The GRB is driving changes to versification across our scripture apps. This blog explains these significant changes. Before that shop status, with curious notes on the 1000 year reign. Finally interesting headlines.
Shop Work
When this blog goes out I will be posting photos on Telegram of the next major exhibit. This is currently called the Seals exhibit, but it may get renamed as the Nations exhibit.
In any case it shows the Revelation 7 tribe list, with Dan added, and how those tribes wrap the alphabet. From there it also displays the seal dates and then finally the modern nations and the documents used to identify those nations.
This is a fundamental study of the website. But the study is also a hidden fundamental behind the recovery of the pronunciation system of the Paleo alphabet itself.
The problem for the Paleo alphabet is finding correct pronunciation. Using the vocabulary of the text itself, this exhibit is used for preventing Shibboleths in the recovered language system. We will return to this idea below.
Seal Date Adjustment
For those who know the Bible Tribes material, you may have noticed that there is a 12 day slop in the seal dates themselves as used on that website. In reviewing that content for this exhibit I have done a slight adjustment in the dates used on this exhibit. I will probably rework the Bible Tribes content to agree once I am working on the Crown exhibit.
What I have done is adjust the presented seal date to the month break that is in the middle of that 12 day slop. This because each successive seal date is itself 400 whole months from the previous date. So the seal dates themselves should align with whole month breaks. There happened to be such a break in the middle of the 12 days of slop. Thus this change in the exhibit.
This study has many implications in terms of the world we live in, but it is also a fundamental tool for recovery of the pronunciation system of the letters that make up the inspired Paleo Alphabet.
Protestant Bible As Crutch
I have not thought much about this exhibit until I started planning the exhibits that show the recovery process for the text. The problem for us years ago is that we worked this out using the 66 book Protestant Bible. When we started heavy work on the TT in 2016 we felt this study was no longer valid, so we have not thought about it much for several years.
It turns out that our original use of the 66 books of the Protestant canon was a temporary crutch for us to see the solution to the pronunciation problem. The use of the Protestant Bible and related book and book order was unneeded for the fundamental riddle itself.
If you go look at the exhibit itself you can see there is no reference, nor need to reference, the Protestant Bible. Thus I could easily restore this set of material to the current exhibit list. Let me explain in detail this rarely covered set of Paleo related content.
The problem we have with pronunciation is illustrated in Judges 12:6, the link given here in the BRB. In that story Jephthah gathers the men of Gilead to war against Ephraim. They eventually identify the men of Ephraim because those men cannot properly pronounce the term Shibboleth. The men of Ephraim pronounced the term as Sibboleth instead. This was a Sa / Sha sound system mixup that existed even in their day, over 3000 years ago now.
The problem for alphabet recovery is figuring out how to match modern letter sounds to actual letters. The S/Sh sound mixup is but one example. Others include Y/J, B/V, P/Ph, C/J, T/Th and then there are vowel letters where the sound is unknown. Of the vowels, A, E, I, O and U, the A, I and O were once consonants.
So this exhibit shows the riddle that must be solved for pronouncing the Paleo Alphabet. For completeness here, I should mention, this riddle came in a vision on a flight from Orange County in California back to Seattle. This was the only time in 25 years that Ryan and I had flown anywhere. This because my mom was sick and we did not want to spend drive time away from Seattle.
We'd taken the first copy of the early silver set of 3d models with us. These models were hand made with soldered wire in a small decorative box. Without ever needing to open the box, we became the subject of a massive prayer meeting where the prayer was in tongues over the recovery of these tongues. That prayer was answered later that night on the flight home with the vision of the setup for this riddle. Let me return to the riddle itself.
The riddle is that the alphabet wraps to the tribes as shown in the exhibit. Each tribe has 5 letters, though Manasseh has an extra portion, 6 letters. Each letter is assigned to 3 different tribes. There are 3 complete runs of the alphabet as shown in the exhibit.
To go find the pronunciation for those letters, we must go look at how those tribes pronounce those letters still today.
The term we used at the time was that there was some spiritual tie between certain letters and the tribes as given in this exhibit.
Notes On German
The German language is over weighted in this riddle. This because Naphtali, Asher and parts of Levi speak German. Remember, Naphtali's beautiful words promise? English is also overweighted because Manasseh and Joseph both speak English, but this is not as overweighted as German.
