
This blog looks at the prophetic origins of the war in Ukraine. This war is intimately tied to the 1990 collapse of the Soviet Union. A bunch of other things started at the same time. All are expressions of the world eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Revelation Blogs

2 weeks ago I finished a series of blogs that dealt with the book of Revelation. The last blog in the series dealt with how Revelation hints at additional volumes. This is currently very interesting as we are looking at the language systems that might explain how the base inspired text might expand into those volumes. So far, so good.

One of those volumes, the second to the last, picks up our current era. The idea that a chunk of inspired scripture would be written about our current world is yet another reason to keep pressing ahead with our work. What does that text have to say about our era? Of course we don't know yet, there is much work ahead to figure that out.

As I was working on that blog I realized there are still a considerable number of Bible stories that give general insight to the war in Ukraine, especially the city of Kiev. The city of Kiev may be central to events in our era, maybe even more so than Jerusalem.

As that blog was already over double the average blog length, I left this point alone, and did not go deep into the various prophetic Bible stories that point to that city. This blog goes into the details. This is no longer just a story about that city, but to the war centered there.

Bible Time (

The original Bible Time work began full time in 1998. It was a general study of the chronology of the Bible. The high level general chronology of the Bible's text was found to replay again and again at different time scales all across history. It also replays in many different ways.

This especially includes the life of Joshua. His overall life was running at 1 day per historical year. His public ministry at 1 day per 30 historical years. His passion week was running at 1 hour per 210 historical years.

When these time lines are worked out, they run well beyond the end of the canon of scripture. This includes out into our era.

The most interesting so far is how the ministry and passion week versions of the chronology generally inform the past 200 years but especially World War II. The 3 hours of darkness at the cross land from roughly 1941 to 1944. The burial lands roughly in 1948.

Since World War II, the time of Joshua in the tomb has informed historical events. This is especially informed by the way the disciples of Joshua were basically hiding out for fear of the Jews.

The 1948 burial event matches the restoration of modern Israel. It also matches the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, so it points also at the text itself. Their new government had the motive and means to reform the church world into supporters of themselves. The faithful have gone into hiding.

The next main timeline event is the resurrection. This was when Joshua was seen in his resurrected bodily form. In the written account his resurrection was not very public, and only sketchy at first. Most of the disciples had trouble believing what had happened. They did not recognize him very well. Miriam seems to have first recognized him only by his voice, see John 20:13-16.

The empty tomb was almost 3 calendar days after his death, so it should be almost 90 years after the close of World War II. This is a parable, we have long believed, for the recovery of inspired text. Miriam's recognition of him by his voice is a parable about the text. This is in part a modern parable for recovery of the text.

But, as that final Revelation Blog explained, we should look for the opening of more volumes, more scrolls, in our general era too.

So now we have the first new discovery point in this study. Instead of only looking for the recovery of inspired text, we should be looking for the opening of more scrolls at the same time. This now has a schedule, some time before 90 years from World War II.

This is actually giving us a new textual basis for an event that we have understood for years simply from a prophetic understanding of passion week and the goals Joshua has given us for our work.

Lost Tribes (

Originally, one of the sections in the early versions of the Bible Time website dealt with the Lost Tribes. Turns out that Math, nearly alone, can be used to find each of the Lost Tribes. They are identified by documents signed at or near a series of dates that are 12,000 days apart.

That material was interesting enough that it was moved out to a separate website, Bible Tribes, as linked above. This is not just a secondary topic to time. It is a major issue for anyone studying the Bible.

I first learned of the topic from a TV preacher popular in the 1970s. He was old, even in those days. He was of the generation of those who fought in WWII, and did not get the post 1948 memo to shut up.

Armstrong wrote a widely popular book that identified the USA as the lost tribe of Manasseh and the UK as the lost tribe of Ephraim. His evidence for the USA was especially compelling. He was not using math, nor time, to do this. He treated parts of the Bible as prophetic for our general era in history and then set out to find fulfillment.

He could not confidently identify any tribes outside of the US and UK. Though unspoken, his book meant that all the other tribes must be other major nations in the modern world. It was obvious this must be true even if he could not figure out how to identify them himself.

