Bible Harmony Updates

This blog reviews recent updates to the Bible Harmony app. Tabernacles begins next week, details follow below. Finally, this has been a busy week in headlines, especially with hints towards the next prophetic date.

Theory Behind Harmonies

The purpose of all Bible related harmonies is to show side-by-side versions of passages in the Bible that cover the same material.

Printed Gospel Harmonies are a common textbook for use in advance Bible related degree programs. Showing off duplicate stories in the Bible, using a parallel format, forces readers to consider how those stories are told in different ways across the text.

Normally, these sorts of textbooks are reserved for students working on advanced degrees, such as a Masters in Divinity. I believe this sort of study is reserved for advanced students because these books tend to work against the basic premises of Protestantism. I suspect Bible Colleges have learned that harmonies cause more harm than good for undergraduate students.

If the Bible really is inspired, then it should not be internally contradictory. The more you look at parallel passages, the more the tenants of Protestantism are shown to be troubling.

Usually, there is some sort of excuse given when looking at internal issues. Like witnesses to a car accident, they will often tell their witness stories differently from each other. This is normal. Investigators do no like to hear exactly the same story from different witnesses to an accident. When that happens insurance investigators suspect collusion, that everyone is reading from the same false script.

So some level of contradiction is thus treated as a good thing, at least in certain circles. But this grinds against passages in the text that indicate the writers wrote the text as they were inspired to write. Why would there be differences if there is a single divine author inspiriting the writers?

Such questions are important, but not easy to answer. But it is important to not run away from trouble, but to face trouble and hopefully overcome that trouble.

Our first version of the Bible Harmony covered the Gospels. This is like some of the standard printed Gospel Harmonies that meld together Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We have had coverage of that material in our app and linked off for a long time. Ryan recently finished a long set of additions to that app to bulk it up. I want to share those changes with readers here.

Bible Harmony App

This set of revisions was driven by the desire to list ALL parallel passages in the text, not just the popularly studied parallel passages. We are not limited by the number of pages in a printed book. Adding pages is easy. So why not?

Turns out this work is interesting as we are preparing to run the audit across the entire manuscript passed to us by history. We expect that each story will only be told 1 time. If any story happens in the text more than 1 time, then at least one of those times is not inspired.

We also expect the audit to have trouble everywhere. We expect nearly all passages to not easily pass audit as passed to us by history. We don't yet understand how bad verse level recovery will be, but trouble is our expectation. We had a taste of that last year when we worked on the commandments. We anticipate trouble both with spelling of words, but also in the running strings of those words.

So when we are in passages that have parallel versions, we may want to look at them across those versions. If any version of a story is inspired, then only one of them should be correctable back to an inspired form. (Aside from flat out copies, which also happen.) We must still learn the error patterns and how to repair them. This is a work effort soon ahead of us, more on that next week.

So by adding all parallel passages into the Bible Harmony app we are prepared for one component of the recovery work. If problems in this area get really difficult, we could even switch the text in a special copy of that app to Paleo with audit marks instead of quoting English as is done now. So this app is interesting for many reasons.

The Bible Harmony is an app so it can run offline. You never know, you might be camping in the woods or driving across the country and need to look something up. But the format is more like a website. The front page gives links and descriptions to each section.

By Books

As Ryan was looking at the problem he wanted a consistent way to look at the problem. Rather than break the Bible down by stories, he decided to organize the Harmony by the base books that have parallel passages. 24 of the 66 books in the Bible currently have their own page on the Bible Harmony.

The left side of those pages has the passages from that base book that has a parallel passage somewhere else. Then in columns to the right are those parallel passages. For the following notes, I am only covering the left or earlier side of parallel passages. The app has both sides to make these studies symmetric.

To make this interesting to readers here I have provided links to the Bible Harmony pages that first bring visibility to parallel stories. Then I am touching on what stories have duplicates. Interested readers can follow the link to go deeper.


The genealogies of Genesis are found in Chronicles, so there are many parallels between Genesis and Chronicles listed on that page. But there are other places with parallel passages, Exodus and Deuteronomy have parallel passages for the children who went to Egypt and for the blessings over the tribes.


