ASPI App Online

The first of the recovery related apps is now live. This blog explains the design goals and features for this first phase of recovery. Also, a headline review.

Recovery Status

I have been working steadily for several weeks on the recovery process. Several weeks ago I had inspiration for what will be 3 different apps that will show off the process for moving from existing manuscripts to a recovered copy of the TT in Paleo.

The idea behind those apps is to show the work of recovery. So their job is to show the steps between the text as passed by history and the recovered text. The first app in the set has a very simple goal, to show off the origin of the Paleo letter string of the Bible that we are using for recovery.

That first app has a simple object, and is very much like stuff we have done around here for years. But it has been a struggle to get it under control. Let me start with the app as online, then go into the work behind it.


This first app has a name based on an acronym. Aramaic Syriac Paleo Interlinear. The direct link is given here. It is also linked off the front page of Paleo.In.

The purpose of this app is very simple. It shows off the reference text we are using for recovery. For each Paleo letter in that recovery process it shows the origin of that letter.

For this first app the presentation is obvious. It is an interlinear copy of the bible. It is organized by books, with entire books in each page. The text is Right To Left, in a Verse Per Line style. You can see chapter numbers and verse numbers down the right side of each page as a reminder that each verse is read from the right side of the page.

In each word couplet, the top line is in an Aramaic Font. Aramaic is the oldest and most eastern form for these texts. The second line is in a Syriac Font. This is a newer, or more western form of the drawn form of these texts.

Note we are being a little loose here relative to the manuscripts and fonts of the eastern Christian tradition. We are attempting to show that there are different ways to draw these characters and they shifted through time. The use of different fonts causes drawn letter forms to change in more severe ways than readers here are familiar with when using different English fonts in English writing. By looking at examples in the app you should notice these 2 fonts are very different.

The third line across the ASPI is the resulting Paleo. For each Paleo word, that word is drawn left to right as normal for Paleo. So beware, this is the opposite direction of the verse overall. This change in writing direction forces the break to the next app in the recovery process, which will be fully left to right. The Paleo is in a drawn form we have not used before. Details on that follow below.

Design Process

I am intentionally following an iterative design process. I will be iterating down a set of 4 apps. (Maybe a 5th if the lexicon needs its own app.) I need to understand the technical problems down the stack before I consider any of the apps as finished.

To make those iterations easier, and more efficient, I am not fixing anything that appears to need a manual process. I am also leaving for future iterations, some problems that are not obvious how to fix.

So the ASPI does not currently include books from the Apocrypha. These do not have vowel marks. There are various ways to handle this, but the best way is currently unclear. Those books will be added later.

The ASPI currently has poor versification. The manuscript we are using does not use normal English versification. This needs manual attention to fix. So it can wait. Psalms is particularly bad in terms of not aligning with English versification.

The load times for these pages are much slower than the BRB. Unclear why. For now, be patient with this app. The story headings show up before the special font rendering begins.

Source Texts

We have named the set of OT files we are using in the ASPI the "IAA" manuscript. This is short for the Internet Archive Aramaic. This may get added to the VR, but not until versification is fixed. The NT files are from the Sword Project's VSP module.

The IAA files were originally downloaded off the Internet Archive in 2019 when we understood to start using the Aramaic OT for recovery. Within the download, the files themselves are dated from 2011. This version includes vowel marks but the file format is difficult to parse. It has taken many days to work through the formatting problems. There is still more work to do.

Things to See

The result looks simple, but getting this working has been trouble. The problem can be seen easy enough, but it was unknown to us before this app was basically done.

Use the app and turn to Genesis and look at chapter 1 verse 1. Then open another tab and turn to Matthew and look at chapter 1 verse 1. What you have is the first verse in the OT in the first tab and the first verse of the NT in the second tab.

Now, zoom the font up large enough so you can see the shape of the marks above the letters in these 2 verses. Note that these marks are quite small, but that also the shapes of those marks are different.