I eventually confirmed his work using the Biblical timeline. In that work I also filled in all the other Lost Tribes at the same time. Indeed, they were major nations. They were connected in 1 way or another with Europe, and therefore usually connected with ancient Rome.

The hardest tribe for me to identify, mostly because of poor teaching in my post 1948 church experiences, was Russia. Russia is the lost tribe of Judah. Their tribal name had been stolen by the Jews, a point nobody in my church world had ever bothered to explain.

Russia's ancient capital, Kiev, has gone through various spellings. Ki'ev was the previous version. Before that, the silent y was written. Kiyev. Of course Y and J are transposed in the modern era. Their ancient capital's name included their tribal identity. Manassas, VA, seems to do the same for the USA.

When I first wrote about Russia publicly, in a paper newsletter I ran in the late 1990s, I got a letter back. It was from an American who had immigrated from Russia. She congratulated me on being the first Anglo she'd ever known who got this right.

My subscriber filled in some historical details about Orthodox persecution of anything remotely Pentecostal. All of the worldwide revivals of the past few centuries broke out in Russia too. But anyone touched by those revivals were expelled to the west, as was her family.

Russia is the modern heir to the eastern reaches of the Roman empire. This is just as the USA is the modern heir to the western reaches of the Roman empire.

Ancient Rome

The seal dates that were used to identify all of the lost tribes implied there was a modern European nature to this work. So, ancient Rome had to have been a rebuilding of Solomon's kingdom. Europe is where most of the lost tribes fled at the Assyrian invasion.

Indeed, the founding of the city of Rome, in the year 1 AUC, was the epoch for the Roman calendar. The AUC calendar name is a Latin abbreviation meaning from the founding of the city of Rome. Importantly, that city was founded at the same time as the Assyrian invasion in Canaan.

Rome's first calendar had a very strange structure with only 304 days per year. There were 10 months, 6 with 30 days, and 4 with 31 days. It was NOT synchronized to the sun.

This 304 day calendar was 10/12ths of the calendar used to write scripture. Rome was thus reflecting that they were heirs of the northern tribes of Joseph more so than the southern tribes of Judah. This 10/12ths pattern, or 10 against 2, is a common theme in the text dealing with the lost tribes.

This strange length marked the northern kingdom, Joseph, as the 10/12ths who survived after the civil war at the death of Solomon. I suspect this calendar was designed to reflect their loss of 2 tribes, and thus 2 months. It was likely designed to keep time synchronization with the land tax systems of the time.

Paul To Rome

So the final destination of Paul's various missionary journeys was at the city of Rome. This was not accidental. For the better part of the past 2000 years, the church and the lost tribes were the same thing.

As Rome and its heirs spread out around the world, bringing Christianity with them, they were also slowly spreading their empire too. The best understood modern expression of this same empire is the United Nations, based importantly in New York City.

This strange dual nature of the church and the empire has been observed by many writers. It often causes trouble for people living in places like Africa.

How could a generally conquering empire also bring the story of Jesus? Most faith based writers on this topic conclude there were 2 different Christian expressions, the powerful supposedly Christian empire gave cover to the hidden and faithful form of Christianity.

The power hungry form was under the hand of secular Church rulers, Popes, for example. They were driven by their bankers. Fiat currency needs new frontiers into which money is stuffed. The empire's rulers also want to strip natural resources as those are unearned and allow the powerful to remain in power.

The second expression of Christianity was under the hand of faith. This expression was tolerated by the powerful. It was not a serious threat to the powerful. In this second form people could have encounters with Jesus, a first step towards faith.

Russia (House of Romanov, Wikipedia)

Russia is identified by its 1612 seal date as the lost tribe of Judah. It took me considerable amounts of reading to understand world history in 1612. It took a prophetic dream to force me to acknowledge Russia is the lost tribe of Judah.

In 1612, the previous Russian monarchy had died out. Leaders then called something like what Americans would call a constitutional convention. At that meeting, they elected a new king. In so doing they established the house of Romanov, the modern Tzars, (Caesars) of Russia. The throne of Russia was then passed by inheritance just like the British monarchy.

