The Lamp

This week we look deeper into the lamp. But first, some new articles in the Bible Harmony. Finally another headline review.

Bible Harmony

The Bible Harmony app is where Ryan works through the problem of picking the likely inspired story from otherwise duplicated stories in the text. Articles on this app are basically the back stories for difficult filter tags and notes that show up in the BRB.

There are different ways to find problem passages that should be marked with Filter tags. Some topics are simply identified by the rules additions given in Acts 15. These are the easiest forms of additions to spot.

Once the editors' motives are identified, then even more passages can be spotted as additions. But this is not the end of the problem.

It gets more complicated when there are multiple copies of individual stories. For example, Kings and Chronicles cover much of the same material. Which side of those 2 histories is likely to be inspired? For another example, note that throughout the Gospels there are also duplicated, and slightly different, versions of many of stories involving what Joshua said and did.

If these duplicate stories were exactly the same, then there would be no trouble. But there are usually differences in details, and often those differences are very important in terms of how they should be understood.

When I was a young believer I was taught that these differences in detail were like different witnesses to an event. Modern juries in court must sift through the different ways witnesses to crimes tell their accounts. So the argument for differences in the text was explained in a similar way. Every account should be considered as telling the story as the writer saw it or understood it. This explanation was satisfactory when I was much younger. These days I would only agree on 1 point. The text is a crime scene investigation.

Once we get to the point where we see criminal intent in the writing of the text as passed to us by history, then we have a different set of tools we should be using for comparing stories. We should be looking at differences in details and from those details we should be able to spot the non-inspired copies.

This is where the Bible Harmony app comes in. Each article on that app takes a set of parallel accounts and displays them side-by-side. With that format, it is easier to consider the differences in the story. From that perspective it is usually not very hard to pick which account is likely the inspired version, and which are fake.

This study also lets us understand deeper details in how the editors were thinking. Those same thought processes still infect our world today.

So let me introduce this type of study by giving 2 examples.

Baptism of Joshua

The link here is to the Bible Harmony page dealing with the baptism of Joshua at the Jordan river. Most readers here are probably familiar with that story. Most readers here probably also know that there is a voice that comes from the skies as part of this event.

So the page itself shows that account in Mathew, Mark and Luke. All 3 stories show what is normally considered the divine voice speaking from the skies. So far, so good.

By reading those 3 accounts you can see there is a difference in detail involving that account and involving that voice. First point to notice is that the Matthew account is longer overall, and that there is more green, or divine, voice. Matthew also has more details. Second point to note is that divine voice is speaking to different audiences.

Why would different original witnesses to this event dispute who that voice was speaking to?

If we are to determine what really happened using voting, then we would tend to disregard the Matthew account in favor of the others. But, even here, there is a trick.

As the article goes on to explain, there is also a 4th account given in 2 Peter 1:16-18. That quote is also included on that Bible Harmony article. That quote in 2 Peter only agrees with the Matthew account.

Matthew and Peter agree, the voice from the skies spoke to the crowds about Joshua. That voice claimed that Joshua was his son, in whom that voice was pleased.

Picking Sides

So in normal church circles this must be dealt with as a conflicting set of witnesses to a single historical event. In normal church circles these differences are not normally spotted, and when they are noticed, they are either overlooked or they are treated as conflicting but otherwise honest witnesses.

In our world 1 of those versions is likely inspired and the others are likely to be added by Ananias and/or his close friends who are helping with his crime.

If we were to look at these stories within their contexts then spotting the additions would not be very easy to do. Any of them could be correct when taken alone. But taken together we can now reason through the problem.

Ananias, generally speaking, messed with the text when something was going on that he seriously did not like. This was his motive for his editing work. So something here should be causing Ananias serious trouble. What might that be?

That voice is likely an earthly ancestor of Joshua, who has waited for that day and now sees it. In the inspired version that voice is giving his testimony to the assembled crowds. It is a walk-off king who is speaking in Matthew.

In Ananias' retelling he makes that voice into part of the trinity. Ananias wants his OT god to be the father of Joshua. In Ananias' version, that voice then speaks down to Joshua, establishing hierarchy, with no regard to the audience.

