Christmas Trees
This blog deals with the biggest holiday decoration of the year, the Christmas Tree. Then we move on to the Parable of the Sower. Then the remaining December watch dates and a few more comments on Syria. Finally, Noah's rainbow sign, a glimmer of hope in this frightful time.
Christmas Season
This blog goes out on Friday, December 20, 2024. Christmas day is the following Wednesday. I have had something of a love-hate relationship with this holiday. This goes back to my Bible Time days in the late 1990s. The holiday is of course on the wrong date, the calendar itself being messed up.
The Christmas date was set to be 9 months from New Years day, itself on March 25. This set Mary's conception at New years day and birth of Jesus 9 months later. This make some sense I guess, but it belies that the church had lost the inspired systems of the text.
By setting Christmas this way the church erased the older December Roman holiday of Saturnalia. That holiday was a celebration of the Winter Solstice, which this year is December 21, 2024. Many of the details of modern Christmas originate with Saturnalia, including gift giving and wreaths for decoration. Wreaths, of course, belie ancient awareness that Saturn has rings.
So modern Christmas is a repurposing of an older pagan holiday, which itself had some lost truth.
Travel On Christmas
Several years ago, when we were living in Oklahoma, I was given a direct personal prophetic word to go visit Disneyland, if I remember right, the very next weekend. This was around the first full weekend after Thanksgiving.
We packed our bags and drove down I-40 and I-15 to Anaheim. We walked into that theme park late on a Friday evening.
What shocked us was a massive Christmas celebration going on at the north side of the Main Street train station. The park had set up a massive choir stand using that ornate station as a backdrop. Then they invited choir members from school choirs around the region. Then they had a celebrity read the birth narrative in Luke from a podium at the bottom of the choir stand. Every time the textual story got to something memorialized in song, the choir would sing that part of the story. It was an amazing, memorable, performance. I had never seen a choir that large performing live. As far as I know, only the Mormons at Salt Lake have something larger.
That front part of the park was packed to overflowing. We learned later this Christmas celebration had been going on since Walt's day, the general format of the evening was his idea.
This is not publicized at all by the park management because there is no room for more guests beyond that of just word of mouth. They do just a few performances (maybe 4) each year.
This was our last trip to Disneyland. We had visited there often as we were learning about the tribes and the Qu Map, and how all the various stories in the text express themselves in popular culture. This trip was of course a major culmination of our lessons in those days.
One of my troubles when we were leaving for home after that weekend was over what Joshua thought about this holiday.
Bottom line, he loves the fame, and does not care about all the secular trappings that surround it. He does not particularly care that our modern Christmas is a repurposing of Saturnalia. Wreaths indeed do matter. Eden is hidden near those rings.
Once a year, in all the parts of the world that celebrate Christmas, the entire public is forced to remember his incarnation. This includes everyone who practices other religions, and it includes children of families who practice no organized religion at all. It even includes the woke crowd who now rules over Disneyland itself.
For this reason, Christmas is a good thing. Celebrate it with joy.
Christmas Tree
Christmas trees are the largest single holiday decoration for any holiday, and are often setup by Americans on the weekend after American Thanksgiving. Canadians are not so lucky, celebrating Thanksgiving in mid October.
If there is any specific story in the text that hints to a Christmas Tree, the story would be a dream of Nebuchadnezzar where he saw a tree that reached to the skies. His account is given in Daniel 4, linked above.
This dream has not been well connected to other scripture stories until I was reading this story again here recently and saw the reference to birds on the branches in Daniel 4:14.
I had just started putting all of the various 3d models into cages. This removed awkward model stands and made it possible to understand and see what is otherwise an imaginary cube that surrounds each item. This also allows someone to easily pick up and study each item. By trimming corners on those cages they sit inside the flowers and self center in the flowers that hold them in place.
After reading Nebuchadnezzar's dream, I had a biblical word for those items. Birds, and bird cages in which those birds sit. When someone picks up a bird to study the 3d design, the bird is in flight. In some sense the gold and silver series of birds can be thought of as flying off from the rock and vine to land instead on the limbs of the fig tree, so a bird is an interesting word choice for several reasons.
The design files and part names are getting changed to call these things birds. 148 of them are needed to populate the entire exhibit. About 25 are done now. Many more hours of 3d printing and assembly still await.