Note in the link above the Wikipedia article says this happened in 1613 without indicating that they have converted the calendar. But check the month, listed there as February. This is an example drift error so common with public historical records. Russia at the time counted on the Julian Calendar. In 1612 OS the year broke on March 25.

That house of Romanov lasted until the 1917 communist revolution. Who funded that revolution? It is widely thought to be funded by American bankers. Note how east and west are usually fighting, just like Joseph/North and Judah/South were fighting across most of the times of the kings.

That Russian revolution, and the Communism it brought to Russia, failed with the collapse of the USSR in 1990. Though life was very tough for the average Russian across the 1990s, something of a religious revival also broke out. Orthodox Christianity has returned with some degree of favor from the Russian government.

Once you see Russia as lost Judah, you can match the themes of the books of 1 and 2 Kings to our modern world. Russia is basically the European heir to the eastern capital of Rome setup in Constantinople. Before that to the capital of the southern kingdom, Jerusalem, and David's seat of government that operated there.

Informally, it is important to note that London survived the collapse of Rome too, and kept the Roman culture longer than in Italy. Italy was invaded by ground forces from the north. There was such oppression that the average Roman at the time is thought to have welcomed the invasion. Meanwhile, Britain was better protected because it was an island. As such, it was harder to invade.

From a prophetic perspective I see the Constantinople capital as moving via Kiev to current Moscow. I see the Roman capital as moving to London and then to current New York City. This frame of reference, of competing capitals, is often useful and yields reasonable conclusions.

Remember how, at the founding of the USA, the then new American Congress met in New York City? More precisely at the southern tip of Manhattan Island?

Congress did this until they could build out a new capital at Washington DC. This was a concession to Southern interests. Washington DC was built on land purchased for the purposes of building the capital. This is a similar story to Samaria, capital of the northern kingdom. Remember the story of Jezebel killing Naboth for his vineyard? This has prophetic echos in the history of DC. A city built on purchased yet confiscated lands.

Effective control of the capital has remained in New York City. This is still where the bankers are located. New York Bankers still pull the strings in Washington DC. They still control the US Currency from New York City.

Primary Russian Chronicle

The link here is to the Internet Archive of the Primary Russia Chronicle. I have selected pages 112 and 113 where the document discusses the point in history when Christianity was brought to the Russian people, especially through then king Vladimir.

The previous pages are discussing Vladimir's study of the 2 branches of the Christian faith. He had studied this question by sending emissaries to study the Catholics and the Orthodox on his behalf. Those emissaries were repulsed by the vulgar nature of the city of Rome at the time. The Orthodox branch had understood the significance of those emissaries and worked to win Vladimir, and thus the Russian people, to Orthodox Christianity.

By page 112, in about 988 AD, Vladimir was at war and captured his opponent's city by cutting off their water supply. As the victor he wants the king's daughter in marriage. She agrees on the condition he accept Christianity. He already wanted to do to this, but needed help teaching his people about this faith. There was an agreement to send teachers and so the marriage happened and Christianity arrived in Russia. (Phil's rough paraphrase, read the book.)

Very important to note on page 113, is that the king had a severe illness of the eyes and was told he would be healed if he was baptized immediately. He was baptized and was healed in the eyes.

The account tells the dispute about where this baptism happened. But eventually Vladimir returned to the capital at Kiev. The following pages explain how Kiev was cleared of pagan idols of worship.

By around 1010 AD the Russians had begun to build their first Cathedral at Kiev. I don't know for sure if it is the same building, but the location in Kiev still remains.

As other cathedrals go this one is of small stature, but it was their first. It is also the building on the 10-fold Jubilee series of important buildings. A study for a different time.

The Russian peoples remain Orthodox to this day, but their capital has migrated east and is now located at Moscow.

Russia (

The link here is to an article on It is in a series that is making a 'grand run' of historical events. In this story blind Bartimaeus is healed of his blindness.

The story takes place near Jericho. The related Bible stories show many prophetic parallels to the events in Russian between 988 and 1010 AD. The woman taken in marriage would be a prophetic match to faithful Rahab. The siege of Jericho would match Vladimir's siege.

The healing of Vladimir's eye problem is yet another strong match, as it is the blindness of Bartimaeus that his healed. The letter from my subscriber who affirmed my Russian identification also hinted that the persecution her family endured at the hands of Orthodox was a type of spiritual blindness that they still have today.