Ananias lives in a world of church hierarchy. He does not want Joshua to be at the top of all such hierarchies. This is where Joshua naturally belongs. Ananias is using this edit to pull off that goal of removing Joshua from his proper place. Think about Samuel's answer when they asked for a king.

Which walk-off king is likely speaking from the skies?

The king who had an issue of waiting for a promised son is Abraham. He was renamed as the father of many. His name shows up on the lamp, which we will return to below.

Joshua himself would be the ultimate long awaited son. The rest of the crowd assembled to hear that voice at the baptism would be Abraham's offspring too. So Abraham would have reason to speak to this assembled group of offspring. He has a personal reason for identifying Joshua as the son that matters most. Joshua is the son in whom Abraham is most pleased.

This hunch is supported in another story. Joshua explained that Abraham saw his day. See John 8:56. This reference may be a direct reference to the day of Joshua's baptism. If so, Joshua is naming Abraham as that voice from the sky in clear text.

Ryan has more to say in that article if you care to go deeper.

The Centurion

The link here is to a second example from the Bible Harmony app. This time the subject is the centurion who comes to Joshua for a healing for a sick member of his house. 1 version of the story is told in Matthew, the other is told in Luke.

The centurion is himself a commander of as many as 100 Roman soldiers. That the story involves a centurion means it is a story about kingdom authority.

In the Matthew telling of this story it is a about the authority that the centurion places in both Joshua and Joshua's disciples. The centurion is ascribing very high authority to them all. The centurion is indicating that in terms of kingdom hierarchy, the are all above himself.

From the centurion's actions he receives a very long positive commentary in divine voice giving high praise to his actions. That voice condemns some other group who will be thrown out.

The Luke version of this centurion story inserts Jewish elders into the hierarchy. This messes up the point of the story, dealing with authority. But, of course, this makes sense from the perspective of Samuel's speech of asking for a king.

From the perspective of Ananias this makes sense, he is attempting to take Joshua's real authority and transfer it to his own authority hierarchy. This has a similar purpose to Ananias' edits dealing with the voice from the skies.

Matthew's version will turn out to be the inspired form, Luke will be an Ananias edition. Ryan has more to say about this story in that Bible Harmony article.

Lamp Tabernacle Item

I was triggered by an iconic use of the lamp from cover art on one of the Peshitta manuscripts we have in our collection. Ryan had shown me that cover on his laptop and I thought it was on a website. I later found it again in our set of manuscripts when I was working through reformatting.

Curiously the lamp was being used as the cover art for a book that covers apparent printer errors in the 1905 British Bible Society's reference version of the Aramaic New Testament. That is a big deal. We will be using that published 1905 text as the starting point for recovery. If we have trouble in recovery we may need to reference that list of errata.

The lamp is an integral part of the Paleo auditing process, so it was doubly curious how the lamp was being used on a book that was itself auditing a printed version of the text against other manuscripts. Even to the point of coloring letters, so strange.

In any case, putting attention back into the lamp is a good thing to work on. So I have been messing with my own 3d designs for such a lamp.

I read Elon Musk's biography since I last worked on this lamp and am now using a principle I learned from him. Basically he wants to see quick iteration when working on the design of some system. Musk wants his people to keep quickly iterating to reduce complexity and reduce cost. A first design of some part is rarely if ever the last design of that part.

Design iterations tend to force an item's design to refine and eventually stabilize. This works best when this process is allowed to run repeatedly. When the iterations are allowed to continue, the design of an item will settle into a more finished form.

I have used this process on the lamp to good effect. Let me explain.

Lamp Design Iterations

The first iteration was to explore coloring the branches on the lamp. This made the rainbow more prominent, but the lamp looked like it belonged in a kid's playroom. A second iteration put back the gold on the arms, but left the color on the lamp's flowers. A third iteration dealt with black lettering being invisible on dark blue by trying white.

A fourth iteration put silver, a paired metal to gold, on the lettering. This is still a compromise, but in keeping with the use of gold for the lamp arms. At the same time I dropped punctuation on the purple ends, those distract. I now see this as technically incorrect. Only the middle 5 lamps should have lettering.

This series of iterations seemed to settle down the problems with colors. But building a second copy of the lamp revealed problems with construction. A fifth iteration was to change the design to connect branches using bolts. Not yet seen in a full print of a lamp, but using bolts gives seriously better strength in the lamp itself.