I could easily imagine one day setting up a Christmas Tree with colored lights and decorating it with nothing other than 148 3d printed birds. Such a sight it would be. One of those items becomes the bright white star atop the tree.
Of all the items in the Tent of Time exhibit, the one that most closely matches Nebuchadnezzar's dream is the vine. It shoots straight up to the sky, like the trunk in a Christmas Tree. It should be the tallest of the exhibits, but we will see, the others are not yet fully designed. The vine matches the highest and central flame on the lamp, the Re in Abraham.
The first parts for the vine exhibit hit the print farm this past week. So I am printing the season's big icon in season, so fun.
Parable Of The Sower
Bird references are found in other places. The link here is to Matthew 13 in the BRB, the start of the parable of the sower. This is a big parable about how Joshua wrote the text, like sowing seed. Various things happened to that seed. Eventually it multiplies, bearing more fruit than was originally sown.
Joshua uses birds in this parable. When I saw that reference here recently I had to stop and ask, is this a technical parable about manuscript recovery?
If the whole flock of birds is the 148 3d models, then perhaps Joshua is telling a parable that involves their technical use? I think so. Let me explain.
Vs. 3 sets the context. A sower went out to sow. Joshua is the sower, the original source of inspired text.
Vs. 4 continues, some seed fell on the roadside and the birds came and ate it.
If this is a parable about those birds, we need to stop and ask, What do the birds do that they can eat seed?
Drawn Forms
At this point the parable is dealing with topics that these days we take as givens. When we first took a Hebrew class about 20 years go we were taught several things where the birds are ultimately the enforcers.
The first lesson from class 20 years ago was to mentally stop using modern Hebrew drawn forms of the characters. Instead we were to know and mentally substitute what were called the Paleo Hebrew characters. We now use that term "Paleo" as our domain name, Paleo.In, because this is so important.
Paleo Hebrew, to our Hebrew instructor, was the end of this story. But these character drawn forms are not limited to Hebrew, they are better known as Phoenician. The dreams that came in 2009 dealing with the start of the 3d system were showing how to form the correct font to actually carry out that instructor's first step. We were taught in class to do this mentally from the printed texts.
Ryan and I are geeks. Mental substitutions are hard to remember. The BRB text in part is a work where we stop making mental substitutions when we find problems, but instead just make any known substitutions in the source text files themselves.
When our instructor wanted us to do a mental letter substitution step, we both wanted that step done by software in our computer, so we could then see the result. By doing this we get to reason about whatever can now be seen which could not be imagined before. This meant we needed a different font and an app that could display the Hebrew text in that font.
In the final set of Tent of Time exhibits, each of the silver 3d models have a 2d side that shows the correct drawn form for some letter. That same drawn form is then shared on 2 more sides of an item in the copper set of 3d models. 2d drawn forms of each letter are VERY important, and spread across 2 of the 4 sets of exhibit items.
Our instructor's reason for getting the drawn form correct was that there was meaning in the spelling of words. The 2d shapes are pictures of real things. The copper set of birds shows models of those items in 3d form in order to prove the shape and thus prove the item that informs the word definition.
20 years ago, we were being taught the first stage of how the birds are used. Get the drawn form correct in order to find the definitions of words. The birds are picking out completely lost or otherwise bad word definitions. The Hebrew language world of 20 years ago, where we started, only had 11 of the 22 letters correctly understood. Once we found the 3d forms for all the birds, we could then find the correct items that went with each letter. Those birds set us straight on this important point from that class 20 years ago.
Added Vowels
The next step in the parable is vs. 5. Here we see seed falling on a rock, it sprang up early because the ground was not deep enough.
Here we need to map the term "rock" to one of the 3d model sets. This has only recently gone back on my list. The Mount of Olives might be another parable term in the text for this same exhibit. The rock holds a reference version of the gold set of 3d items. Those items begin with a star. That star spreads out from the top of the rock down to additional models, like water flowing down a mountain or rock. This gold series ends with 2d sides of the final items that are each of the drawn forms of the vowels.
In our Hebrew class 20 years ago our instructor also taught us how to spot and remove added vowels. Joshua's name, in Paleo, is passed to us by history as Yo-Sha-Ve-Oo, and the Ve fits their textbook definition of an added vowel. Even by the rules of 20 years ago, Joshua's inspired name should eventually audit as Yo-Sha-Oo. The Ve falls out by their rules, not ours.