Feeding by Quail, Water from the Rock, Appointment of Leaders, and The Ten Commandments are all duplicated in other places and of course are slightly different.


Leviticus sees duplicated material too. Clean and Unclean Foods, Blessings for Obedience, and Curses for Disobedience are examples.


The Spies sent to the land and the Rebellion that followed are duplicated in Deuteronomy.

"Swamping" is a term used to explain the protocol for using propaganda to cover up crimes by government officials. Even if the truth of a government crime is known publicly, the parties behind the crime will swamp media with dozens of alternative explanations.

Think about the Kennedy assassination or the more recent Trump assassination attempt for recent examples. A public that has been swamped can never know the truth. Swamping was practiced in ancient times too, we are looking at it here. Each duplication is an example of swamping.

1 Samuel

1 Samuel has the story of the death of Saul, which is duplicated in 1 Chronicles. These are slightly different stories, the detail on how Saul died is different, meaning this was a subject that mattered to the editors. Editors are from Benjamin, this was their first king, so of course they would want to tell different versions.

2 Samuel

2 Samuel has details of David's reign. Those details differ in 1 Chronicles and Psalms.

We have generally not used Chronicles in our Testimony work because it seems to be a generally late retelling of the original accounts. As we approach this problem from the perspective of letter based auditing, both sides of all of these accounts must be studied to look for passages that pass the audit. We still do not expect most material from Chronicles to pass, but we will see.

1 Kings

1 Kings and 2 Chronicles both cover the stories of the kings. The details often differ. This page on the Harmony lists the 1 King stories on the left and then the 2 Chronicles versions on the right. At this point it is less clear which version is likely to be inspired.

2 Kings

2 Kings continues the history of the kings after the fall of Samaria. This page as a long list of duplicated accounts of the various kings. Of course details differ from parallel passages in 2 Chronicles and Isaiah.


Ezra has the Decree of Cyrus, and the list of returning exiles. These are duplicated in 2 Chronicles and Nehemiah respectively.


Isaiah is a large book and was likely bulked up from other places. As the harmony page linked here shows, Isaiah shares material from Micah, Jeremiah, Revelation, 2 Kings, and 2 Chronicles.

Duplicated stories includes the latter days establishment of the mountain, prophecies against Babylon, Sennacherib threatening Jerusalem, Deliverance of Jerusalem, Hezekiah's prayer, Hezekiah's illness, and envoys from Babylon,

Passages that are duplicated in Revelation are particularly interesting. The Church of the East does not treat Revelation as canonical. Is there an inspired reason why it would be built on earlier work? Or at least parts of it? These are all hard questions.


Jeremiah is like Isaiah and sharing material with Isaiah, Revelation, 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. But Jeremiah is also sharing material from Obadiah.

Of particular interest is Jeremiah's account of Zedekiah and the fall of Jerusalem which is duplicated in 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles.

Jeremiah was likely originally a much smaller work.





Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are more conventional Gospel Harmonies. For each, the harmony in question puts that book on the left hand side, so it is kept in order, with the other 3 providing parallel passages.

In the final inspired form there is likely only 1 version of each inspired story. We shudder each time we think about putting this set of stories back in order. The audit should show which version is inspired. Then we have a story order puzzle to solve.


Acts is mostly unique material. But the front of Acts shares ascension related material from both Mark and Luke.

We suspect that the historical account of the activity between the crucifixion and the ascension was moved to Jerusalem. Were the disciples told to meet Joshua in Galilee? Or were they told to wait in Jerusalem?

The NT editing goal was to create a Christianity that was a son of Judaism. Pulling the stories in that time to Jerusalem was part of that change. As a team the disciples needed to return to the house in Capernaum in order to understand the timing of what was going on around them. They appear to also have further manuscript work still to do. They could not do that in Jerusalem.

The Bible Harmony app also serves for a place to hold notes when Ryan has worked out a preferred story. The following is the link to the index page for those.

