July Watch Dates, Additions to Esther

This blog looks at upcoming watch dates across the first week in July, 2024. We also look at the Additions to Esther and end with a busy headline review.

The Timeline

The timeline that is currently interesting to us is the 2000th anniversaries of Joshua's life. This series began on September 15, 1998 with a visit of Iranian leaders to the United Nations in New York City. They cited the birth narrative and claimed to be wise men from the east, matching the Magi.

Joshua's life is not well documented, so there are few dates to follow for anniversary dates. But, he was running the trunk timeline at a prophetic pace of 1 year to the day. So we can setup charts and match trunk stories against modern dates. The entire series is likely to be 70 years in length, ending in 2068. But the bulk of the series peaks about 5 years from now.

We come to the next date in this series on 2024-07-04, when we replay the birth year of Aaron. Then in quick succession, on 2024-07-07, we replay the birth year of Moses. These are the 2 dates we are most interested in right now.

Birth Of Aaron

There is no particular story in the text dealing with the birth of Aaron. So for headlines on 2024-07-04 all we can do is survey for anything interesting. Note that the day before, so 2024-07-03, is the replay of the last year of Amram's life, but like Aaron, there is no particular story for this name either. So all we can do for this date is monitor for interesting headlines.

Because the 2024-07-04 date is a federal holiday in the USA, we might see interesting headlines in the USA. But there no reason why any matching headline must come from the USA.

Birth Of Moses

The birth of Moses does have more interesting text. So the prophetic date for 2024-07-07 is fundamentally more interesting. At the time of the birth of Moses, Pharaoh had ordered the deaths of the male Hebrew babies by drowning in the Nile. There is a related story of the Hebrew midwives who are commended for hiding the babies against Pharaoh's order. They will be rewarded with houses.

There is also an elaborate story of Moses being kept hidden for 3 months and then he is picked up by Pharaoh's daughter. That story involves a basket, his mother, sister, and the reeds of the Nile. This story is also marked by the actions of Pharaoh's daughter.

The complicating factor in terms of possible headlines for 2024-07-07 are day accurate details. These sorts of details tend not to compress on any prophetic timeline. So Moses coming out of hiding and being found in the Nile, should offset by 90 days, so that detail would show up about 2024-10-06 when Moses should come out of hiding and be accepted by a daughter of Pharaoh.

This suggests that this part of the prophetic story should begin on 2024-07-07 but runs for about 90 days. Across this time any prophetic Moses should remain in hiding.

2006 War In Lebanon

There was a run of the plagues series of prophetic dates in 2008. That prophetic run dealt mostly with the financial crisis of the time. It had a prophetic prelude in 2006 with the war across the border between Israel and Lebanon. That war basically preceded the plagues and appeared to be a prophetic fulfillment of Pharaoh wanting to kill the Hebrew babies.

It was the first identifiable date in that plague series. Finding it was done by back fitting the timeline after the earlier series was charted and matched to headlines.

Let me review those 2006 dates. The theoretical date for that replay was about 2006-07-20. There was a cluster of related headlines that had begun earlier that month and stretched on for several more weeks. Note from the following list how history is repeating again.

2006-07-06 Israel sends tanks into Gaza.

2006-07-14 Israel starts a blockade against Lebanon.

2006-07-14 An Israeli ship was hit with an Iranian missile.

2006-07-20 Mass evacuations in Lebanon are continuing. (At prophetic date.)

2006-07-29 New and larger missiles are used against Israel.

2006-08-10 Israel begins major offensive in Lebanon.

2006-08-14 Ceasefire in Lebanon.

2006-09-07 Israel lifts Lebanon blockade.

Note how the theoretical date is straddled with events leading up to war in Lebanon, and then note how it climbs down. On the actual date the people of Lebanon are running from Israeli forces. There is nothing particularly dramatic on that exact date.

