Revelation -- Volumes

This blog finishes the series on Revelation by showing how Revelation lists all the additional volumes. This post is long, so plan your reading time. It lays out the promise of what our work could become.


There are different structural elements to think about for this last part of Revelation. The first is that Revelation's purpose is to elaborate the opening of a sealed text.

As I have explored in an earlier post, Revelation speaks to the systems that mark inspiration. It does so by skipping backwards across history identifying historical events that have hints as to these systems. By Revelation 12 it has backed up to Eden, and there it speaks to the woman giving birth. As this is a story about the text, it suggests strongly that the base document will birth more documents.

Another element to remember is that Revelation is likely the last book within the Testimony, so it should be preparing readers for those additional volumes. So what follows from chapter 12 forward should be a brief hint at what is to come in those volumes.

As I showed in the last blog, Revelation keeps to the use of the historical timeline as it begins its journey forward. So we can use what we know about the historical timeline to pin those additional volumes.

So we should be expecting each additional volume to elaborate what was going on at some point along the historical timeline. Because the historical timeline is fractal by design, it will then cause each volume to apply in different ways throughout history. Since our own lives follow these patterns too, each additional volume will apply in some way to the life situations each of us face.

Layers Of Organization

The woman who gives birth has a crown of 12 stars on her head. Abraham is told that his offspring will be like the stars, so it is reasonable to treat those 12 stars as the 12 tribes. The prophetic parallels to this set of 12 are Jacob and his sons and also David over the tribes. So the tribes form a layer of organization for this problem.

Revelation 7 lists the tribes by name in order. As we are working through Revelation, it makes sense to use Revelation's list of tribes as the sorting key for more volumes.

The second layer of organization are Jacob's blessings over those 12 tribes. He seems to have given those blessings with some knowledge of the cipher system, so he may even have read something about each tribe from early drafts of those volumes. In any case those blessings will help pin stories to history.

The third layer of organization is the historical timeline itself. This includes history as written starting at Eden. This historical narrative barely reaches to the time of the Roman Empire. There is a series of parables in Matthew starting at chapter 16. Those parables span most of history. Once we leave the written historical record we will use Matthew to fill in some future parables which hint at future history.

The Eden narrative itself suggests more volumes. The 'edible trees' described in the Eden account are likely a tree for each tribe So there is a tree of writing for each interesting point in history.

Once we are done with those trees we also have the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil' and we have the 'tree of life.' These would be 2 final volumes, and 2 final points in history.

I will use the term 'tree' here to mark each volume. This help to make clear that these are volumes of more writing.

To organize all of this I have broken down the rest of this blog into sections labeled by a prophetic name for the volume. In most cases a tribe name marks the volume. Under each heading I elaborate what we might expect to see in that volume. I use Eden's trees, sequential written history, Jacob's blessing and Revelation's pointers for each volume to sketch out their likely content.

1) Tree of Adam

The Adam document is going to be the inspired Testimony of Joshua. Created out of the dust by Joshua himself. It was written down by prophets as they were inspired to write.

This tree provides a brief introduction to all the key stories in history. This is the stump left in the ground as described in parable form in the Book of Daniel.

This volume ends with Revelation. Revelation is preparing us for the volumes to come. This volume is not explicitly mentioned in Revelation as Revelation is within this tree.

2) Tree of Eve

Eve provides details for the story of Eden as a place, and events between Adam, Eve and the Hivite/Serpent.

Eve is created by taking a 'rib' from Adam. Some cipher, or perhaps some special cipher, takes the Adam document and creates Eve.

This Eve volume, as with all the others to come, follows in order after Adam. So it should immediately follow the Testimony as we expect.

Eve is cited in Revelation at chapter 12:1-2, a woman who delivers in pain, itself citing Genesis 3:16.

3) Tree of Judah

This point in history is when Enoch was taken up alive, having not died.

Revelation cites this event in Rev. 12:5, with the son caught up to to the skies and taken to his throne. This is the first walk-off king, and the first to occupy a throne in the throne room. Genesis 4:17 has a strange reference to Cain building a city and calling it Enoch. This reuse of the name Enoch hints at Enoch the first walk-off king controlling the city. Perhaps he controls access to the city itself.

We suspect the soul who would become Enoch was first known as righteous Abel. His soul would have returned as Seth. Genesis 5 gives the history of that soul's future lives down through Enoch when he was taken away. He became the first 'walk off.' The first person ever saved from death. See Gen. 5:24.

