Texas Fires

This blog looks at the recent fires in Texas as but a small part of an ongoing plague on cattle. Also, more app updates, this week SR, 400, QM, BOM and EB.

Plague On Cattle (Exodus 9, BRB)

One of the plagues on Egypt was the plague on cattle. It is recorded in Exodus 9. The link above is into the BRB for this passage.

The plague on cattle itself has not been clearly seen in earlier runs of the plagues. In the summer of 2000 there was not any clear cattle related headlines, nor did the plagues series in 2008 see any specific headlines related to actual herds of cattle.

The charts from 2010 show the plague of Cattle matching General Motors asking for a bailout in November of 2008. Think of freeways full of cars as the modern technical equivalent of roaming herds of cattle.

Most of the 2008 era plagues were related to the financial system in the USA. Those plagues were mostly impacting Benjamin's Zionist Bankers in New York. Because those same bankers effectively control the government in Washington DC, they were able to rescue themselves from their own bad debts by ordering up bailouts out of Washington DC.

On the other hand, we do at times see many headlines related to problems caused by government waging war against cattle producers. It is our current hunch that all the plagues recorded in Exodus were ultimately caused by Pharaoh's own actions, even if the text we read in English today is less clear.

Dutch Protests (BBC, 2022)

The link here is to an article from 2022 dealing with farmer protests in 2022. In this case we see a community of farmers being pushed off their land on the excuse that cows are destroying the environment.

I am not going to fight the environmental religion here, but as Putin recently said to Tucker, the overall impact of humans on the Earth's environment is not big enough to make any difference. Even if it did, otherwise frozen Siberia would become vast new farmland.

In any case, think of it this way, Pharaoh's religious systems have taken over policy making, and those policies want most people and most animals dead. Those farmers are but a small part.

Most politicians have been raised in cities. They probably think food comes from stores, not farms.

Bezos $60M for Fake Meat (fastcompany.com)

I treat most, but not all, of the wealthy individuals in the USA as Pharaoh's officials. So we can monitor what Pharaoh is up to by monitoring many of those men. Gates and Bezos are 2 such men. The article linked here is to a recent article where Bezos pledged $60M for alternative meat research.

Vegetarianism appears to be a marker of Pharaoh's religion in a general sense. Anyone caught in this is trapped in some branch of the Egyptian religion.

So this headline is but 1 good example of the drive for forcing that religion on everyone else. What else should we expect. This would be another expression of the idea that Pharaoh himself is plaguing cattle. In this case knowingly with the plan to replace his dead cattle with other foods.

European Protests, 2024 (theguardian.com)

The link here is to another article dealing with widespread farmers protests across Europe. Problems for farmers are common in the western world and they do not appear to be going away.

Note this article is written by controlled media, so they report on what the politicians are saying about these protests. They give trite short summaries and do not address the root problem. WEF policy is simply to git rid of traditional farming. Essentially all western politicians are following that policy. Again, more evidence of a widespread plague on cattle and farming in some general sense. Do they not know they are ruining Egypt?

Electronic Tracking (foodsupply.news)

This has been reported in several sources. The link here is to Food Supply. The point of the article is that the US Federal Government appears poised to demand electronic tracking of all cattle, and bison, in the USA.

This is the first step to all sorts of trouble, yet another plague on cattle. In this case it provides the first step in the government being able to inject cattle just like they did people a year after the start of Covid.

How many cattle, or people eating those cattle, would we expect to survive?

These are not 1-off problems, but a widespread political movement. These articles are but samples of that movement. My thesis is that the plagues, including the plague on cattle, are long term policy related plagues that manifest themselves in headlines like those I've linked above.

At times this seems to go beyond policy, and sometimes shows up as specific events. One such event is the recent Smokehouse Creek fire in Texas.

Smoke House Fire, Texas (foodsupply.news)

The article here is a review of the Smoke House Creek Fire. This fire broke out recently in the Texas Panhandle and then spread across the state line into Oklahoma. The article makes the point that maybe 10,000 head of cattle were killed by that fire. It was reports from this fire that caused me to want to write this blog. Maybe we have a plague on cattle that we have not been able to see before.

For reference, the State of Texas itself has a heard of about 4.1 million head, so even if the total loss in this fire were to reach 41,000 head it would only be a 1 percent loss of Texas beef. So this fire is not large enough to qualify as a specific fulfillment of the Plague on Cattle as called out in the text.

