
This blog explores prophetic uses of wheat in the text. This is likely a second name for what we normally call the vine. Before that status on the first 3d print of the Vine. Then a couple interesting headlines.

Vine Model Status

This week I was able to resume 3d printing on the flower parts of the Vine item. I was stopped waiting on a supply of acceptable yellow 3d printing filament. Years ago I settled on Hatchbox brand filament because the colors were mostly pure color wheel colors. So the same colors as, say, Legos.

Most other brands do not care about color accuracy, and instead deliberately do not use precise colors. This strategy means they do not need to put labor into precise color matching, and they create lock-in when customers want to match what is in their shop already, and are in the middle of big projects and need to refill.

I found this same refill problem even with Hatchbox these past couple months, but at least I was getting pure colors.

But then, Amazon started giving delivery times for Hatchbox measured in weeks, and spools were being shipped slowly by USPS. The names of the suppliers looked to be salvage related and I began to suspect Hatchbox is going out of business. Their quality means they cannot compete on price with other vendors.

When I saw this happening I started searching Amazon to see what was selling in high volumes. Only a few were getting fast delivery and high volumes. I tried Anycubic. The quilt squares on Joseph's robe are now mostly done with their plastic, though they do not supply magenta.

So I tried their yellow on parts for the vine. Without white plastic backing behind the yellow, the Anycubic yellow turns into the color of a cooked yoke of a hard boiled chicken egg, not really color wheel yellow. Not Lego yellow.

I tried another brand, and another yellow. This was worse. Though called yellow, it was a yellow-orange, that was probably a failed attempt at a formula for gold.

On a third try I found a yellow close enough for this round of work, though still not Lego grade yellow. Using this close-enough yellow I could resume printing of the Vine. The central trunk has been printed for many days, but it is now gaining flowers.

Inspiration Process

The inspiration process for items like this is iterative. The lamp has been through several iterations. The next iteration on the lamp will be minor, mostly low voltage wiring and a different base, so the lamp can wait. Brand new designs typically have design details that are not apparent until the first draft is actually standing in the shop.

The Vine is now going through that second iteration phase.

Once the flowers are added to the vine, the entire vine, as an exhibit, starts to look and feel like the top of a stalk of wheat.

I went to college in the wheat growing country of eastern Washington. I still remember visiting the house of a wheat grower. He owned and leased enough land to run a big operation. Most of his life was unscheduled, getting ready for planting, and then getting ready for harvest. He had a pretty leisurely life, mostly working on his planting and harvesting equipment in his barns. He took particular care of his wheat harvesting combine.

But, when harvest came, panic ensued. When ripe, all that wheat needs to be harvest as quickly as physically possible. The harvesting equipment needs to run as close to 24 hours per day as possible, and it cannot fail during harvest. This is why his combine was carefully worked on the rest of the year.

I feel like I am in a similar season now, trying to keep the 3d printers running as many hours during the day as possible, in order to bring in a harvest of 3d exhibits.

So, if the vine looks like the head of a stalk of wheat, the question then becomes, is it called wheat in the text? Is wheat a textual parable or symbol or alternative name for the vine?

Many of the exhibits in the Tent of Time have different names. Wheat might be another name for the Vine. The difference only being one of size. We normally think of a vine as being tall, while a stalk of wheat is short. The actual vine exhibit is about 6 feet tall. Real wheat is maybe knee high, based on the variety.

To start this out, we better understand wheat, as a plant, a bit better.


The link here is to a long Wikipedia article dealing with wheat. Let me summarize here some of the key points that seemed to stand out to me from that longer source.

1) Domestication: They suggest there is evidence of the planting of wheat crops in the fertile crescent going back about 12,000 years. This lands it about the same time as Adam. This lands it at the end of the last ice age. If Adam represents a shipwreck in this solar system, then wheat may have been brought here at the same time.

In any case, domestic wheat is very similar to wild wheat plants found in that same area. Generally speaking the domestic varieties of wheat are favored because of the size of the kernel of wheat and because the shell can be more easily removed through threshing.

2) Production: Wheat is grown on more land across the planet than any other crop. In 2021, 545 million acres produced 771 million tons. Wheat is the most traded grain world wide, though corn beats out wheat in terms of total production.