So the Revelation story about the woman giving birth to a son who is eventually taken up can be tracked specifically from Abel to Enoch. This is a match from Revelation 12 back to the Genesis account.

Hebrews 11:5-6 hints at a testimony about Enoch. This Tree of Judah volume likely provides that testimony. He may be the only one with a personal volume. Enoch is important as the first to enter the throne room as an occupant of a throne. All others walk off kings will do the same. Enoch, though, may have special responsibility for that city.

This is hinted at in Jacob's prophecy about Judah. Jacob said of Judah, Genesis 49:8, Your brothers will praise you. Children of your father will bow down to you.

Enoch deserves the most praise of anyone shy of Joshua himself. Enoch only needed about 4200 years to clean up his soul. All other kings are longer, Noah at around 6000 years, Abraham at around 9500 years. Everyone reading this blog has already needed over 13,000 years.

4) Tree of Reuben

This picks up at the historical time of Noah's flood. Revelation cites this event at Rev. 12:15-17. In that passage is says the Hivite sent a flood in order to cause her to be swept away.

The revelation story is ascribing agency for this event to the Hivite, the same person or party who mislead Eve. So if we did not already know, the flood of Noah was caused by the actions of men.

The ark of Noah is likely called a 'great eagle' in Rev. 12:14. An eagle is also used in other places to refer to a component of one of the Tabernacle articles that is lifted up high, as in flight. This suggests what we would call a UFO of some type. The key point is that it can fly across space.

The time of Noah is described as corrupt. People had corrupted themselves in their bodies. This was at least sexual corruption, see Gen. 6:2.

Jacob said of Reuben, Genesis 49:3-4, You went astray like water. You will not surpass others because you went up to the bed of your father. Jacob is indicating that Reuben's act of fathering Joseph is the same as nearly everyone in Noah's era. Reuben was personally judged in the same way.

There are major parallels to this going on now, especially in the USA, as we sit near the 7000th anniversaries of that era. This point is for another time.

5) Tree of Gad

This picks up at the time of the tower of Babel. They used clay tablets for writing in order to make a reputation for themselves, see Genesis 11:3-4. Joshua then went down and confounded their speech and disbursed them through the land, see Gen. 11:5-6. Finally, the writing tradition begun on those tablets was named Babel. It carries the same name to this day.

Jacob said of Gad, Genesis 49:19, that he will go forth and strike the heels. This is an echo of the Tower of Babel era when Joshua went down and sent them forth by disbursing them. He also confused their language.

Revelation picks up the language side of this story beginning at Rev. 13:1. It talks of a 'wild animal' that rises up from the sea. This is speaking of a rebirth of secular society after the events of Noah's flood. All the land wonders about what has happened, see Rev. 13:3. This is Revelation's take on the same story as in Genesis. The 'whole world' and everyone acting as one.

Revelation 13:5-7 speaks to the textual tradition from that event. It calls out their written works as blasphemy. Revelation says Babel blasphemes his name, blasphemes his dwelling place (Eden) and blasphemes against those who live in the skies. Eden is a real place with people living there, but you won't learn that in most churches, nor in political discourse, nor in school. There is only 1 divine name, but you cannot figure that out from the standard texts either.

The Bible, named for this same Tower of Babel tradition, still does this. It especially downgrades Joshua to a son of god and it suggests falsely that the god of the skies wants sacrifice for appeasement. It hides the offer of salvation which is to be taken up like Elijah and join those who live in the skies. These missing points are at the heart of blasphemy.

6) Tree of Asher

This tree covers the next important era at the time of Abraham. Abraham has fled Ur, presumably ahead of the destruction of Ur. In Abraham's life Sodom is also destroyed. Abraham is himself on the fringes of these events. He is commended in Hebrews 11:9 for living in tents. This was important because it was a time of military conquest. Safety was in the wilderness, not cities.

Though not named in this story, I suspect this is at the time of the rise of Egypt. An early version of Egypt is what is redeveloping after Babel. It had taken over 1200 years since Babel for this to happen. Jacob's family would soon flee to Egypt, so this Tree of Asher should explain the development and nature of the Egypt into which Abraham's people had to flee.

