Wyatt Followups

This blog answers questions raised by last week's blog reference to Ron Wyatt's work, especially modern Noah's ark scans, Moses' metal working sites and the blood of atonement. Before that, we explore some of the iconography used by Russia in Ukraine. Finally, a headline review.

Rune of Gugnir

Starting several days ago there was a flurry of activity on X dealing with new markings that are appearing on Russian vehicles in Ukraine. Hal Turner also picked it up, so too did War News 24/7. I have linked to the War News 24/7 article because it has the best photographic evidence of this new stenciling. I will return to some of this artwork below.

Russians typically mark their equipment with specialized stenciling. This is in part so that they can identify their own equipment from that of others. This is particularly important in Ukraine since both armies share some of the same equipment. Russians also use special stenciling to mark who, within their own army, is responsible for specific pieces of gear.

Russia has been using Latin Z and V letters in this fashion in Ukraine. The Latin Z letter is not in the Russian alphabet, so it is just a symbol. Though most Russians know the Latin alphabet, and do know it as a foreign letter. The Z has become a popular symbol used by the public in Russia to show support for the Ukraine war. Displaying the Z has caused trouble for Russian's traveling abroad.

Rune of Gugnir

Here recently, the Russians have started using a new stencil on their equipment in Ukraine. They have shifted to what is being called the Rune of Gugnir. You can see a photo of such a stencil on the driver's door of a truck in the article linked above.

The Runic alphabet is one of the earliest derivatives of the Paleo alphabet. It was used especially in northern Europe, in the territories of the Lost Tribe of Reuben.

Runic is where we first found a modern example of the drawn form of the Paleo letter Wa. As expected, it was associated with the tribe of Reuben. So I was interested in this news piece because of that Rune reference.

The Russians are said to have chosen this same symbol because it was used when the early Russian kings went to war against Khazaria. So by implication they are showing that they know they are returning to the same war they fought over 1000 years ago. They have a sense of history that typical Americans cannot understand.

Remember, Khazaria was the lost tribe of Benjamin, and was Jewish. This marking is showing that Russia has returned to this ancient battle and is now fighting Zionists. This is why this particular symbol is so controversial and is getting so much attention. The article linked above shows the rough borders of the kingdom of Khazaria, the heart of which was north of Armenia.

That map is adding insight to the tribal story of Benjamin. Ashkenazi Jews were basically a distant part of the Mizrahim Jews. The Ashkenazi sat between the Black and Caspian seas. Once defeated by Russia, their refugees fled into Europe instead of back to the Middle east. This is a helpful insight as to how we get 2 different groups of Benjamin.

Rune Structure

The Rune of Gugnir is more complex than the normal letters in the Runic alphabet. Runic can be thought of as a drawn form of Phoenician, but with the restriction that only straight lines are allowed. Straight lines are easier for scratching with a sharp piece of iron into stone or wood. Like all other alphabets, once the 3d design was lost, it could and did drift away from first principle design.

So the Rune of Gugnir is being called a Rune because it is made up of straight lines, not because it is actually a part of the ancient Runic alphabet.

The article linked above shows the 2 base parts that are used in the composite that is known as the Rune of Gugnir. The 2 parts compositing this Rune are very, very important to what Russia is saying by use of this symbol. Let me take each in turn.

The first part, the base, is made up of a square pitched by 45 degrees to form a diamond. The second part, a superimposed X, conceptually sits in front of the diamond.

In effect, the X is crossing out, or saying no to, or declaring victory over, the diamond. To get the whole sentence of this symbol we need to know who, or what, is the diamond.

The diamond itself is still a well known symbol. Washington DC was originally platted using that same diamond, though the parts of DC in Virginia were eventually not used and became Alexandria.

Why was DC platted as a diamond?

Because a square diamond is also known as the Masonic symbol of the square and compass.

To help visualize this, imagine the diamond cut horizontally from left to right. Then imagine those 2 right triangles shifting towards each other. From this slight shift, both the Masonic square and Masonic compass are seen. Of course in this higher definition form, the various tool tips are pointing out. The diamond is just the simplest drawn form of one of that religion's main icons.