3) Vocabulary: Maize is the technical name of what Americans call corn. The term corn is applied to wheat in Britain and a few other countries. This is likely why English translations of the text intended for British audiences will use the term corn when referring to wheat. It is curious that Maize plants have a similar structure, just much larger. The Vine item is around 6 feet tall and I am sure some people when first seeing it will liken it to a corn stalk.

4) Protein: Wheat is a carbohydrate as would be expected by a grain. But, wheat is interesting because it contains about 13 percent protein. This is considered low grade protein, but it is still a significant source of protein for many people world wide.

5) Color: Wheat is green when it is growing, but usually turns yellow when it is ripe for harvest. Anyone who has seen a wheat field across the growing season will recognize this. Dark green wheat plants give way to yellow fields of grain. I will return to the use of yellow below.

6) Head: The head of each stalk of wheat contains between 20 and 100 flowers. Each small flower is very close to the central stalk. Each flower can produce a kernel of wheat. There are significant differences between grain varieties in terms of the number of flowers and eventual kernels produced by the plant.

In the Tent of Time item for the Vine, the exhibited 3d models are very close to the central stalk. The Vine item is the exhibit stand for 18 different 3d items. This is very close in design and to the counts seen on some actual wheat plants which is why the exhibit looks like a wheat plant.

7) Roots: Wheat is also interesting because of the depth of the roots. Those roots can grow down over 6 feet. Different varieties have different trade offs in terms of root production. Deep roots help with drought resistance, at the cost of smaller kernels in the resulting wheat.

8) Self Pollinating: Wheat plants are generally self pollinating. Again, depending on the variety, the wheat flowers will either pollinate from other flowers on the same stalk, or else from nearby flowers in the field.

Nearly all of the 3d items on the Vine exhibit have male and female letters that go with that object. The only exception is the Quad up at the top. This is yet another interesting match from Wheat to the design of the Vine.

Silver/Yellow Materials and Colors

That Wikipedia article reminded me of fields of wheat ripe for harvest that I used to see when I was in college. The color scheme of the Vine item is creating yellow bird cages with silver birds. This is from first principles of the Lamp item, and cannot be easily changed.

The Lamp item sequences the colors of the rainbow and the various metals. Ahead of the metals comes a white star on a red background. Think Swiss flag, as many will do when they see the star item itself.

From white, the metals follow, gold, silver, copper and bronze. Just a note on bronze. This is used for the series of parts that form a plant. As I was exploring new 3d filament colors I found a certain green that looks like the weathered green color which is formed on bronze statues. More on that when the 3d printing process catches up to those models. But bronze will yield green models on a blue background.

So the silver 3d models that are on the Vine align with the yellow flame atop the lamp. That yellow flame is the highest on the lamp.

To not go crazy, I keep all the items with colors matched from the lamp. The items for this Vine and related series of 3d parts are silver for the items, with bird cages made out of yellow.

The Vine picks up leaves, and they are also in yellow. Because the rainbow assigns colors to vowels, and the Vine's various tiers sort to the vowels, I am also carrying rainbow colors into the Vine. The current revision is perhaps heavy on those alternative colors. A future revision may use vowel colors more sparingly.

Use of vowel colors on the Vine is important due to the needs of a teacher attempting to introduce the entire system to new students.

But, I can see the central trunk should probably also be 3d printed in yellow, and perhaps the joints up the central stalk of the Vine may also be mostly in yellow. I am not going to change this on the current design iteration, but we will revisit this in the future when I have had more time with the item.

So, the vine is mostly yellow by first principles design of the entire set of exhibits. Very interesting that yellow would also be the color of ripe wheat. This helps with the idea that the Vine may also be called wheat in the text.

Wheat Parables

So the next question is to study references to wheat in the text and see if any are either informing aspects of the Vine item, or else if the Vine item is informing aspects of the parable.

I did a word search for wheat in the BRB and there are 98 references. That source of food, and the plant as found in harvest, is a common topic across the text.

Let me pick out a few stories from that word search that stood out as possibly related to the Vine item more directly.

Parable of Wheat And Tares

The link here is to the parable of the wheat and tares as found at Matthew 13:24 in the BRB. This is a central parable for our general work of manuscript recovery.

The parable itself likens the written text to a wheat field sown by Joshua himself. While the men who worked the field were asleep, an enemy comes and sows tares into the field.

The servants see what has happened and ask what they must do. Their instinct is to pull out the weeds and leave the wheat behind. But instead they are directed to leave it all alone until harvest time when the 2 can be more easily divided.