Revelation 13:11 starts the details for Egypt. First point made there is it is a rebirth, or rebuilding. So the effects of Joshua's actions against Babel had worn off. People started again to build another empire. Seems rebuilding empires is a common theme in human history. The same sort of thing happened in Roman times and again over the past 250 years.

Rev. 13:13 indicates that the people of that day could cause fire to come from from the skies in the full view of men. This would be the fire that destroyed Sodom, see Gen. 19:24.

Rev. 13:15 explains how Egypt used death as a way to control the people. We know this as the blood on the Nile at the start of the plagues. We know this as ordering the death of the babies. We know this as the destroying king who goes out and kills during the plague of first born.

Finally, Rev. 13:16-17 also indicates that they controlled the physical bodies of people who lived in Egypt. We probably know this today as Obamacare. They also controlled through bodily marks those who could buy and sell. This was a horrible place, being rebuilt now.

Jacob said of Asher, Genesis 49:20, His land is good and will give food to the king. This is a comment about the land of Egypt being fruitful. We see this hinted at when Joseph goes to Egypt and provides food, even for outsiders like his family.

Egypt had the abundance needed to produce these other works because of the waters of the Nile. Those waters ease and make stable the work of growing food. This is what allowed all these other horrors to develop. The Mississippi and Missouri rivers do the same for the USA.

7) Tree of Naphtali

This tree covers the events of the Exodus from Egypt. Presumably the previous Tree of Asher deals with the setup and normal running of Egypt. This Tree of Naphtali focuses on the heirs of Jacob and the era surrounding their departure from Egypt and their eventual setup of the Tabernacle.

Revelation starts covering this era at Rev. 14:2-4. It discuses a voice from the skies, see Exodus 3:12 and Exodus 20:1. Joshua speaking publicly from the skies is a feature of that generation.

Revelation discusses music and harpists, see Exodus 15:1+. Revelation 14:3 discusses the 4 creatures, a catch phrase for the big museum pieces in the Tabernacle. Revelation then recounts the 144,000 again. This is the number of walk-offs from that generation. That number was used earlier in Revelation to mark this same Exodus era. See Rev. 7:4.

Jacob said of Naphtali, Genesis 49:21, that Naphtali is a swift messenger. He gives attractive sayings. The 'attractive sayings' are the language system that the Tabernacle and its artifacts describe. This generation was the first to leave earth en mass, Rev. 14:4.

8) Tree of Manasseh

This tree covers the time of the Empire of Solomon. The time of the Judges is over. Samuel, the prophet who establishes the throne, wrote Judges to span across time to this era.

At Solomon's day, the heirs of Jacob are now forming an empire. David has conquered most of the regions around. This empire stretched from the borders with Egypt to the Euphrates, see 2 Samuel 8:3. Solomon takes over in a time of relative peace and sets out to build his temple.

Solomon's temple is dealt with by name in Revelation 15:5-8. Editors have most likely shifted the focus to a temple in the skies because they are heirs of Solomon's editing.

Some bits from Revelation 16 are likely inspired. It has a structure built around 7 bowls which likely marks the editor's hand. But some parts of those 7 likely form an inspired core. Note Revelation 16:2, where there are sores on men. Solomon with his 1000 women would have been this way. It also mentions bowing to the image. This too is what Solomon did in his temple.

Jacob said of Manasseh, Genesis 48:19, that he would become a great people. In Solomon's day the heirs of Jacob are no longer a confederacy, but are now an empire, a great people. Becoming a great people is not a compliment.

9) Tree of Simeon

This tree covers the time leading up to and including the Assyrian deportation. At that time in history the northern and southern kingdoms are in alliance. Jezebel was ruling with Ahab in the north. She most famously had the prophet Naboth killed for control of his vineyard.

Revelation 17:3-6 describes Jezebel and her dress. It then mentions the death of Naboth, see 1 Kings 21:13, when it says she was drunk from the blood of the holy and from the testimony of Joshua. She was of course an editor, and she not only killed Naboth, but she also bloodied the inspired Testimony of Joshua. Jezebel also sought Elijah's life. This is why Elijah was afraid and fled to the cave. See 1 Kings 19:10 for details.

This season in history is the prelude to the Assyrian deportation. Other prophets in the same era include Jonah and his trip to Nineveh. The generally faithful Ninevites became another walk off group. See Matthew 12:41 and Luke 11:32 for more on them. The heirs of that group form the Assyrian army that causes the deportation.