But, the pair of overlapping triangles that forms the square of Free Masonry also forms the Star of David used by modern Jews. Imagine the diamond again, split across the middle into 2 parts, top and bottom. Like before, this forms 2 triangles. Then adjust those triangles by shortening the middle or cut edges, so all edges are the same length. Then continue to push those triangles together. This new symbol is used, for example, on the flag of Israel.

These 2 different icons are different expressions of the same religion. The first is the gentile expression, the second is the Jewish expression. They are 2 different expressions of the same general system of belief. The shared characteristic is they both use the Kabbalah as shared text.

If the symbol used on Russian vehicles in Ukraine is not accidental, then Russia is now indicating they know they are at war with the collective west. More precisely, with the 2 conjoined religions that rule much of the western world.

By choosing the Rune of Gugnir, Russia is demonstrating they know this is a replay of a historical battle. Russia is again at war with a group they fought 1000 years ago. They are also pointing at that story in the Bible.

Revelation 20 (BRB)

Modern Russia is quickly returning to their Orthodox Christian roots. They are integrating that faith into their modern politics. The use of this Rune of Gugnir on their equipment is pointing at the story of Revelation 20.

After 1000 years the Hivite, who had been bound, is released for a short time. The importance of this particular rune, used 1000 years ago, indicates they know they are fighting a religious war, and that they have the text on their side.

The Hivite as used in Revelation, is ultimately pointing back into the Garden of Eden, and brings up the question, what did Joshua really say? This is the ultimate question that governs life on Earth.

As I write this the Russians are having victory in Ukraine. The Ukrainian army is fleeing in disarray. Those who can are surrendering to the Russians. Ukraine is moving its capital from Kiev to Lviv. The Russians appear to have no one who is able to speak for Ukraine, so no one to negotiate terms of surrender. The Hivite ultimately wants everyone dead, so we will see how this unfolds.

Noah's Ark

Last week I referenced a video that explained the likely location of Noah's Ark. It is located in eastern Turkey near the Iranian border. I used a Ron Wyatt video that explored the discovery process of those remains. His early work started in the middle of the 1970s. By 1987 that location was made a national park in Turkey. Ron Wyatt himself died in 1999. I have not tracked that work much since then.

But, readers here gave me some feedback to check out the catalog of videos on the Wyatt Youtube channel. There have been a few interesting additions to the Noah's Ark story.

The link given above is much more recent, having been recorded in 2024. It has a much better introduction to the known history of that ark location in Turkey. This has better historical coverage than in the video I linked in the last blog. This new video also goes past the work of Ron Wyatt himself.

In particular, in 2017, modern ground scanning equipment was used to map the subsurface features of the ark. Ron had been involved in a similar survey in the mid 1980s, but the technology for such scans has improved significantly.

Survey Results

The link here is to a long article explaining the 2017 survey. It shows various graphics that indicate what was found below ground. In particular, the below ground structure also shows the shape of a hull, but only at 1 end, the ark was damaged when it moved down hill at some point in history.

This raw data from 2017 was reviewed again here recently and there are some indications of hollow cavities down near the keel and perhaps a central stair area. This second analysis is mentioned in the video above.

All of these videos, and the National Park in Turkey, means that it is not proper for anyone to call the story of Noah's ark a myth. Anyone who doubts should go there and see for themselves. Proper logic would say to accept this as Noah's ark, and then leave it to doubters to show a different place with better evidence.

Ron Wyatt's Other Discoveries

I knew of Ron's work because he was something of a superstar in certain church circles in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He provided concrete evidence that the Bible is not a myth. This was very important to believers who are otherwise beat down by modern Hivites.

Ron's discovery work started with Noah's Ark. But he went on to make several other startling discoveries. For reference, the link above is to the official Youtube channel where there are many videos worth exploring.

Let me summarize Ron's key discoveries.

1) Ron found Noah's ark. He did this by following up on a 1959 discovery of a feature that appears to be a large boat atop a mountain in Turkey. Ron did enough additional work to show how that boat matches the geometry and stories of Noah's Ark in the text of the Bible.

2) Ron found the location of Sodom and Gomorrah around the Dead Sea, including ash and the sulfur pellets used to ignite those cities. One of those cites is at the base of Masada. There are a total of 5 such cites.

