Followup: Kiev

This blog covers some followup questions to recent blogs. First, why did 2010 plagues fizzle? Also questions on Putin's name. Finally, much more on the 1000 year reign at Kiev.


Anyone following this blog for some time knows we are auditing the English text in our manuscripts against the Aramaic manuscripts passed to us by history.

Aramaic predates the Hebrew and Greek texts used in modern Christianity. Those texts are thus 1 step closer to the original Paleo text, what the world would call Phoenician.

Most of the time, in most verses, the Aramaic is in agreement with the other texts. But, there are times when there are surprising divergences. As we find them, we change the English in the BRB to reflect.


So if you open up the BRB app,, and open the search box, and search for Noah, you will find all occurrences of Noah, simple enough.

Now, go look at all places where the name Noah is used.

What would you expect to find?

Noah's name should occur in the original Genesis stories where Noah was the center of the story. Noah should also occur in later places where either the flood or Noah the man is being used for illustration. This is what we would expect.

But, if you go do this yourself, you will find a reference to Noah, only in the Aramaic, were Noah is being referenced in a different way. Here is the link, it is found in the Book of Daniel.

Daniel 12 (BRB)

You can scroll down to vs. 13 and see Noah in that verse. If you did this with the BRB search function you will see Noah with a circle around that name.

What is going on with this reference to Noah?

Ryan originally found this, and adjusted the BRB, and pointed it out to me as a curiosity. At first I thought it a strange quirk. Why would the Hebrew editors later want to erase that name? It dawned on me later to ask a different question.

What use was Daniel making by a reference to Noah in that chapter?

There are 2 articles on Bible Time that make use of the math in that chapter. Those give Daniel's purpose for the chapter as a whole.

Timing Return To Jerusalem (

The link here is to a very long article that goes into details on the timing of the Jewish return to the modern nation of Israel. This provides year accurate alignments given a pre-condition that the calendar is long lost when the Jews returned to Israel.

Aligning Calendars (

The link here is to the immediately next article on that same Bible Time website. It goes into the process of aligning the modern calendar with the ancient calendar.

This is the fundamental story of how we get back to day accurate math from the events in the Bible to events in the world today.

That article cites and then uses the math given in Daniel chapter 12. It is at the bottom of that chapter where we find the strange Noah reference explored above.

What matters is that Daniel 12 is the fundamental chapter pointing at the Biblical millennium break which passed in 2010. This is where the first round of the 3500th anniversary of the plagues were pointing.

When I first worked this out in the late 1990s, 2010 seemed far away and it seemed daunting in terms of a fundamental shift in prophetic history. I have learned a lot since. Not even Noah in 2029 is final. Even the USA has a prophetic season that began in 1974 with Nixon's resignation and ends 70 years later in 2044. So even nuclear war does not fundamentally erase the country.

In any case, that Noah reference means the Aramaic version of Daniel chapter 12 is pointing out beyond the millennium break itself. By referencing waiting for Noah, the chapter in Aramaic is indicating that the events at the millennium break are not complete until the anniversaries of Noah are also complete.

Daniel must have known the Noah anniversary in his day. This would have been before he even wrote the chapter. I suspect this was coming off of a Tabernacle item. Daniel must have had some level of access to these items so that he could write inspired text. Those items would be shared knowledge with his intended readers.

So Daniel chapter 12 in the Aramaic is indicating there is a gap of about 20 more years from after the millennium break until Noah shows up on the timeline. Once Noah's dates pass, then Daniel, or more likely Daniel's writings, will arise. More on that below.

That Noah season starts to get serious in 2029, about 20 years later. This is why the plagues series leading up to 2010 seemed to fizzle. We must simply wait for more history to pass.

Plagues Long Tail

Before writing this blog, I went back and reviewed the plagues notes on the charts from 2010. I noticed something interesting. The plague dates leading up to 2010 shift into something that I would call a 'prophetic read.' In this style of prophetic writing, all counts, no matter what they might be, become references to time.