Jacob said of Simeon, paired with Levi, Genesis 49:5-7, that they are instruments of rage. Jacob never agreed to their counsels, nor did he sit in their assemblies. They will be divided and scattered.

Jacob is picking up on the very bad counsel of Jezebel and those who followed her orders. He then concludes the matter and explains that this was the final straw that caused all the tribes to be scattered at that time.

10) Tree of Levi

Jacob pairs Simeon and Levi together, and the next tree picks up the time of the Babylonian invasion. Remember, the only people to survive the Assyrian deportation are those who remained inside the city walls of Jerusalem itself. This is not even 1 full tribe. That remnant inside the city walls will be deported at the time of the Babylonian captivity. The Tree of Levi picks up this story.

Revelation 18:21 starts this event. First point is this deportation was like a millstone tossed into the sea. The city is like a single stone, like a millstone, hard to move, but something men can move. The seas represent the peoples around. Revelation then calls out a great city that will be thrown down with violence and will not exist again. Editors likely shift this city to be an allegory for Babel, and not the city of Jerusalem.

Revelation 18:22 then turns to the practices of the temple in Jerusalem. That building had first been built by Solomon. It had been damaged by an earthquake and also restored in the centuries up to the Babylonian captivity. It was the location for harpers, musicians, singers, and trumpeters.

Revelation 18:23 discusses no more lamp, no more marriage ceremonies, and how by their magic (handling of edited text) they had deceived the peoples. By the way a 'magician' is always referencing someone who handles the Babylonian documents. See Acts 13:6-8 for an example.

This Tree of Levi may be covering more than just the Babylonian deportation. There is about 100 years of interesting history that begin with that deportation. Those years include the time of Mordecai and Ezra. They stretch out until Jerusalem was rebuilt as a vassal of Babylon under the then new Jewish religion.

Jacob said the same of Simeon and Levi. So he is covering this tree of Levi too, and saying the same things, see Genesis 49:5-7. Jacob says that they are instruments of rage. Jacob never agreed to their counsels, nor did Jacob sit in their assemblies... They will be divided and scattered.

Jacob means he would never want to visit Solomon's Temple, he would never listen to what they said. He would have nothing to do with Babylon. He would have nothing to do with the rebuilt temple of Ezra's day. He would have nothing to do with Ezra's edits nor religion. Like the Assyrian deportation before, their end was to be divided and scattered.

11) Tree of Issachar

The Tree of Issachar moves up to the New Testament era. It appears to cover the world in the days of the birth of Joshua. This is a change in historical pacing. This tree, and the following, are slowing down.

Revelation 19:1-5, though likely highly edited, is picking up the praise for what is going on with Joshua's birth. See the account starting at Luke 2:1.

Though taxes are not mentioned explicitly, the need to travel was likely to pay land tax to protect the family lands from government confiscation. Without such land ties they could have stayed in Nazareth and registered there. The manger where Joshua was born, see Luke 2:7, is likely on the family land and very near the scroll vault.

Jacob said of Issachar, Genesis 49:14, He sees how good his land is, how it is between roads, and how he bowed to servitude for taxes.

This reference is likely the census that triggered the travel that was going on at the time of Joshua's birth.

Jacob's reference to the good land of Issachar is hinting at the family lands that were protected at this time. This is the land that Abraham first purchased in the area for a burial plot.

This volume may be covering the personal early life of Joshua. It may be covering the world that he grew up in. There are timeline components to his life and these may also fold against the main historical timeline, especially the pre-flood world.

12) Tree of Zebulun

The Tree of Zebulun appears to pick up Joshua's adult life before his appearances as an adult in the New Testament. This was the time when he had a house at Capernaum on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee.

We believe this is when he was setting up the Tabernacle articles. This is when he was doing a by-hand recovery of the text. This is when some of his earliest disciples were called. They were helping with this work.

Revelation 19:6-8 picks up this era. Again, with some editing. First point, Rev. 19:6, is the voice of many waters. This is the shoreline noise which we think would been heard at that house. The second point, Rev. 19:8, is being arrayed in fine pure linen, clean and white. This vocabulary is idiomatic of the white cloth used to make Joseph's robe, one of the articles. It is also idiomatic of the white pages that hold perfect inspired writing.