2024 War In Lebanon

Note there are components of this going on now as we are close to another replay of this same prophetic story. Note how it started in Gaza. Note the involvement of Iran. Note the use of new and better missiles. Note the mass movement of people. So note to watch for a ground war. The only part that does not obviously match Lebanon now is the 2006 naval blockade.

Israel has already said they are going to war with Lebanon again, and set the start date for that war on 2024-06-24. They did use phosphorous weapons against Lebanon that night to destroy a village. But widespread fighting did not appear to start that day.

Compared to 2006, Israel's actual ground invasion came after the prophetic date, not before, so we may see something similar now too.

Balloons Order Evacuation

The link here is to photos of balloons that were apparently floated into Lebanon announcing invasion and ordering evacuation. Their religion requires them to state publicly their intentions, and this would be an example of how they are doing that in Lebanon.

Watch the 2024-07-07 date for more.

Identifying Parties

At the time when I first charted this I did not see Israel as Pharaoh's Egypt. These days I am more strict to the text. Pharisees are little Pharaohs. The important political movement in Israel is named after Egypt. The current Prime Minister of Israel is thus the big Pharaoh.

This change in understanding from 2006 makes the 2006 headlines a better fit to the prophetic story at that time. Pharaoh was the agent in 2006. It also makes the people of Lebanon into a covenant people in ways that was not obvious in 2006.

Note, of course, that Lebanon is named after Jacob's uncle and father-in-law Laban. So we should have no trouble thinking of Laban as a branch of the family line that had trouble with Pharaoh in Egypt.

The prophetic story makes the villain out to be modern Israel. This new war with Lebanon is being started by them. This is both a match to the looming war in Lebanon and the 2006 war in Lebanon. Explaining the headlines is getting more aligned with the prophetic stories, not less. Especially as we understand the lost tribe of Benjamin and start correctly applying it to events in the world.

I still generally identify prophetic Moses as Russia's Putin. When Putin is speaking to the west he is nearly always warning that the west will become nuclear ash if they do not stop poking the Russian Bear. This is the modern expression of Moses warning Pharaoh that his country would be destroyed if they did not let Moses' people go. No one else in political office in the world has a similar message against anyone else.

The tribe of Judah was on point to defeat Benjamin in the last 3 chapters of Judges. That lost tribe is Russia. They would be the ones that stop modern Benjamin from conquering the world.

Looking Ahead

After the first week of July, 2024, there are 2 other dates that may be interesting to consider. The first of those is 2024-08-15. This is the date when Moses was 40 years old. At this point he killed an Egyptian who was harming a Hebrew. Moses then went and hid that Egyptian in the sand.

So outside of the circles of Israel, we have Putin's Russia fighting NATO in Ukraine. This is being directed by the lost tribe of Joseph, who were also involved in running Egypt. Barring surprises, I am watching that venue for the 2024-08-15 date.

Moses then went into hiding for the better part of 40 years before returning to the public scene in front of Pharaoh for the final showdown.

The Exodus itself will replay on 2024-09-25. So about 10 days ahead of the 90 days when Moses as a baby comes out of hiding. These 2 different hiding stories do not perfectly end together, but it is a duplicate story, so something to monitor for in Putin.

I do not want to get ahead of this story, so we will return to the 2024-09-25 date when we have seen what unfolds over the next 3 months. But, the Exodus is a prophetic hinge point unlike anything else. Many other stories mark time from that date, they stretch into the distant future. We can expect whatever unfolds over the next 3 months is a setup for that September date.

Nuclear Weapons

Most commentary about the war fronts in Ukraine and Israel touch on the issues of who will be the first to use nuclear weapons. This is another aspect of the possible headlines over the next couple weeks and then again through to late September.

Nuclear weapons have, of course, been taboo since the end of World War II. This is because of their power, their ability to kill many people at the same time and because of radiation that they leave behind.

Modern, especially tactical, nuclear weapons leave behind much less radiation. They nearly completely burn out their nuclear core.

