Ezekiel Commandments

This week's talk explains how the commandments map to the cells of the Ezekiel Case. We have also updated the BRB and TT, with another editing pass through material from Hebrews. Details follow.


The Ezekiel Case has 12 cells. Each cell, and thus the 3D object within, maps to a commandment. The commandments also map to key Judges, from Moses to Saul.

This week's talk explores the map from the 3D object, and its letter pairs, to those Judges and the history going in their time.

Grids like this are the normal way to interpret the Testimony. Interpretive power comes from the complete series. So this talk is interesting both because of the specifics of the map, but as an example of maps in the general case.

This map is internal, to the Testimony itself. Talks to come will use a similar process, but map out, external, from the book to places on the earth.

TT and BRB Updates

In general we are working out the inspired story of what happens when we die. Or for some, what happens when we walk off the planet.

The Book of Hebrews in the BRB, which is 75 Jerusalem in the TT, includes a list of key people along with short biographies. From this list we can learn what happened when their time on earth was over.

This week's update involves checking these short biographies, all the way down the list. Some of the people in this list did not die, but instead walked off the planet. Enoch and Elijah are the most famous walk-offs, but this list mentions others. The marker for a walk off is they did not die.

There are some people in this list who did die, but who are still alive, resurrected, past tense, in the same place as the walk offs. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are perhaps the most famous examples of this scenario.

These are the 2 routes back to Eden, back to the city in the sky. These routes off the planet are established by this list of short biographies.

Note how this is a continuous process. New Testament editing 'future pushed' the resurrection to an end-times event, hiding the continuous nature of actual resurrection.

The admonition at the end of the book is basically encouraging readers to live a life worthy of achieving either of these same ends, just as these people did.

This material is fitting for the last book of the Testimony and is why, in part, we think it belongs at the end.

Of course there are other things that can happen when we die. We will deal with those scenarios later.

More Later,