For reference, the previous article in that Bible Time sequence is the 10 vs 2 split of Rome. The next story in the series is the start of Passion week, itself sitting in world history generally around 1800 AD.

The Book of Matthew picks up the same point in Russian history when it discusses the healing of 2 blind men. See Matthew 20:30. The 2 men in this case are pointing at the 2 tribes at the eastern side of the Roman world. This in contrast to the 10 of the west.

As I explained in general above, this is where the text is pointing at the southern kingdom headed by the tribe of Judah when it become the eastern branch of the Roman empire.

1000 Years

The Christianization of Russia around 990 AD started a 1000 year long clock. That clock is referenced 4 times in Revelation 20, linked here. See verses 2, 4, 6, and 7.

This story has a tender spot in my own prophetic history. I had read this story devotionally. I knew the common interpretation, said to be about a 1000 year reign out in future history, after Jesus' return.

You may have heard that story in a sermon somewhere. The textual trouble is that Revelation does not use the name Jesus at all at this point. In Greek texts, Revelation uses the word 'Christ' instead. Christ is NOT Jesus' last name, not even in the NIV.

So the preaching you might have heard is never very faithful to the text. 'Christ' is what forms in us as we grow, see Romans 12:5 in say the NIV, for a starting point to think about.

My question, the first I'd ever asked in prayer, was how could there be a war after these 1000 years are over IF nobody knew the art of war any more?

I did not expect an answer, particularly. But about a week later a copy of Time magazine arrived in the mail. (This was a few years before news was on the internet, Magazines were still a thing.)

The cover story was 1000 years of Christianity in Russia. The magazine covered the history and the year of celebration events that were planned for this most important anniversary.

I took this as answer to my prayer. The 1000 year reign with 'Christ' as recorded in Revelation 20 were fulfilled with 1000 years of Christianity in Russia.

This Revelation 20 passage is a prophecy constrained to the Russian people. Revelation 20:8 pairs those 1000 years with Gog and Magog, also commonly thought of as Russia. This but another match that suggests fulfillment in Russia is the correct interpretation.

PCR Prediction (

The collapse of the USSR was predicted in a famous book by Paul Craig Roberts, first published in 1971. The book is titled, "Alienation and the Soviet Economy." It is subtitled "The collapse of the Socialist Era."

In 1971 Roberts predicted the collapse because he could see the outputs of the socialist economies of the time were not worth as much as their input costs. Soviet era management was measured by gross output, and not by the difference between prices and costs. There was no market based feedback. So all production in the USSR was causing a slow path to financial collapse.

Roberts' position created a firestorm in western political circles that generally favor socialism. Roberts would go on to become an official in the Reagan administration. He is most famously known for the supply side economics that ended economic troubles during president Reagan's time in office.

Roberts was vindicated in his USSR collapse prediction in 1990. The USSR did indeed run out of money. His book was re-released in 1990 to rub it in.

From Roberts' position and experience inside the US Government, and because of that earlier book, he had a particularly good vantage point to make further comments on the collapse of the USSR.

Instead of ending the Soviet threat, that collapse created the American threat. Here is a link to a short 7 minute clip from a phone interview in 2015 on this point.

PCR on the Collapse of the USSR

Western leaders basically realized that without any more Soviet constraint on their own power, they could conquer the whole world without restraint. In the clip above Roberts cites some of the books published by American officials in the early 1990s that detailed their evil plan.

Roberts also explains how American companies were forced to off-shore most manufacturing jobs. This increased prophets for publicly traded companies, but at the cost of collapsing the wage base of much of the American middle class.

Once Russia regained some stability, and regained some military power, the western plan for world dominion was now threatened again. The plan now had to include the outright conquering of Russia itself.

The place for this was chosen as Ukraine. The plan began with the coup of 2014 in Kiev. In the clip above, from 2015, Roberts speaks of further events that would not become very clear until war broke out in 2022.

Putin now regularly makes many of these same points to his people. It is a war of survival for Russia. Every other country on earth seems to have some strange stake in the outcome. Those countries are slowly picking sides. They do so at their own peril, consider Sudan in the past week. They sided with Russia, and coup broke out. How strange.