Jacob said of Zebulun, Genesis 49:13, that he will live at the shore of the sea, by the beauty of ships. This is also referencing the Capernaum location by the sea of Galilee. The beauty of ships would be seeing the various 3d model carriers/creatures. Those model carriers can be thought of as like ships. Those museum articles also enable beautiful language work.

This era also has a timeline component because Joshua's life is running a prophetic clock. After age 12, his personal timeline shifts to what to us is now the past 2000 years. So besides covering his personal life, it may also provide hints as to the build up of our modern era.

13) Tree of Joseph

This Tree of Joseph appears to pick up the tail end of the NT era. It might include Paul's missionary works, but more likely is pointing at Rome beginning with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and then running forward.

It may stretch across history to the start of the church at Rome. It may stretch to the fall of Rome which shows up in some other prophetic stories.

Joseph is a tribal name that combines Manasseh and Ephraim. Manasseh already has a tree in this list, see #8 above. That tree applied to the era of Solomon and his empire. That empire was ruling over all of the tribes of Jacob, it also stretched beyond the traditional territories settled at the time of Joshua son of Nun.

By applying this tree to Rome we are asserting a point made in the work that the lost tribes of Jacob became the nations that make up modern Europe, including Russia. So this tree is asserting that Solomon's early empire now becomes the Roman empire.

Note that the Roman empire of the first century is thought to encompass 1/4th of all the earth's population at the time. Rome is the subject of a question asked in Acts 1:6. What Joshua going to restore the kingdom in his day? His answer was that it was not for them to know the time. This strange answer is because it was already restored and functioning as the empire they all lived under.

So Joseph applying to Rome is a well supported idea from other studies. Those tribes are who collectively invaded Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Revelation 19:11-16 picks up this story. In this passage we read about a white horse with a rider who judges and makes war. The war that ends the NT stories is the conquering of Jerusalem. This tree, at least, appears to be the inspired back story for that late NT history.

The Revelation 19:14 reference to being clothed in pure white linen is saying that there was another generation of walk offs in the late NT era. This is the idiom about the pure text and how it enables walk offs.

We do not believe the inspired documents that were used in the NT era survived to the start of the church era in Rome, say 200 years later. If this collapse in the availability of the inspired Testimony is recorded in inspired writing, it would be under this tree.

Jacob has an extensive set of blessings over Joseph, see Genesis 49:22. Joseph is a fruitful son whose branches run over a wall. A company of men contended with him and envied him. In strength he bent his bow and his arms were made strong by the mighty one of Jacob. It then concludes with various blessings.

The fall of Rome, splitting into the same 10 against 2 split as happened after Solomon's reign, is seen in parable form in Matthew 20:17-28. That suggests this additional volume might stretch up to that era.

This content is a strong match to the Revelation 19:11 passage and suggests this series of trees is running correctly, even though we are past the end of the historical narrative of the text.

14) Tree of Benjamin

This Tree deals with events surrounding the Christianization of Russia at the year 990 AD. Russia, when identified by seal date, is the lost tribe of Judah. So this date marks the end of the spread of Christianity to the lost tribes.

We know this date from other timeline work, especially the prophetic run from Matthew. Matthew 20:29-34 is the parable about this era. The 2 blind men are the 2 tribes that are usually paired together for the southern kingdom. At the year 990 AD, this pair is Judah/Russia. This is the 2 who split from the rest of the 10 at the fall of the Roman empire.

Judah's mother Leah had something going on with her eyes, see Genesis 29:17. That story is often translated as having poor eyesight, which in Matthew's parable would be the blindness of these 2 men.

The exception to the reach of Christianity is Benjamin, which is modern Israel. As a tribe Benjamin remains Jewish. So one of the blind men who was healed with be Judah/Russia. The other is not yet healed.

There was a major document change in 1008 AD with the completion of a rewritten, vowel pointed, Old Testament. That document is known as the WLC. So there is a strange direct reference to the lost tribe of Benjamin buried in this timing under the Tree of Benjamin.

There may be some material for this tree starting at Revelation 19:19, but Revelation picks up the story clearly at Rev. 20:1. Here the Hivite/Serpent is bound for 1000 years. The Christian/Orthodox faith, though not perfect, still binds the Hivite.

The Christianization of Russia is recorded in detail in the Primary Russian Chronicle. All the pagan places of worship were cleared of their idols which were ceremonially tossed into the river. The expulsion of paganism and the establishment of Orthodox Christianity happened in 990 AD.