I checked this against other online sources and this is indeed a difference between the OT and NT manuscripts as passed by history. Those manuscripts followed different histories and arrive in our time with different marks.

This means the 2 parts of the text arrive in our day through 2 different writing systems, and thus through 2 different communities maintaining those texts. This is a serious caution as we go forward, we may see different problems between the testaments.

This serious difference in vowel marks proves the serious difference in the histories of these documents. Though the split between the testaments is not as bad as say, Hebrew OT and Greek NT like in most of Christianity, we must be careful to think the resulting Paleo OT and Paleo NT are exactly the same. Until the audit is over, they must not be trusted as being the same language system.

Paleo Retaining Vowel Marks

If you look again in the ASPI app, you will see the 3rd row of text. This is Paleo base letters as most readers here have probably seen. But what I have done here publicly for the first time is to retain the vowel marks into the Paleo row. I have done this by using circled numbers.

I am calling this notation Paleo with Bubbles, or Bubbled Paleo, or simply bubbles.

So Paleo letter strings that still retain the vowel marks are an intermediate form between the base text and simple Paleo. They are not fully Paleo, but they retain the history of the marks added by someone at some point in history.

The bubbles are assigned by frequency of occurence. Bubble (1) is for the most common vowel mark, Bubble (2) the next most common vowel mark and so on down the list. There is an appendix which lists exact counts for each bubble and names the mark that it represents.

These bubbles always FOLLOW the letter on which those vowel marks apply. This matches an aspect of computer font systems. Font systems allow the combining of letters. The ligature ff in English is sometimes drawn as a single character. Font systems watch for letter pairs like this and if they have a ligature they will draw that instead of 2 individual letters.

Vowel marks are similar. In the case of marks, the first letter is the base character which is when annotated by a trailing mark in the file. The 2 values combine and draw something like the ff ligature in English. The font designer has considerable control over the details, which is beyond our scope here.

In any case, the vowel marks follow the base letter in the original text, so in Bubble Paleo the circled number, or bubble, simply follows the base letter.

Unlike in the first 2 rows of the app, the paleo row will never use bubbles to change the font. We will leave them as bubbles floating after the base Paleo letter against which they modify.

A Tool For Reasoning

I started working on the ASPI app by writing the file conversion code for the manuscripts. It was immediately obvious this might be an important study tool. Before bubbles, we had no way to even discuss or think about the marks. After the use of bubbles, this was now something we could reason about.

For example, I can say to Ryan, look at bubble 3. He immediately knows exactly what I am discussing. There is NO technical learning curve with strange drawn shapes and obscure shape names. There is no need to learn some new and strange system of marks.

Some fonts can make some of the dots effectively disappear. Using bubbles removes this risk.

Vowel Marks

The ASPI app shows how we go from the manuscripts passed by history into Paleo. For those who have been following the work for a long time, this seems like an easy answer. We have been doing this since we first learned Hebrew almost 20 years ago.

That early learning was based in Hebrew before we understand that the idea of Aramaic Primacy applies to the OT as well as the NT. In 2019 we understood the Aramaic OT was where we needed to start recovery. We searched for and found various Aramaic OT manuscripts, and have had them around ever since.

But we made some assumptions about the Aramaic based on our understanding of Hebrew that may be wrong. I need to explain the problem so readers here following the technical work can also be aware of what we are watching for.

Hebrew Vowel Points

Our Hebrew instructor used the term "Vowel Points" as a general and informal term to explain all the various dots that show up around Hebrew letters in Hebrew text. Those dots and dashes get their name in part because they moderate the vowel sounds in Hebrew. Thus the informal name of what is thought to be the original use for those dots.

Our instructor also stressed that there were other uses for these points. Cantillation marks is one such term and use. But the instructor was focused on how the Hebrew Alphabet is based on Paleo Hebrew. We were to learn 2 things when reading Hebrew. First, ignore all the points. Second, see each letter in Hebrew texts as stand-ins for the Paleo Hebrew.