3) Ron identified at least 1 of Joseph's store cites in Egypt, including massive storage bins.

4) Ron found Solomon era stone pillars that marked the Red Sea crossing location. Those pillars were set later by Solomon. 1 pillar was set on the Egyptian side, the other on the Arabian side. The Red Sea is normally quite deep, but by studying British navy maps he found an under water shelf where it would be possible to easily walk across, provided there was no water. When he dove in the area he was able to photograph underwater remains of Egyptian chariots near the Egyptian side of the shoreline.

5) Ron also found and photographed Mount Sinai in Arabia. This includes the blackened mountain top, the place were water came from the rock and various other details of the campsites near that mountain.

6) Ron also eventually found the Ark of the Covenant buried in a place called Jeremiah's Grotto, said to be north of the old city of Jerusalem. This was perhaps his most interesting discovery, but details had to be kept from the public because of the sensitive nature of that find.

This is an impressive track record that few others have ever matched. He was something like a real life Indiana Jones. Ron Wyatt clearly had the skills for this work and a divine call to carry it out. The list of things left to be discovered is considerably shorter since his day.

Metallurgy Site

The link here is to a much more recent video, recorded in 2023. This is on the same channel, and is another example of how more discoveries are being made around Ron's original work.

In this case, the kiln and molds used for making the original tabernacles items appears to have been found near mount Sinai in Arabia.

This video, along with known details of Ron's witness of seeing the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem, caused long conversation around here. I suspect if you have been following our work for some time, you may wonder about some of the same points. Let me sketch out how these various discoveries may ultimately be explained, provided the inspired Testimony of Joshua works out about like we expect.

We are going to assume, for the following argument, that both Ron and his friends are correct in terms of what they found on the ground. Said, differently, we have no dispute over the list of things that Ron and his friends have found.

As with everyone using the Bible, they are going to be "trapped by the text" in terms of their interpretation of what they have found. This is the area where we stop and talk about what the various discovery videos are showing us.

Nearly to a person, everyone involved in Wyatt's discoveries tend to use these discoveries as proof that the Bible is true. We would say that these discoveries only prove that parts of the Bible are true. The Bible itself does not make truth claims about all of itself.

To their credit, though, if Ron and his friends did not care deeply about the text then they could never have been called to find these items.

We are also going to assume that the text has been edited as we roughly understand. Solomon was the first editor. He was doing work that was against Joshua's best will. Solomon was the expression of the curse of having asked for a king. So Solomon is some sort of negative example of Joshua's will.

In other words, accept that the on the ground evidence is as presented. Then also accept that our textual understanding of the editors is roughly correct.

Then how do we explain, say, the Ark of the Contract in Jeremiah's Grotto in Jerusalem? Or winged creature molds in Sinai?

The answer will be that the archaeological evidence is going to be layered just as the text is layered. The text is going to call out strange details explaining what has been found.

Solomon's Construction

We take Solomon's construction of the Temple in Jerusalem as marking when the heirs of Jacob had returned to Egypt. Benjamin had mixed with the Jebusites and were a hybrid of Egyptian and Mosaic religions. Still are, think Russia's use of the diamond.

Solomon was raised by Benjamin, and was apparently fascinated by Egypt. Solomon married into Egypt. The construction of Solomon's temple itself was something that only Egyptians would want.

Note that there are 5 different calendars used within the Masonic tradition. 2 of them count time since Solomon's Temple. Solomon's temple remains important to both Masons and Zionists, to the extent that there are even meaningful differences between these groups.

Masons designed and set the cornerstone for the US Capital building in Washington DC. They explicitly used Solomon's temple as inspiration for the US Capital building. They intentionally set that building on a hill, Capital Hill, in order to mimic Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Solomon's Timing

Solomon's ancient temple was begun 480 years after leaving Egypt. This is double the current age of the USA. For comparison, the USA started building its temple immediately after national formation.

Why did it take 480 years to build Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem?

Not because it took that long for that nation to group up, but it took that long for the Exodus era society to fully collapse back to Egypt. This is the lesson in Samuel's day of asking for a king, and the lesson of Solomon's Temple.

