Birth of Moses Headlines

This blog looks at the prophetic headlines for the birth of Moses. Then comments on a Documentary, Lincoln's Quest for Empire. Also more updates to the VR app and a headline review.

2024-07-07 Watch Date

This blog goes out on Friday. The previous Sunday, so 2024-07-07, was the expected date for a prophetic replay of the birth of Moses. This is within a timeline based on the 2000th anniversaries of Joshua's life. His life was replaying the trunk timeline of the text, thus the date.

Because of history with the story of the birth of Moses, I had thought we might see a prophetic match for this in Lebanon, which of course is still a simmering war front. Hezbollah in Lebanon continues to strike northern Israel nearly every every day with a selection of missiles. This appears to be how Hezbollah is keeping the northern areas of Israel evacuated to the south.

But there were no unusual or obvious headlines out of Lebanon that would mark the date as special.

There are times when weekends will occasionally cause headlines to push to the first day of the workweek. That seems to have happened here. Across that Sunday there was no interesting headlines, but there was a strong match on Monday.

The next day, in the morning of 2024-07-08, there was a set of interesting headlines out of Ukraine. In those headlines there were enough details to match the basic text for the birth of Moses. Here is one of the first posts on X dealing with that headline.

Russians Attack Kiev

On that Monday morning, Russia attacked various military targets in the city of Kiev. 8 of the 10 districts in Kiev were struck. Targets were basically military and energy installations. High precision weapons were used. It would later be reported that Russia likely waited until Monday in order to strike targets which were in normal work mode. This is why the strike was on Monday and not on the weekend. This was indeed following the pattern of prophetic dates sometimes delay to the work week.

Putin's team has been reluctant to attack Kiev directly because the city itself is important to Russia's religious history. This attack was demonstrating a shift away from that reluctance.

Of the various headlines that day, this was the most dramatic, and involved Russia to the extent that prophetic Moses appears to be Putin. So if this is not fulfilling in Israel, the Ukraine front is nearly as likely for a matched headline.

Within a few hours there was news that at least 1, if not as many as 3, hospitals in the city of Kiev had been hit with missiles. One of those hospitals was reported to be a children's cancer hospital.

The prophetic story involves the birth of Moses. Within that story is Pharaoh ordering the killing of children at the same time. Moses survived, but other children did not. So this aspect of the Kiev city bombings immediately attracts attention, it marks the city of Kiev as the fulfillment venue. The dead children at the hospital being the dead children of the prophetic story.

Of course a dispute then erupted over who actually launched the rocket that struck the hospital.

Did Ukrainians Bomb The Hospital?

The link here is to a post on X with some photographic evidence that this was a western weapon, not Russian, that caused the civilian harm.

Russia Did Not Bomb Hospital

The link here is to the Natural News report on the same bombing, written a few days after the attack, reviewing how regular media blamed Russia for this hospital attack.

Review the Story, Ex. 2:15, BRB

The prophetic story for this date says that the children are from the same tribes as Moses, but that the deaths are ultimately caused by Pharaoh. There is commendation for the midwives who do not kill the babies, and then there is Moses' family who must hide baby Moses to save his life from Pharaoh.

Obviously, we are on a timed topical match to the prophetic story so the timeline is working as it should and we have found the prophetic event that matches the expected prophetic story.

But does the textual story inform the headline in any important way? Yes.

Russian War Strategy

The Russians were asked about the particular hospital bombing and Lavrov answered that Russians do not target civilians. He was giving an answer that depends on listeners understanding Russia's war machinery.

The Russians are particularly well known for what appears to be a slow planning process when it comes to their side of the war. What they are really doing are legal reviews for each step in the war. They are using some sort of legal vetting process for all of their war making activities.

This backdrop is presumed to be understood when the Russians explain they did not attack a hospital. Lavrov's tone implies of course we would not do that, our procedures do not allow that sort of result. Their planning procedures are based on some canon of law that they are following carefully.

Whenever anyone in the west blames Putin, for nearly anything, they are ignoring the legal process that is going on inside Russia.

But you can hear in this the voice of the midwives who are not following pharaoh's orders and are not intentionally killing babies.

Western War Strategy

Various analysts discussed this event across the week. Ray McGovern is a former CIA analyst and a regular on Judge Nap's podcast. He was the first that I saw who called this out as a likely false flag, and not just an accident on the part of the Ukrainians.

His argument was that the west needs anti-Russian headlines to promote the war. False flags are a very common way the west goes about this.

This is calling out the western side as godless, and lawless. This is of course what the prophetic story is saying we should watching for. Pharaoh, so the western side in this war, is godless and lawless. Pharaoh makes up the rules as he goes along.

The basic story of Pharaoh killing the babies is also based on his desire to depopulate his kingdom of people who do not share his religion. This is a much deeper take on the war in Ukraine. It explains why the west keeps pushing the war against Russia. Our modern Pharaoh wants as many dead Ukrainians, and Gazans, and Europeans, and Americans, as he can get.

