Notes On John

This blog looks at some interesting topics from the Gospel of John, including likely author. Also, 1 of Musk's DOGE team members did some previous work that may relate to our current work. Finally, more on our active watch date with a brief headline review.

Gospel of John

In last week's blog I covered the story at the end of John dealing with the miraculous catch of fish. In that blog I explained how that story appears to have been written to deliberately show that event as a parable for the use of the Fig Tree. This is 1 item in the set of exhibits that make up the Tent of Time.

After posting that blog, Ryan and I had a long conversation about the likely inspired stories that are found earlier in that Gospel. We made some interesting observations that readers here might also find interesting. The link given above is to that book in the BRB, so you can follow along here.

The first point is in chapter 1. In the BRB, with filters turned on, you'll notice that most of the front of that first chapter fails by normal filter rules. It looks like Ananias wanted to hide an inspired core of the book and repurposed it by adding layers of front matter.

The first solid story in John picks up at 1:43. First Joshua calls Philip to follow him, and then Philip brings Nathanael to see Joshua. Nathanael is not initially impressed, but apparently after Philip explains the function of the Fig Tree, Nathanael is convinced. See vs. 48.

This first solid story is likely setting the context for the book, so the functioning of the Fig Tree item itself. We are also likely seeing the inspired author. Either Philip, or more likely, Nathanael. The 2 appear to be friends, but Nathanael appears to have better access to the Jewish venues for some of the stories later in the book. Nathanael may be a pharisee with related private access to events in Jerusalem.

So the book also ends on the same subject, the function of the Fig Tree explained in parable form as he learned from Philip. The world cannot contain all the books that are written within the inspired writing.

We can survey some of the other key stories in the Gospel of John and ask how they might relate to the Fig Tree. This might have been Nathanael's ultimate focus. He may be explaining details of the use of the Fig Tree and along the way, some of the trouble that use caused the religious leaders of their day.

Water Into Wine

If you keep scrolling down in the Gospel of John, you find the next story to be how Joshua turned water into wine. There are a bunch of particulars about that story, 6 stone jars, each for purification, each holding 2 or 3 gallons each. They are filled to the brim, so packed tight, in order perform the purification.

These numbers play to the Dog exhibit, which I package with the Table item. That exhibit is used to purify the text before it goes into the processes implied by the Fig Tree. The tight packing is a kerning process. The 6 jars are the audit squares that come from the 6 gaps between the 7 flames on the lamp. The audit patterns within those squares are from 5 of those lamps.

The punch line in the water into wine story is how most party hosts water down wine with time, but in this case the wine with water removed is the best. This is a major play on how the editors watered down the inspired text and how the systems exist to purify the text and remove that water, turning it into something important for the master of the banquet.


Scrolling down the Gospel of John even further, we come to the story of Nicodemus. This is an example of a story where we want to know who was the witness and able to write about it, perhaps years later.

If Nathanael is a known pharisee, then Nicodemus may have been comfortable having a conversation with Nathanael in the room.

Nicodemus is rebuked because he is a well educated teacher in the edited OT scrolls. This is not enough to be saved to life, and he will need to go around again. I have dealt with this in previous blogs. The expression "Born Again" means go through a reincarnation loop and live a future life.

Besides being foreign to normal Christian ears, this proclamation is saying something else about the text itself. The text Nicodemus uses is an edit on the inspired OT. That text too can be born again. By this we take it to mean turned back into a pristine new text, like it was when it was written. This is a second witness and second way to describe the process of water into wine.

So the story about Nicodemus is adding a parable about the process the text itself goes through. The text itself, when NOT carved in stone, is eventually edited. It must go through a rebirth just like people. Isaac finding living water and a 100 fold harvest of barley is but 1 example. In Moses' era this happens again. It happened 2000 years ago. It should happen again in our day.

In John 3:11, as part of this conversation with Nicodemus, there is a curious reference to how "we" speak of things both on land and in the skies. The "we" here is going to turn out to be all of the disciples of Joshua who have used the Fig Tree to run the ciphers.

Those books contain content for both earth itself, and for the skies. This is what is explained in the last verse of the entire book. That fundamental idea is behind this claim that not only Joshua, but all of his disciples, are able to explain these things because every one of them has read the ciphered text. This is a perhaps less obvious reference to the purpose of the Fig Tree.

Samaritan Woman

Continuing to survey the stories in the Gospel of John, by chapter 4, we see the well known story of Joshua's interaction with the Woman at the Well. After some interaction, Joshua offers her living waters that will spring up to everlasting life.

Here we need the story of Joseph in Genesis to know that the Fig Tree is planted by a spring. Wells are built around springs. Ezekiel has a series of trees planted by a river which is linking the river to various configurations of the Fig Tree.

