400 Update

Major update in the 400 Stories App. This impacts The Testimony and Sabbath Reads as well. We will be streaming again at 10:00 AM Pacific Time on Saturday. Read on for more.

400 Stories

This app shows the woven structure of the Testimony. Rows show the stories in order. Columns show Sabbath Reads which are symbolic story sequences.

This week we changed the general order of the bottom 8 rows in that table. These rows are material from the New Testament. The goal of this change is to put the vertical reading order of the columns in the Table of 400 into chronological time.

This is in keeping with the material in the upper half of the table. That material is from the OT. So, this puts columns completely into chronological time.

This is a big change, and is seen in all 3 related apps, including The Testimony itself, the 400 Stories and the Sabbath Reads.

This is a rather profound improvement. For a taste, go to the 400, and look at the left most column's bottom 8 stories and read through. You should be able to see the stories start to flow. The 2nd and 3rd columns are also similarly interesting.

Other columns are still being worked, but there are hints of things to come.

Font Updates

All of our apps were updated this week. I have worked on font related issues that will speed load times. Most of our apps are relatively small, and the font files have been a relatively large percentage of load times. This fix should speed everything up just a little bit.

Apple Video Updates

This week I did a second update to the video files that support Apple devices. Not a major change, but I am trying to use best practices. On slow networks (fast 3G, or poor wifi) Apple devices still take around 15 seconds to load video meta data for previously recorded talks. There does not seem to be any more minor tweaks to speed up the start times. All other platforms are fine at these network speeds.


Last week's Project Introduction talk is now online.

This Saturday I will be streaming and recording an updated talk on Lots.

Tune in at cr.paleo.in at 10:00 AM Pacific time if interested.

More Later,