At harvest time, everything not wheat is removed, and burned, while the wheat is gathered into the owner's store house.

This parable has 2 obvious applications. The first involves souls, and sees the whole earth as a farm for souls. Souls grow, dare I say across many centuries, and at various times there are major harvests. There was such a harvest around 50+ years after the Exodus, there was another late first century, and we can hope there is another soon to come, hopefully in the next 100 or so years.

The other application of this parable is against the manuscript itself. This application is less obvious to casual readers. The manuscript can be thought of as a field. Each inspired letter is like a seed. Those individual seeds grow up. This happens coincident with soul harvests. The text itself is like wheat in a field and it multiplies through the planting and harvest cycle.

From the perspective of the manuscript application of this parable, the tares represent changes to the manuscripts as passed down by history. We have long explored the various villain editors, including Solomon, Ahab and Jezebel as a team, Nebuchadnezzar, Mordecai, Ezra and Ananias. Each of these was an enemy who sowed tares into the text. They are the enemies who sowed stories into the text originally written by Joshua. Removing those stories is difficult and risks removing inspired stories. This is only done at harvest times.

Vine In Recovery

So if the Vine item is seen in these parables, what role might it play?

The first purpose of the vine is to simply provide a stand for the silver set of 3d items. These items form the sower and reaper models, themselves another pair of items in the exhibit.

So if the sower and reaper are sowing and reaping wheat, the most common use of farmland on earth, then it make sense that those items are formed from parts stored on the Vine, itself a model of the head of a stalk of wheat.

The Vine has another purpose. The silver items fold together in pairs of letters. The entire alphabet is folded in half in this process. For each pair of letters that are coming together in that process, the 2d letter pairs are the sides of the resulting 3d models. The top of each model is another 2d drawn form that is the vowel for that pair of letters.

But cleverly, for most of these items, there are 2 different 3d items with the same shared top vowel shape. The various tiers up the vine hold the letters that share the same vowel. The Vine is a vowel sorting system. It raises up high like how the vowel sounds are higher, of higher vocal power, than the consonants.

So the vine is an exhibit, but it is focused on showing off shared vowels across the alphabet.

The parable of the sower and reaper in Matthew 13 deals with the process of picking out the tares from the wheat. How is that done?

A first approximation is to watch out for added vowels. The silver models show where the vowel really comes from, and written in vowels need to be ignored. We learned this in class many years ago.

But formally, the audit system is tied to 5 of the 6 vowels. It is not possible to separate tares from the inspired text without really knowing the vowels, which is the purpose for the Vine. So the vine is part of the education that the workers must know in order to separate non-inspired tares from the inspired wheat. The Vine is an educational part of this overall process.

There are many other stories in the text that reference wheat, but one that seems ripe for being some sort of parable is the story of Jacob's family going to Egypt because of famine in the land. There was still wheat in Egypt, but nowhere else. Let me turn to that story next.

Pharaoh's Dreams

The link here is to Genesis 41 in the BRB. It starts with Pharaoh's dream of cows and wheat. The wheat part of this dream starts at vs. 5.

In this part of his dream he sees 7 ears of grain growing on a single stalk, they are rank and good. Then 7 thin ears appear, blasted by the east wind, that follow them.

We know the story that follows, Joseph is called from prison and interprets the dreams. Joseph becomes Prime Minister of Egypt. From that position the story will continue when his brothers arrive looking for grain.

But let me focus on a curious detail that makes sense given access to the Vine item. Remember, there are 7 tiers up the Vine. 6 tiers cover the 6 different vowel sounds. Then there is a tier for the punctuation. Punctuation is like seed that does not sprout. It does not have a sound, but gets carried in the exhibit anyway. At the very top of the Vine is the Quad. It does not have dimensionality, and is like a flower atop the exhibit.

Pharaoh is seeing something similar. 7 ears of grain are on this single stalk. This 7 is matching the 7 tiers up the Vine exhibit that goes into the Tent of Time. Like Nebuchadnezzar's dream of cutting down a tree, which is itself a dream of this same item, Pharaoh is seeing it too.

So we now have another example where the vine, learned in elementary school for the manuscript, is now being used by us readers to understand Pharaoh's dream.

Looking more broadly across the history of the text, Pharaoh will become the inspiration for Benjamin, and eventually the Masons, Zionists and related villains in our world today. They are the people who sowed tares into the text as per the parables in Matthew 13.