Surprisingly to westerners, it happened in Kiev in what is now modern Ukraine. Kiev was the capital of Russia at the time. The 'Rus' people have generally migrated further east over the past 1000+ years.

The Russian people celebrated the 1000th anniversary of the Christianization of Russia in 1990 AD. It was a big deal. For those old enough to remember it received quite a bit of press in the USA at the time. Time magazine ran a cover story and devoted an issue to this anniversary.

This anniversary was essentially coincident with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The binding and loosing of the accuser in Russia is described in detail in Revelation 20:4-7. Note that the Gog/Magog references are commonly assigned to Russia, which is correct based on these other studies.

Those 1000 years are commonly assigned across 1000 years future, out from our current era. This is flat out wrong. We are at the end of those 1000 years now. The important prophetic point is some sort of release at the end of those 1000 years and the gathering together for war.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the 'Russian Oligarchs' set out to plunder Russia of its natural resources. Those oligarchs were really front men for western banking interests. Nobody in Russia had the money to buy anything at industrial scale. The western backers of those oligarchs easily created money out of nothing and used that to buy up all the assets of Russia across the early 1990s.

NATO, originally put in place to defend western Europe from Russia, should have been dissolved at this point. Discussion was held on this point too. Instead, it was kept for the purpose of eventually conquering Russia. NATO is the mechanism for the war described in Revelation 20:9. All of the false diplomacy by the west towards Russia has been to allow the west to prepare for the conquering of Russia.

So as we are looking at these stories for more volumes, we can expect the era of the Christianization of Russia to get the Tree of Benjamin.

The question that is open is does that book cover both ends of the 1000 year interval? Or does the 1000 years clock time to the next volume? I believe there are 2 volumes implied here, let me give my defense.

Tribe of Dan

The Revelation 7 list of tribes importantly does not mention the tribe of Dan. At times, Dan comes ahead of the list, say when calculating the seal dates that identify the lost tribes. In that use, Dan is identified as the Netherlands and Belgium. At times, Dan comes at the end, say when counting months in the year. In this case Dan is month 13 and is only seen on leap years.

Jacob discusses Dan, and says he will be a serpent by the way, an adder in the paths that bites the horse in its heal and causes the rider to fall backward.

Consider the current war surrounding Kiev. It has 2 primary parties, the first is Russia defending her western borders. Russia is the lost tribe of Judah. The other party is NATO, with headquarters in the City of Brussels in Belgium. This is Dan.

So the way Revelation is identifying document trees by tribes in order has now reached the spot where we are naturally looking for Dan. We are finding Dan in the war that defines this era. This is the nuclear war that will end our current age.

What I think is going on is a convergence on the next tree. It is not the Tree of Dan, but the Tree of Good and Evil. It has a component from Benjamin. That tribe represents the banking interests that need Russia's natural resources to continue the fiat currency fraud. In the evening, Benjamin divides the spoil, as the bankers did of Russia using the oligarchs. This has components from Dan, who hosts the western military headquarters.

But it gets a more dramatic name because of how this tree represents death. The era in history when this tree applies will see much death. See Genesis 2:17. That era is now, the war has started in Kiev.

15) Tree of Good and Evil

Jacob said of Benjamin, Genesis 49:27, that he is a plundering wolf. In the morning he eats prey and in the evening divides spoil. Note how there is a split time reference between morning and evening. This time split in Jacob's blessing is seen in the 1000 year gap in the Revelation 20 version of the same thing.

If Revelation is speaking to another scroll which is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then it is the set of stories about what happens AFTER the 1000 years are ended. This is the material referenced in Revelation 20:7-10.

The time period for this last scroll could start with the Protestant Reformation around 1500 AD. Luther switched to the newly minted 1008 AD version of the Hebrew Old Testament. Luther was abandoning the Latin tradition with evident roots from inspired Aramaic. His unclear financial support and protection by the powerful was likely coming from powerful interests who wanted to weaken the Catholic Church.

Luther encouraged everyone to read the book for themselves, in their own languages. This unleashed a desire for education in order to read the scriptures. Reading for yourselves, especially without a priest, is useful. The work we are doing now is birthed out of that tradition.

Protestantism also unleashed a scientific revolution, where the whole natural world was seen as created by god with an understandable design. So the natural world could be understood just like scripture.

