Annual Planners

Annual Planner printing next week. Also, weekly update to the Testimony. Details follow.

End of Year Print

It is very near the end of the Paleo Calendar Year. (Strange to call it this...) So, it is time for new Annual Planners. We are going to print off a set next week. If you need a copy for next year please let me know.

Testimony Updates

The Testimony was updated today, Friday, as usual. This week's updates were mostly in the back half of the Scroll of the Prophets, Habakkuk through Malachi. Section headings are mostly in place and this set of books is likely fixed in the overall order. The front of The Prophets scroll is still to get attention.

We think the historical book of Daniel was an edited combination of 2 distinct inspired books, both written by Daniel. The first written when he was relatively young, the second when he was much older. Those books have section headings that fold through the alphabet to each other, but, curious, Ezekiel is in the middle.

Ezekiel has 4 sections and is landing across the alphabet fold. All 4 section letter headings are used in Ezekiel's narrative. The Yo, Hand, is used to hand Ezekiel the small scroll. The multiplied skeleton army is the Ku, copies. The Lu, a shepherd's staff, the 2 sticks. Finally the river Ezekiel has trouble crossing is the Mo, water.

The placement of Job shows his 3 friends are following the newly minted Babylonian Bible, while Job is old and is using the Hilkiah scroll. Thus their conflict. A curious litmus test to this day is what side of their conflict do preachers land on? Usually they fall on the side of the friends, not on Job's side. A mistake.

Job's life length is being used to clock the 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Thus the trouble at the start of the book is the army headed to destroy Jerusalem. It is feeding off Job's wealth in order to get to Jerusalem. The 70 years from there to the end of his life are the 70 years until it is time to rebuild Jerusalem. This is the topic of the next book, Haggai. A curious book chain.

More Later,