But, from the beginning, this fire in Texas was strange for another reason. The reports of what was going on in the fire included references that pointed at deep state actors as contributing to the cause of the fire. I first saw this with posts on X, and then found someone had summarized the strange stuff reported on out of Texas.

Directed Energy Weapons (bitchute.com)

The link here is to a short, 4:47 M:SS, summary view that includes some of the footage that was posted around independently when this Texas fire broke out. It includes the important clip of the Texas governor discussing what he saw when he surveyed the burned out areas. It also references some of the known policy goals of modern Pharaoh and how they align with these various fires.

The term used in the video is "Directed Energy Weapons." Here we run into yet another problem. The term itself is used by the military as its name for military grade lasers. This is known tech, the green lasers shown in the video, if not deep-fakes, and if actually filmed in Texas, would be an example of this.

But, Directed Energy Weapons is a term that applies to a very different form of energy weapon. This other and more dangerous form was first reported on in a book called "Where Did the Towers Go?" by Dr. Judy Wood, a professor of Mechanical Engineering. I need to briefly review her work for new readers here.

Where Did the Towers Go? (goodreads.com)

Dr. Wood did a forensic investigation into the collapse of the Twin Towers. Her interest was piqued when she first saw video in real time of that collapse. The direction of the fall did not follow the physics of building collapses used in standard engineering textbooks dealing with building collapse.

The problem for Dr. Woods was evident the moment she saw the video. Those buildings lost angular momentum on their way to the ground. This could only happen if they disintegrated as they fell. Brick buildings do this in collapse, but not steal framed office towers. Dr. Wood wanted to know why this happened.

Her book is mostly a compendium of evidence that some sort of energy weapon was used against all 3 of the towers that fell that day. Something like an industrial, open-air, version of a residential microwave oven was used.

Backing up her claim was written legal depositions by first responders who told stories of strange effects that most of us know of from accidentally putting wrong stuff into residential microwave ovens. Think about putting aluminum foil, tin cans or non-microwave safe plastics into a microwave oven.

Perhaps the most compelling evidence in agreement with Wood's thesis was how those energy fields ignited parked cars, both along the Hudson and East rivers. Those cars had particularly strange burn patterns and were blocks away from the towers.

Dr. Woods' work is foundational for understanding modern directed energy weapons. Her work was referenced in another video dealing with the Texas fires. Here is the link to that video.

Unnatural DEW in Texas (911nwo.com)

This video is 29:03 long. It uses the Texas fires as but 1 more example of the ongoing use of 911 style directed energy weapons. It is full of visual evidence of the troubling patterns in these fires.

Important points are that buildings and cars burned at high temperatures while foliage was often not burned at all. This is typical of what you see in microwave ovens. Metals catch fire and spark, while plant based materials only get warm.

Note also that trees with high water content were also susceptible to fire. The video includes examples from fires in California that are also abnormal.

So why is this interesting?

There does not appear to be any actual normal natural disasters going on anywhere. These all appear to be man made.

My working thesis? Pharaoh, or an organized wolf pack of little Pharaohs, are running around plaguing everything.

Some of those plagues are being carried out with the involvement of politicians, but some, like these fires, is apparently outside of the political world. But, then, there was the following...

Operation Torch Texas (stateofthenation.co)

The link here is to a summary article on the Texas fires. There is a considerable number of photos from around the area of the burn.

If you scroll way to the bottom, there is "Update #5." That update is from Joseph Farrell, who has been in the alternative media space for a long time. He usually appears with Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari.com.

He adds an important detail. Those fires are in the area of a facility known as the Pantex Plant. There are links back to Farrell's original post and to the Wikipedia article on that plant in the update. That plant is one of the key places where the USA assembles and disassembles nuclear weapons.

This strange fire in Texas thus crosses into the domain of soon coming nuclear war. Though it may be just a strange coincidence, it is still very strange.

Perhaps we are seeing some sort of behind-the-scenes battle over control of the nuclear button? Maybe someone was sending a message to Texas? Perhaps this fire is linking to the ultimate collapse of prophetic Egypt? Probably would be my general answer to these questions.

2024 Elections

While on the subject of the political world, the elections are starting up again. Trump vs. Biden. Anyone think the election will be any different than 4 years ago? I don't. Here is the first of what will probably be a river of similar video reports.

Garvey (twitter.com)

The link here suggests the voting machines in California are all still rigged. California is probably more conservative than anyone might otherwise think. Likely this pattern is the same in all the other democratic states.