Protestantism took root in various places, but especially the British Isles. This was also home to the industrial revolution. These 2 movements worked together, but they fostered a secular world view. By the 1700s this strange godless view was called a 'new secular order' as embodied in the founding principles of the United States, and still seen on the currency.

This godless movement creates the various collectivist movements that have killed so many people over the past 200 years. They all spring from the religion of Babel. They are embodied best under the umbrella of the tribe of Benjamin. Masonic paraphernalia, for example, is in Hebrew.

Paul Craig Roberts makes an excellent case that the Soviet Union's collapse unleashed western world leaders, not Russia. Those western leaders have a religion in the new secular order, the new age. After 1990, western leaders of that religion were no longer constrained by the threat of the Soviet Union. Western leaders are not even remotely Christian, unlike Russian leaders.

Ever since the Soviet collapse, western leaders have set out to completely conquer the entire world and impose their secret, world, Babylonian, Tower of Babel religion on everyone.

This is what the war in Ukraine is really about. This is why so many nations are aligning with Russia in this fight. This is why Putin appears so often as a prophetic Moses.

Revelation 20:7 picks up the tail of this era. This is at the end of the 1000 years from the Christianization of Russia. The city mentioned in that passage is usually thought to be Jerusalem. Jerusalem is not a beloved city. Remember, there will be no more harpists there.

More likely nuclear war that the western world leaders/Hivites are about to unleash will center on the city of Kiev, where it began 1000 years ago. But, western leaders/Hivites are likely to go up in nuclear smoke before this is over. The is the commentary on this event in Revelation at this point.

There should be an entire additional volume, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which explains our own era in detail. What hangs over this volume is the threat made in Genesis over this tree. Eating from it causes death, as we are about to witness in the world.

More Scrolls

Revelation now turns back to general comments on what it is doing. Revelation 20:11-15 discusses the opening of more scrolls. This is affirming that it has already been describing the opening of additional scrolls.

This indicates that the opening of more scrolls is happening at the same general point in history when the 1000 years are over, so after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990 AD. It may not happen publicly and widely until after this nuclear war is over.

Of a personal note, it is a little odd that I am laying out the strategies for doing this here in this blog which is in this general season in history. We have noticed at other times that we are doing work that the text says someone will do. With this blog I am laying out our future work which is also described here in the Revelation passage for our era.

16) Tree of Life

Revelation 20:12 makes explicit the opening of yet another scroll, which is of life. Revelation's references to that scroll begin at Rev. 21:1.

I have covered this general material in previous blogs dealing with Mars. What is important about this placement in Revelation is that this is the topic for yet another scroll. The scroll of life, or the Tree of Life.

In chronological history this appears to be a time in the distant future, after Mars has been colonized. Revelation has a view of Eden from the surface of Mars, the planet with no oceans, see Revelation. 21:1.

It describes a time when there is a reconciliation of the people who live on Earth and Mars with those who live in Eden. By Revelation 21:4 it makes clear there is no death. This is already the case in Eden, but will become the case out on the planets too.

Revelation 21:10 describes the place from the perspective of a high mountain. The highest mountain is Olympus Mons on Mars. The Eden moon is mobile and likely only comes to orbit around Jupiter, so Mars is the best place to get a good look while on planetary ground.

Revelation 21:11+ gives some description, especially the gates and the faceted nature of that moon. Those facets imply that moon is artificial.

Revelation 21:15+ gives dimensions of the place, very close to the dimensions of the Iapetus moon of Saturn.

By timeline references I would expect this time in history to be a minimum of 1200 years future. This is calculated using Joshua' general pace of 30 years in history to each day in his life. The 40 days until his ascension thus time a 1200 year interval future to our era. His personal ascension is thus prophetic for the general loading of that moon.

This last volume, the Tree of Life, deals with the events in and around Eden. Presumably this deals with its history, how to gain access and what it is like after it is fully restored and repopulated.

Who Knew This?

I stated above that the creation of additional volumes comes from knowing the cipher system and knowing how to apply it. This has been available at any point in history when there were writing prophets. So Abraham and his clan were able to know at least the opening stories for all of these volumes. By the time the NT is closed the writers in that day could read the entire work.

So the basic flow of what was to them future history was known very early in history. They could see into our era, which is what is so surprising with this whole study.

There is still a daunting amount of work ahead of us to actually unpack what I have sketched out in this post. From this post you can get a feel for the promise of what could come if we are able to complete the work that lies ahead of us.

More Later,