These types of small nuclear weapons are much more likely to get regularly used sometime soon. They are particularly interesting when one side of a war starts to feel like they are going to loose.

Small nukes are also particularly interesting when 1 side is going bankrupt and needs to fight at very low cost. So these types of small nukes are going to be especially interesting to Israel using them against her neighbors. They are also going to become interesting to the USA as it looses its ability to afford conventional weapons and troops.

Beirut Bombing

For those who may not remember, there was a bombing in the city of Beirut on August 4, 2020. The link here is to an article with some of the pictures. Other reporting of the time had video of the missile fired from an Israeli war plane. It flew in from the west, targeting a dock side warehouse.

As cover, someone had stored makings for an ANFO bomb in the same warehouse complex. That ANFO was used for political cover for what was most likely the use of a tactical nuke against Lebanon. Presumably that was a warning shot used against Hezbollah to threaten what Israel would do should Hezbollah start a war against Israel. The linked article explains how ANFO is a cover for the use of small nukes.


The Israelis have had trouble in Lebanon in the past. They may be planning on US involvement in the next Lebanon war. The link here gives more back story on what might be going on to that end.


Depending on how this unfolds I will either report in next week's blog, or the following week, should I see important headlines on 2024-07-04. We will return to the 2024-08-15 date as we get closer.

There is also some chance of a high speed run of the plagues starting from about 2024-08-15. Again, all of this in future blogs.


I am continuing my read through the Apocrypha. I am trying to get familiar with that content so I can add it into our files and related tools.

I find it interesting that even the name of this material changes based on the Christian tradition from which we speak.

In Protestant circles there are a set of works that were printed in the 1611 KJV between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Those books are known to Protestants as the Apocrypha.

To Catholic Christians this same material is known as the Deuterocanonical Books. You can see in that word the root "duo," or second, canon of books. The Catholic sense of their apocrypha books is bigger still than the Protestants. So there are issues even how these works should be categorized or labeled.

Additions To Esther

This week I was able to read through the NRSV translation of the Additions to Esther. This is perhaps the most technically complicated of all the books in the Apocrypha.

Additions to Esther is a collection of additional material that is cited as having come from an early and ancient Greek translation of the Book of Esther. Our modern Protestant book of Esther is a translation of the Hebrew version of Esther. But note, our modern Esther is much shorter than the ancient Greek version.

So before even starting to read that book, there are questions. How did we get 2 different versions? Why would there be an ancient version of Esther in Greek where there is a shorter version in modern Hebrew?

The normal Law of Babel tells us that the scribes are not allowed to remove anything. Additions are OK, but not removal. Recovery work requires that nothing be removed. Joshua seems to have demanded they carry all of the text through history.

Would some scribe charged with translating a Hebrew text into Greek in ancient times have added their own passages? Not likely. The translation skill is not the same as authorship skill. Likely, the ancient Greek translator was given a full copy of some source document.

As we view the text through the lens of Acts 15, it now becomes an interesting question to ask, did some Hebrew speaking priest find the material we today find in the additions to Esther as offensive to their position? Maybe some of ancient Esther was removed in the modern Hebrew version? Breaking the law of Babel?


There is also a curious problem in the file formats. For texts like the KJV which include the Additions to Esther, those additions live in a file that is different from Esther. So far so good.

But because Esther is the well known book, the chapter and verse breaks for Esther are first assigned to Hebrew Esther. Then, the chapter and verse numbers continue and increase in a normal fashion across the Additions to Esther. This is also, so far, so good, as though the additions to Esther are themselves an appendix.

The problem, though, is that the chapter and verses given in the Additions to Esther are actually spread into the normal Book of Esther when they are read. The chapter and verse numbers across a printed copy of the full Greek Esther are no longer sequential. This has all sorts of strange implications.