Paleo Hebrew is ultimately Phoenician, so we never needed to care much about those marks when used in Hebrew. So far, so good, it served us well for years. Paleo, of course, is Phoenician with a 3d design system making it rigorous.

We were new students and did not really understand why this was so important. But those points mark places were the natural grammar is overridden. So the rule we were taught, to ignore them, was a rule to help students cut through lies in modern understanding of the Hebrew text.

I would later purchase and read a normal college level textbook on the grammar of the Hebrew language. Volume 1 was about like I would expect. Volume 2 basically taught students where to ignore natural grammar.

Advanced students of the Hebrew are taught what passages are to be read counter to their natural grammar. This is not by rule, but by fiat.

In other words, if you are to correctly learn Hebrew, then you must only translate certain stories in specific ways. This is the same lie as we see in modern media reports of world events. No matter what you can actually see, you are to report the news differently. The same spirit rules both systems.

I never finished that second volume. Our first instructor had been correct. Some sort of crime was going on. Figuring out the crime requires reading it for ourselves.

Now that I understand the last 3 chapters of Judges, I get the crime.

Over the past 20 years that first training was fundamentally sound and a very unusual way to learn Hebrew. It was the tool to see through the crimes of what is usually called the Israel Lobby as committed against their own manuscript tradition.

But, our big mistake, was to just assume the same rule also applies to the vowel points in Aramaic. Aramaic vowel points might be the same. But we must prove this to ourselves. We must not assume anything. Bubbles are how we are doing this.

Details On Bubbles

The link here is to an appendix page in the app that lays out the map between the original characters in the downloaded files and the Bubbles used in the paleo row.

Bubbles were assigned by frequency, so the most common vowel mark is assigned bubble (1). The counts and details are listed on that page.

By looking carefully down the counts under the OT and NT columns you can see these texts are very different in terms of their computerization. This is a second witness to the observation that the texts are very different. The OT and NT texts, though they both generate Paleo, have not been through the same historical paths.

Next App

This first ASPI app shows the origin of the Paleo version of the Bible. The Paleo is based in the Aramaic/Syriac texts as passed to us by history.

The second app will start with the Paleo from the bottom row of the ASPI app. It too will be interlinear, but the bottom row of this ASPI app becomes the top row in the next app. The second app will use a more normal left to right reading direction.

More on that app when I have something to share.

Headline Review

Most weeks have headlines that are just curious. Most weeks do not have headlines that impact billions of people. This week was different.

Olympics Disaster

The link here is to a Zerohedge article surveying the vilest parts of the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics.

The big lesson of the day was the failure of the X platform to allow users there to discuss the mess in Paris. Anyone legally clipping bits of the opening ceremonies was hit with a copyright violation.

I am still maintaining an account there for eventual possible Paleo use, but so far that platform remains unfit for purpose.

Olympics Apology

After doing their best to suppress the outrage, the Paris Olympics was forced to apologize. As though that matters to the godless organizers.

War in Lebanon

The link here is to a Judge Nap interview with Alastair Crooke. They dealt with several issues surrounding Israel, but especially the killing of Arab Druze Christian children who had been playing soccer in the occupied territories of Syria in Northern Israel.

This was likely an Israeli false flag to start the war in Lebanon as per Netanyahu's remarks upon his return from the USA to Israel. Crooke goes into the obvious details as to why this would be so. Charles Freeman would basically agree in another Judge Nap interview a few hours later.

It was evident to me that Israel still controls most of the world's media. Very few media sources, even on X, bothered to mention that the victims were not Israeli citizens. That they were not Jews. That Hezbollah had no reason to target civilians, much less those in occupied Syria. Locals there threatened to kill Israeli officials with their bare hands when they tried to get media attention when they came to the town after the event.