Joseph is going to interpret the dream and add that these tiers of 7 represent 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine. This is a localized foreshadow of Leviticus 26, where these same intervals are amplified and will stretch in a similar way across 2550 years, out to our modern era from the time of the Kings.

In any case, shriveled ears of grain are symbolic of a writing system that no longer is used to record scripture. That scripture becomes famine to the soul.

Joseph's Brothers To Egypt

The link here is further into the same Genesis story. The famine is widespread, and Joseph's brothers eventually come to Egypt, themselves seeking wheat.

This is the fulfillment of Joseph's own prophetic dreams about these men, that they would one day bow down to him like stalks of harvested grain in a field.

At this point the items in the Tent of time are beginning to explain better the problems that Joseph's brothers got into when they wrecked Joseph's robe, and sold Joseph into Egypt.

They were messing with their family's heritage of being carriers of the inspired text and its systems. Jacob was attempting to pass that system to the son who would listen. Joseph's Robe was part of it. We will eventually add Jacob's ladder to the set of exhibit items too, but for now, 3d printer time is tight.

Those items had the job of providing inspired text, so they would know the their own heritage, and so that they could learn about Joshua enough to become walk offs.

In the end, those same souls were likely part of the Exodus era harvest. Until then, they were not only messing up their heritage, they had lost Joshua's favor, and ended up trapped in Egypt themselves. Their material life was messed up because their textual life was messed up. They were starved of the grain of the manuscripts, so the physical grain was missing too.

Wheat Into the Sea

The link here is to another interesting reference to wheat. This is during the storm that eventually caused Paul's shipwreck. Those on board the ship had their last meal and then threw the wheat into the sea in order to lighten the ship and perhaps survive.

The shipwreck story was written by someone who knew the Vine as an exhibit item. They may have written in this detail of throwing the wheat into the sea in order to tell readers who know the system that the Vine item itself was thrown into the sea at this time.

If the wheat reference in this Acts 7 story is a reference to wheat as in the Vine item, or the harvested field that had been ripe for harvest, what does that tell us about Paul's chance of success in Rome?

Christianity is a stunted form of the religion that Paul was carrying around. It is not the religion of the Megiddo Mosaic. Paul looks to have not arrived in Rome in a way where he was properly equipped to plant a religion that matched what the earlier disciples had known. This is what the shipwreck story is telling us. It was one of history's most important tragedies.

Do Not Damage Oil and Wine

The link here is to Revelation 6:6 in the BRB. This is to the last verse in the text that is referencing wheat. The verse suggests wheat will become expensive, so by implication, rare. A time of famine is implied in this story.

But within the verse is a clause, do not damage the oil and the wine.

This verse is another place where the items in the Tent of Time might be the interpretive key for what is going on. The oil and wine reference may be speaking to the product of a vine, that produces wine, and an olive tree that produces oil. Here I am assuming the Fig Tree may also be known as an olive tree. The future fig tree parts are now coming off the 3d printers. It is another possible item with 2 names.

So this verse means something like the inspired text may be rare, but if the Tent of Time items are preserved, then the problem of missing text can be solved. The verse is speaking to the ciphering process and manuscript multiplication.

Studies like I have shared here involving a few references to wheat, suggest that there are many stories within the text that can only be interpreted when the readers know the various exhibits in the Tent of Time. There look to be many more places where this is going on. More examples in future blogs.

Headline Review

I am very busy in the shop and only doing very cursory scans of the headlines. The charts are relatively quiet for several more weeks, so no urgency there. Here are a couple headlines that caught my attention. Both were strange and required many days before they could be explained.

Did Israel Use Nuke?

When Syria was falling to what looks like a Zionist alliance, there was a particularly strange blast on December 16, 2024. That strange blast was widely attributed to Israel. Many suspect it was caused by the use of a suitcase nuke. The article linked above gives evidence that nuclear monitoring stations after that blast detected an increase in background radiation in support of this idea.

This is interesting because it suggests we are technically already in a nuclear war, and Israel is showing itself as the nuclear villain. More evidence in support of this idea is how Israel seemed to roll out voices in denial. Watching poorly constructed arguments in denial is more evidence in support of the idea that they did indeed use a nuke.

Here is an interesting example where saying that blast was not a nuke, actually reinforces the idea that this was indeed a nuke.