So the printed version of the Additions to Esther embeds Esther, but with very strange chapter numbers. The chapter numbers, as printed in order, in the NRSV, for the Additions to Esther, are 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 13, 3 (again), 4, 13 (again), 14, 15, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 8 (again), 9, 10 and 11 (again).

All of the chapter numbers at 11 and above are marking where material was (I presume) removed from the original version after the Greek translation was created.

For the purposes of holding an entire copy of this form of Esther I would be inclined to name it differently, say Greek Esther, so that it would nave normal, sequential, chapter and verse addressing. As printed, the NRSV text chapter and verse system cannot be used to easily find a passage within this book.

Of course if there is anything inspired in this story at all, then it was not even originally in Hebrew. Greek is either a 2nd level translation or else it was translated from Paleo/Syriac. Obviously, there is room for a complex history behind this work.


Generally speaking the Additions to Esther provide more detail on the stories we already know in Esther. Nothing in the book would easily fail by the Acts 15 filter rules. It is mostly historical narrative. It is not a theological work. We generally assign Haggai as the inspired writer for Esther. So Esther's close eunuch, later a prophet in Jerusalem, would need to have been witness to, or known about, all inspired content. For most content in this Greek version of Esther this would be possible.

Haggai could have been the inspired writer for the entire content of this bigger book. So if we were to tag up this larger work we would not be applying the Filter Tags in this book, at least not very often, and not strictly by Acts 15 rules.

At the start, so chapters 11 and 12, there is the story of Mordecai's dream which prevents a successful attempt on the king's life. This is why Haman will eventually parade Mordecai around as we know in the normal Book of Esther.

Chapter 13 is Haman's letter ordering the destruction of the Jews. Chapter 13 (part 2) is Mordecai's prayer to stop Haman's plan. Chapter 14 is Esther's prayer.

Chapter 15 is what happens after her fast. Her fasting weakens her such that she faints in front of an angry king. This faint creates sympathy from the king in order that he is able to hear her petition to save the Jews.

This makes Esther's famous 3 day fast as a natural cause for her audience before the king instead of a spiritual act that was answered supernaturally. This is more manipulative than we think of in our normal Esther story.

Chapter 16 is the content of the letter that reverses Haman's letter of chapter 13. Finally there is a tail on the book in chapter 11, including a translator note.

It is reasonable to think that this additional material might have been trouble for a Jewish editor of this work at some point in history. These passages make it more mundane and routine than we know in our current version of Esther.

Given our recent changes to our understanding of the Grand Run of Matthew, I am beginning to wonder if anything in this era is inspired. That is a question for another time, and a question that the audit is better suited for addressing.

We currently do not have ready access to a Syriac version of the Additions to Esther. So we are leaving this material out of the recovery work, at least for now.

Headline Review

What follows are headlines that caught my attention this past week. This has been a crazy week, and headlines seem to be getting more serious.

Orthodox in Israel Face Draft

The Israeli supreme court unanimously voted to make Orthodox Jews living in Israel subject to the military draft. How the Knesset might deal with this is still uncertain. This is curious timing, given the war in Gaza and in Lebanon.

The Orthodox Jews represent maybe 16 percent of the Israeli population. They had previously been exempt from military service in order to study Torah. This was not a serious burden in the past because they were very small in number. But their birth rate is high, and their percentage of the total Israeli population is growing.

Their young men may be needed in the IDF just by their growing numbers. The Knesset is still debating what to do.

Screams and Smoke

Trinity Sunday

The first link here is to a written account of the US cluster bombing of a beach in Russia.

The second link here is to the Wikipedia article on Trinity Sunday. This is a Catholic and Orthodox religious holiday. The 2 traditions celebrate the holiday on dates that are computed with different formulas. The Russian Orthodox were celebrating this holiday when Americans dropped cluster bombs on that beach in Russia. 100 or so people were injured, about 5 children were killed.

