaan for other parts of the world gives us a hint. This story appears to be a reference to Naaman. For this to work we are treating boys as being representative of a new convert. Someone out of a community without a long tradition of faith.

Naaman was a man from another kingdom, and would normally not be a candidate for becoming a man of faith. But, he was accepted anyway, just like this boy. This would tightly couple to the next story, and might be 2 parts on a basic lesson.

63) The Rich Young Man

The link here is to Matthew 19:16. The story here is about a man asking Joshua questions and it turns to the commandments. These are interesting because the commandments, alone, are the text spoken from the mountain. Keeping with young man meaning new convert, then starting with the commandments is the proper place to start.

The commandments show up on the shepherd's staff. I also suspect they show up on 1 of the tablets. This is where someone must start when they are learning the language.

But he is also rich. Again, taking what we know about the Aramaic/Syriac tradition that begins at Nineveh, this is likely pointing at Jonah's trip to Nineveh and the conversion of the Ninevites there. This was the heart and start of the community that would carry the inspired text, so this community deserves high praise.

By the bottom of this passage there is a reference to 100 fold. Given the series, this is likely a back reference to the Moses' era walk offs who gained fellowship as 1 part of the 100. Ninevites in their day did the same.

64) Workers in the Vineyard

The link here is to Matthew 20:1. This is the story of calling workers to the vineyard at various hours of the day.

In the early Bible Time days this was placed at the Babylonian captivity. That placement was a mistake. There are no remaining tribes at the Babylonian captivity, even though this is a parable about the tribes.

This parable of the workers rightfully belongs at the Assyrian deportation. This is the point in the timeline when the tribes leave Canaan for other places. Figuratively, they have left home to work in the vineyard.

The hours of the day when workers are hired is going to be commentary on particular tribes using the Revelation 7 order. Here are the named hours: 1) Judah so Russia, 3) Gad so Spain/Italy, 6) Manasseh so the USA, 9) Issachar so Serbia or the former Yugoslavia, 11) Joseph, so the USA is doubled along with the UK.

There are interesting communities of faith in these nations. There may be some other aspect that is unclear. Russia would be the first and ultimately Russian Orthodox. Gad is picking up Catholics. Joseph via Manasseh and Ephraim is picking up Protestantism. Serbia is picking up another branch of Eastern Orthodoxy. Note that this subset of the tribes is a list of 5, with many other potential maps.

65) Predicts Own Death

The link here is to Matthew 20:17. At this point along the Grand Run Joshua is now prophetically passing his own point in history. He has jumped across all the history of the city of Jerusalem after the Assyrian deportation.

This alone is his commentary on the idea that nothing interesting happened in Jerusalem. The tribes had been sitting around, now they were gone.

Joshua is again referencing what is going to happen at his time in history, the main event, which was his crucifixion and resurrection. He has referenced that event 2 times earlier. The first was at the start, when Peter rebuked him. This because it is the Serpent that wants Joshua dead. The second time was at the Tower of Babel. Those who write their own sacred scripture and do not listen to what Joshua said. Here it is a reference to the Jews of Jerusalem.

66) Mother's Request

The link here is to Matthew 20:20. The Grand Run is continuing. This is pointing at history out past the writing of the NT. It is predictive of future events.

In particular the request of the mother to have her to sons sit on either side of Joshua causes a stir, and an argument between those 2 and the other 10.

This is the split in the Roman empire into east and west. The 10 being the western side and the 2 being the eastern side.

67) Two Blind Men Receive Sight

The link here is to Matthew 20:29. The 2 men were defined in the previous story as being the 2 eastern tribes. In this story, which hits around the year 1000, is when the 2 eastern tribes receive sight. This would be Russia and some remnant of Benjamin, presumably what today are called Ukrainians.

This times to the Christianization of Russia about 1,000 years ago now, or about 12,000 years after Adam.

Triumphal Entry

After this point the Matthew Grand Run seems to draw to a close. The historical story now turns to Passion Week.