In any case, this provided the riddle for finding the pronunciation. There was a different problem for the vowels. In the case of vowels the problem is the correct pitch. This too has a riddle with a solution which may eventually become another exhibit.
PaleoIn at Telegram
There has been some questions about how to see the photos of the exhibits. Let me review how I am doing this, and why.
The link here is to the PaleoIn group on Telegram. This group is configured to be public, so you do not need to join it. You may or may not need a Telegram app or account to see the page, depending on your device and setup.
I am still using Telegram to post (usually) weekly photos of shop work. I started back with heavy shop work late last year and expect to be in the shop nearly every day for several more months. This is the center of my world for now.
The email system used by the blog cannot reliably distribute photos with the blog. I am limited to text, and headers with links.
The Telegram group, for members of the group, allows conversation around the photos I am posting there.
Notes on X
For those curious, I have an X account, and have been back lurking on X since Elon Musk purchased Twitter. Musk fixed X to the extent it could be used for discussion of American political topics. He got rid of the woke headcount at X. But, he has not fully fixed X. Let me give 2 examples. When these clear, then I may consider a switch to X.
Mike Adams, of Natural News fame, has filed a lawsuit against X. This basically because X does not allow sharing of video links from his Brighteon video sharing platform in posts on X. He filed suit because nobody answered the phone when his people called to understand the problem. At present X answers these technical issues only under judges orders, which Mike will be using to get to the bottom of his issues. This is important to us because when we finally return to videos, Brighteon is currently the only platform I would consider for that function.
Mike himself is using Rumble for his own videos linked from X. Once Mike can return to Brighteon, then I will know this problem is fixed.
The other problem is gang activity on X. I tried to report my own problems with this to X customer support and found there is no way to report strange activity on their platform unless they already know of that activity as a category. Even then, it just gets counted, not much more. Perhaps I do not know the correct name for my trouble? I have strong evidence, that X should be able to track, that nearly all of my growing list of X followers are members of a single gang.
I don't expect this to clear personally. I will consider it cleared once someone like Musk is able to prove he understands the problem and is working to fix it.
Ultimately, the real problem with X is that it is still infested by Zionists. They have run into hiding, but are still there. His CEO hire is not only a Zionist, but a genocide supporter. Our material is still not really welcome there.
Musk appears to be so distracted as to be unable to completely understand X. Once X grows up, then I will consider it again as a platform for our use. Until then Telegram seems to be it.
Alternatively, we could bring everything in house, so run a more advanced web server, with video and discussion groups, and whatever. That makes the best sense, but I would consider that only after we had an open public meeting space where the equipment for that server could be located in the same building.
Our current hosting service is fine for simple stuff, like we are doing now. It is located on a cloud provider because of prophetic dreams for this particular provider.
1000 Year Reign
The link here is to Revelation 20:7 in the BRB. This is the tail end of the 1000 year reign passage. This is what Russia's Putin likes to quote when discussing the 1000 years of Christianity in Russia. Those years ended nearly coincident with the collapse of the USSR.
Paul Craig Roberts has explained repeatedly that it was the leaders in the western world who were suddenly unconstrained by Soviet power. The west went nuts because they thought they could conquer the world. Western leaders actually set out to conquer the world and setup a world capital at Jerusalem. That project is still underway, and something that will define the lives of most of those who are alive on earth in our time.
If you read that verse carefully, you see that the battle against Russia involves all the peoples in the 4 corners of the land. I take this to mean the peoples who are against Orthodox Christian Russia. Who would they be?
That collapse of the USSR was the collapse of the Bolshevik heritage, itself a Jewish movement to control Russia that started with their assassination of the Tzar ~70 years before. So reconquering Russia has always been part of that post USSR plan by the west. This is abstract, pointing at Israel and those places Israel controls, like the US Congress.
There is an idiomatic meaning to 4 corners, like 4 corners of a sheet, which means the entire sheet. So the entire world. But, I suspect that meaning is coming from this passage, which has been around longer than English.
There is another way to understand the idea of the 4 corners. Let me explain.
The 4 Corners
The exhibit that I am finishing up this week gives a possible interpretation of the nations that make up the 4 corners. This is so interesting I want to share it here for the record.