The religious component of this event has put pressure on Putin to do something to stop these attacks. Of course the west is at war at the direction of their Jewish bankers, Martin Armstrong has well documented this. So the west is not able to discuss peace, nor can it stop until Russia is defeated. Those same bankers need to steal all of Russia's mineral wealth in order to stabilize the collapsing USD. So the west is running a dishonest war to get Putin to react in a way that Putin can then be blamed by western media for causing great destruction. This is the fiction they want to create in the eyes of the western public.

So attacking a civilian beach on a holiday is a good way to try and prod Putin to do something rash in response.

I have long identified Putin as prophetic Moses. There is a prophetic date for this, 2024-08-15, when Moses attacks and kills an Egyptian. He tries to hide what he did by burying the body in the sand. He is found out and then goes into hiding until he matures and eventually brings down Egypt.

Putin has shown amazing restraint. If I am identifying Moses correctly, then he does something mid August, 2024. We will return to this watch date in a future blog, once we get through the July dates.

RQ-41 Shot Down by a MIG-31?

In the days immediately following the Trinity Sunday attack on Russia, there were reports that the Russians had retaliated by shooting down a US drone used for targeting that attack.

The article linked here discusses what might have happened. Most other media would later say these were false claims. This may be a case where neither the US nor Russia want anyone to know this happened.

The key point is that the Russians may need to declare a no-fly zone over the entire Black Sea in order to defend their homeland against these sorts of US weapons. This is an area to watch over the next 3 months.

Mossad In Pentagon?

The link here is to a video where Judge Nap and Ray McGovern discus reports that the Israeli Mossad has access to the Pentagon in ways no Americans have. The question, and unspoken suggestion, is how much does Israel ultimately control the US military? This is more overt than has been thought to go on in the past. Discussion like this supports the idea that prophetic Egypt is run out of Israel, but it has its operating headquarters outside of Washington DC. This may well impact future prophetic headlines.

Julian Assage (RT)

Julian Assage (Scott Ritter)

Julian Assage was freed from prison in the UK. Good news for him. But it was done in such a way to abrogate certain US Supreme Court decisions involving freedom of the press. The first link here is to an RT article with some of the details. Assage has been invited back to RT as a contributor. The second link is Scott Ritter's take on how messed up the US has become.

Nigel Farage: UK Provoked Ukraine War

The European media is far more controlling of public thought than in the USA. Nigel Farage broke through that cloud of deception by publicly stating the fact that the Ukraine war was provoked by the UK. (500,000 Ukrainians died so far because of Boris Johnson, but I digress.) This is not a story about the war, but about media control. Control of media is a major theme this week, especially with the release of Assage.

UK MP On UK at war with Russia

Another example of the media bubble in the UK being broken. This time British MP Andrew Bridgen is saying the UK military is actively bombing Russia.

Our interest here is that Moses may well strike an Egyptian on or around August 15, 2024. So, who are the Egyptians? What event might anger prophetic Moses?

Excommunication of Carlo Maria Vigano

We are nearly at the end of the prophetic list of Popes. The current occupant of the office is a usurper. The link here is to details on the excommunication of one of the good guys.

We should not expect Rome to survive nuclear war. Prophecies of European destruction by nukes go back 100+ years. But, the destruction of 2 world wars causes most of the records to disappear. So far Putin has no issue against Rome directly, but the Israel Lobby might.

Targeting Video

The link here is to a Hezbollah video that shows a list of possible targets in Israel. Those specific locations mean nothing to us outside of Israel, although they do seem important. But, that Hezbollah could record such a video is suggesting some sort of escalation in their ability to damage Israel in some serious way. This is background to the 2024-07-07 prophetic date discussed above.


This page goes into the details of Hezbollah threatening Cyprus should they host fighter jets of Israel against Lebanon. This is curious because Hezbollah appears to be able to make good on such a threat. Also the Beirut Bombing linked above may have been flown in from Cyprus. The article is in Greek, use your browser's translation tools to read. The weapons being used by all sides are getting better.

More Later,