The Paleo Ve letter is the most commonly added vowel, but there are several others. In our world the audit should more rigorously drop added vowels. But, again, this can be done without any reference to the rigors of Paleo at all.
These vowels are strange. They are not actually using vowel shapes, which are known to the 3d design system and could be drawn if needed. From the earliest days, our Paleo fonts have carried the vowels as possible drawn letters. But we have never found a need to use them, at all.
Instead, the inserted vowels like Ve in Joshua's name, repurpose otherwise consonant letters. The Ve letter is a consonant in names like Levi. In Levi's case the Ve letter is being used as the Ve consonant. But the Ve is also used as a vowel letter, the u, in words like Joshua. When a consonant letter is pronounced as a vowel, it is an added vowel, and almost certainly added at some point in relatively recent history.
Using consonants as vowels are what we were taught to spot and mentally remove when understanding the spelling of words. Excepting, of course, possible exceptions where there has been still other changes in pronunciation.
We were also taught that these vowels were added after the time of original writing in order to keep up with changes in pronunciation. These vowels were added for a season in history, maybe over 2000 years ago. They mark vowel sounds in modern pronunciation. By 1500 years ago the scribes shifted instead to vowel points. Texts were becoming more widespread and changing letter strings was now seen as trouble. Adding dots around letters became the fad, ending around 1000 years ago.
We were taught each of these layers had to be removed in order to find the original spelling in order to approximate the original meaning of inspired words.
So this step in Joshua's parable of the sower, where some grow up high and fast, but must be removed, is indicating the problem of vowels. They are high because they are the highest acoustic energy letters. These letters used as vowels have no root, so no real base letter. These can be learned and removed.
Vs. 6 of this parable continues the thought, and indicates that the sun scorches these letters because they have no root.
The path of the sun in the sky is indicated by the flames atop the lamp. The center lamp is the silver set. So scorching sun, at noon, is pointing at the silver set.
The silver set begins with the 2d drawn form for each vowel and indicates via 3d birds, which letters share the same vowel. Each tier up the vine, so Nebuchadnezzar's proto-Christmas tree, holds 3d parts that share the various vowels.
So identifying and removing added vowels, and letting the consonant root for each real vowel sound actually drive the speech is what is indicated so far in this parable. Note that the last consonant in any given vocabulary word should be followed by a vowel sound, but the trailing punctuation suppresses that vowel. Missing vowel sounds is what indicate a word break in spoken text.
Note that this far through the parable was mostly taught to us 20 years ago in a Hebrew class. We would later learn how to clean up what we were taught and make it technical, and do it more accurately. The parable continues beyond what we were taught many years ago, it moves to our more recent work.
Audit Pattern
Vs. 7 then turns to thistles. Those thistles spring up and choke out some seed.
Thistles as a vocabulary word is likely matching the bramble of Judges 7. I mentally substitute briers, as in Brer Rabbit of banned Disney movie fame. There is a local park where we go for walks. Getting there requires walking up a road with large blackberry vines along the side of the road. Rabbits like to live under these briers because predators are kept away from the rabbits by the thorns which are very close to the ground.
The audit marks are like thorns that must be avoided by the rabbit of inspired text moving down the page. They keep all of us safe from predators who want to draw us out from under the briers.
In the table case, where the briers are kept, there is a rabbit trail hidden under the thorns. This is a hidden detail in that case that few will find. The Megiddo Mosaic suggested an alternative rabbit trail. We wait for a lexicon to decide if that mosaic floor's rabbit trail is better.
Manuscript Multiplication
Finally, vs. 8, turns to how the seed multiplies, some 100, some 60 and some 30.
Given our understanding of the fig tree, we can see how to multiply by 30 times. Either there is an addition in this passage, or we underestimate the scale of the multiplication process.
If ciphered texts can themselves be ciphered, then the size of the texts when finished may be substantially larger than just 30 times. The ultimate size of the text may be in view here.
Let me close this section of this blog by stating that the number of places in the text that can be interpreted via the items in the Tent of Time exhibit continues to grow. The text is giving us an extensive set parables that only make full sense when read in light of the exhibits themselves. More on this point in future blogs.