Even in 2010, when looking at the plagues series, there were enough count references of this type to count out days and stretch the tail of the plagues from 2010 to well beyond the Noah dates in 2029. This is why I basically stopped tracking them at the time.

Plagues Very Long Tail

Last blog I discussed the possibility of another plagues series starting at the oil spills in Iraq. That bigger plague series should follow the same math. It should follow the complete timeline, all of that math.

But that bigger version of the plagues would run at 1 year to the day. So instead of running 20 years of days, it will run 20 years of years.

The long tail on that run of the plagues will mark world history for several thousand more years. We are in a season of changes in human history that are only matched by Noah's flood.

Question On 1000 Years

In some American Christian circles, Russia is portrayed as something akin to Satan's kingdom. So the 1000 years of Christianity in Russia that I have discussed here becomes a time when Christianity fails and Satan is released. So by that reasoning, Russia becomes the problem after about 1988, or so.

At some point in the past I may have thought this way too. My early work on these topics began with conventional Christian understanding. What changed my mind was a blog by Paul Craig Roberts who explained how the western world changed with the fall of the USSR.

Roberts had worked in the Reagan administration and had direct knowledge of what happened in the USA. He has even published a book on the Neocon's plan to take over the world.

The American Neocons who seem to run Washington DC set out instead to conquer the world without restraint. I still agree with Roberts, that the problem after the end of the 1000 years is a western problem, not a problem from Russia.

These days I know Roberts' Neocons and Alex Jones' globalists to be Zionists, the religion of the hidden lost tribe of Benjamin slowly taking over rule of the Earth for themselves.

Condition of Russia

One of the problems with thinking Russia is the villain after those 1000 years is to realize the state of affairs in Russia itself at the collapse of the USSR. 70 years of Bolshevik/Communist rule had left it a hollowed out shell of its former self. Across the 1990s, especially, Russia had trouble even feeding itself. Pictures of Putin from that era show him gaunt from lack of food.

The Christianity of Russia's past, at least outwardly, had been defeated. Russia went into a multi decade long season of rebuilding its historical Orthodox community of faith. Even holding celebrations for the 1000th anniversary in 1988 was a big change for that country. So the 1000th anniversary was not a time of collapse of Christianity in Russia, as might be expected from the Revelation 20 passage.

Condition of the West

But, Christianity in the west did something very different. The seeds of the Woke Religion were being sown in academia as James Lindsey has so well covered. All the pagan religions that are against Christianity began to flourish in the western world at about this time.

Civilization itself can be thought of as collapsing in the USA and the rest of the western world. This is happening by deliberate imposition of those same Neocons released at the fall of the USSR.

So events in the west do a better job of matching the end of those 1000 years than does Russia, even if the main venue is Russia.

Vladimir The Great (

The link here is to a long article on Wikipedia dealing with the biography of Russia's ancient king, Vladimir the Great.

He was the grandson of Olga of Novgorod. She had been the first leader of faith, but Vladimir brought Russia to Christianity in a more complete way. Very important to note, Vladimir's work mostly took place at Kiev, then the capital of Russia. This is why the Russians will not want to destroy Kiev without good reason.

Note that Vladimir the Great was later canonized as an Orthodox Church Saint. This was done to mark what he did in bringing Christian faith, but more concretely, civilization, to Russia.

Christianization Of Russia (

Next piece to this puzzle is the story of the Christianization of Russia itself. The link here is to an article on Bible Tribes under the Judah tab. I found this account on the Internet in the late 1990s, and the source is lost. So I cannot completely vouch for it, though I have not edited it.

The main actor in the story is Vladimir the Great himself. It is an interesting read if you have not read it before. There are various details that are interesting for various reasons.

First, Vladimir had some sort of disease of the eyes. The book of Matthew has what we call Matthew's Grand Run of history. It reaches this historical event around the year 1000 with the Christianization of Russia in Matthew 20:30.

At that verse Joshua heals 2 blind men. Russia is at least 1 of them, and Vladimir's healing of the eyes is the exact fulfillment. That nation could now see Joshua because of what Vladimir had done.

