River Case

This week's talk introduces the final of four 3D printed cases, the River Case. We have also updated the BRB and TT, in particular the very end of the Testimony. Also, a mid-year call for planners. Details follow.

River Case

The River Case closes off the so far unused 2D sides from objects stored in the City Case. This final case holds a set of 3D objects that model the life cycle of a plant. This series shows the Alphabet 3D model system to be complete.

The plant itself is called the Tree of Life and it is planted along the River of Life, thus the name for this case.

This is the largest of the cases, 38 cells total. It is the most difficult case to actually 3D print and build.

The Information Stack

All of the models in all of the cases are what a student learns as they are learning the Paleo Alphabet.

If this was your everyday language, as it was after the Exodus, then all of these models are learned while the alphabet is being learned.

So, stories in the Testimony can reference these models because any actual reader is expected to know them.

This includes topics like the macro level structure of the Testimony, the Paleo letter headings that you see in the TT. But, it can also include stories that point at the models found in these 4 cases.

The Valley of Dry Bones, for example, is based on models found in the Ezekiel Case. The Tree of Life and River of Life are based on models kept in the case introduced in this week's talk.

There is a directional nature to these stories in the Testimony. Just as you must learn the Alphabet before reading something written with the alphabet, you must also naturally know these objects before considering stories written about them.

This is not a circular system of reasoning, but directional, coming as it does up from the letters themselves.

Think about this as you read the related stories in the Testimony itself.

TT and BRB Updates

In general we are working out the inspired story of what happens when we die. Or for some, what happens when we walk off the planet.

The Bible editors hid substantial inspired material on this general subject by turning an ongoing process into an end-times process.

Their changes to the general process hides serious parables about this same set of subjects. The woman at the well being a great example. What, precisely, does her continuous buckets of water have to do with everlasting life? The parable text is clear, but the interpretive keys are generally lost behind edits. What is water? What is a bucket? What is a well? All these must be answered to generate the parable's algebra and crack the meaning.

The editors did not want readers to know what really goes on here, because they, themselves, impact the judgment process of all individuals. This is their biggest crime.

Figuring out the inspired story is not easy, especially since common church teaching hangs on their edits, so we are not naturally prepared for this subject.

We are slowly reviewing the entire Bible for material in this general space. We will eventually have more edits related to this topic, but we gotta start somewhere.

In particular this week's edits impact the BRB book of Hebrews, which shows up as the TT book 75 Jerusalem.

We currently think this is the last book in the inspired Testimony, so the close of this book is also the close of the entire work, an important place in the overall story.

This week's changes bring back material related to Abraham's story. His journey to the promised land was a parable for a city in the sky. We also attain that city when we, like Abraham, follow Joshua in whatever way Joshua may speak to us.

The closing paragraphs have also been re-cut, bringing back material that reinforces the Testimony's overall purpose.

It now ends with a stern warning. All of us are offered that same city, where we can live forever too, if we have the faith to follow Joshua and thus attain the right to enter that city.

Call for Planners

We are going to print a few more of this year's annual planners. I usually make this request on this list near the end of the current year for planners for the following year. This is an exception so anyone who wants a planner for Tabernacles, but does not currently have one, can get one.

Please let me know by Friday, July 12, 2019, if you do not currently have a planner and want a copy. The opening assembly of this year's Tabernacles is at 6:00 PM on August 11, 2019. So there is about a month lead time to get them printed and mailed.

More Later,