A sixth iteration was a different base that could hold a coiled cord. This so the lamp could be used with other items without a tail in the way. A seventh iteration was a series of design changes in that new base. An eighth iteration changes to a detachable cord and so back to a simple base.

While this 3d design work has been going on, there has been another prophetic stream dealing with the lamp itself. Let me share some of that here.

Trees, Judges 9, BRB

The link here is to the story of the trees given in Judges 9. This is a once-upon-a-time sort of story and one application is back to the events in the days of Noah's flood. This is an application into history and world events.

Stories like this tend to first build on the alphabet system as a first principle. In this story 5 different types of trees are listed. Briefly, these are 1) Olive Tree, 2) Fig Tree, 3) Vine, 4) Bramble and 5) Cedars (of Lebanon). This list is calling out tabernacles items. It is doing so in order. Let me explain.

The Olive Tree

Let me argue why the first tree in this list is likely a veiled reference to the lamp tabernacle item, which is a type of tree with olive oil filled bowls that sit atop each limb. Before the use of electricity, the lamp would be topped with olive oil which fueled real flames, thus the lamp is called the olive tree.

Note how the lamp has a yellow bowl at top center. This is closest to the sun in color. Other colors branch out and down from there. The lamp is not itself an alphabet 3d design. This has been trouble for me, where does it fit in?

Instead, the lamp is like the star from which the gold series will grow. The lamp is providing the basic geometry, or canvas geometry, on which the other models are drawn or conceived.

The 7 flames atop the lamp mark 7 lines that form a drawing box for all other objects. While there are 7 flames, there are 6 divisions of space across the lamp. They are inspiring the drawn graph paper on which other items are later drawn. Vertically, the lamp has branch joints and stem segments. These are forming the horizontal lines for the same canvas. Though note the lamp skips every other line.

The lamp is 1 cubit wide, from center points to center points of bowls. That cubit is divided into 6 parts across. From the top bowl to the bottom joint, center to center, is also 1 cubit tall. This match to a basic unit of measure maps to the drawing canvas for letters.

But, on the lamp, this geometry is being given at 1 cubit scale. This will matter to other trees found in the tabernacle room. My work last fall on the Fig Tree was already at this scale, this is why I could see the lamp as related to the Fig Tree.

All the other 3d models can be scaled up to this same 1 cubit scale.

The silo, well, sower, reaper, qu-map objects and river lining trees also get rendered at this scale. Together these form a major part of the exhibits in the Tabernacle.

The lamp, as a first principle object, provides the basic unit of measure for those other systems of objects. It is the inspiration for the rest.

The Fig Tree

The gold system of 3d alphabet related objects comes out from from a single dot. That dot is the start, or star. This is the first set of alphabet related items that have geometry and place on 2d canvas and in 3d space.

This is the second tree in the Judges 9 sequence. It forms another tabernacle item, the Fig Tree. The purpose of the fig tree is to display the gold series of 3d items. The higher level purpose of that tree is to show how to create the ciphers used to multiply the text. At the same scale as the lamp, using similarly shaped parts, that tree will be big enough to sit under.

That tree is a kit, and can be assembled in different ways.

The gold 3d objects also assemble into a silo and well. These can also be rendered at 1 cubit scale. These are part of the Fig Tree exhibit in such a room.

The Vine

In the 3d system, the gold set is then followed by the silver set. Judges 9 calls that silver set the vine.

It is currently unclear to me if the silver items have some other detailed use in the Tabernacle. (Likely they do.)

These models assemble and form the models of a sower and reaper. These are, of course, the workers in the vineyard. These can also be rendered at 1 cubit scale and would form another exhibit.

The Bramble

The silver set is then followed by the copper set of 3d models. These are all the various models that form the letter definitions. They do not connect together like a tree. They are laid out flat on the ground, usually in a Qu Map.

Judges 9 is calling these the bramble. Brambles tend to be spread out across the ground, with less obvious tree like structure. These models are similar in that they do not assemble into some high object.

In this Judges 9 story, fire is said to come out from the bramble. Think of this fire as like lightening coming out and down from the lamp and striking locations on the Qu Map. This fire is the audit process at work.