Someone in the west, the true pharaoh, is working a depopulation agenda against at least Ukraine if not all nations with a Christian heritage.

In any case, the evidence that this was a western missile that killed children in Kiev fits the prophetic date quite well. As with so many other places along the timeline, the prophetic story can be used to pick sides through a cloud of false information spewed out by the parties involved.

Lincoln's Quest For Empire

The link here is to a website that is the home for a recently released documentary on the US Civil War. The DVD contains a 90 minute documentary and then about 100 minutes of background interviews.

It tells the story of the US Civil War from the side of the south. This material is not normally taught in American public schools. Consider the problem from the principles of war history, only victors write war history, so most of us are unlikely to know Civil War history from the southern side.

This is especially true if you did not grow up in the rural southern USA.

This DVD is a really good place to start, Ryan and I both learned much. Let me point out certain key points in this DVD that very much overlay the war against Russia.

French Revolution

Lincoln's Quest for Empire suggests it is possible to think of the US Civil War as the time when the French Revolution arrived in the USA. The DVD also claims that same revolution would continue and include the Bolshevik arrival in Russia, known as the Russian Revolution. So we can think about this as 1 continuous wave to overthrow Christianity as it traditionally influenced government policy.

The Confederate South was the remaining Christian component of the USA, while the North had abandoned its Christian roots. The DVD gives extensive evidence to this effect.

The Qu Map analysis wants the Pilgrims at Boston to be at the same level of godlessness as the Mormons at Salt Lake. (These cities form a religious, Ve-Pe pair.) The DVD indicates that the Pilgrim faith was gone in the north within 50 years of the last survivor of the original Plymouth Colony.

Unlike the north, Christianity still informed how the south was run even into the Civil War. This was lost, of course, after the war. The DVD gives extensive examples from Confederate laws and northern war documents to show the differences between the Christian morality of the south and what the DVD calls Unitarian morality of the north.

I believe there are better terms for describing what was driving the north, but the film makers would have trouble selling DVDs if they were calling out Zionists. This is the first time I've heard anyone use Unitarianism as an important movement at the time of the Civil War.

Applications to War With Russia

For some reason that is still unclear, the Russians were eventually able to overthrow the Bolsheviks. Putin himself seems to have been part of that. This of course is happening at the end of the 1000 years. It is happening when Joshua arises at the end of Passion Week.

I now see the Russians as having figured out how to overcome the Zionist movements towards 1 world government. This is something of an unexpected aberration to anyone who thinks of the Zionist 1 world kingdom goal as inspired. This is ultimately the battle being fought currently in Ukraine and in Israel.

That Zionist goal, running since Nebuchadnezzar, is eventually stopped when the stone strikes Nebuchadnezzar's statue.

This week there were sound bites of Putin suggesting the BRICS need some sort of Parliamentarian structure so that they can then sanction the west when the west does things against international law. Examples would be providing weapons to Ukraine or conducting genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.

When Putin speaks of what form the BRICS should have he sees it like the confederated states of the US South before the Civil War. This did not work well against Lincoln and his banker backers, but maybe now is different.

The group of nations informally called the Global South are some sort of strange parallel to the Confederate South of the US Civil War. As a memory peg, Confederate South and Global South should be considered twins.

Again, confederated states should loose just as they did in the Civil War. This time looks to have a different outcome. Obedience of the nations rests on Russia to work this out. If Russia wants a confederation, then Russia will get a confederation. Of course the world may burn down to get there.

VR -- Coverage Map

Our VR App is our place for looking at differences between manuscripts on a verse by verse basis. While I am still working on manuscript preparation, this is my main tool. Of course my high level goal is to get a Bible manuscript in Paleo alphabet that we can then use for recovery work going forward. Maybe another couple weeks before I have something to share there.

Last week we updated the VR app with the ability to display books from the Apocrypha. This gives us the ability to inspect any verse in any chapter in any book in any version. This includes books like Tobit. This establishes that we have the basic data for any sort of statistical analysis that might be needed between any texts anywhere in the canon.

Work on the VR has continued. This week the VR app gained an appendix page, called the Coverage Map. The page itself is pretty simple, and pretty dull, but it represents about 2 weeks of steady work. Let me explain the format and then what goes on behind the scenes to get that map displayed.

The Coverage Map, conceptually, is a list of all the verses that are covered by available texts in the app. That list of verses is sorted. The top level sort is the books, the second level sort is the chapters. Then for each chapter is a list of all the verses.

For each verse there is a row that gives a list of all the versions in the app, and for each version there is a mark, the letter Y signifying yes, if that verse is found in that version. The letter N, signifying no, if that verse is not found in that translation.

