This blog looks at the prophetic history behind some of Trump's cabinet. Before that, some notes on the return of Psalms. Finally, a headline review.
Return of Psalms
The link here is to the 400 app. In recent blogs I have been dealing with the expanded table in this app and how it is being filled in. This week I want to draw your attention to the Psalms.
In stock Protestant bibles there are 150 Psalms. Branching into other traditions there are more Psalms. 155 Psalms is a common total number.
The problem with Psalms is that they are a type of literature that is difficult to analyze when we use the normal rules of additions that are drawn from the text of Acts 15. Some Psalms, of course, are going to be obvious trouble, but as a body of work, it is very difficult to decide for average Psalms if it may be inspired, or not.
For years we generally did not include Psalms in the Table of 400, simply because we were even unsure if this type of literature itself belonged.
We began to change our attitude on Psalms after we began to think that parts of Proverbs are likely inspired. Proverbs are likely a set of short sentences intended for people, usually young people, who are learning the language. Inspired proverbs are also likely functioning either in the place of an inspired dictionary or else as a way to show subtle word definitions through contrasting uses.
So Psalms may also be working in some way relative to an introductory curriculum. They may be functioning in some way for capturing basic truths. They may also be giving a starting point for some symbolic vocabulary that is used in other parts of the text. Finally, these should be topics worth singing about.
So back to the 400 app. If you look down the left column of the main 25x25 table, you will currently find the Psalms row under the Ku letter. This row selection is, of course, subject to change.
What you will find on that row are Psalms that seem to have some claim to being inspired. This list, too, is subject to change. The easiest reason to think a Psalm may be inspired is because it is quoted in some passage that itself is most likely inspired. Let me dive into 1 such example.
The Psalm that is interesting to me for this blog is Psalm 90, which has interesting time references and may also be defining some symbolic vocabulary used in other parts of the text.
Psalm 90 (BRB)
The link here is to Psalm 90 in the BRB. You can also find it in the Popup behind Psalm 90 in the Table of 400. You can also find it in the TT.
This particular Psalm is likely inspired because verse 4 is quoted in 2 Peter 3:8. 1000 years (with people) is as 1 day with Joshua. This ratio is then actually used in the Matthew Grand Run starting at about Matthew 17. There, 1 day with Joshua as a man becomes 1000 years in history. So this Psalm 90 story is informing an actual value used in prophetic stories. This is likely going to show up in some way on the Crown exhibit.
Let me review other parts of Psalm 90, looking at what they mean and what vocabulary is actually used to capture these ideas.
The first point to notice is the stanza at Psalm 90:2.3, "From everlasting to everlasting you are god."
This is making both a timeline reference, and a mathematical reference. Everlasting is going to be the textual term for the modern mathematical idea of infinity. On the Crown exhibit this will be the starting and ending of the historical timeline. Since that exhibit is circular, these 2 points will be functionally the same.
There is another time reference at Psalm 90:10, which deals with the typical length of human lives. At that verse we learn that life lengths are 70 years or perhaps 80 if strong. For reference, the average life length of Americans ranges around 78 years, so this Psalm reference is born out by modern data.
This is also a likely reference to the structure of the crown. There is a 70 year life length, likely centered, on a longer interval that pushes 80 years.
Within these time references there are some plot points in this Psalm that may be indicating some other things. Psalms 90:5 may be discussing the reincarnation cycle. That going between sequential lives is like sleep. That lives in the range of, say, 80 years are like grass that grows up for just 1 day.
Living in the wet Seattle area, Grass is nearly always green and growing. But imagine a desert environment, where grass only grows because of morning dew or a shot of rain. That type of grass appears quickly, and disappears quickly too. While the upper part of the grass is fleeting, it is rooted in the ground, in another place. For humans, the body is rooted in the soul. Strangely, nearly the same word as soil.
Given the context of a reincarnation cycle, then Psalm 90:12 makes more sense. Teach us to number our days, so number our life cycles, that we may apply our hearts towards wisdom, because by that we might escape that cycle. Given a life length of around 80 years, we would normally cycle 25 lives across every 1000 years, so across 1 day with Joshua.
By vs. 13 this same Psalm is asking when do these cycles end. So when are the soul harvests of earth? All interesting questions.
George B. McClellan
The link here is to the Wikipedia article on US Civil War General McClellan. He was the commanding General of the US Army from November 1, 1861 until March 11, 1862.
A reader here sent me a photo from a page in a civil war era biography which referenced this general. McClellan was cited has having told his wife that he was prepared for the tasks he was then carrying out for the US Government because of things he had learned in a past life.