Note that the 2nd blind man in Matthew 20:30 implies a tribal pair is healed at the same time. That tribe must be Benjamin.

The tribe of Benjamin was locked together with Judah at Jerusalem in the southern kingdom. Those 2 men represent the eastern 2 tribes. The other 10 are the western side in the main parts of Europe. Back up to Matthew 20:24 to see the 10 against the 2 which is the split of the Roman world.

Benjamin and Judah at Kiev

So Benjamin must also be in or near Kiev at the year 988 when Vladimir is bringing Christianity to the eastern edges of Europe. This insight is using the text of Matthew to identify Benjamin as Khazaria. This match is known to history, but is highly controversial. More on that important identification below.

Matching Names To Vladimir Putin

The other detail in the Primary Russian Chronicle that matters here is the name of the demon cast out of Kiev at the time. Perun is the name given in that account. So the question is natural to ask. Did Perun return at the end of the 1000 years? Some might say yes, and some might even point at Putin as an expression of this. Their names being similar.

I would counter this by noting that Vladimir Putin has the same name as Vladimir the Great. Their 2 life arcs are very similar. Each of these men named Vladimir brought stable civilization through Christian faith at each end of that 1000 year interval.

The Revelation 20 passage dealing with this interval does not require a loss of faith at the end of those 1000 years. It only requires that something is released at that time. So releasing Perun is not required at all. If Roberts is right, the collapse of the USSR released Benjamin at the far side of the globe. The west would set out to conquer the entire world, including reconquering Russia using Ukraine as proxy.

Same Soul?

I would also note that Vladimir Putin and Vladimir the Great might be the same soul. Christian faith of all types does not prevent death. Generational reincarnation is a natural consequence of that problem. Reincarnation is a fact of life and is used to understand many passages in the text. King Saul became the Apostle Saul, for a simple example.

The soul of Vladimir the Great may have simply returned under the same given name. Even to the same government office. Why? To lead Russia through a time of national transformation as done 1000 years ago. Vladimir Putin has in some sense lead a national revival about like Vladimir the Great.

Benjamin Released After 1000 Years

For all of these reasons I am rejecting the idea that Russia is the Earth's main villain. That title properly sits on the tribe of Benjamin. Their main driving goals are revenge for events late in the Book of Judges.

Though not all the editors were from Benjamin, that tribe certainly did collect the editor's writings and pass them off as inspired. Benjamin broke the ability of anyone to exit from Earth without death. Benjamin's rulers are also known as Pharaoh and little Pharaohs, aka Pharisees, another generic villain in the text.

But, because Benjamin shows up in the Matthew 20 back story to Kiev we need to look at the Khazaria legends, about how they might have been Jews.

Khazars (Wikipedia)

The link here is to a Wikipedia article about the region around Kiev known in ancient times as Khazaria.

The Matthew 20:30 passage, where Joshua heals 2 blind men, is referencing the events in 988 in Kiev. So far we are only talking about Russia, the lost tribe of Judah.

But, the passage calls out 2 blind men. So 2 tribes. Benjamin should be the other. Khazaria is going to be Benjamin in that era. Khazaria would later be wiped out by the Russians and the territory would become a loose part of Russia itself.

The geography that was bound for 1000 years? Khazaria. It was released in 1991 when Ukraine gained formal independence from Russia. The specific details of Ukraine are much more complex, and I am simplifying here.

The Wikipedia article mentions how the ruling elite of Khazaria converted to Judaism in the 800s. The debate centers on the rest of the people living there. Were they Jews too? This question and its answer has caused much trouble to many people because it grinds on Jewish myths. It does not help that Khazaria did not have a written language and details about them are scarce.

Wikipedia goes into all the reasons this cannot be the ancient homeland of the Jews. Wikipedia is of course not going to be clear about this. Visit and search for Khazaria for a long list of articles dealing with the troubles this historical territory presents for modern Jews.