The "4 corners of the land" reference is a direct reference to the Qu map on the top of the Table exhibit. The corner letters, in order, are only the 4 letters: Ba, Ve, Yo and Ne.
So to find the set of tribes that are indicated from these corners means we need to use some system that maps tribes to letters. This Seals or Nations exhibit provides a way to look up the tribes that have the letters at the corners. Here is the list of letters and the matched tribes.
Ba) Simeon, Gad and Benjamin, so France, Spain and Israel.
Ve) Joseph, Simeon and Gad, so the UK/US, France and Spain.
Yo) Reuben, Joseph and Simeon, so Sweden, US/UK and France.
Ne) Manasseh, Reuben and Benjamin, so the USA, Sweden, and Israel.
Note how we are missing the eastern Europeans, Asher/Austria, Issachar/Yugoslavia, Zebulun/Greece. We are also missing Naphtali/Germany and we are missing Dan/Netherlands and Levi/Switzerland.
Note also we are obviously missing Judah/Russia, who is the party which had the faith for Christianity to reign for 1000 years. It is the destruction of Russia that these tribes are gathering to accomplish.
Now let me refactor out Ephraim and Manasseh from Joseph.
Ba) Simeon, Gad and Benjamin.
Ve) Ephraim, Manasseh, Simeon and Gad.
Yo) Reuben, Ephraim, Manasseh and Simeon.
Ne) Manasseh, Reuben and Benjamin.
Next, weigh and sort those countries by that weight.
Manasseh/US 3 times.
Simeon/France 3 times.
Gad/Spain 2 times.
Benjamin/Israel 2 times.
Ephraim/UK 2 times.
Reuben/Sweden 2 times.
Note that prophetic references to Spain can also include Italy. Sweden references include the former Vikings so Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland. Greenland has been curiously in the news with recent attempts by Trump's team to keep Greenland.
Note also that the Israel lobby of Benjamin rules the political world of the west, especially the USA and UK. They also control the western bankers, including investment bankers. Those banks need Russia's natural resources to keep their banking system solvent. They cannot setup a world capital in Jerusalem without control of both Russia and China. They already control nearly everywhere else.
Using this strategy we find an explanation of that great war as being primarily the United States driven by Zionist Israel, along with Masonic France, going to war against Orthodox Christian Russia. Remember that the American Civil War was when the French Revolution came to the USA. Simeon's bad council has impacted the USA for 150+ years.
Most of the rest of the world stays out of that war should this be the correct way to identify the tribes. War in Ukraine has effectively been a precursor to that war, but it sucked in more countries than it will eventually involve.
This looks like there may be a breakup of NATO and or the EU before this takes place. NATO breakup is a conversation in the news recently, if the afD party wins in Germany, they have said they will leave. Col. Macgregor has indicated recently on Judge Nap's podcast that for the past 300 years Germany has mostly been on good relations with Russia. This map would agree, and see that relationship restored.
This map also suggests the countries closer to Russia are not part of this fight either. Most are historical friends with Russia.
Switzerland should become neutral again, and stay out of the war.
The only surprise is France. They are unable to sustain their current western standard of living, having recently lost influence over their former colonies in Africa. Their social contract is broken, unable to attract investments to their country, ultimately unable to provide for its own collective cost of living.
Note also that the paragraph in Revelation where this is found indicates the war takes place at a city located in a broad plain. This would likely be Kiev, alternatively Moscow.
If you are from within the Protestant Christian tradition you mostly take versification as a given. Protestant Bibles are broken up by books, which have chapters, and within those there are verses. The numbers assigned to chapters and verses are sequential and agree across pretty much every English translation you are likely to ever run across.
The exception that is sometimes noticed in the English family of translations is that the KJV includes verses not found in in other translations, for example the NIV. Here is the list in the KJV but not in the others.
Matthew 17:21: Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
Matthew 18:11: For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
Matthew 23:14: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.
Mark 7:16: If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.
Mark 9:44, 46 and 48: Where the embers to not die, and the fire does not go out.
Mark 11:26: But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.
Mark 15:28: And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.
Acts 8:37: And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Acts 15:34: Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.
Acts 24:7: But Lysias the chief captain came, and with great violence took him, and brought him unto you.
Acts 28:29: And when he had thus spoken, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves.