Watch Dates
I discussed this some in last week's blog, but let me restate some of it to be clear. The watch date for the November 18, 2024 blog, should have said that 13015-10-13 (2024-11-11) was the start of a 40 day interval of rest. This is given in Judges 3:7. But, within that interval, and not tied to any particular date, was an expected 8 day time of oppression. This from Judges 3:8. The end of that story is in Judges 3:10 where Othniel defeats Aram.
This fulfilled with Turkey's invasion of Syria, ending about December 7, 2024. Aramaic and Syriac are essentially synonyms. Ancient Aram, so modern Syria fell to Turkey following this story.
Note for anyone doing regular lots. We are now in a season where the split kingdom now matches events on the ground. Turkey is part of NATO, so they represent the northern kings. Israel, so Jerusalem, represents the southern kings. We have entered a season were alliances and fights between the northern and southern kingdoms can express themselves directly on the ground.
Russia is part of this, but in ancient times was part of the southern tribes. So the Ukraine war is also north vs. south. Russia is different than Benjamin in Israel because they are the only nation of faith today in the world.
Putin recently spoke to an assembled gathering of Russian military leaders and explained the difference between Russia and the collective west is that in the west the leaders think themselves god. Instead, Russia has kept her faith and represents "the Lord" on earth. Putin rightly sees this as a religious war. This is how the end of the 1000 year reign should look. I digress, let me return to our next watch dates.
Watch Date: 13015-11-22 (2024-12-20)
This date is the last day of the 40 days of rest. It transitions to the next day which starts 80 days of rest. So we may see a 1 day event between December 20 and 21, 2024. Unclear if the text would want anything on this date pair. But, I state it for the record.
Watch Date: Before 13016-02-12 (2025-03-10)
Within the 80 days that end on March 10, 2024, we expect an 18 day event that ends with a prophetic Ehud delivering from Eglon of Moab. Within the passage is at least a reference to Ammon, in modern Jordan. So we would start by watching that general area.
As I write this there is an article up on Hal Turner suggesting Turkey is massing its main army in some sort of preparation for a march south. Jordan is very far south, but that is what we know as of this blog.
This watch date will remain open until March 10, 2025. We have never had a floating watch date like this before. This is new.
Megiddo Mosaic
I have been in the shop almost continuously the past couple weeks. I am attempting to keep the 3d printers busy while at the same time working on designs. In industry this is sometimes called a design-build process because design is going on while early stages of the build are happening too.
3d printer time is a game. Use the time available on the farm or loose it. There is an enormous amount of 3d printing to be done, so keep them moving. At this early stage of the overall print, it almost doesn't matter much what is getting printed, since everything needs printing.
The Table item is farthest along. It has been getting new Dogs, and a new lid. It has also been getting the rest of the Birds.
It was obvious from the Megiddo Mosaic work that there are 148 different bird/cage pairs that need to be printed and assembled. The designs for those are well known. They each need minor design work for their new cages. So I have been getting that design work done so 3d printing can get ahead on those parts.
A New Series: White
As I was working on the designs for the gold series cages, I was bothered by a math issue in the object counts that I discussed in the earlier blogs on the Megiddo Mosaic. The very first, or highest, item in the set is a like a star. In the Eden Map work it wants to hover above a mountain in some way.
In the counts for the trim around the fish on the Megiddo floor, it only wants 1 star, with 2 copies of the rest of the gold series. That star wants to be singular.
Upon reflection on this point, I have shifted that star out into its own series. Ahead of the gold series. This is strongly supported by the lamp, which is calling out 5 total 3d model series. The star/white, then the tent/gold, head/silver, plow/copper and water/bronze series.
Now, on the Megiddo Mosaic floor around the fish there are only 4 boxes, not 5. That floor and the designs on the lamp count differently. Why?
This difference is likely because the star is NOT a series, but single item. The interior bird will be white plastic, glossy if possible. The bird cage will be red. These color pairs are defined by the lamp. They map out in various ways across the entire exhibit.
Once it becomes its own item, the next question is how is it displayed? What is the exhibit for it? Joshua answered me this way, think of it as the burning bush, high on a mountain where originally Moses, but now everyone who visits the exhibit can have encounters with Joshua.
Paul also had an encounter like Moses. He was on the way to Damascus and saw a great light. So bright he was blinded and had to be lead into Damascus. Where did this happen? Most likely atop mount Hermon on the way from central Israel to Damascus. Again, a bright light atop a mountain. In Paul's account he is said to have been "kicking against the pricks." This is another clue to that item's design. A bush with pricks that makes it hard to pick the flower.