Because there are over 39,000 verses, Conceptually, a table like this would cover 39,000 rows. This, of course, gets a little long. So there is a shorthand notation for verse ranges when adjacent rows in the table have the same coverage. When 2 adjacent verse rows share the same set of coverage data, those rows are combined. Often what is going on is all the verses in a given chapter share the same coverage, so commonly there is 1 coverage row for each chapter. The number of rows saved by this convention is huge.

You can explore the page linked above to see how this turns out.

This page is in effect an important audit, one of many to come, that is checking the versification of the manuscript files as they exist in our library of texts. It is very important to keep verses aligned because there are many possible studies that can be done between versions provided the versification is correct.

Work Behind That Table

We have had code like this for a long time, but we have never cared about the Apocrypha. Several books in the Apocrypha have a starting chapter higher than 1. Perhaps the Apocryphal Psalms is the worst. It begins at chapter 152. If you look carefully through the Apocrypha related rows in the Coverage Map page you can see other examples of this.

All of the code was rewritten to efficiently and cleanly deal with sparse lists of chapters, and sparse lists of verses. The new code also cleanly handles sub verses, though the Coverage Map table is only showing whole verses.

Once each version has a map, then there is code to merge maps together, forming a master manuscript map as used on the left side of the Coverage Map table.

The other bit of work was to rewrite the menu and app navigation code to use that same master manuscript map. This ensures all verses known in the master map can be reached through the menus in the VR app itself.

Tedious work, but important to the overall project.

Christian vs. Jewish Versification

There are 2 primary versification systems that are found in most downloadable Bible manuscripts. The more common to readers here is the versification used for the KJV Bible in 1611. That Bible essentially fixed the verse breaks for English texts still used to this day.

Curiously, most of the more modern English translations are missing many of the verses found in the KJV. The KJV, for example, has 31,102 verses, while the NIV has 31,069 verses. This is mostly because the KJV used a longer Greek manuscript. Modern translations use a Greek critical edition, which omits many verses found in the KJV.

Jewish manuscripts, especially the Hebrew Old Testament, use a different versification system. This system is not that different from what we normally use. But it is different.

Versification does not matter to most users of these documents because most users do not regularly compare texts like we do around here. But, because of our work we must work to bring inbound texts into verse level alignment with each other.

Though most of the differences are of the indicated numbers on verses, some of the versification differences break mid-verse compared to what we are used to in the KJV.

This means software alone cannot correct manuscript versification. This is a by-hand process that is subject to mistakes. It must take place after file format conversion. Once verse breaks are fixed, the code that reformats Bibles cannot be run again without also doing the required manual conversion step.

Thus versification requires some level of audit to check that work. The Coverage Map's main job is to ensure manual reversification is correct.

The Coverage Map table is what we have been using this past week to already go through and make sure that the texts in our system align on the Christian system. We still have more work to do there.

Other Headlines

What follows below are links to various articles that caught my attention this week.

Saudi Bond Sale Threat

The link here is to an article on Natural News dealing with a Saudi threat to sell French bonds. This would be in retaliation for G7 countries freezing Russian assets in European banks. The Saudis are shifting to the Russian sphere of influence. So far, this is just talk about what they might do in the future. Oil wealth means the control of a massive amount of bank assets.

Remember, Martin Armstrong's testimony is that the war with Russia is to strip Russia of assets in order to recapitalize western banks. It is ultimately a financial war, and why the west refuses to negotiate peace.

Because the military side of this war escalates to nuclear war, the Russians can really only win if they can collapse the already weak western banks. This means the Russians need help from countries like Saudi Arabia in order to win.

Plunging victims into debt is how the bankers have conquered the world since Solomon's day. They conquered the world by having no debt jubilees every 50 years as proscribed in the law in Moses' day. A forced debt jubilee may be upon the west soon enough.

Netanyahu Goes For Broke

This article on UNZ surveys several conversations dealing with what Netanyahu might be up to in Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

Netanyahu is restrained by his soon visit to the US Congress. But once he has backing from his bought US politicians, we might expect him to try and open war fronts everywhere.

NATO's 75th Anniversary

Of course NATO had a 75th anniversary meeting in Washington DC this past week. This was founded as a defense against the Soviet Union. That purpose disappeared 35 years ago. These days they are out to conquer Russia. So who do they really work for?

NATO Plan for Nuclear War

Another article on the NATO summit and how they appear to be planning for nuclear war and the elimination of... Dare I say everyone in the west?

189,000 Dead in Gaza

The link here is to an important Lancet document that estimates the current total number of deaths in Gaza since October 7, 2023. Gaza itself stopped counting at around 37,000 some time late last year. This group of doctors has attempted to estimate the true death count if anyone had been able to keep counting. Can we say genocide?

Ukraine Bombed Their Own Hospital

More detailed evidence that Ukraine likely bombed their own hospital.

Excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

Need more evidence that the Catholic Church is corrupt too? This Archbishop has not been afraid to speak his mind. The world needs more people like him.

More Later,