Ted Postol Says No

The link here is to a long Youtube video where Ted Postol is on Nima Alkhorshid's show Dialog Works. Ted is a retired MIT professor, and an expert in such weapons. He should know.

Nima does not ask him any questions, and this suggests the interview was on short notice and likely at Postol's request. Nima is often a second weekly platform to the guests on Judge Nap's channel. Nima is English as a Second Language (ESL.) So he is best when asking prepared questions, where he has had time to plan ahead about what English he is going to use for his questions.

That Nima asks essentially no questions suggests this was not at Nima's initiation, but at Postol's, or perhaps some other 3rd party. Nima is sometimes being used for deep state propaganda within the alternative media space. I think this video is an example. Other recent guests on Nima's show have tried to deflect the actions of the Israel Lobby within the USA to elements in Britain, again, a propaganda goal of Israel. Events around Israel have become too public. I digress, back to the video...

Postol is giving a standard talk on nuclear blasts which he claims does not fit the profile of what happened in Syria. Everyone agrees the blasts in Japan were larger than that in Syria. Everyone agrees this blast in Syria was not the same as in Japan. No news there. But the likely reason these are different is that a very much smaller nuclear warhead was used in Syria. Thus the term suitcase nuke. Question, how big is a nuclear blast if the explosive material is like the exposed graphite tip of a sharp pencil?

Postol discusses how the Japanese blasts functioned, and how modern ICBM grade nukes are very much worse, and very much larger. These are all true, but Postol is not giving any sort of cogent argument dealing with events in Syria. This is a marker for someone working for the Israel Lobby, and not speaking truth to power.

The fact that Postol does not give an actual argument for the events in Syria suggests strongly he is functioning as a propagandist for Israel, and not someone giving facts about what happened there. The first article linked above wins.

Because Postol is speaking against the use of nukes in Syria, but does not give any reasonable argument to that end, we can then use this video to support the thesis that Israel in fact did use a small nuke there and is now trying to cover it up.

Cybertruck Blast in Vegas

At New Year's day, there was a strange explosion of a Tesla Cybertruck in the drive through at the Trump hotel in Vegas. This particular event was strange because media reporting of the event was focusing on Trump and Musk. It was also strange because the media reporting was very messed up and changing from nearly the moment it began.

This is yet another example where strange reporting suggests a cover up of something that government interests do not want made public. When headline events are a surprise to those interests, they must invent a false narrative in real time, and those narratives often change by the hour. This seemed to happen here.

I do not think it will ever be possible to know what really happened that day in Vegas. This Cybertruck blast is a study in the reporting, not the event itself.

One idea that dawned on many is that the self driving systems, especially of Tesla vehicles, but eventually all other self driving EVs, can eventually be used to deliver bombs, and alive or dead victims, to any place those vehicles can drive. This is the very real dystopian future of self driving cars.

Self driving software systems will eventually be required to ensure the passengers are alive, and well, and really want to travel to whatever destination is programmed into the car. If not, the car will be required to drive to a police station, or hospital. Of course this only works if there are no software back doors to the computers in the car. This can never be guaranteed.

The Cybertruck was also a particularly interesting choice because the bullet proof exterior also helped to contain the explosion on the interior. This initially looked like a neat trick, until everyone figured out it was fireworks and gasoline in the back end, and not a real bomb.

Finally, we get around to the strange story of what happened. The dead man in the truck was alive and moving around after the bomb went off, suggesting this was an assassination of the driver and not an action by the driver. How to square that idea with with the rest of the story is the real problem in understanding this event.

The link above is to an hour long video by Shawn Ryan dealing with apparent communications from the victim in Vegas to various people in media. This is perhaps the best place to start to think about what might have really gone on that day. Shawn does not have an answer, but he is covering interesting evidence.

The driver told others he was attempting to flee the country for Mexico and wanted out of the country by the end of that day. He had evidence about the UFOs in New Jersey, apparently Chinese UFOs, and he had evidence involving US government crimes in Afghanistan.

Remember, finally, in all these cases, the principles of the Protocols of Zion. When the truth of an event is known to the public, and unpleasant to Zionist interests, then the media will be flooded with alternative histories so that the public can never know for sure what happened. Alternative media is now being used the same way, so alternative media cannot be trusted either. This event in Vegas is yet another study in those protocols.

More Later,