Note that our BRB includes all of these verses, so presumably has Syriac witness. Currently Ryan filters out much of that list, except Matthew 23:14, Mark 11:26, Mark 15:28, Acts 15:34, and Acts 24:7. Ryan's filter list is not yet through the audit, but it provides some sense that the NIV and its modern friends may be missing inspired content.
Other Versification
Outside of the versification system of Protestant Christianity, there is a different versification system for the Hebrew OT. Most of the time this system matches English translations based on the Hebrew OT, but does make some shifts in the chapter and verse assignments as found in the English text. Hebrew versification is different particularly in Psalms.
In the past, when we have added manuscripts into our system that use the Hebrew OT versification, we have gone through by hand and adjusted those files to match the English. With that touch up, every text we have generally cared about has lined up pretty well.
Within our BRB work we have also been adding sub-verses. These come from Ryan adding them, usually around poetry formatting. These also come from paragraphing. The Lots system tracks paragraphs, but paragraphs are known by address. When there is more than 1 paragraph in a verse, our system has internally added synthetic sub-verses to track different paragraphs within the same verse.
Sub-verses allow precise control over what text shows up in a quote. This is especially useful for notes as Ryan has at times wanted precise control over fractional verse quotes.
Within our existing system, sub-verses have always been marked with lower case letters, a, b and so on, where sub-verse a is a synonym for the start of the verse.
What I have explained so far has worked well for quite a long time around here. Then, along comes the Greek OT manuscripts and the work Ryan is doing in the GRB. With today's release of our scripture apps we have made a bunch of changes. Let me explain.
Our Eventual Need
We are slowly working our way towards an audit across the entire canon of scripture. The biggest version of the Bible's canon is the Greek Bible, which includes various books only available from history in Greek.
The prophetic word to us last summer was that we needed to understand the Greek OT, and would likely need to be using it for recovery. Greek Grammar may pass audit easier than the other ancient forms of the text.
On the other hand, the Greek manuscripts are trouble too. Abraham, is but 1 good example of the problem. Abraham, in Greek, is spelled in a way that messes up, and cannot pass, the audit.
So the work of recovery will invariably involve running all ancient witnesses for every verse through the audit process at the same time. To do that means we eventually need to align those texts to the same versification system. So versification really matters.
Greek Tradition
The GRB text that Ryan is working with comes from the BST, a translation by Brenton into English of mostly the Valpy edition of the LXX. That English is from the mid 1800s. Ryan is currently leaving the English alone, but adding our normal set of markup so we can study it and understand it better. This work means it is taking some time to get used to older English word forms in the GRB. But, this is the least of the problems.
What Brenton saw, and handled, was a severe divergence in the Greek OT from the Hebrew OT that everyone in the western world currently considers the inspired OT text. The eastern world of the Orthodox do not appear to have picked sides in this fight, but there is not much online material that focuses on this debate. Zionists control online search, not just posts on X.
That Greek LXX text differs from the Hebrew in 3 major ways. Some Greek content is unique to that tradition, missing in Hebrew. Some Hebrew content is missing from the Greek. And finally, some content is found in both traditions but has been moved around, out of order and/or shuffled in various ways.
Of course I am not touching on variations on word choices, which also change the nuanced meaning of these texts.
I am also not touching here on the Syriac manuscript tradition either. That tradition is sometimes in agreement with the Greek, sometimes in agreement with the Hebrew and sometimes forming a 3rd witness.
Of course these 3 categories change based on which side of the tradition you might choose to use as your view point. Greek, in particular, puts verses in different sequence than we are used to.
This also matters when reasoning about possible manuscript editing history.
Brenton's Versification
Brenton's English uses a versification system that does a good job of assigning chapter and verse numbers that line up with verses in the Hebrew when that makes sense and is possible.
He does this through sub-verse identifiers that involve lower case alphabet letters like we have been using previously in the BRB and friends.
Like the examples I gave above, where verses are missing in the NIV but found in the KJV, Brenton happily skips any verse number not found in the Greek which is otherwise found in Hebrew. This is not trouble, and works out nice.
Going the other way, Brenton uses another convention. A sub-verse of, say, 27a, would mean this content in Greek is beyond verse 27 in the Hebrew, before verse 28. Brenton runs up letters in the alphabet as needed.