Benjamin In Kiev

In any case, by race or by conversion, Benjamin is also in the Kiev region in 988, both tribes were coming to faith. They had been exchanging control of Kiev and would do so down through history. Jewish Zelensky is but the current example. Judah and Benjamin were tied together in Judges at the city of Jerusalem. They are still tied together now in Kiev.

What is curious about finding Benjamin tied to Kiev in 988 is how this territory in Europe does not see a modern seal date for Benjamin in the same place. The Seal Dates for the other tribes do find modern European nations as lost tribes. Benjamin, though, shifts south to modern Israel. This is a curiosity too.

Revelation 20 City

The Revelation 20 passage says what happens after those 1000 years are over. It calls out some city in a broad plain as the venue for a massive war. Fire is described as coming down out of the skies at (or perhaps because of) that specific city. The number of fighters is listed as like the sand of the sea in number.

What city is that?

Jerusalem is certainly an interesting candidate, but Jerusalem is NOT in a broad plain. Jerusalem nestles in a mountainous area up east from the coastal plain. Going east out of Jerusalem is also mountainous terrain going down into the Jordan river valley and to the Dead Sea. There are also mountains and valleys north and south from Jerusalem. Jerusalem does not fit the description in Revelation 20.

Is Kiev in a broad plain?

Looks like we are told this detail in Revelation 20 in order to distinguish it from Jerusalem, which would be the default choice.

East European Plain (Wikipedia)

The link here is to a Wikipedia article on the Eastern European Plain. It is massive, starting on the western border of Ukraine and extending east, all the way to the Ural mountains in central Russia. This is good enough to match the Revelation 20 passage.

Kiev was the location for the start of that 1000 year interval. Why would that location change? Looks like events of 1000+ years ago were designed to mark the location for the war as described in that chapter. That war appears to be going on now.

Judges 19-21 (BRB)

The link here is back to the last 3 chapters in Judges. Those chapters have been the heart of several weeks of prophetic flow of which this blog is yet another part.

In that story there is a war. It involves Judah, Benjamin and Ephraim, the head of Joseph. Ephraim is able to muster all the other tribes against Benjamin. But Judah (Judges 20:18) is on point in the war against Benjamin. Judah and Benjamin were of course the close neighbors.

Judges is likely trying to explain this history should be thought of as a war between Judah and Benjamin, but that Judah had the full backing of all the other tribes when Ephraim called them together.

Now, consider the situation with the war in Ukraine. Benjamin is still fighting Judah. Benjamin had been suppressed by Judah for 1000 years. Benjamin was released in 1991. Benjamin has been slowly conquering the Earth for a long time, but at that point could do so without restraint.

Like Judges, this is still Benjamin against Judah.

But, unlike Judges, Joseph, who now controls the other tribes through NATO, is on Benjamin's side. This time, Judah stands alone against Benjamin who is backed by the other tribes.

Who is going to win?

Simple answer, history repeats. Judah wins.

But with a loss of life the world has not seen since Noah.

Every military age adult male in the world could be conscripted into that war, we will see. That Revelation 20 passage also hints at fire down from the sky. Though not using terms that mark nuclear fire, this is likely what is implied. That fire could also be planet wide.

The outcome appears set to change the course of humanity for thousands of years to come, just as happened in Noah's day. The long form of the plagues chronology that starts with the big oil slick in the Persian Gulf War looks to be giving a schedule that goes on for thousands of years.

Back to Technical Work

Some subscribers on this blog were in the room when I was given a personal prophetic word. A prophet from Hawaii gave the word. He prophesied that this work that Ryan and I have been doing would be finished during a time when a major war was going on.

If you keep reading Revelation 20, you see it turns to the issue of the scrolls being opened. That chapter appears to be the textual basis for that personal prophetic word years ago.

If you go back to Daniel 12, you can see the same thing. That chapter is hinting at the raising of Daniel, but more likely, the raising of Daniel's writings.

I am hoping this is the last blog on these hard topics for awhile. I am intending to return next week to technical work. My eventual goal is recovery of the text.

Take care, these are hard lessons and frightful times.

More Later,