The Cedars

The final 3d model set, the bronze set, is the set that forms the trees that line the river. That river sequences through the tribes in both the order of the life cycle of a plant and in their Revelation 7 tribal order.

Judges 9 is referencing them as like the Cedars of Lebanon. These items are significantly taller than any other of the models, a nice match to cedars. Drawn at 1 cubit scale they would be quite tall.

What must be struck out of the text is the writing that is coming from the tribes of men and not from Joshua himself. Thus the symbolic use of this in the Judges 9 story.

Use As Exhibits

Note here how the 3d model system is supposed to be taught in the Tabernacle to people who are just learning the text. They are the foundational lessons that anyone who knows how to read is expected to know.

When readers get to Judges 9, the story becomes easy to interpret. Those stories are just interpreted by looking at items spread around the room where the text is read.

There are small, student editions, of those models built on small letters. is the eventual home for those 3d model files.

Then there are lamp size, or 1 cubit scale, variations of those same models. Those big models are the real tabernacle items. More on those in future blogs.

Lists of 5

The flames across the top of the lamp are divided up. There are 5 in the middle that are labeled and then 2 ends which are not labeled. The 5 bowls in the middle of the lamp are labeled with the Paleo Letters that spell the name Abraham. Wa-Ba-Re-Fe-Mo.

Now, there are places in the text where there are lists of 5. The judges 9 account of the 5 trees is 1 such place.

We can take lists of 5 and check them against those 5 letters in order. Let me do that for you here, so you can see how this works.

Wa) A Star. The Olive Tree. Is the Lamp tabernacle item with flames, or small stars, across the top. A match.

Ba) A Tent. The Fig Tree. Nathanael sits under the fig tree when he first meets Joshua. This is just like sitting in a tent. That tree, at 1 cubit scale, will be large enough for people to sit under. A match.

Re) A Head. Like in a head of cattle. The Vine. The tabernacle item is the Sower and Reaper. At 1 cubit scale quite large exhibits. These items are both chariots and need a head, say a horse, to pull them. A match.

Fe) A Plow or rake. The Bramble. The tabernacle item, at 1 cubit scale, would be a carpet, also called a sheet, 5 cubits by 5 cubits. In each square would sit 1 of the 25 3d models that define the letters. Tent floors, or carpets, are where rakes or more precisely brooms are used. A match.

Mo) Water. The Cedars of Lebanon. The tabernacle item, at 1 cubit scale, would be a row of model trees, 12 cubits long, 3 cubits wide. Many of those trees would be taller than most people in the room. Ezekiel sees those trees as lining a river, thus matching the Mo. Maybe a blue center to another carpet representing the water. In any case, a match.

Let me give you another lamp reference, this time back in Genesis.

Pharoah' Dream

The link here is to Genesis 41 in the BRB. This is the place where the text records Pharaoh's dreams. As given to us, the text suggests he had the dream 2 times. Maybe so, but the 2nd of these 2 dreams is the version that matches the Tabernacle Item most clearly. Go read it now if you want to try this for yourself.

In the first telling of the dream there are 7 fat cows that are replaced by 7 thin cows. The lamp item has 7 branches. At the top are 7 bowls of olive oil feeding 7 lamps. (In our day, of course, electric lamps.)

In the second version of the dream it is 7 stalks that branch out from a single stalk. Atop each is a head of grain of some sort.

The detail that originally triggered the match for this is the way the single stalk is below the 7 heads of grain. Just like the lamp, which has the single stalk atop the base.

Joseph does not appear to have trouble with the interpretation. He already seems to have known the design for the lamp and could easily identify it. But then, he links 7 lamps to 7 units of time, most commonly 7 years.

The 5 lamps cross the middle form an important subset. They are red, orange, yellow, green and blue. These are the center 5 colors of the rainbow. Those 5, alone, are labeled with the Paleo letters for the name Abraham.

As I have covered here in the past, any inspired reference to the rainbow is a reference to this lamp. Think Noah, for example. Sometimes called the Rainbow covenant, in it Joshua promises not to destroy the world in a flood again. Though he does reserve the right to destroy it by fire.

The lamp is an integral part of the manuscript auditing process, so the lamp is important to my work now, and now is the time

Nebuchadnezzar's Statue Dream

The link here is to Daniel 2. The interesting parts begin around verse 20 and then again at verse 31.