This was a man who was starting to apply the Psalm 90 lesson. As should we all. What did we do in past lives that prepared us for this life? What can we do in this life to prepare us better for the next? All good questions. The point of Psalm 90 itself.
We are beginning to suspect that much of the inspired text of the Bible was written with a sophisticated set of symbolic vocabulary. We may have only just touched some of that vocabulary. The Book of Psalms appears to be one such place where some of those terms are defined.
Trump's Cabinet
I suspect most readers here have been tracking the amazing things coming out of the Trump 2.0 White House. He has a much better understanding of how the office of the President works. He has some sort of plan, apparently worked on while out of office for the past 4 years. He is now moving quickly, along many lines of attack, against a set of problems within the US Government itself.
Collapse Between August and October
Trump has reason to speed his work. The link here is to a Zero Hedge article that explains the timing around when the current US Federal debt ceiling will be reached.
It won't be easy when, or if, Trump goes to Congress to get that raised. Raising the debt ceiling poses political problems for his other work. So Trump has trouble once the government spends all the money the Treasury has on hand. That date is uncertain because of unknown exact tax revenues. But, that date could come as soon as August, 2025, or maybe as late as October, 2025.
So speed is of the essence for Trump. Saving cost is being done by his DOGE team. On a recent interview with Fox, Musk suggested they are saving costs at a rate of about $4.7B/day.
Raising revenues is being done via increases in capital spending within the USA and by Tariffs. Read that article for more on the timing.
I have not seen a season with general headlines running like this since I started working on the Timeline work 25+ years ago. Indeed, we probably need to go back to World War II in order to find a time in American history when there has been such a pace of dramatic news flowing out of Washington DC on a nearly daily basis. This is almost like we are on a war time footing.
From a historical perspective, the highest level headline that we are generally looking for, is a modern prophetic replay of Joshua being found alive on Sunday morning. This was the tail end of the passion week series of headlines that for us was the events leading up to, and including, World War II.
It is possible that the current Trump Administration is the prophetic match to the expected general historical timeline story of Joshua arising. Or, perhaps, Trump's work is a part of that expected prophetic story? Perhaps.
Other Timelines
Below that top-of-the-charts history are other timelines. Another, but without current charted dates, counts time from Nixon's resignation. We're now over 50 years out on that timeline, and perhaps ready for a Jubilee release from federal debt. So Trump may be active on that timeline too.
Finally, there is yet another timeline we care about. The 2000th anniversary of Joshua's own life. That timeline seems to be tracking events in and around Israel and perhaps Iran. Trump and his cabinet are all occupied by the Israel Lobby, so Trump is now on this timeline too.
So watching Trump's almost daily headlines looks to be watching prophetic history unfold in real time.
All In in DC!
The All In Podcast has been around for years. One of their own, David Sacks, was drafted by Trump's transition team to become an advisor to Trump. David has been missed from that podcast. But, he invited that group to the White House for a tour, so David could show them his new office.
The link here is to an episode of the All In Podcast where the key members of that group give a trip report of what they saw when they visited the White House. This video is very good background for what it is like inside the White House under Trump 2.0.
It includes a slideshow of various things they saw there, including Elon Musk's White House office. (Check out his computer monitor, thought to be one of the most expensive currently manufactured.) This video is only background for those interested in the place. If you are limited in time, save it for later.
While the All In team was at the White House, they had the chance to interview 2 other key members of Trump's staff. Those interviews may be some of the most important long form podcasts ever recorded. The first of those interviews is important because the subject of the interview has an important position in known American prophetic history. You need the background so you know what you are watching. Let me explain.
Nixon's Timeline
The best timeline for the USA began in 1974 with the resignation of Richard Nixon as the prophetic replay of the fall of Adam. We are now beyond the 50 year mark from that resignation. The financial mess that the USA is now in can be traced in many ways back to Nixon's term. This may be a 50 year debt Jubilee on that timeline.
Responsibility over balancing the budget was taken away from Nixon. The US Congress then forced all allocated funds to be spent. The curse of Adam's offspring is that they will not have an increase from the ground they work. American workers fell under that curse.
This is the current condition of US workers who were forced to compete with effectively slave labor from China. Remember, Nixon opened trade with China. He ate from the forbidden fruit when he visited the Forbidden City, the ancient capital of China in Beijing.
Nixon was taking direction from Kissinger. These days I can now explain this better. The serpent in the garden asks what did God really say? Nixon was caught in what today is called the Israel Lobby. What Orthodox Christians would call the Antichrist.
Rolling forward on that timeline, Noah's Flood was the 1st Persian Gulf War. This was coincident with the collapse of the USSR, and it allowed the Israel Lobby to use the USA and Europe to conquer the world. Iraq was only the first of several other countries they needed to subdue. Yemen, Iran, Russia and eventually China still remain.