What plague might this be?

App Updates

In last week's update we put out Sabbath Reads for the first time on the new build and run time systems. When we were using that app the following day, we noticed some regressions. Turns out we needed to get very much better control over how we configure Bible related passages as that text goes into apps.

We have spent much of this week working on getting a permanent fix to this set of tedious configuration problems. By Thursday night we were pretty happy with how it turned out. Let me go through the list of updates and what we've been up to.

Sabbath Reads (sr.paleo.in)

Sabbath Reads is updated again. Configuration for Bible manuscripts is now part of the new build environment. It is no longer configured on a per-app basis, though this could be done if needed in some special case.

This new setup is designed to work well for the rest of the scripture related apps. The new build environment has a strong spell checker and that is now always run. Many spelling errors have been cleaned up in this app.

Table of 400 (400.paleo.in)

The 400 app has been moved to the new configuration setup too. The display options for the text are now completely matched to the Sabbath Reads. Also many spelling errors are now fixed.

Qu Map (qm.paleo.in)

The Qu Map has been around for a very long time. But, it has not had much love over the past couple years. This past couple weeks Ryan has put that app through a massive overhaul. Like the others, it is now on the new build and run time environments. It has also been through a complete spell check.

But the changes to this app go way beyond these basics. The goal was to setup 1 page per map, with all information for each map contained within each map's base page.

This seriously reduces the number of total pages. It makes it much easier to understand each map. It makes it much easier to move around in the app. Everything about the app is much, much better.

The Qu Map app is still an app, so it can be installed on phones. This means it can be smuggled into various interesting map related venues where cell service tends to be weak.

The URL handling has also been rethought. Any square on any map now has a unique URL so it is now possible to sanely link into any square on any map in that app.

Some of the maps include video tours of the locations on the map. Those videos caused trouble loading once the maps became single pages. Those videos still exists, but have been moved to popups so they do not slow down page loads.

This app has also gained a complete copy of the TT manuscript. So it rightly becomes a scripture app like the others.

Each of the places on the various maps has a complete list of scriptures for that place. This provides the text for anyone who might want to go deep into any location. This is especially interesting for studying big cities and regions of the USA.

Those TT scriptures are displayed in pop ups, just like the Table of 400. The app no longer tries to link to the TT app. This should make the whole thing much easier to use.

Finally, this app's master configuration for related data is now shared with the back end for the Table of 400. This means the Qu Map app will not get out of sync as the work progresses on the overall structure of the TT.

Altogether, this Qu Map update is very cool to see.

Bill of Materials (bom.paleo.in)

The Bill of Materials app is where we have kept downloadable versions of the design files for the alphabet. I have been reworking this project for the past couple weeks and this week was finally able to deploy a major refresh to that app too.

In particular it uses the new build and runtime libraries. No surprise there. But, the app has been turned into a tabbed website. There was no reason for it to be installable as the download files were never part of the app. By switching to a tabbed website, it also becomes much easier for a first time visitor to figure out what is going on.

Turns out the library we use for displaying 3d models was much more difficult to configure for use on a website when compared to the web app setup we had before. We had to seriously reconfigure our style library in order to get everything working together.

There was also a bunch of 3d specific code that was moved into the new runtime library. So 3d models can now come to Ezekiel's Bones and Bible Clocks.

I have debated moving these models to the Ezekiel's Bones website, but for now I intend to leave the basic student models on bom.paleo.in. The scope and complexity of those models is very different than the Tabernacles Items of Ezekiel's bones.

Ezekiel's Bones (ezekielsbones.org)

As I was working through the Bill Of Materials, I found the files for the lamp tabernacle item. Those files do not belong on the BOM, but on Ezekiel's Bones.

I moved them over to Ezekiel's Bones and created a new tab there for all the files relate to the lamp.

The lamp is a considerably larger object compared to the student related models on BOM. It takes 6 articles to cover various aspects of that model.

This lamp model is curious because it is using electricity rather than oil lamps for the flames atop the lamp. So there is a materials and technology shift for the 3d printed plastic version of this lamp.

It is my intention to work through the rest of those items in similar fashion. They will be modern plastic instead of metals and wood.

You can also see the nearly rainbow colors and letters that are assigned to those lamps. This is the prophetic insight as to how that lamp was originally designed. Those colors and letters key into other items in the set. I hope to be back to shop work here soon.

More Later,