Preferred Stories

There are 2 preferred stories written up there. The first is the Baptism story found in Matthew. The central question is to whom is the voice from the skies speaking? Is it speaking to Joshua directly? Or is that voice speaking to the crowd? Peter explains later it was to the crowd. This belies an editor's agenda to make Joshua a son of their OT false god instead of the expected son of a walk off king.

The second story is the story involving the Centurion in Capernaum. These 2 versions are likely an original story and an edited copy. They differ considerably in the way Joshua is portrayed. In the edited Luke version, Joshua has low authority. In the inspired version in Matthew, the centurion grants Joshua extremely high authority.

This difference in the editing belies the desire of the Jewish editors to rule over Joshua by giving him low authority. The editors ruled over all centurions through their rule over Rome, thus Joshua is lowered and put under themselves in this edit.

Unified Gospel

The link here is to Ryan's working page for his expected flow of the stories that make up a unified, inspired, single gospel account.

In other words, his current working estimate of what the inspired thread through the gospels will be once we get through the audit work.

The page explains his various working assumptions and thoughts behind this work. Beware, this study is subject to revision as our understanding progresses.

Recovery Work Status

The next app in the recovery work is up and running, but not yet online. Barring surprises, it should be online by the time Tabernacles starts next Thursday. I am expecting to dedicate next week's blog to explaining this next step in the recovery process.

Some of our most important projects have gone online just ahead of Tabernacles, and this year is on track for another major app going online at this time of year.

13015 Tabernacles

For anyone tracking the calendar, Tabernacles this year begins with Opening Assembly on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Closing Assembly is on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

We normally take that week off from regular work, and plan to do so again this year. Instead of travel, we will stay home, but will be spending a few hours each day beside a river at a local park. (Flaming Geyser State Park, for those who know the area.)

All of our apps should be updated Wednesday afternoon, instead of Friday, so the text in the apps is stable across the entire holiday week. The blog next week will go out Friday as normal.

War In Iran

As I write this blog, the world is waiting for war between Iran and Israel. Unlike back in April, Iran is taking its time to retaliate.

Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh

This is the Wikipedia article on that assassination. I trust the date, nothing more. This happened on 13015-06-30 (2024-07-31), the day before Trumpets.

What Happened?

Note that Alastair Crooke had a personal friend in the building when that happened. That friend was clear that this was caused by a missile that left a hole in the wall. Use of such a weapon makes this attack an international war crime and the legal basis for retaliation.

The NYT has said otherwise, that this was a terrorist bomb planted in the building long before. This explanation is not an international war crime, but domestic violence. Rewriting history is a favorite pastime of Israel Lobby and friends who include people at the NYT.

Irgun Reborn

The first video with Alastair cites a new article by Alastair. This is the link to the article in full on UNZ. Alastair is struggling with the shift in Israeli domestic politics.

Israel is no longer driven by shared moral values with the west. The 9 IDF soldiers arrested recently is proof, along with their political support in the government of Israel. Israel is quickly loosing its place as a member of the community of civilized nations.

The Iranian call for retaliation against Israel for this assassination went out on the calendar date for Trumpets. We don't normally see prophetic headlines on calendar dates, so this may be special.

This year may be different because the next expected prophetic date is 13015-07-15 (2024-08-15). This is the start of Tabernacles on the calendar and is also when we are watching for the story of Moses killing an Egyptian.

Moses Kills Egyptian

The link here is to the base story expected around the opening of Tabernacles. Moses is often Putin or Putin's Russia. The term Egyptian is better translated as the Mizraim, or as I have explained in previous blogs, the Mizrahim, the modern name of the Jews from the Middle East. In the base story, Moses was defending a Hebrew, from a Mizraim. Moses thinks he is in the right, but gets caught.

If this exactly matches the Iran/Israel fight, then Israel is the Mizrahim, and Iran is the Hebrew. (The party who may yet cross over.)

As we get closer to August 15, we will see if this lines up exactly with Iran, Russia and Israel.

Sergei Shoigu in Iran

The link here is to a Zero Hedge article summarizing the arrival of Sergei Shoigu in Iran. The article shows him in his civilian clothes, but he did arrive in Iran in full uniform.