For content that is shuffled, so severely out of order, Brenton leaves the Greek narrative order alone. In that case the only answer is some sort of cross reference or foot note system.
Brenton used a system respecting the Greek text as given, which never had a versification system in the ancient texts. He is using versification only as a help to modern readers who are probably interested in knowing differences from Hebrew.
Coping Strategies
We have collected various translations of the Greek OT. The Orthodox Study Bible is one example.
In surveying these works we find various strategies for handling versification problems between Greek and Hebrew. The most troubling for us so far is the way the Orthodox Study Bible shuffles the ancient reading order of the Greek text to attempt to conform the Greek reading order to the Hebrew.
Other strategies include marking the in-order Greek text but with an out of order set of Hebrew verse markers. The BST base text that Ryan is starting with uses this strategy. Other Greek texts use a Greek centered versification strategy that stands apart from the Hebrew versification.
For the GRB the versification is being set to match a reference Greek versification, but then add notes to point at the Hebrew system.
We have many reasons for wanting to line up Greek with Hebrew on a verse by verse basis, as many others want to do. But we are trying to respect Greek as its own work, thus the strategy we are following.
Lining up verses is very useful for understanding the editing process and for understanding changes in vocabulary words. So we need this for both the work Ryan is doing now, and also for eventual audit and letter based recovery. So we need some strategy for this general problem of moved content that still respects the Greek tradition.
Moved Content
To cope with the problem of different locations of content, we have added yet another family of markup used in the GRB in order for interested users to track content in the GRB that is in different places than in the other traditions.
That markup is under control of new options, and can be hidden when not needed. It contrasts the GRB text when the other traditions, especially the Hebrew and Syriac traditions, are different.
Let me mention some of the abbreviations used in this new markup. MT is used for "Masoretic Text" and is the normal academic or technical term for the Hebrew tradition. Syr. is the normal term used for the Syriac tradition. LXX is generally used for the Greek OT.
In our new markup and display, the text in question is surrounded by squiggly brackets and preceded by medallions marking the alternative tradition and how it differs from the Greek.
Merging Systems
Our own sub-versification system is fully under our own control. The sub-versification system used by Brenton is established and useful and public. But both systems use the same notation for very different purposes.
To merge them we needed to change our own sub-versification system to not use lower case letters in verse numbers. This so those letters mean content that is not found in Hebrew as per Brenton in the GRB.
So what we have done is introduce the use of a period after a standard verse number when that verse has sub-versed content.
This has meant changing our own manuscripts, especially the BRB, and it has meant changing the build time code environment and the runtime code environment to handle these changes.
All of this has been released publicly for the first time as this blog goes out.
Big changes like this often introduce unseen bugs. We have tested, and it looks to be running OK. But, if you spot something that seems to be related to this change, please let us know. The feedback forms in the various apps are the easiest way to do this.
Headline Review
Obviously the big headline event this week has been Trump returning to the White House for his second term. He is a man on a mission, and had been issuing executive orders ever since that first day.
Trump To the WEF
The link here is to the White House channel on Youtube. It is a 46 minute video where Trump gives a remote speech and then answers questions asked from the stage.
Trump really does seem to have a plan to fix most of what was broken over the past several terms. His attitude is also great to see. Worth the time to watch if you have not already done so.
Most of the severe prophetic timeline troubles appear to start soon after Trump leaves office in 2029. So it is possible that the world settles down some across his next term in office. Still too early to understand if he can reign in Netanyahu's Israel. We also need to see if he survives a full term.
Space Launch Troubles
The link here is to Scott Manly discussing the problems of interactions between troubled rocket launches and airlines and boats. Both Blue Origin and then Space X had failed rocket launches that brought debris down through airline corridors. Blue lost the lower stage, Space X lost the upper stage.
In Blue's case the booster was being launched for the first time and sloshing fuel is the likely culprit. It was done at night as is typical for experimental launches.
In the Space X case, the upper stage was the new design but still launched in daylight hours. Perhaps it should have been launched at night as a test that the block 2 design itself was sound. Like my troubles with X, I would ascribe this Space X failure to Musk's various distractions.
In any case, the whole system of dealing with these interactions is an interesting subject. Scott explains how this normally works, and then again how it worked with the Space X launch 7 failure.
More Later,