400 App Changes

We are deploying the various TT related apps today, 1 day later than usual. This to get the deploy done before Tabernacles. This deploy is big, integrating Boustrophedon into various tables. Read on for more.


There was feedback after last week's blog that asked about using the GPU instead of the CPU for letter level work. The short answer is that is a really good idea. With a potential of maybe a 100 fold increase in performance. It also meant I could stick with my current Javascript code and not need to rewrite everything, just certain time critical parts.

But the current work I am doing needs essentially everything instrumented because I am characterizing certain parts statistically. I am also editing it every few hours. Something very fast to do in Javascript. So I realized I could write around the Javascript memory problems and keep working on my real Paleo audit problems in Javascript.

I did not yet need to go to CUDA C for the GPU, I could pick from any language outside of Javascript. In the end a clever 4 line Bash script using tools from the 1970s cut through the problem in a flash. Still not at the speed of the GPU, but still super fast compared to Javascript. I could get back to my real problem of instrumentation and especially statistical characterization runs.

I was especially looking at how inspired text is arranged on pages, at least for audit purposes. By late this week I'd done enough runs to strongly suggest the letter arrangement against which the audit patterns do their magical work is Boustrophedon.

Boustrophedon is the name for writing where alternate rows read in opposite directions going down a page of text. This is a big deal. Let me return to Boustrophedon below, but first let me explain the Testimony Books.


In the last blog post I started to discuss the issue of books. The 24 kings around Joshua's throne are the 24 inspired authors of OT material in order.

So what about position 25?

That would be Joshua in the central throne of the Revelation throne room.

Our work on the ground with the Qu Map showed us to expect a second set of 25 cells at the center of the main map. This is the conceptual basis for a lower case version of the entire alphabet. This has been encoded in our fonts for many years, and can be typed using a Paleo keyboard, but lower case has been hardly ever used.

So when we read the 24 authors of the OT we are running the alphabet, 24 glyphs, Dot through Colon. But position 25 in the outer map sees a Quad in the middle. That would be King Joshua, who sits in the central throne.

But, instead of a Book of similar size to the earlier 24, what we have is yet another set of 25 cells, also following the Qu Map. That writing for King Joshua turns out to be what we find in the inspired parts of the NT.

This structural pattern is called 'recursion' if you know programming, or a 'hall of mirrors' if you don't.

Recursion, defined mathematically, has some point where the recursion stops. So in this case, each bottom of the recursion either finds another 25 cells in yet another internal layer, or we just find 1 final cell at the bottom. In this case it only recurses 2 times, then stops.


So let me lay out the overall structure of the Testimony. There are 25 books, Enoch through Haggai, the first 24. Then there is a 25th book, Joshua. Joshua being in the center of the throne room.

This design is recursive. So the OT material is 24 authored works. Now, watch for the recursion.

The 25th authored work is the inspired text from the entire NT. That text is a recursion on the throne room. So the NT begins again at a Dot and runs through a Colon, following the alphabet in order across 25 distinct writings.

This time, when we get to the final Quad, the pattern does NOT recurse. What we find is a single written work, the end of the recursion.

Who should we expect there? Joshua, himself, writing something small, in his own hand, that made it into the NT canon. Just like all the earlier 24 kings did before him.

Which book would that be? Let me suggest the inspired parts of the Book of Hebrews. Probably under a book title with Joshua's name in it. Why? Because Hebrews 11 explains how Joshua judged some of the kings who were in the OT.

In this view the closing material for the entire Testimony will likely come from the inspired bits that begin at Hebrews 12:22, "You have come near to the city in the skies, and to the innumerable multitude of kings, and to Joshua, the judge of all. Therefore beware lest you refuse him who speaks to you."

This sentence captures the 'city case' which is another name for the 5x5 Qu Map. It captures the kings arranged there. Joshua inspired them to write too. It captures Joshua in the middle, both for his entire life as narrated in the NT, and then his specific writing as the Judge of All.

It then ends on a stern warning. If you've read the entire text you better not refuse him who has been speaking to you in writing.

The reference to Joshua in this passage is the author identifying himself. Joshua is also the King over all the other inspired works in the NT, beginning with the announcements of his impending birth.


So while all of this is going on, Ryan is working on the main rows in the 400 app. From the discussion above, and from looking at the Qu Map, it begged a question...

Are the scrolls as expressed in the 400 app Boustrophedon too?

Think about reading an actual rolled scroll. You start at 1 end, when you get to the far end, if it is double sided, you flip it over, then you read it backwards out to the front.

Scrolls are by definition Boustrophedon at the highest level of abstraction.

So the high abstraction of scrolls as they are physically made, agrees with a low level row organization where the text is also Boustrophedon.

So are the rows in the table of 400 Boustrophedon? If we call them scrolls they must be.

After a review of what would happen if every other row flipped direction, it was clear Boustrophedon showed off the structure via story match much better.

So Ryan has spent much of the past week changing the layout of the various apps to handle a Boustrophedon macro structure. We delayed the deploy yesterday to get as much of this done as we could before Tabernacles.


So as part of our normal cycle, the TT, 400, SR, and BRB are updated this evening. The 400 has the most dramatic visual change, with Quads on both sides to reflect the Boustrophedon style, but while maintaining alignment in most letters. Also, the Calendar app has been updated to return the Sabbath Reads pattern to a Dot through Quad arrangement.

We do not expect an update next Friday, unless fixing something severe.

More Later,