Sergei Shoigu was Russia's Defense Minister and is now their national Security Council secretary. He can speak on the authority of the Russian government just about like Putin. He arrived coincident with a serious weapons transfer to Iran as well. Depending on the sources, anti-aircraft or electromagnetic weapons were given to Iran.

Shoigu appears to have arrived in Iran in order to make sure Iran wins against Israel. So this looks like confirmation of the idea that Moses is going to kill an Egyptian here soon. Shoigu seems to have slowed down Iran, perhaps aligning Iranian action to the prophetic date. We will see how actual headlines unfold.

Russian Recruitment Video

The link here is related to Shoigu's trip to Iran. This is an article on RT going into the details of a recent commercial used in Russia to recruit soldiers for war in Ukraine. They are currently attempting to keep their army manned without a draft. (Russia did a draft early in the war, but not now.) We would say Russia is recruiting volunteers. The Russian's would say they are building their current army using contract soldiers.

The content of the commercial is very important. They see this war in religious terms, and are using that to frame the war and explain why young men should join the war.

This does appear to be a battle of religions, the west is Egyptian, Russia is not.

UK Riots

Forgive my use of a Daily Wire link, they were about the only platform to cover this early. The article covers the start of what has become ongoing troubles in the UK. The traditional UK, white, public seems to have finally realized that foreign invaders want them dead so they need to fight back.

The traditional Christianity, say of the UK, is really the only threat to the Israel Lobby that controls most of the western world. That lobby operates with a much longer view of history than any other group. Except, perhaps the Russians. So a slow invasion of non-Christians using bought politicians works fine for destroying Europe and the USA.

Should I Bring My Meds?

X has been filled with posts of average white citizens in the UK being arrested for social media posts mentioning what is going on. The link here is to but one of many examples. A Facebook post got (grandpa?) arrested. The UK does have trouble with their rulers. But those local UK rulers appear to take orders from a capital well outside of their country.

Japan Markets

The link here is to a Zero Hedge article the day after a major stock market crash in Japan on Monday, August 5, 2024.

The world's current reserve currency is the US Dollar. Normally, currency that is created out of nothing should not retain value. There are a bunch of games played to keep the USD artificially inflated. This is great for those trying to conquer the world, but not so great for average workers.

Martin Armstrong's position is that war against Russia is ultimately to recapitalize the western banks, issuers of the USD and Euro, by using Russian natural resources as new reserves for those banks. Banks are an important tool for control of the world. This began with Solomon, and is part of the curse of having asked for a king. BRICS is ultimately a fight against this.

One of the games used to keep the US Dollar strong is called the Yen carry trade. In this game, the Japanese Yen is created out of thin air and then used to prop up the USD. Traders borrow for next to nothing in Japanese Yen and then buy up assets more central to the western empire.

The Yen carry trade ultimately damages the Japanese by stripping each of them of their share of their nation's wealth. Stripping geographical areas of wealth is how the empire has grown since Solomon's day. Maybe Japan should join BRICS? Fat chance.

Collapse in Bangladesh

Also on Monday, August 5, 2024, we saw the resignation and departure from the country of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The article linked here goes through the key history, with various protests over the past month or so against what looks to be corruption in the country.

Bangladesh had been petitioning to join BRICS. Can we see a pattern? The Army is in control and is said to be forming a new government.

August 5, 2024, had enough strange headlines to think it might be another hidden prophetic date.

The CIA and Venezuela

The link here is to a Judge Nap interview of Anya Parampil. She is a regular guest on his channel. But she also happens to have written a book about the CIA's history in Venezuela.

In particular, Anya explains the western central banks history of interference in Venezuela, and the various games they have played there. It will never be clear who won the election, but the west has previously run shadow governments there in order to provide a legal basis for stripping the country of wealth.

Anya briefly mentions Argentina. This is another country where the same playbook has been run. Though Milei is popular, his new government has also shipped the gold of Argentina to London, just like Venezuela. Venezuela may be a proving ground for what the bankers plan for Russia.

More Later,
