Acts 15, Part 1

Acts 15 contains several key riddles for solving the problem of additions in the Bible. We have known for some time how to use that chapter to find 4 of the historical editors. We have recently solved another Acts 15 riddle to find yet another editor. Read on for more.

Previously Known Editors

Acts chapter 15 provides substantial clues about the identities of the editors who created the Bible we know now given the original inspired text of the Testimony.

If you have followed our work for awhile, you know we have previously found 4 different editors given the clues in that chapter. Let me review that previous work.

There are 2 copies of a key editor clue list in Acts 15. The first copy is given in the narrative. The second copy, slightly different, is given in an embedded letter.

The use of an embedded letter is the first clue. There is an embedded letter for each editor elsewhere in the inspired text. Find the related letter and you will find the associated editor.


Sacrifice, the 1st clue, identifies Solomon as having added sacrifice as a topic. His letter is to Hiram for Temple logs. Solomon adds the venue and practice of sacrifice. So any references to sacrifice in the Bible earlier than Solomon are additions. References later can only be parts of a false religion, never supported by inspired text. Never endorsed by Joshua god.

Solomon's building of the Temple is part of the curse of asking for a king. Kings need legitimacy, and they get it from their own religion, which makes their legitimacy appear to come from god. At this point in history the Temple is a single building built for sacrifice, as patterned from the nations around who have kings.


Blood, the 2nd clue in Acts 15, identifies Ahab with the help of his foreign wife Jezebel. The letter in question sets up a false accusation against Naboth, who is then killed for his vineyard.

Ahab introduces killing into the management of state affairs, along with the secret receivers of said letters, today often called the 'Deep State' but also going by many other names. Any time killing happens in the inspired text it will NEVER be endorsed by an inspired writer. It will NEVER happen at Joshua god's command or hand.


Strangled, the 3rd clue, identifies Nebuchadnezzar. His letter is found in the Book of Daniel where Nebuchadnezzar describes a dream of a tree cut down that remains a stump. He himself then eats grass, grows hair and nails and is eventually restored.

Nebuchadnezzar had the prophet Daniel invent Hebrew as we know it now. Pronunciation, letter forms and word spellings all strangled the inspired original Paleo language. Just like someone being strangled cannot speak.

Because Daniel's language change is our general topic, we could go on and on over this particular editor's work, including its eventual end, when the king or kingdom is restored to sanity. We must save that discussion for another time.


Fornication, the 4th clue, identifies Mordecai. Mordecai worked in the palace and had a close relative as his own wife. He then pimped her into a contest to become the next queen. She won. This is the fornication indicated in Acts 15, and it identifies Mordecai as the 4th editor. He writes extensive letters on the king's behalf.

Mordecai's concern is one of purity. Like the purification ritual his wife went through to win the contest for queen. He will write that the reason Mordecai's god was angry was because of failure to be pure in religious practice. This is fornication, chasing after a false religion because the practices there are beautiful.

In reality, Joshua god wants to help us, or save us, individually. His mission is carried out by showing us how to follow the commandments, and to learn his character through our own individual experiences. His inspired writing shows off the earthly systems that oppose his work in the world. His goal is to make individuals ready and able to break the reincarnation loop we are all trapped within here on earth by passing an end-of-life judgment.

Another Editor

We have known the preceding list for some time. We first became aware of it in early 2016. We later identified the specific editors as we found the letters that go with each.

We recently noticed that the letter in Acts 15 continues. Both in the simple narrative and in the copy of the letter sent to Antioch. In those 2 parallel accounts we read 'For Moses has been read in synagogues since earliest times' and we read we are to 'remain steadfast in Joshua.'

These phrases are identifying yet another editor. The letter in this case is the commissioning letter sent with Ezra who returned to Jerusalem. That letter deals with issues related to temple practices and to Ezra's authority to set up something like a religious administration. What we might today call a denominational headquarters.

Note the word 'synagogue.' The inspired text adds the word 'Jewish' to only some occurrences of 'synagogue' so the term synagogue is not strictly a Jewish institution as implied by the modern English term. All places of weekly religious gatherings outside of personal houses are synagogues. Only some of those are Jewish.

Nothing in the historical Ezra material uses the term synagogue, so we are making an inference here. But the Acts 15 narrative is overlaying those practices apparently under the administration that Ezra is commissioned to set up.

Everything you know now about weekly houses of worship, no matter the religion, and the weekly practice of assembly in those houses, thus comes from Ezra's commissioning letter.

The Acts 15 writers see this as a lament. A problem that must be overcome. The 'out of church' movement within Christianity is pointing the way, but it does so with a broken book.

Finding Ezra Edits

Ezra will be everything in time after Mordecai, who is after the Babylonian Captivity but before the 70 year return. Ezra will focus on additions anywhere previously in the text that add operational characteristics to temple and synagogue services.

In no case will an inspired writer endorse the construction or operation of a house of worship. In no case will an inspired writer endorse the practices of these places, even when they are outside of a building. In no case will an inspired writer reason from practices in these places to draw some inspired conclusion.

There are cases where people are born into these systems, think Samuel, think John the Baptist, but they are taken out as they grow up. They are examples to the millions of others that must leave in order to follow Joshua.

Note this is a severe rebuke of the organized church world that we know now. The inspired intent is that you stay out of church, and steadfastly in Joshua by remaining out of Church. Just you, your household, the text and Joshua himself.

If you do not learn the language from your family, you will need some language training from somewhere until you are established in the text. This was what the NT apostles, including Paul, were doing. They were also introducing Joshua's character, and power, the main subject of the inspired text.

Nobody trained in some Ezra inspired institution should be handling your Sabbath practice. Such training is part of the commissioning letter to Ezra. It was the idea of a foreign king.

Because Ryan and I have come out of the church world we have been particularly blind to this last editor. We are now working out how to spot Ezra's edits, many previously lumped under Mordecai.

Handling In Apps

We have added another type of filter in the BRB ( in order to mark text likely added by Ezra. Check the menus and look for FE marks in the text of the app.

As we work through this discovery the FM tags as currently used will likely see some become FE. FA remains as a Filter Ananias, but his edits fall under the authority of Ezra's commissioning letter, so there is no need for another. This is hinted at upon Paul's arrival at Rome where they have not received a letter about Paul.


If you have followed me so far, you should now wonder about the Tabernacle of Moses. Seems like what we read in the Bible about that tent falls under Ezra's commissioning, at least. So is the Tabernacle an addition too?

The Acts 15 writers give a tough to solve riddle related to Moses' Tabernacle. In Acts 15 it is called the 'Fallen Tent of David.' The place did exist, but the purpose escaped even David and Nathan who themselves were only a little less than 500 years from Moses.

David's Fallen Tent is now a solved riddle for us too, which I will cover next time.

More Later,