In terms of world history, that story is timed and began around 1800. That is beyond our scope here in this blog.

OK, this is a much better telling of the Grand Run story than in Bible Time. This is certainly an interesting study to share with others. You can show off your prowess with the text, just like I have done here.

It does, though, cause people to cringe because it draws upon subjects and Bible studies that nearly nobody knows. Hopefully this telling was not that strange for regular readers here.

Headline Review

What follows below are links to various news articles that caught my eye from this past week's headlines.

Biden's Mental Condition

This linked article at Zero Hedge summarizes a series of reports that Biden's mental faculty has started to decline significantly. Putin has nobody to talk to, this is in part why.

80th Anniversary of D Day

June 6, 2024, is the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings at Normandy. This is generally considered the start of the end of World War II. Berlin itself would not fall until invaded by the Russians in the Battle of Berlin. That battle ended May 2, 1945.

80 year intervals are interesting markers when looking at intervals defined by the life length of generations. Those who fought World War II formed an interesting and well defined generation. See Psalm 90:10, which may be marking the length of a strong generation at 80 years. We will not clear this interval from the end of World War II until about this time next year.

Israel Ground War in Lebanon?

Rumors are swirling that Israel is about to mobilize 50,000 more soldiers for a ground war in Lebanon. This link provides some details. This would bring current mobilization to 350,000. Other sources suggest this may bring ground troops from Syria and/or Iraq into the war in Lebanon's defense.

Ritter on USS Liberty

The link here is to a video on X by Scott Ritter. In this video he retells the story of this 1967 attack on the USS Liberty. This was a US Navy vessel operating off the coast of Israel. In this event, the USA was directly attacked by Israel.

The USS Liberty was not covered in US media at the time. This strange history s proof that they controlled American media even in 1967. The 37th anniversary is June 8, 2024.

Ritter and Judge Naps' Failed Trip to Russia

The link here is Judge Nap's weekly podcast with Scott Ritter. The 2 of them had been scheduled to a conference in St. Petersburg in Russia this week.

They were stopped at the airport before leaving and had their passports confiscated. The link here goes into the details of what happened. The judge explains Ritter has a sound case against the US Government for what happened. This is interesting, but not the most important part of this very important interview.

In the last 10 minutes or so they shift to a discussion of American nuclear war plans, active since before the days of President Kennedy. You should watch this for yourself.

The key, shocking, point is that the American military intent is to use nukes to blow up the entire world so that the USA remains the dominant nation, even if the USA is, say, left with only 20 percent of its current population.

As but 1 example given in their discussion, this includes blowing up India, even if India is never a party to any war. This so India does not become the dominant world culture after a nuclear war in some other part of the world.

This same logic extends to all peoples in Africa and South America. I dare say this means the global south is NOT a safe way to escape this soon coming war. It makes this not so much a war between east and west, but a Noah's Flood like event, where the whole world is destroyed, this time by fire.

I have never before heard anyone discuss a war plan for World War III that would cause destruction by fire everywhere on Earth.

2 Peter 3:6-7 equates Noah's Flood in the past with a planetary fire event in the future. Now we know how modern war plans cover the whole globe. The crazies in charge want to destroy the world so they can remain ruling what is left, even if it is just a few people who survive.

Starship Flight 4

On the morning of June 6, 2024, Elon Musk's SpaceX made a fantastic 4th test flight. They were testing the Starship rocket and Super Heavy booster. Both reached their intended touchdown points. The booster made it back in 1 piece to water level in the Gulf of Mexico. This is a flight path that will eventually allow a return to the launch platform.

The ship itself flew from Texas to the Indian Ocean and then simulated a landing back down at sea level. It lost some heat shield tiles and had damage to a flap, but the video feed did not cut out and the ship survived the heat of reentry. Unlike the Space Shuttle, this ship is made of stainless steel so it can withstand high temps without melting.

All of these are fantastic results. Congratulations to the SpaceX team.

More Later,