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. He asked for someone to tell him the dream and to interpret that dream to him. Daniel is shown the dream and the interpretation. At verse 20 he gives a list of 5 things once he knows the dream, then he goes before the king and explains the dream.

The praise list has 5 parts: 1) He changes seasons. 2) He removes and sets up kings 3) He gives wisdom and understanding. 4) He reveals deep and secret things. 5) He knows what is in darkness and light is with him.

The dream includes a statue that consists of 5 parts. 1) A head of gold. 2) Chest and arms of silver. 3) Belly and thighs of brass. 4) Legs of iron. 5) Feet, part of iron and part of clay. The dream completes and a stone smashes the statue and grows into a mountain to fill the world.

These lists of 5 things are running the same 5 flames in the center of the lamp, and by extension this maps to all other inspired lists of 5 in the text. Let me show some details. Here I am combining these 2 lists of 5.

Wa) A Star matches changing seasons and the head of gold. The pitch of stars on the horizon change with and mark the seasons. They represent the start of something, the beginning, the idea or inspiration. The head of gold is where this happens.

Ba) A Tent matches removing and setting up kings and the chest and arms. Kings rule a house at some geographic scale. The tent captures place at any scale. The chest is the main part of the body, the tent for internal organs.

Re) A Head matches knowing and understanding and the Belly and thighs of brass. Knowing is a term used also for sexual intercourse. He knew her. In the statue this is covering the same body part.

Fe) A Rake/Plow matches deep and hidden things and the legs of iron. The working part of a rake or plow turns over the ground, and reveals deep hidden things. The legs are the handle of the same tool

Mo) Water matches darkness and light is with him and the feet of the statue covered in wet clay. Mo is normally water, but any fluid, like oil for a lamp creating light. The mire of the feet means covered in the mud.

Curiously, the 2 lists of 5 have different applications. Daniel's praise list is a better list than Nebuchadnezzar's dream list.

Curiously, this statue is smashed by a stone at the feet. Then a mountain grows up instead.

As I have been working on the designs for the lamp and fig tree I find the need to have bases that can be weighted. So bases that can hold stones or perhaps iron or lead, or solid plastic. This to keep them from falling over.

You may know this problem from modern table lamps. They typically have a weight in the base to keep them from falling over. So the stone striking the bottom of the statue is like the way these lamps also need weights at the feet.

The stone that strikes the statue will be like the 1 stone of 5 stones selected by David to defeat Goliath. The 5 labeled lamps are the audit pattern. In the complete tabernacle setup there are 5 stones that match those 5 lamps. That pattern can figuratively be thought of as striking the work of editors like Nebuchadnezzar.

Each audit letter was represented by the stones in David's sack. David's sack itself likely had a qu-map on the outside. This to teach the whole audit system. David presumably pulled out the Re stone, the head stone, to defeat Goliath. Those 5 stones are part of the story and can be used to smash the work of Nebuchadnezzar and his friends.

See how once we know the tabernacle item, we can do better at interpreting this story. We are supposed to come to these stories knowing the objects in the Tabernacle that was learned in primary school language class. Looks like most prophetic stories in the text are working in a similar way.

Note that the lamp has 7 arms in total, so lamp processes take 7 times, not 5 as we might expect. Think 5 modern work days in a 7 day calendar week. In this case, Nebuchadnezzar's work must wait 7 times, or 2550 years, until his work is smashed. Breaking down that timing is the subject of later stories in the Book of Daniel. It happens in our day.

Headline Review

Headlines continue to be serious. NATO has begun fighting Russia directly. They want to goad the bear so they can blame Russia for starting the war. This is following western plans for a 3rd world war that go back 100+ years. This is not a Russian plan, see the last link below. Here are some links to news items that particularly caught my attention this week.

The ICJ Orders Halt to Israel in Gaza

The link here is to an article on the recent ICJ ruling that Israel should stop their attacks on civilians in Gaza. This is the highest court of the United Nations and gives many UN member nations the legal cover they need take action against Israel. Of course the Israel Lobby in the USA operates nearly worldwide, so this is effectively a mute decision.