This story is also important to follow the story of Nicodemus. That previous story basically condemned the entire Jewish system of textual understanding. This story of the Woman at the Well is doing exactly the same for the Samaritan tradition based historically at Shechem, called Sychar in the NT.

When the other disciples return from the village with food, Joshua makes the point that he has food they know nothing about. This is not a personal condemnation of those men, nor their food. It is a parable against the teaching of the Samaritans who are based in that area.

By rejecting Nicodemus earlier, Joshua did not mean that the Samaritans are any better. This is enforced by the first question. The woman had asked, should we worship on this mountain? Or in Jerusalem? The answer is neither. Neither have the inspired text, nor do they know how to cipher it into life giving water. Water that springs up to everlasting life.

This passage is yet another parable about the additional volumes of written material that are created using manuscript related processes surrounding the Fig Tree. This is the route to everlasting life.

Feeding 5000

Scrolling down to John 6, we find the story of the feeding of the 5000.

If this directly follows the story of the woman at the well, it is a continuation of the story built upon the food purchased in town by the disciples.

A crowd has gathered on a mountain. There is not enough to feed them all. Philip is tested on this. Philip presumably purchased food in town previously. The food situation is surveyed. 200 Denarii would not be enough to purchase even a little for each. 2 fish and 5 loaves is what they have in hand. With this 5,000 are eventually fed.

This 2 fish reference is showing up on the Megiddo Mosaic floor, and I have previously assigned those 2 fish to the clock. Now that we get the flow of John, there is a better meaning for those 2 fish.

At the end of John we have fish caught in a net. That net spans the tops of the branches on the Fig Tree. The 2 sides of the Fig Tree are like the skeletons of 2 fish caught in the net. The leaves and perhaps flowers on the Fig Tree thus become the fish scales.

The basic supply for running the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 involves having 2 fish, so the Fig Tree, and having 5 loaves. Once those are in hand, the rest is easy. 5000 can be fed.

Those 5 loaves are are likely a reference to the manuscript preparation step described earlier as turning water into wine. The recent change to the 400 app sets up a framework for 625 expected inspired stories. That 625 is 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 stories. So 5 loaves.

To help understand this math, recall that a "time, times and half a time" is 3.5 times. This because the plural doubles the second time into 2 times. Other variations on numbers seem to be doing something similar. A "100 fold" increase is likely 200. In this strange case of 5 loaves in John, the loaves appear to mean 5 multiplied to the power of 4.

Also curious, the River exhibit shows the life cycle of a plant. Each seed planted yields 9 new seeds. This replaces the first seed and then includes an increase of 8.

Note how 625 * 8 = 5000. It looks very much like the feeding of the 5000 story is indicating the total number of stories produced by the cipher system. The original 625 stories are each planted. They then yield 8 more stories. This is an 8 way multiplication on each original inspired text of the Bible.

That river exhibit also has 25 trees, so there are 200 seeds of increase from all the trees planted along the river. So there are 200 different possible ciphers. The ciphers for any given story are selected in some way from a set of 200 theoretical ciphers. This is Philip's 200 Denarii at the top of this story. So for any given story only 8 ciphers will ever work against that story. This is also the 200 cubits to shore in the miraculous catch of fish at the bottom of the Gospel of John.

In this understanding there is no single cipher used across the entire text. Each individual cipher is used a limited number of times.


Moving down to John 11 we find the story of the raising of Lazarus. This story does not stand alone. It is designed around the lesson that those who believe the stories in those additional volumes will never see death. They drink the living water. They eat the bread of life.

Everlasting life is a central promise around these additional volumes.

Remember the garden of Eden? Eat from the tree of life and live forever. The tree of life is also known as the Fig Tree. It is the system that expands the written text to become something of a library. The whole world cannot contain the books that are written.

So raising Lazarus is part of this flow. It is adding an important component to our understanding of the Fig Tree. Lazarus is not to see death, so he is brought back to life by Joshua.


There are other stories in John which appear to be describing the trouble Joshua was in because of these additional volumes. They especially caused trouble for him when he interacted in Jerusalem later.

Because the Jews did not preserve the inspired text, they had no way to find and read what was hidden within. This is what Joshua was telling them. They had no way to understand, because their own religion hid this reality from them.

What I have explained above are details on our understanding of the use and implications of the exhibits. There are still missing pieces in my own understanding, which I trust Joshua will reveal in good time. There is also still a ton of work to actually carry out either the water into wine step or the feeding of the 5000. I would guess at this point many months of work are still ahead.

Musk's DOGE Team Member

The link here is to a 6 minute video explaining the qualifications of one of the early members of Musk's DOGE team. Musk started with around 6, it grew to 12, and is now said to be around 100 strong.

