Try, Try Again

This week, second try on our BRB video. Status on 3D, TT and BRB follow.

BRB 2nd Try

Last week we posted a video on the BRB. About 45 minutes, mostly on the features of the app.

I realized about a day later that we'd seriously missed the mark. Why on earth should anyone care? Lots of reasons related to the text of the BRB itself.

So... we redid the talk, re-recorded it, and have posted it again.

This adds about 1 hour of more material. 2 of the slides are the same, the rest are new.

The link is the same, here...

BRB Tour

3D Models

Case 4 printing mostly finished this week. I was not happy with the results.

Similar to case 3, when I could hold it in my hands I could see many changes that needed to be made so a student just learning these models could more rapidly spot the design principle.

It is back on the printer with the redesign, maybe another week to print.

TT and BRB

Both updated this week.

In the TT, the assemblies of Jerusalem and Bethany have been reversed. Bethany is now ahead of Jerusalem. The scroll structure works better with this order. Complaints that John the Baptist faced fold across the entire scroll to the problems faced by the Jerusalem council.

We spotted a bunch of minor bugs in the BRB when we were recording. Swipe up on cover, quote links and history formatting. (We'd originally planned on dropping this app, which is why it did not get normal love and attention.) These bugs are now fixed.

The right menu has been rearranged in both the TT and BRB. This makes them a little more logical.

We have also added tagging to mark the source passages for filter rules. "FR" notes show up when that is going on. See Acts 15 in the BRB for an example.

More Later,