This event seemed to be the cause for war that Netanyahu wanted upon his return. That was delayed by a riot.

Raping Prisoners

Riot Details

Government Debate

The links above are to 3 different articles on the strange case of 9 IDF soldiers arrested for Sodomizing Palestinian prisoners. In at least 1 case a Palestinian prisoner was killed by their actions. Another was crippled. Their arrests caused a public riot in their support. The IDF was unprepared for the riot and had to move those 9 to a different base. Both the arrest and the riot lead to Knesset level discussions about the legality of their actions against Palestinian prisoners. As I write this those 9 IDF soldiers remain in custody.

There are times like this when I see strong strong matches between headlines and stories from the Bible. This one is of the most profound examples of this that I have seen in a long time.

Remember, of course, that the story of Sodom internal to the text matches the stories in the last 3 chapters of Judges. So to see Sodomite behavior defended by the Israeli public is itself confirming our understanding of the origin stories of the country as a whole.

In the ancient story, heavenly kings were sent to rescue Lot because of what was about to happen to 5 cities in their region. Those kings would be threatened by the same patterns as were evident across the cites of the region around the Dead Sea. In the end 5 cities were destroyed by fire from the sky. The text as we read today suggests their destruction was by divine intervention, we suspect it was Egyptian, or similar, military using catapults or similar tech who burned those cities.

In the most ancient case, the crowds came out and threatened the visitors. Read the story for yourself for the gory details. Lot had to hide his guests from the predatory crowds. Not long after that, 5 cities went up in smoke.

The first article linked above is one of several dealing with 9 members of the IDF who were arrested for committing the same acts against Palestinian prisoners. So this is a strong story match.

But the story gets stranger. The place where those men were detained was then stormed by Israeli protesters who wanted those men released. So now we add in the crowds from Lot's story. See the second link above for details.

Eventually this event became the subject of discussion at the level of the Israeli government itself. Is this legal? Apparently. So, now the Israeli government is guilty of the same crimes. See the third link above for details.

The final detail in the Genesis story is that Lot had to leave to be safe. Not linked above, but there has been a steady stream of refugees leaving Israel for fear of what may soon happen to the country. Again, a modern match to Lot's departure.

Lot's story is the basis for an echo in the last 3 chapters of Judges. The main victim there died of her injuries, as has at least 1 of the Palestinian prisoners. This is why those 9 where detained. Like in the stories from Judges, the public at large, as seen by the Israeli crowds, took the wrong side.

The important part here is this: The cities of the perpetrators were soon destroyed too. We will soon see if this is a story where history fully repeats. As I write this we are expecting Iran and her allies to attack Israel. We will see what happens.

The Judges version of this general story is part of the origin story for modern Israel, so it is very likely to repeat in some way at some point in time. The only question is when. On the timeline we would need to wait to September, 2025 before this may become a timed story. Then again, Israel seems to want this sooner. See the next headline.

Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh

Funeral Video

The first link here is to a Zero Hedge article on this latest Israeli assassination in Tehran. This was an assassination of a Hamas leader in Tehran. He was in Tehran at least for the ceremonies surrounding the new Iranian leader. That leader entered office because of Israel's last assassination there. Iran of course has vowed to retaliate. The question is will this be a choreographed retaliation, like last time, or will it be more serious.

The second link is to a post on X, with video from a helicopter over the funeral. These funerals tend to be huge. Videos like this suggest the average person in Tehran is in support of their leaders, despite what anyone in western media might say.

We are about 2 weeks away from what may turn out to become about 40 days when we see a quick replay of all the plagues on Egypt. This headline is currently the most likely trigger for such a series of prophetic events.

RT: Venezuela Elections

X: Venezuela Elections

Sunday, July 28, 2024, there were elections in Venezuela. That country has more known oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. But those oil reserves were nationalized to keep the hands of international bankers out of the country. So the CIA has many reasons to attempt to overthrow the government there. Even if to only keep Russian missiles out of the hemisphere.