The most dramatic headline on that series from Nixon was the destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC.
Key stories for events in NYC that day include Samuel's high place sacrifice and Samson pushing over 2 columns and killing 3000 Philistines who were on the roof.
Those stories turn the USA, and especially New Yorkers, into the villains. Those villains work against the prophetic voice as carried by Samson and Samuel in the fundamental original textual stories.
Cantor Fitzgerald
The link here is to the Wikipedia article for Cantor Fitzgerald. This financial services firm occupied floors 101 through 105 of 1 World Trade Center. They lost 658 employees as well as 46 others who were visiting their offices that day. This was 704 of the 3000 killed in those attacks. You will hear that 658 number in the video linked below. That firm still exists. It was rebuilt after 911 by the surviving CEO.
The CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald was dropping his sons off at preschool that morning and was late to work. So he survived. His name is Howard Lutnick, whom Trump considered a personal friend and whom Trump effectively drafted to help put together Trump's second term.
Howard is perhaps one of the brightest minds in modern finance, and is the driver for much of the remarkable work we are seeing from the new Trump administration.
I believe Lutnick's life was spared for such a time as this. That is the good part of this story. There is a dark side.
Howard Lutnick | All-In in DC!
The All In Podcast team interviewed Howard Lutnick. The link here is to that interview.
This is perhaps the most interesting video I have seen so far dealing with the history and formation of Trump's current cabinet, including how Lutnick, Sacks, Musk and many others came to be involved in this administration.
Some of this video is technical, about the possibilities of correcting US government finances. But most interesting are the stories around how the team was formed, including how Lutnick knows Trump, but also how Lutnick was able to connect to Musk, and how Lutnick found and pre-selected the candidates for Trump's Cabinet.
Also important is how many of these guys are working for free. This has all sorts of important implications and has been rarely seen in the past. We might say the US Government has become a ministry. Interesting. Sacred responsibility is a foreign idea in American politics.
There is also discussion about the problems of US Government computers. They are expected to rewrite nearly all the software used on government computers, also for free.
If these guys can pull off most of what Lutnick has planned, the financial ruin that started in Nixon's day will be brought to an end. The prosperity of the pre-Nixon days might return.
That team does have many very difficult challenges ahead. But if anyone can fix the US government, they can. If they cannot, then nobody can.
Scott Bessent | All-In in DC!
The link here is to another interview done by the All In Podcast. This also done while they were visiting DC. This time they talk with Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent.
Bessent has an interesting biography too, and he goes into it with some detail. In particular he was working for George Soros in 1992 when Soros broke the Bank of England. A very strange headline to be part of, but not a known timed headline like Lutnick.
Like Musk, Bessent also sought out Trump in order to help Trump win the election and help fix the finances of the USA.
Not like it was Bessent's fault, but in any case this was the trade that made Soros wealthy enough to fund the Deep State against the people of the USA.
In general I have high praise for nearly everything Trump and his team are doing. Without this work, the USA would have gone through an inflationary collapse some time in Harris' administration. (Still might in Trump's term too, but way less likely. At least Trump cares.)
The problem is that Lutnick is like the king of the Philistines who happened to have survived Samson. While Bessent worked for someone close to the devil incarnate. Nearly to a person, the rest of Trump's team are Zionists.
Remember Samuel's speech when the people ask for a king? We get Jebusites, so Jerusalemites, so Zionists, because of events that day. Trump's cabinet shows this off in a rather dramatic way, and it now ties back to earlier events on the charts.
The 80th anniversary of Russian victory over Germany is May 9, 2025, so a couple months away. 80 years is the Psalm 90 strong generation of years. So like a reincarnation cycle, or a rebirth cycle, for Russia as a country. This May, 2025, date is not exactly on the correct calendar, but close enough.
It has taken me many months to shed my view of American Christianity as special. This was driven a year ago by our learning that Jerusalem is the Jebusite city of old. That Netanyahu is modern Pharaoh. That the Israel Lobby effectively controls the US Government. From that, we can see that America is ruled by Zionists, so the Antichrist, so Pharaoh, so by evil.
Russia is essentially the only remaining Christian country. So Russia is the most important country to watch for the general prophetic headline for Joshua arising. Russia is also likely the place we should use for surveying the state of the world.
Russia is already coming out of the tomb. This was triggered by sanctions during Biden's term. Russia was forced to become self sufficient. Their workers were suddenly all needed again. Their economy is now booming. Prosperity has returned to Russia. Joshua is coming out of the tomb for Russia.