But War

A logical objection to my interpretation of the 1000 years prophecy in Revelation 20 is that Russia has been involved in all sorts of wars over the past 1000 years. So the interval I have called out here cannot be those 1000 years because this has not been 1000 years of peace, even within Russia.

I have stood on my understanding for this passage mostly on the strength of Christianity in Russia. The western side of former Rome mostly fights about religion. Russia just expels anyone who objects. So the Russians certainly have had religious peace.

But, there is another way to take the meaning of the war at the end of those 1000 years. Maybe Revelation is making a statement of severity.

When survivors survey the damage this Kiev/Ukraine nuclear world war will have caused... It will be like there never were any wars over the past 1000 years. This frightful interpretation is the point of this blog.

Tree of Knowledge

When Ryan and I were working our way through Revelation, we saw that book as dealing with scribal topics. We saw the editor's hands in pushing that topic away from that core purpose. Then we saw how Revelation turned to the subject of more volumes. Those volumes are informed by the trees in Genesis 2:15-17.

The last blog in that series cataloged those trees against points in history. This is interesting as a fractal, because history is always repeating, but it is also just interesting to understand those volumes as expanding special periods in human history.

My shock came when I was preparing the last blog and saw that the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil,' or maybe just the 'tree of knowledge,' applies to our era, to our life times.

This is NOT a World War II era application. Passion Week does that. Maybe the other volumes that apply to Joshua's personal life will carry some application in the World War II era.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil starts about 1990 and runs forward. How many decades? We're about 3 decades out now. Maybe 40 years? To the time of Noah's 7000th anniversary? Probably. Could it stretch to 100 years? This is overshoot.

If you've followed this work for awhile you know we are watching for a Noah anniversary out in 2029. You know we are seeing prophetic overtones from the plagues on Egypt, and those have been running since 2006.

But now we have this other tree, this tree of Knowledge.

In the audio clip of Roberts above, he points out how knowledge workers, a traditionally important class of workers in the USA, also lost their well paying jobs starting around 1990. This is another match, and a hint of the problems of knowledge itself, brought on by the Internet in the early 1990s.

The internet is based on the invention of the transistor, fiber optics and cellular radio. It culminates with various types of high transistor density GPUs that provide the basis for Generative AI. That technology was helped along by Elon Musk, who was interviewed on this point this week by Tucker Carlson. Here is the link.

Tucker With Elon (Youtube)

Go back and think about the Genesis 2:17 quote where this tree is mentioned. You can eat from any tree, but from this one strange tree, the day you eat of it you will surely die.

Who is the Genesis account discussing? Who is being warned?

Personally, of course, this is Adam and Eve. They are the ones to whom that sentence was first addressed. They fail on this point and they get kicked out of the garden. They also become mortal in our normal sense. At least bodily, as do the rest of us.

But the problem of eating from this tree hangs on a question the Hivite/Serpent asked Eve. What did Joshua God really say?

Why, exactly, was this personal interaction so important to be left in the text for others to read later?

Elon points out in the interview above that the founder of Google told Elon he was out to build an artificial god. This to replace the real one. Maybe some of that thinking is reflected in their name? Sounds a little like the conversation with Eve.

Remember the history of Google? It was founded in 1998. The US government wanted a catalog of all the information on the internet. They gave Google their seed funding.

What was early Google cataloging? HTML markup was invented in 1989 at CERN. The HTML specification, version 1.0, was released publicly in 1991. Public web pages started spreading everywhere at that point. Note the date. The information age, internet age, or knowledge age, is starting at the end of those 1000 years.

Elon also points out that AI can easily be taught to lie. Not like regular search is not taught to lie. Not like twitter does not lie. In any case, no answer that comes back from any of these systems can ever be fully trusted.

This brings us back to the question asked of Eve.

What Did Joshua Really Say?

This is answered in layers. First is truth itself. This starts with critical thinking skills, sometimes called basic logic.

Within known bounds, it includes everything that can be logically deduced from the world around us. Some of this is easy, like counting numbers and ledgers. Some is very hard, at the limits of discovery.