So Solomon is our first editor. So the question of what did Joshua really say now takes hold, the public at his day can never know for sure what Joshua said. The Hivite was now winning again. Solomon was like Adam. Once again we see the story of being seduced by his wife.

Solomon is the first in all lists of 6 villains found throughout the text. He is also the first big Egypt style builder. He is also a liar and a cheat.

We must beware that Solomon's handiwork in the text is likely also happening on the ground. We must be very careful of any ruins found in and around ancient Canaan. Just as the text passed to us today is a composite of different writers in different eras, so to, the remains that Ron Wyatt and his friends have found may, at times, be from different eras.

Ron's discovery of Solomon's pillars at either side of the Red Sea crossing tells us that Solomon had construction crews working in that area. This is a big deal. What else did Solomon's construction crew do in Sinai? Was that crew there just for pillar stones? Or more?


The metallurgy site video linked far above is dealing with the discovery of the remains of a metal working furnace. This is the first example where we might be looking at different remains that had different uses at different times. Or perhaps a Moses era remain that might have been used again in Solomon's day.

Alternative Ark of Contract History

When, and where, was the gold lid for the Ark of the Contract actually formed?

First point, is that at Solomon's construction site in Jerusalem there was no hammer work going on (1 Kings 6:7).

Second point, the brass/bronze work was done near the Jordan (1 Kings 7:45-46). This was close enough to Jerusalem so the finished parts could be more easily carried up to Solomon's Temple.

Third point is a question. Where was the gold work done? Where would Solomon need to do the gold work? Where would he need to leave the kiln and remains of that work? Or, stated differently, what kiln would he want to reuse for building a gold lid for an older box?

If Solomon is editing this story back into the Exodus account, as we suspect, then he needed to run the gold work at the same kiln as used for the original Tabernacle. This would leave on the ground remains at Sinai that would appear to support his edits about the origin of the ark that he placed in his temple.

By this thinking, the Metallurgy Site video is showing the remains of 2 different eras of metal working. The first, when building the original Tabernacle as per Moses. Then a second, when building certain additional decorations in Solomon's day.

Indeed, the text suggests that the ark of David was merged with the gold Cherubim at Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:6-7).

Jeremiah's Grotto

Ron is credited with discovering the location of the Ark of the Contract. As far as I know the exact location is not publicly known so as to prevent looters from accessing that location. The Israeli government knows the location, of course. Ron was working under a permit from them.

His full discovery is complex. He seems to have had a prophetic word about what wall would need to be opened to find the ark. That wall was at a place known as Jeremiah's grotto. This is where he eventually found a box that he drilled and inside that box found the stored ark. This is amazing itself.

But, the location was underground from a stone shelf that appeared to also be the crucifixion site.

Shortening the story some, Ron recovered blood samples from the ark that appeared to have been deposited via a crack in the stones between the cross above and the ark below. This sets up for the atonement story, and how Joshua's blood ended up on the mercy seat.

When Ron analyzed that blood, there was a chromosome anomaly that essentially proved the blood was from a man, but who had no biological father.

This was an amazing find, and I have no reason to dispute the basic facts of what Ron found. I want to at least sketch out a different way to think about what he found. This starts with the name of the place, Jeremiah's Grotto.

Jeremiah was an heir to Hilkiah. Hilkiah had been in charge of a temple restoration work. In that process they found a lost scroll. Likely an inspired copy tucked away in the structure. Josiah had attempted to move the kingdom back to that inspired set of practices, but Josiah had been unsuccessful. His Benjamin based civil servants would have been against that effort. They would have reversed Josiah's actions as soon as Josiah was gone.

But Jeremiah is using that Hilkiah era scroll against the leaders in Jerusalem. Baruk is making copies and reading them in public. Jeremiah remains busy, and is not a friend to the temple system in Jerusalem.

Jeremiah was eventually made a prisoner in Jerusalem, and was nearly killed in a well. Jeremiah was so different than the leaders in Jerusalem that he was freed to go where he willed after the Babylonians had taken over the city.