Might the Orthodox church in Russia be fervently praying for deliverance from Ukrainian Nazis? Probably so. Might those prayers be heard? Probably so. Could those prayers be answered via strange events in the USA? Probably so.
Events in the USA might thus be an answer to Russian Orthodox prayer.
Dark Side
Everything Trump is doing economically could also be construed as gearing up the economy to build a war economy capable of a world war against Russia. The Zionist goal is as always, to rule the world from a capital at Jerusalem. That goal requires the death of Russia as we know it now.
That same goal requires a conquered American people too. It looks like the Zionist plan from a couple decades ago intended to see victory over Russia and defeat of the American people about now, so around 2025.
It did not work to use Ukraine as a proxy. Russia was not defeated. And, Russia now recognizes the Antichrist rulership of the west. So they do not fall for tricks like accepting a Ukraine cease fire.
So we may be in something of a Zionist plan B. The first marker was Trump trying to seek a cease fire with Russia. This ultimately to rearm and rebuild the whole western war making economy.
As a plan, it would mean coming back in a few years and trying war against Russia again. Zionists will not give up until they rule from Jerusalem. There is no other plan. To them, Joshua is dead and in the tomb.
In this view, Trump was allowed to take office. This because he would rebuild and so retool the western economy for a second attempt at a war capable of conquering Russia.
When will this be? A few years from now, say right on time at the 7000th anniversary of Noah's flood in early 2029. Trump and his team are building a shiny new war machine ready for whomever takes office in early 2029.
Shop Work
This week the new Voron printer reached first print and initial calibration. It is an enclosed printer, which means first prints are usually done without the enclosure in case of trouble. After first print there was still a few more wiring and software configuration issues. By that point I was more familiar with the entire system and the work went quickly.
Once those details were finished, attention turned to getting the enclosure finished. Final calibration happens after the entire finished machine has sat for several hours with the bed heater turned on. Most of the remaining calibration work should be done by the time this blog goes out.
Also this week, parts were ordered for upgrading the other Voron. This will get rid of much spaghetti wiring, long a source of reliability problems. This also upgrades how the system calibrates the Z axis, eliminating other problems. It includes an activated charcoal air filtration to reduce dangerous exhaust. Finally, this upgrade puts in new and faster electronics.
Most of the time spent on this new machine was learning again the software system for this family of printers. There was no single point of truth for finding working configuration files. Each accessory was documented in different places, and each required a hunt to find the best working examples of related configuration values.
This past couple weeks was a good time to get my head out of the normal routine and to get calmed down from our trip to Washington DC.
Trump's biggest challenge seems to be the court system. It does not look like he can just make court problems go away. It is a problem the Democrats have planned for a long time.
Crooked Judges
The link here is to a Gateway Pundit article dealing with Schumer gloating over having installed 235 crooked judges so that they would always rule against Trump once he returned to office. He also gloats over 100+ cases launched using those judges.
This explains much about the trouble Trump is having with his use of Executive Branch constitutional authority. Perhaps some of those judges are in on the corruption? If so, where could they be tried?
War With Yemen and Iran
The link here is to Judge Nap's weekly talk with Col. Douglas Macgregor. I typically listen to several of the Judge's weekly guests while I am doing shop work. So I am not always paying close attention.
In this talk was an offhanded remark by Macgregor about the US building assets on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Macgregor warns that island may not remain out of range of retaliation strikes by Iran, China or Russia.
This made little sense, but Hal Turner picked up the topic too. At first his report was behind a paywall, but he then made it public because it was such a serious headline.
Hal indicated there has been significant accumulation of military hardware on that island, especially long range, stealth, American bombers. Hal mentioned that parking for planes at the base on that island is limited. Spaces for planes are thus reserved. Those reservations are said by Hal's sources to run until May 1, 2025.
Hal's opinion is that the USA (so Israel) would not be moving such hardware unless they intended to use it against either Yemen, Iran or both.
My opinion is that the Zionist goal requires conquering Iran, Russia and China, likely in that order, in order to move the world capital to the Jebusite city of Jerusalem.
The real risk here is that Iran retaliates, either against Israel, but more importantly, against oil facilities throughout the region. This would economically collapse the western economy by driving up the price of fuel.
I don't have any specific prophetic insight here, but that May 1, 2025, parking reservation date is pushing out towards the end of the prophetic peace/oppression cycle that we have been in since late last year.
The timeline coming out of the Exodus from Egypt has a peaceful time at the front, but then climbs to a war cycle that just keeps going. This island in the Indian Ocean is a good place to watch for a change in that cycle from a peace to a war footing.
Stay safe.
More Later,