On the other hand, the public in the country blames the sitting government, and not the US government, for economic troubles in that country. US Government officials have a history of boasting on the record over the damage they have done to the average citizen there. US officials, of course, work for the international bankers.

Picking sides on fights like this are impossible to do without prophetic guidance. If we eventually find a finely dated series of prophetic dates this headline will most likely be on the charts. I doubt such a prophetic story would be kind to the CIA's side, but we will see.

Hostages of a Disgusting State

The link here is to an article quoting Russia's Medvedev on the soon Middle East war. Even the Russians are now resigned to a wider war in the Middle East. As he says, everyone is hostage to a disgusting state. This is apparently an idea formed when he watched Netanyahu visit DC.

Chevron, from California to Texas

The article linked here is detailing Chevron's plan to move their corporate headquarters from San Ramon, California, to Houston, Texas. The headquarters staff is about 2,000 people. They will be moving over the next 5 years. They will be joining 7,000 Chevron staff already in Texas.

The hostile business climate of California is the stated reason for the move. I suspect Elon Musk is paving the way. Hopefully many other companies will also move that direction.

Boeing's Starliner

There are currently 2 astronauts at the ISS that flew there aboard the first crewed flight of Boeing's Starliner space ship. This ship is intended to compete with the SpaceX Dragon, and provide NASA with 2 providers of crewed flights to the ISS. I have discussed this situation in a previous blog. Let me give an update.

The Starliner ship itself had various troubles before this launch. They basically had to take it apart and put it back together again. That level of rework should have then required it to take another un-manned test flight to the ISS to make sure everything was working. Perhaps packing it with luggage to make the flight useful. But because of Boeing's financial losses on this project, that test flight never happened. Boeing and NASA simply sent crew to the ISS instead.

This flight had trouble docking to the ISS, which was a little creepy, but they did manage to arrive. The crew was able to enter the ISS OK. All seemed well. But there were a series of other technical troubles. Enough trouble that people on the ground wanted time to study what was wrong. The return flight was delayed. Software was updated. Thrusters were test fired. But, there still remains serious doubts that the Starliner can return safely to earth. The crew risks their lives on a return flight or they are effectively stranded in space.

The article linked above goes into the details of the problems that NASA faces with this troubled ship. They have already paid SpaceX to think about how to bring the stranded astronauts back on a SpaceX Dragon capsule instead.

There is a long planned SpaceX Dragon flight scheduled for August 18, 2024. Either they reduce the normal crew rotation or they add an extra seat. Reducing the planned crew, so flying up with at least 1 empty seat, is an easy NASA answer. SpaceX is looking at adding room for more crew by adding at least 1 more seat to that flight.

Complicating matters is that there are only 2 docking ports compatible with the American docking connectors, and both are occupied. So the Starliner must leave before that August 18 flight so the new flight has a place to connect. Those capsules are used as emergency evacuation pods so the stranded crew would loose their escape route between the departure of the unmanned Boeing Starliner and the arrival of the SpaceX Dragon.

Engineering, as a general discipline, derived originally as a consequence of Martin Luther's work with the Protestant Reformation. Though other cultures eventually adopted the same critical thinking skills used in engineering, it is a natural child of Protestant Christianity. Luther said, Study the text for yourself, implying study the world for yourself. Our modern world springs from that commissioning.

The Woke religion, DEI, and a host of other cultural pathogens are replacing Christianity. These other religions had been ruling the world for thousands of years. Thus for thousands of years nobody could build a culture using advanced technology. The return of these old religions is thus killing the ability of western culture to run engineering based organizations. Boeing and NASA are examples of what it means to be caught in this cultural regression.

The physics behind engineering calls out human lies like no other discipline known to man. This was true with pressure vessels used in early steam engines, it remains true in space. NASA and Boeing cannot be successful again until they also defeat what Musk calls the Woke Mind Virus.

More Later,