Then there is revealed truth. This covers things that cannot be deduced logically. The Commandments are the centerpiece of revealed truth. This also includes the inspired text. The general problem is related to how to define the limits of human moral behavior. This is where Adam and Eve failed. Finally revealed truth covers the promises related to living lives of faith.

The internet world is currently mostly useless for finding truth. It is gated by a false god. The internet should be considered like a temple in a false religion. Once generative Ai takes hold, there will only be side chambers where truthful conversations can be held. It may eventually be forced to return to brick and mortar buildings.

False Religions

There is one more area of trouble that begins around 1990 that is also fruit from this strange tree of knowledge. Ever since Eden, when Adam and Eve ate from that tree, we have seen false religion. It was thought dead after Noah, but grew back at Babel. Though not normally mentioned in reviews of western history, adherents to these false religions have shaped European history as much or more that Christianity.

The double advance of Christianity, the version of force and the version of faith, are probably better understood as the false religion expressed in power and a truer religion expressed by faith.

So in our era that tree comes into full force. It applies again to all the current trends in world history. We should be watching for some sort of serious public growth of a seriously false religion.

The Great Awokening (Youtube)

The link here is to a talk by James Lindsey defining the terms Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. DIE for short. Though not based on Paleo spelling, the acronym goes right back to the consequences of eating from the tree in this time in history. This talk was recorded about 2 years ago. This was a couple years after he became famous finding fraud in academia.

Lindsay's talk deals with the origins and goals of woke theology. Very important to note, he points to the same era, about 1991, when the woke cult finally found a way to successfully come against the ideals of historical western Christianity. They trap that tradition by calling it a religion of white men. Then attack it on racial and sexual grounds. They appear to have opened Europe's borders in order to finish it off.

Lindsay gives the history of the earlier failed attempts at overturning Christianity. Then he gives the key authors from the 1990s who began this worst of all plagues. Though not in his talk, it took until about 2012, when the defining terms of woke theology began showing up in written documents world wide. The range of who is eating from this tree is worldwide.

Since recording that talk, Lindsay has gone back and read many of the primary documents that inform what he now calls the 'World Religion.' This includes historical religious documents from ancient Greece to the religious writings of Marx and Soros.

Lindsay's More Recent Talks

In his more recent talks, Lindsay is softly articulating the general theology of the Hivite/Serpent, the theology of the Tower of Babel, and the theology of Egypt. He is also articulating the theology of Solomon, Jezebel, Nebuchadnezzar, Mordecai, Ezra and Ananias.

Lindsay goes into nice details about how this World Religion expresses itself in everyday language. It is a religion of power, not of reason. It deliberately speaks gibberish to anyone who tries to use logic or reason to understand what adherents might say. Note how this 'World Religion' is not based on logic, nor on critical thinking, nor on revealed truth.

Lindsay's recent talks could be more concise. He seems to have rushed them out to meet the needs of the conference schedule where he was speaking. They were recorded at a conference where he was an invited speaker. Very interesting stuff if you want to learn more.

I would recommend the following 3 talks only if you have lots of spare time. (Or, like me, needed some help going to sleep.)

Negation of the Real

The Gnostic Parasite

As Below, So Above

The release of this 'World Religion' has been going on for a long time, but with the collapse of the USSR it lost any pretense of getting along with people of faith. It lost all constraint at essentially the same time, in the early 1990s.

Western Connections

Roberts' observation of how the American side started to conquer the world after the Soviet collapse has deep roots in the hidden religions of the western world. That religion has had a goal since Babel to conquer and rule over everyone. Solomon and Nebuchadnezzar were just earlier expressions of the same thing.

The open border between the USA and Mexico is also deeply religious, which is why it is not closed by current rulers in Washington DC. They adhere to their religion in everything they touch. That religion is also a death-cult. It does not mind killing babies nor billions of adults. Life is of no value to them.

This religion is what is being unleashed now in Ukraine. It has no trouble using Nazis as its soldiers. It has already taken over the public sphere in the USA, even beer companies now adhere to it. It will spread war and death around the earth.

It is into this frightful social backdrop that Joshua's body will prophetically see resurrection. The text will be recovered. The other volumes will be opened.

More Later,