Jeremiah was not a hero to the temple system, he was against it. So the name, Jeremiah's Grotto, as applied to the location where Ron found the ark is itself trouble. Like all the other editors, this seems to be a case of using the authority of an inspired writer to falsely vindicate the work of the villains and their heirs.

Jeremiah's real digging/building project was in the field that his cousin sold him. We know this as the field ripe for harvest that Joshua later opens near Sychar. That field held the vault copies of inspired scripture.

Atoning Blood?

At this point our assumption is that sacrifice is a topic introduced into the text by the editors. Sacrifice is a subject to be avoided, as per Acts 15. The audit work will prove or disprove what is now a strong hunch.

So the claim that the blood on the ark is atoning blood is trouble. This is convenient for the NT editors, who presumably did not know the ark was buried in this location.

But what would Joshua's purpose be in setting this all up so it would happen as Ron Wyatt describes?

The first point is this was an interesting way to preserve physical evidence from Joshua's body that would survive until the modern era. If this blood had fallen on a rock, it would have become soil over the past 2000 years. Instead it was kept in a cool cave up off the ground. Like a shelf in a fridge.

By surviving to the modern era it allowed for study of his strange chromosomes and provides modern proof that Joshua had no human father. This makes the virgin birth story trustworthy. This is the most interesting part of Ron's witness to what he found.

So like everything else in the world, Joshua used their nefarious purposes for his own purposes.

But, this says something else. Joshua's blood landing on the ark simply reinforces the idea that the whole sacrifice system was all about human sacrifice. Anyone who would kill an animal for entertainment would also kill people. The most horrible way to die is because someone claims what they are doing is god's will. When god himself actually showed up in their city, they killed him too.

The audit work will either confirm the outline I have sketched out here, or else adjust it in some way. It still remains highly likely that the actual remains found by Ron and his friends are not being interpreted well. We will return to these sorts of discussions once we have audited text.

Let me finish this blog with a few interesting headlines.

Putin Sworn In

It was no surprise when Putin won the Russian elections. He is something of a national hero. On May 7, 2024, he was sworn in for his 5th term. My working understanding is that he is something of a prophetic Moses. If so, he may be a key player in prophetic headlines beginning the first week of July, 2024, and running out until early November.

Use of Nukes

Because nobody in the western world is listening to Putin, he has started threatening Ukraine with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. In particular if NATO starts moving troops into Ukraine, then he will use such weapons to wipe out larger groups of NATO troops. Of course NATO needs this since they would then go nuclear too, and not need troops at all. The link above goes into some of the details.

This may become the story of Moses killing the Egyptian which hits the charts in August, 2024.

I suspect that Putin is not finding anyone willing to talk peace in Ukraine because the actual pharaoh in charge of this Ukraine war lives down south in Israel.

Putin to China

The link here is to a report on Putin's trip to China. Just as Xi made his first foreign trip to Russia, so too has Putin returned the favor with his first foreign trip to China. Chances are they have formally agreed to some plan for defeating the west. Putin is now in for another 6 years, Xi is good for 5. Putin's term reaches past Noah's flood in 2029. Xi would need another term to cover that period.

New Russian Defense Minister

Once Putin was sworn in, Russian law requires all of his ministers to put in their resignations. This allows the new president to shuffle his ministers in a way that does not single out poor performers.

Of the new assignments, former deputy prime minister Andrey Belousov is perhaps the most interesting. His skill is economics. But he is now head of Russia's defenses.

The article above links quotes from Belousov that explain his world view. There are 3 key points. First, his Orthodox Christianity is important. Second, he sees Russia as the heirs of western culture that is now lost in the rest of Europe and the USA. Third, the Russian military needs a highly efficient supply chain. This man is particularly skilled at making that happen. Think ahead to ground wars in Europe and North America.

Slovak PM Shot

The link here is to an article about the attempted assassination of Slovak PM Fico. As I write this he is expected to survive. He was against the Zionist plans of Europe, so his politics was trouble.

This may be more interesting symbolically. This is about 100 years from the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand which lead to the start of World War I. That western leaders are now internally culling their opponents is what matters here.

Bridge Strike in Galveston

The link here is to video of a barge that struck a bridge near Galveston, Texas. Another in the plagues series.

More Later,