The man in the video above received a $45,000 award while in college for dealing with the software based discovery of Greek writing inside a scroll that was burned in a volcanic eruption. The bundle of ash could be 3d scanned easy enough, but the problem was reading the text on that scroll from within those 3d scans of the ash. He ultimately used an AI system to solve that problem and read the Greek writing on the scroll.

Watch the screen shots in that video and you can see the recovered Greek text of the scroll from what was just a roll of ash.

This is interesting to me because it made me think that some of the additional ciphered documents may one day be recovered, just as the Megiddo Mosaic is a recovery of parts of the artifacts of what Joshua and his team were doing 2000 years ago.

In the case of the ciphered scrolls, those 5000 stories, the Jews of that day would have wanted them destroyed. They would have wanted no hint as to what Ananias had done to the NT.

Like they edited the NT we know today, they probably also edited the additional ciphered documents. Those edits may have created the Gnostic movement, which does not survive to our day. In any case, I digress.

If some of those ciphered scrolls were buried in a volcanic eruption, even if burned to a crisp, they would still be preserved for our day. Theoretically this video indicates there is a path that would provide more evidence of the work we are doing.

The video linked above shows a path to the technology for recovering these types of lost scrolls. Once we get ciphered text we can start looking around at texts like what was recovered in the video above. Maybe something will match. It is a strange time we live in.

Holiday Week

I trust readers here who are observing the holiday are having an interesting week. Life for us should return to normal next week.

Let me review a single video that caught my attention because it covers issues from Ukraine and Israel.

Judge Nap With Pepe Escobar

The link here is to Judge Nap's weekly conversation with Pepe Escobar, who was in Moscow for this interview.

This video touches on the 2 main areas of interest that we have been following for over a year. The first is the situation around Israel, especially the war in Gaza. The second situation is the war in Ukraine.

The first area that is interesting to us is a video clip within the video above. That clip is of Trump, dated February 11, 2025, where he discusses his plans to rid Gaza of Palestinians. This is called Ethnic Cleansing, and is of course a war crime. In any case, on that date, he had finally pressured the king of Jordan to take refugees from Gaza.

Though Trump is rightfully wildly popular with most of the American public, he is still not free of Zionist influence. This may impact future prophetic watch dates in strange ways. Trump is slowly becoming the villain in future prophetic stories, so beware.

Trump is a pretty new face on Netanyahu's ongoing effort to solve the Palestinian problem by removing them. As Pepe explains, this is the long standing Israeli plan.

The Judge and Pepe discuss the February 11, 2025, date when the king of Jordan agreed to take 2000 injured children from Gaza. This limited form of child refugees may play well with the Palestinians living in Jordan, but it will then go up as each child brings siblings, parents, grandparents, and cousins and so on... What parent in Gaza is going to send their child alone? One huge Palestinian family is going to follow those children to Jordan.

The king of Jordan has caved to the various Zionists, but he gets a limited, and humanitarian starting headline. His life depends on managing that flow of refugees.

This is most likely our expected end of the king of Jordan. See Judges 3:14-30 for the general prophetic story. That king is now defeated. This prophetic date could see a more severe fulfillment before March 10, 2025, but this is already a good enough match.

We have about a month before we will look to the next watch date up the Judges series of dates. The general pace of watch dates will generally pick up until a temple related prophetic date is seen in January of 2025.

This Jordan headline is softer than the fall of Assad in Syria. Something is changing with Trump replacing Biden, but the timeline continues to march along just fine.

For readers here who may be new to the timeline, there is a principle about how prophetic dates work. They go past, but the severity or implications of what happens is dependent on the people involved. Our own lives work the same way. We are all personally tested on every story in the text, even if we don't know the schedule.

To understand this, watch how Trump handles trouble differently than Netanyahu. Trump builds while Netanyahu bombs. At least with Trump, prophetic dates are not yet seeing Trump killing people. This is also in part why I am expecting Trump to get Netanyahu working on building a temple instead of killing.

The Judge and Pepe also discuss ongoing efforts to end the war in Ukraine. The American side is now publicly voicing the Russian position that has been known for months. No Ukraine in NATO, no restoration of Ukrainian territory, no American troops in Ukraine. All of this is good to hear since it means that Trump is serious about ending that war.

The problem for Russia is what happens when Trump leaves office. We will need to keep watching to see if this aspect of Russia's troubles are addressed. Rebuilding European politics is one way to do this, but will take time. The Europeans have a controlled media, and have been fed Zionist lies over Ukraine for years. So Europe will be slow to back down because they are blind.

Maybe something can be done to avoid nuclear war in the future? Ryan and I were recently told no. Nuclear war will still come to the continental USA. So far, nothing that Trump has done fixes problems with China or North Korea.

That unfortunate prophetic future is still active. We can still hope that future prophetic date can pass in a better way, just as Trump is better than Netanyahu, but things must still continue to change in the USA for that to happen.

More Later,