Russia and China, Enough

The link here is to a long article by Pepe Escobar dealing with Russia and China. Together these nations have 2 groups that they work through, the first is the BRICS, the second is the SCO. Pepe cites many things going on that are causing these 2 nations to take on what we would know of as the world wide Israel Lobby.

Discussion on Israel

The link here is to a weekly panel discussion with Judge Nap and 2 of his regular guests. This is more commentary than hard news, but this is my source for 2 comments. First comment, is that the UN could ultimately expel Israel over events in Gaza. I have not heard this before, but it triggers a timeline event. UN recognition of Israel was the main 1948 headline. It would be the natural venue for a reversal if Israel is eventually abandoned.

The other point in this video is a reference to a comment made by an Israeli official about why Israel is so aggressive in Gaza. The internal reason for why Israel is doing this now is that, my paraphrase, 1) We are on the cusp of a 3rd world war. 2) Not enough of the world will survive that 3) not enough of the civilized world will be left that anyone would come against Israel 4) especially once that war is over. The judge starts to understand what is going on, for perhaps his first time on camera.

This is a direct reference to the general idea that war in Israel is just a front on a growing 3rd World War. The first week of July still looks to be the next time to watch for more prophetic dates on that war.

US Attack on Russian Radars

The article linked here explains how the USA used Ukraine to strike a major Russian radar station. This station is part of the Russian defense systems related to detecting inbound nuclear missiles. In effect the USA has started to blind the Russians. Remember the story of the 2 blind men whom Joshua heals? That story applies to Russia. Now we know how they became blind, by acts of men.

This blinding is likely in preparation for an American nuclear first strike against Russia. Since America is run by the Israel Lobby, we see that war in Israel is only 1 front of that same war.

This is a horrific headline because it can be thought of as the start of the nuclear component of World War III. We would have hoped for this to be a few years out. (A second radar is now reported to have been taken out by the USA as well.)

Tucker/Sachs Interview

The link here is to a recent interview of Professor Jeffrey Sachs by Tucker Carlson. The video is 2 hours 43 minutes, so beware. You can safely play the video while doing other mindless work, like reformatting Bibles. Sachs is a professor of economics, but has a long career working with the financing of nations. He is a regular on Judge Nap's Youtube channel. In this interview, Sachs gets to go wide on his personal history, which I have not heard before. This video is being clipped and used across the Internet because he knows and can tell many important back stories to headlines.

Of particular note, Sachs was in the Kremlin for a meeting the day the USSR collapsed. Yeltsin himself walked into the room to give Sachs' group word about what had just happened. Their intended purpose was for Russia to become a normal nation again.

This is one of the most important headlines on the modern timeline, because it is the day when the 1000 years are over, and someone or something, is released to kill. Given Sachs' testimony of the Russian side that day, that was clearly not their intent. But as Sachs admits, he had no idea about how the west would respond. This is giving support for Paul Craig Robert's contention that it was the west that set out to conquer the world, not Russia.

These days I would say events that day gave the Israel Lobby, the tribe of Benjamin, free reign at destroying the Earth.

The professor explains many events in our modern age from the perspective of someone who was either there, or had to learn what was going on from behind the scenes. To his discredit, he does not integrate the Israel Lobby into any of his thinking, at least not as he speaks in this interview. Perhaps he simply cannot speak it. Perhaps he has more to learn.

Trump Conviction

Trump was convicted this week on 34 felony charges in what is widely regarded as a politically motivated show trial in New York. This is the first time a former US President has been convicted of a crime.

The link here explains how this conviction is over a single accounting error. It also explains how this damages the American legal system. I would add it damages New York State as a place for doing business.

Houthis Hit The USS Eisenhower

As I finish up this blog, the exact details of the damage are unknown. Beware AI generated art on the article linked above. In any case this is the first time the Houthis have successfully struck an American aircraft carrier. The ability of the zionists to project power in the world was just seriously limited. This may be a precursor to prophetic headlines in July.

The Houthis explained this was a legal response to American strikes in Yemen. I find it curious that BRICS countries, and BRICS friends, usually cite international law when carrying out such strikes. Part of why the war in Ukraine has been running for 10 years is because the Russians want legal basis for their actions.

Ultimately, the Houthis may have done this by special request. This may be the Russian response to American strikes on Russian early warning radars. It may also be a Chinese request as prep work towards taking back Taiwan.

More Later,