I think I know the design for that bush, but let me save introducing the design until it is coming off the 3d printer farm.
Megiddo Floor Stub
Back on the Megiddo Mosaic floor, there is a rock stub sticking up in the middle of the floor itself. Above and below are the patterns that look to inform the 2 halves of the gold items.
The star wants to sit between those gold items. The star wants to sit higher than those items, which themselves are displaying that series arrayed on small mountains. So like Moses' burning bush, it too wants to sit atop a mountain.
This design problem may explain why the room had stone blocks in the middle.
I no longer think those stone blocks were supporting anything like a simple table. This is what the videos about that floor kept suggesting. They think those blocks supported a table top that was used for communion. Since communion is all they know about tables in churches today, that is what they think it was used for.
I also accepted those blocks as a table, but for the exhibits, like the Table item. This is probably not correct either.
The room itself has many working areas across the floor itself. Users of the room were either children familiar with sitting on the floor, or else everyone in the room used the floor, like anyone familiar with living in a tent might use a floor.
Even if they needed a regular table for something, there is not room on a single table for all the stuff that eventually goes into the room. Think big pots used as bases for many exhibits, think sower, reaper, silo, well and so on. If this is a table, then there should be several in the room, not 1 in the center.
This stone outcrop in the middle of the floor is likely a high stand for the room's "star" exhibit. It sits up on a mountain like Moses' burning bush. It is the defining icon for all the other exhibits in the room. It symbolized that the room itself was like going to the top of the mountain, as did Moses.
Moses was shown the full design for the Tent of Time when he was on the mountain. The Tent of Time is like going to the top, going to the burning bush. That is why the bush is the central item in the exhibit.
Notes On Syria
There has now been enough time for most observers to get their thoughts together around the fall of Syria. This is NOT a pretty picture. We don't normally watch such tragedy unfold like what happened in Syria.
1) Syria, as a sovereign country, is gone. The general Zionist plan for taking over nations is to plunge them into chaos. This happened in Iraq, Libya, and many other nations. Indeed, open borders into the USA is part of their chaos plan for here. What remains in Libya is not a sovereign nation in any normal sense of the term, same for Syria.
2) Syria's Christian community is at serious risk of disappearing. Remember, this is the home turf for the Aramaic/Syriac text of the Bible that we have been using for years around here. Syria is the ancient home to the oldest Christian community on earth.
Just like a bunch of Christians were flushed out of the region when Iraq fell, that is now happening again in Syria. There have been many online videos and reports of Christians being killed by Turkey's invaders. The big risk is Syria's native Christian population is targeted for genocide 1 person at a time. Like Gaza, nobody will come to the rescue. Unlike Gaza, it may be easier for some Christians in Syria to flee, which is a small consolation.
These are not happy times, there are several more years before this is over. In the end, the Tribe of Benjamin will still loose. When they do, their fall will usher in a time of trouble the likes of which the world has never seen.
Russia, the only remaining nation of faith, will unleash her terrible sword. Take care. Do your best to listen for Joshua's voice and if he speaks to you, do whatever he says.
Rainbow Sign
Noah's flood anniversary is in early 2029. It is our expected timing for nuclear war. This story has a condition given in the original story of Noah. Should the rainbow be seen, then Joshua will not destroy the world again. This is normally taken to mean that because of the natural rainbows we see today, this sort of event will not ever happen again. But this is not correct.
This is not a reference to a natural rainbow. Reread Genesis 9:13-17, the link is above. This sign involves the contract or text itself. This is not a natural rainbow.
The rainbow is a central part of some of the Tent of Time exhibits, and is being referenced in this Genesis story. Like so many other passages, this story is also conditioned and interpreted using a complete understanding of the Tent of Time exhibits.
The rainbow informs the design of the lamp, which of course is up high in the room. That set of colors thus informs many of the other exhibits. But in none of the exhibits listed so far is there an actual rainbow.
The rainbow does appear to be a top trim on the flying scroll, also known as the crown. This is similar to the way the rainbow colors are along the top edge of the dog, but in this case a full rainbow. That rainbow is up near the ceiling, so up near the clouds, in the exhibit room.
There is a very slim chance the worst of these events can be averted if that condition from Genesis 9 can be met. This is at least a hopeful goal to keep working towards.
More Later,